Black Male Hbcu Law School Grad Announces "i'm The Prize Now!"

The thing I've noticed is that men really don't have the cash to date. If you're trying to court multiple women at once, it can get really expensive. Also, if you're just looking for sex, why put in my effort than you have to?
Yeah, but I had no interest in the person whatsoever. It's like an insult. An affront.
I say this as someone who’s happily married to a bm...

Black women need to stop treating black men like they’re the only option and start dating out. Period. We also need to stop treating educated, wealthy, and woke bm like hot commodities. Even if that’s the reality, we as women should never let men know this.

There’s a reason why bm like him think the way they do. Not only are bm exclusively desired by most bw, but they know that checking off a few boxes would make them an anomaly within a bw’s dating pool. You’d feel like a prize too under those conditions.

Black love is a beautiful thing, but the older I get the more I feel like we (bw in general) place too much of a premium on it...much more than bm do.
Yes- another married one here. Please expand the portfolio! I tell this to my woman tribe.
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Yes, sometimes.

The thing I've noticed is that men really don't have the cash to date. If you're trying to court multiple women at once, it can get really expensive. Also, if you're just looking for sex, why put in my effort than you have to?

Men have money for what they want to have money for. I've seen guys buy rounds of drinks, even though their rent was due the next day. There's money for rims and blunts, but nothing for the "Netflix and Chill" chick. They're more apt to waste time rather than money on girls they're not serious about. Don't fall for it.
Men have money for what they want to have money for. I've seen guys buy rounds of drinks, even though their rent was due the next day. There's money for rims and blunts, but nothing for the "Netflix and Chill" chick. They're more apt to waste time rather than money on girls they're not serious about. Don't fall for it.
I agree....and I've seen it too in the flesh. Especially living in a big city with happy hours, brunches, day parties non-stop. These events aren't always cheap. I see what they spend compared to what they want to put down on a date
Yes, sometimes.

The thing I've noticed is that men really don't have the cash to date. If you're trying to court multiple women at once, it can get really expensive. Also, if you're just looking for sex, why put in my effort than you have to?

Women are clearly accepting 50-50, non-dates, netflix and chill, etc. Men are simple creatures and will try to conserve the most amount of energy. If a man is getting his needs met from low value women, then you're right. No effort is required. :yep:
Men have money for what they want to have money for. I've seen guys buy rounds of drinks, even though their rent was due the next day. There's money for rims and blunts, but nothing for the "Netflix and Chill" chick. They're more apt to waste time rather than money on girls they're not serious about. Don't fall for it.

Exactly...and the same man who's offering the low value woman netflix and chill has the potential to offer everything he has to the high value woman who has a different expectation in courting/dating. I think women set the tone in dating actually. :yep:

2: He is not attractive enough to be so full of himself. :rolleyes: I actually think he's overcompensating because of low self-esteem.

3: Men who are truly confident in what they bring to the table do not carry on about how they're the prize.

4: These "stats" if they're even accurate could be spun the other way to motivate BM to do better. o_O

5: For my self-esteem I'm glad I opened up to non-BM when I did. :look:
Women are clearly accepting 50-50, non-dates, netflix and chill, etc. Men are simple creatures and will try to conserve the most amount of energy. If a man is getting his needs met from low value women, then you're right. No effort is required. :yep:

Exactly...and the same man who's offering the low value woman netflix and chill has the potential to offer everything he has to the high value woman who has a different expectation in courting/dating. I think women set the tone in dating actually. :yep:

Hi @Belle Du Jour, I feel the need to say that there are no "low value women," only women who don't know their true value. Nothing in life can change a person's worth.

And women may set the tone (debatable, in my opinion), but any man who categorises women and treats some like they are worth more than others is probably best avoided altogether. If he's treating woman A like a prostitute and woman B like a queen, he's not a decent guy, period. Again, my opinion. People can do what they want but if they think that a man who disrespects women can be trusted to sincerely respect them, well...
Good luck to this dude. He doesn't need a woman right now - he needs Jesus and Therapy :abducted:.
Hi @Belle Du Jour, I feel the need to say that there are no "low value women," only women who don't know their true value. Nothing in life can change a person's worth.

And women may set the tone (debatable, in my opinion), but any man who categorises women and treats some like they are worth more than others is probably best avoided altogether. If he's treating woman A like a prostitute and woman B like a queen, he's not a decent guy, period. Again, my opinion. People can do what they want but if they think that a man who disrespects women can be trusted to sincerely respect them, well...
Good luck to this dude. He doesn't need a woman right now - he needs Jesus and Therapy :abducted:.
I think women do set the tone by what we're willing to accept. We keep accepting less and less and wonder why we get nothing we want. I'm long out of the dating game, but it seems like women used to get something from being with men, now men aren't bringing anything to the table but still get chased.
I think women do set the tone by what we're willing to accept. We keep accepting less and less and wonder why we get nothing we want. I'm long out of the dating game, but it seems like women used to get something from being with men, now men aren't bringing anything to the table but still get chased.

Yes, women are accepting less and less from men but I always wonder why men are offering less and less to women. If more was on offer, I would think that more women would expect more.

This is usually the part where someone says, 'Well men are men, that's how it is,' but that is an excuse. People, male and female alike, are always making excuses for men's lousy behaviour, rather than teaching (at the early stages) or challenging them to improve. [Yes, #notallmen.] The onus is always women to do all the work. That's boring.

Women have been conditioned for generations to accept as little good as possible from men because they've been told from various sources that they must take what they're given with a grateful smile, and also been told that they are worthless or worth less if they don't have a man. So if your worth is determined by your relationship status and men are trash (as the internet insists), well, you will accept trash, right? I'm sure we here all know this, but I'm just sayin'.

Also, the whole 'act like a queen and men will treat you like one' mantra sounds like another excuse to me. I get that some people say it to inspire women to raise their standards (and I personally agree), but most times when I hear people say this, they mean that by acting a certain way a woman can get a man to change and therefore control his behaviour. Like if you do x, y, z, the goat will magically transform into a sheep. Not so. I believe that if women raise their standards, the goats will fall away and the sheep will remain. But no amount of high standards will make a man change. That's just a spin-off of 'my love will save him', which is a lie from hell.

I'm not trying to hijack this thread. Just thought I'd add my 22.2 cents. I hope they're inoffensive, lol. Peace ladies, I'm out.
You think he really loves himself with this false bravado? He oozes toxicity and self-loathing.
That bravado is real and has probably been coddled, cultivated and encouraged community wide from the time he brought his first mediocre report card home in kindergarten. Dude did not lie and he's not wrong, with his credentials he will walk down the aisle with exactly the type of woman he wants who fits the cookie cutter black love power couple "look" when he gets ready and there will be competition to become Mrs. Mediocre Douche, Esquire.
And women may set the tone (debatable, in my opinion), but any man who categorises women and treats some like they are worth more than others is probably best avoided altogether. If he's treating woman A like a prostitute and woman B like a queen, he's not a decent guy, period. Again, my opinion. People can do what they want but if they think that a man who disrespects women can be trusted to sincerely respect them, well...
You in here preaching a whole word.
He’s an idiot- I’m always gonna be the prize because when a man finds a wife he finds a good thing (Proverbs 18:22). It’s not written in reverse for a reason. Michelle Obama is the prize. Meghan Markle is the prize. My dad knows he found the prize in my mom after the third marriage- she leveled him up and mellowed him out BIG TIME.
On the week's episode of The Read, a male listener wrote in to read his fellow frat brother and attorney. I had a good laugh. Here's a link his the read, starting at 1:28:00.

That was awesome! I need to find that read in print form And send it to my son whose an Alpha. He was so embarrassed by that idiots post. If anyone finds it, please post it here.
Yes, women are accepting less and less from men but I always wonder why men are offering less and less to women. If more was on offer, I would think that more women would expect more.

This is usually the part where someone says, 'Well men are men, that's how it is,' but that is an excuse. People, male and female alike, are always making excuses for men's lousy behaviour, rather than teaching (at the early stages) or challenging them to improve. [Yes, #notallmen.] The onus is always women to do all the work. That's boring.

Women have been conditioned for generations to accept as little good as possible from men because they've been told from various sources that they must take what they're given with a grateful smile, and also been told that they are worthless or worth less if they don't have a man. So if your worth is determined by your relationship status and men are trash (as the internet insists), well, you will accept trash, right? I'm sure we here all know this, but I'm just sayin'.

Also, the whole 'act like a queen and men will treat you like one' mantra sounds like another excuse to me. I get that some people say it to inspire women to raise their standards (and I personally agree), but most times when I hear people say this, they mean that by acting a certain way a woman can get a man to change and therefore control his behaviour. Like if you do x, y, z, the goat will magically transform into a sheep. Not so. I believe that if women raise their standards, the goats will fall away and the sheep will remain. But no amount of high standards will make a man change. That's just a spin-off of 'my love will save him', which is a lie from hell.

I'm not trying to hijack this thread. Just thought I'd add my 22.2 cents. I hope they're inoffensive, lol. Peace ladies, I'm out.

Not offensive. I think you're both on target. I think it's : Raised expectations period. Not accepting less period. And picking a guy who treats you like a Queen, but of course not accepting a jerk either.

I use a door example. A guy takes you out on a date and opens a door for you but closes it dead in the face of the lady behind you. This type of behavior continues to happen showing it wasn't just an accident, it's a character flaw. Well it says something about the dude. You can be excited that he's opening the door for you , but that's of the ego...because you feel different and special. But it shouldn't be at the expense of others. So, sure a guy should dote on us and treat us well but that doesn't mean he does that but treats others like trash. And yes the cream will rise to the top. Not every man is cream just waiting for certain behavior to transform them. But I think that's recognized by most here.

So I get it.
Not offensive. I think you're both on target. I think it's : Raised expectations period. Not accepting less period. And picking a guy who treats you like a Queen, but of course not accepting a jerk either.

I use a door example. A guy takes you out on a date and opens a door for you but closes it dead in the face of the lady behind you. This type of behavior continues to happen showing it wasn't just an accident, it's a character flaw. Well it says something about the dude. You can be excited that he's opening the door for you , but that's of the ego...because you feel different and special. But it shouldn't be at the expense of others. So, sure a guy should dote on us and treat us well but that doesn't mean he does that but treats others like trash. And yes the cream will rise to the top. Not every man is cream just waiting for certain behavior to transform them. But I think that's recognized by most here.

So I get it.
I agree with you and I think that your door example is great. My point was that a woman will keep going out with the guy who is disrespectful to other women and then act shocked when he starts to treat her that way.

And more to the point of what I posted earlier, a man will ask a woman to come over to his house on what is supposed to be a first date. The woman accepts. Then on the second, third and fourth dates she gets the same invitation and is irritated that he won't take her out. Well, why would he? He gets to enjoy your company without making any effort and you put up no resistance. I'm not saying that the woman can change this man. I'm saying, when the man doesn't offer to take you out the first time, the answer should be no and that should be the end of the relationship.

And to the other poster's question wondering why men are offering less; isn't that human nature? We see that in every area of life. The more people can get with less work is what they're going to do.