Yes, women are accepting less and less from men but I always wonder why men are offering less and less to women. If more was on offer, I would think that more women would expect more.
This is usually the part where someone says, 'Well men are men, that's how it is,' but that is an excuse. People, male and female alike, are always making excuses for men's lousy behaviour, rather than teaching (at the early stages) or challenging them to improve. [Yes, #notallmen.] The onus is always women to do all the work. That's boring.
Women have been conditioned for generations to accept as little good as possible from men because they've been told from various sources that they must take what they're given with a grateful smile, and also been told that they are worthless or worth less if they don't have a man. So if your worth is determined by your relationship status and men are trash (as the internet insists), well, you will accept trash, right? I'm sure we here all know this, but I'm just sayin'.
Also, the whole 'act like a queen and men will treat you like one' mantra sounds like another excuse to me. I get that some people say it to inspire women to raise their standards (and I personally agree), but most times when I hear people say this, they mean that by acting a certain way a woman can get a man to change and therefore control his behaviour. Like if you do x, y, z, the goat will magically transform into a sheep. Not so. I believe that if women raise their standards, the goats will fall away and the sheep will remain. But no amount of high standards will make a man change. That's just a spin-off of 'my love will save him', which is a lie from hell.
I'm not trying to hijack this thread. Just thought I'd add my 22.2 cents. I hope they're inoffensive, lol. Peace ladies, I'm out.