Could you date someone that doesn't own a car?


New Member
So this guy sends me a message on the infamous website myspace, turns out we are both in the Navy and his squadron is attached to the ship I am on, we just never saw each other until after I received his message. We begin to send messages back and forth for a while and he asked me to meet up with him at the bowling alley on base (which happens to be 20 minutes from my house). That day I tell him I can't make it but we could do something the following night, that's when he tells me that he doesn't own a car and he would need to be picked up. I tell him that's fine but at the same time I'm thinking will I have to pick him up all of the time, does he plan on getting a car, etc. I asked him why he doens't have a car and his answer was "I just don't have one." Am I being petty? I'm thinking I would kind of feel uncomfortable driving him around all of the time if we were to start dating. So my question to you ladies is could you date someone that doesn't own a car?
So this guy sends me a message on the infamous website myspace, turns out we are both in the Navy and his squadron is attached to the ship I am on, we just never saw each other until after I received his message. We begin to send messages back and forth for a while and he asked me to meet up with him at the bowling alley on base (which happens to be 20 minutes from my house). That day I tell him I can't make it but we could do something the following night, that's when he tells me that he doesn't own a car and he would need to be picked up. I tell him that's fine but at the same time I'm thinking will I have to pick him up all of the time, does he plan on getting a car, etc. I asked him why he doens't have a car and his answer was "I just don't have one." Am I being petty? I'm thinking I would kind of feel uncomfortable driving him around all of the time if we were to start dating. So my question to you ladies is could you date someone that doesn't own a car?

If he doesn't have plans to get a car. I say "don't accept things you are really not cool with."
Only if we both lived in NYC or some other walking city. Otherwise, no. Truth be told, I've heard too many women complain that their boyfriends kind of take over or act like their cars belong to them after a while. At a job I had in college, I finally had to take some chick home after she waited for about an hour for her BF to pick her up in her car. No, he wasn't busy. He had no job. He just liked to drive her ride around. I say if he has no plans to get a car, that's not true, because your car is it.
I have not had a car for 3 years and im glad no one decided not to date me because of that. :nono: I would date someone without a car as long as they dont try to make me their driver all the time.
When i was younger (high school, college), yes. Now that I'm past that, I'm also past men with no cars. I say no.
Only if we both lived in NYC or some other walking city. Otherwise, no. Truth be told, I've heard too many women complain that their boyfriends kind of take over or act like their cars belong to them after a while. At a job I had in college, I finally had to take some chick home after she waited for about an hour for her BF to pick her up in her car. No, he wasn't busy. He had no job. He just liked to drive her ride around. I say if he has no plans to get a car, that's not true, because your car is it.

Wow, this sounds like the women in the new DVD release "The Salon"
Probably not--he at least got to have a hoopty. I know that sounds bad--but that's for real...he needs to want his own car, he cant be depending on me to drive him to and fro.:nono:
Absolutely not! No ride, no rap. I used to say that 17 years ago when I lived in B-more :nono: He needs to spend his time and money on getting himself together. If he's a teen-ager, that's different.
Nope! At a minimum my man MUST have what I have which is his own place, a job, a car and some cash in the bank. Anything less than what I have, I am not interested. A car is a necessity these days.
Ownership of a car isn't a measure of a person's worth. *shrug*

Some people just don't drive or can't afford a car or whatever. As long as he is together is every other aspect I wouldnt nix a person because they don't have wheels...

I'm willing to bet money that folks would be giving the stink face if he had a car and it just happened to be a 92 Volvo just as if he had no ride.:drunk:

But you have to decide what you will and won't accept. I'm personally very relaxed in what I don't accept. Aside from beating my ass and talking down to me(you know, among other OBVIOUS deal breakers), pretty much everything else is negotiable...
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Okay, when I first started reading your posts I was like, "Dang, y'all are harsh!" I don't have a car, but I live in a major metropolitan area where it's almost more of a hassle to have a car because of the lack of parking, cost of parking, etc., etc. But you know, my younger brother didn't have a car for a while (in college) and he found that many girls wouldn't want to date him and didn't show any interest until he got a car. (That is mad shady to me . . . I mean, he's a broke college student!) But, I definitely see what you're saying when it comes to the situation below . . ..

I've heard too many women complain that their boyfriends kind of take over or act like their cars belong to them after a while. At a job I had in college, I finally had to take some chick home after she waited for about an hour for her BF to pick her up in her car.

That is straight out of Baby Boy right there . . . .
Been there, done that. It's no fun and it's definitely not something I'd do again, unless HIS car in the shop.
I would but with certain conditions. He got to have a license in good standing. Chicago's public transit is decent but when it gets cold, I caint see myself freezing at the bus stop on a date. So I would hope they would borrow someone's or rent one. I used to date someone that had a suspended license which he didnt tell me about at first. This fool would be scared to take the car at night because he thought more police were out. And he would get scared everytime he saw a police car. He finally told me his license was suspended. I'm like what in the feck, you could have told me that upfront. At the time, I was in undergrad in a college town with limited public transit. He worked up until the time it stopped running so it was pretty much a dealbreaker.
Yes i would as long as they would chip in here and there with gas. They might not be able to drive due to a handicap or disability.I feel like if someone is able bodied to drive it could alleviate the job of only having one driver. There are always other means of transportation. I wouldnt want to pass up a great person due to the fact that cant control a steering wheel,Ill take myself where i want to go when i want to go All my woman independent..throw your hands but it wouldnt bother me.
Sorry, but no.:nono:

I would only make an exception if, like someone mentioned earlier, we were in a major metropolitan walking city where it's customary to take trains or cabs.
I have not had a car for 3 years and im glad no one decided not to date me because of that. :nono: I would date someone without a car as long as they dont try to make me their driver all the time.

I think its different when a woman doesn't have a car.
Well how is he suppose to take you out on dates? Oh wait that is where you and your car come in the picture. See he won't mind you picking him and taking him home and you have to drive yourself back home at night or he'll start asking you to take him to run some errands and borrow your car. I remember my ex boyfriend didn't have a car at the time(, but was in the process of looking for one) he was at my house and his mother asked him if after he got off of work could he take his little brother to school for her. Mind you, he didn't have a car, but she is asking him to take somebody somewhere. When he brought that to my attention I was like was she planning on you taking the train and bus to pick your brother up since you don't have a car? he got mad at me and said that his family is a part of him and that I should be willing to help out in anyway I can. I was like I don't owe you are your mammy nothing. So to answer you question no I would not date a man who doesn't have a car.
So this guy sends me a message on the infamous website myspace, turns out we are both in the Navy and his squadron is attached to the ship I am on, we just never saw each other until after I received his message. We begin to send messages back and forth for a while and he asked me to meet up with him at the bowling alley on base (which happens to be 20 minutes from my house). That day I tell him I can't make it but we could do something the following night, that's when he tells me that he doesn't own a car and he would need to be picked up. I tell him that's fine but at the same time I'm thinking will I have to pick him up all of the time, does he plan on getting a car, etc. I asked him why he doens't have a car and his answer was "I just don't have one." Am I being petty? I'm thinking I would kind of feel uncomfortable driving him around all of the time if we were to start dating. So my question to you ladies is could you date someone that doesn't own a car?

I think there should be two questions:

Would you date a man with no car if you own a car?
Would you date a man with no car if you did not own a car either?
I would be interested in why women with no car would require a man to have one.
Ok, this is what I would've said about two weeks ago: I would like a man with a car but I would still talk to a man who didn't have one. :angel:

Now, this is what I say: I will not talk to a man who doesn't own a car, and I don't care if it's a '92 volvo believe me I definitely don't. :nono:

If I knew the man and knew that he was self-sufficient enough to take the bus and not ask me to be his chaffeur then sure but if I'm just meeting a guy then no and I'm not going for "my car is in the shop". If your car is in the shop then you need to go with it. How'd you get here? And don't tell me your boy dropped you off.:sad: Will I probably not find my diamond in the ruff sure but I haven't found one without a car yet anyway so I'll take me chances. :rolleyes:

I just stopped talking to a guy who didn't have a car and this is the reason why we stopped talking. Selfish dude.:wallbash:

ETA: I've had my own car for almost four years and I know it's not hard to get a hooptie for about $1200 or less. I also know that insurance isn't that expensive over here. If he's about my age and he couldn't save up to afford one all this time but he has Jordan's on, an IPOD, and a cell phone then I have no rap for him.
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Well, im in college so most of the "boys" here either dont have a car or drive ****ty cars that dont work all the time. If it were a grown man with no car, then i wouldnt date him.
It really depends on where I live. In NY having a car can be a pain, especially since hardly anyone drives to work so all the hassle is essentially for something recreational. Most of the guys I dated there did have cars, but those that didn't had no problem paying for taxis to get us to and fro. In cities where public transportation is lacking and you can't catch a cab on any corner a car is a basic resource, and I'm too old to be dating anyone that doesn't have the basics. It can be a hooptie, but dude has got to have some kind of ride.
Here's another thought going back to the original post - I don't get why HE needs YOU to pick him up for a date. That is what makes this fishy. I would be like, "Well, how would you get there if I weren't picking you up? Well then that's how you should get there this time!" If he's not willing to be self-sufficient without a car, you don't need to lend him yours!
My answers appear in pink.
I think there should be two questions:

Would you date a man with no car if you own a car? I did once when I was a lot younger. He was not perpetually car-less, his was totaled in an accident and he only had no fault insurance.
Would you date a man with no car if you did not own a car either? If I lived in a locale where there was excellent public transportation I would. However, this has not been my life experience.
I would be interested in why women with no car would require a man to have one. Because of where I lived, my criteria was that somebody had to have a car because public transport was awful. I don't want to take all day trying to go to the movies on the bus!
This is why so many of our women get confused and don't know what to do because there are men that want to be respected and treated like men who aren't self-sufficient. Just like women have to do certain things to make a man feel like a man, a man has to do certain things to make a woman feel like a woman.


i think it all depends on you and how you feel about picking him up...and maybe there is a good reason why he doesnt have a car...

if you really like this guy and genuinely want to see him maybe you 2 can work something out...where you wouldn't have to pick him up all the time...


If it's just about not wanting to taxi a woman around, that's what courting entails imo so if he has a problem with it he wouldn't be my kind of guy anyway. Where I live now I need a car, but if a dude wants to take me on a date, he has to pick me up anyway, so what's the big deal?