Can A Brother Get A Date???

It seems like he has potential to earn the amount of money he thinks will make him "fit" for marriage. I find it difficult to believe that women turn him down strictly due to his lack of making six figures. However, being a black woman I would be weary of a guy like this because he could be the type that loves black women now but the moment he adds a zero to his income decides to make a switch. His statement is very telling because it shows how much money means to him. The moment he makes more than his partner he may decide to increase his standards in a mate.

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You ladies have said everything I wanted to.:lol:

How low earning are we talking about here? I mean how much is he making and if he wants a family does he ever think about trying to earn more?

Men like him crack me up. Women have always wanted financial security. That hasn't changed even as women rise economically. Someone pointed out high earning men have always had their pick of women and it's true. And having a family is expensive.:look: It sounds like he just whining because high-earning women aren't giving him the time of day which is their right.:yep:

He either needs to do better or aim lower.:yep:
He has valid points but he also might have very high expectations. Based on his situation, dat nuh mek it. He needs to find a woman on his level. There are tons of women who would date him...he probably is looking for grade A women. He needs to focus on lower echelon women :look: :lachen:
I doubt he's dateless for the reasons he thinks he is. If you're in the social/political activism world his professional trajectory is par for the course. Most of the men in the field at his age are doing as well if not worse then him with regards to income so I don't think that's the problem. Some possibilities:

- He's cerebral, sensitive, and a bit insecure so he's not even trying. Instead he's taking all that yack the women around him are saying as gospel truth when we know all other things being positive (personality, generosity, marriage minded) even the women who claim to want the high roller would likely give him a shot.

- He's attracted to the wrong kind of women for the wrong reasons....might be looks, might be personality, might be profession.......whatever it is, he's attracted to the wrong women. If sophistiratchet is his game....well that explains it.

- He's not as wonderful as he thinks he is. Maybe he's just bad company and doesn't know it.

- He needs to do some honest self assessment about what's really going on for him and adjust accordingly.
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He probably can't find a woman because he's a loser,a weirdo, or short as a mug. First off, he sounds like a whiny arse b!sh. I refuse to believe that a well-traveled, educated, moderately attractive man can't find a date. Is he a republican, is he a f*ckboy? Does he stank? He needs to take a good look at himself, and his expectations in a woman. I bet you he's looking for a dimepiece when he needs to be aiming for a nickel. You know what, imma need him to die for making me waste some of my precious time reading this, when he needs to just set up an OKCupid account.
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He probably can't find a woman because he's a loser,a weirdo, or short as a mug. First off, he sounds like a whiny arse b!sh. I refuse to believe that a well-traveled, educated, moderately attractive man can't find a date. Is he a republican, is he a f*ckboy? Does he stank? He needs to take a good look at himself, and his expectations in a woman. You know what, imma need him to die.

Lol well damn
He probably can't find a woman because he's a loser,a weirdo, or short as a mug. First off, he sounds like a whiny arse b!sh. I refuse to believe that a well-traveled, educated, moderately attractive man can't find a date. Is he a republican, is he a f*ckboy? Does he stank? He needs to take a good look at himself, and his expectations in a woman. I bet you he's looking for a dimepiece when he needs to be aiming for a nickel. You know what, imma need him to die for making me waste some of my precious time reading this, when he needs to just set up an OKCupid account.

This thread made me laugh. I would have dated him but the way he went on about high earning women not checking for me and some other things are huge red flags.
Firstly who is he attracted to? Is he actually approaching women and getting turned down or is he just going on what his friends say. Why can't he go out with a woman just like him? Or would she not be good enough for him? Which is the vibe that I'm getting from him.
My DH probably fit his profile when i met him now he earns double what I earn - I was 26, he was 27 - he always had more money than me even back then because I was mortgaged up to my eyeballs while he had loads of disposable income - women DO date men with potential - he sounds eligible to me. I also have a friend who is dating a guy kind of on a similar level too in that he's not set yet but he has potential. Don't get what his problem is...
Here's his ode to Sophistiratchet Sistas....:look:

For those who do not know what sophisti-ratchet means, let me break it down for you:

So·phis·tə·ra·chet (noun,adjective) Audio:Sophisti-ratchet \sə-ˈfis-tə-ˈra-chət\
Definition of sophistirachet (woman)

1: a woman of highly educated pedigree (academically, socially, and otherwise) and worldly breeding; fluent in various forms of public etiquette yet is equally knowledgeable of the latest strip club songs, updated on most prime-time ratchet cable programs and conversant in the tongue of hoochie mama.
2: a high-class individual who is open to incorporating low-brow tendencies in to her persona for momentary enjoyment.
3: an otherwise brilliant woman but, for some reason, is a Blackberry owner who, at times, is puzzled by touch screen mobile technology.
4: she is a “Vision of Love” and can (Nicki Minaj voice) “raah, raah!” like a “Dungeon Dragon.”
5: she is multilingual, speaking several UN-recognized languages; she is an expert in a tongue that will never be heard at a General Assembly: rachatese.

[ Editor's Note: Hood rats need not apply. Though reformed ones are more than welcome to submit a profile! Please check the box that reads "reformed hood rat." It is under the question that asks, "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" Neither automatically disqualifies you from consideration.]

A sophistiratchet sista has temperance. She knows when to play the part of a dignified lady but can go straight Shakita LeRoy if the moment calls for it And why do I want a sophisti-rachet sista, you might ask? Well, because the mix of ratchet and sophistication is, oddly enough, a turn-on for me.

Indeed, the sight of a woman who can fluently express her views on the fiscal cliff at cocktail parties and recite the Ying Yang Twins’ “Whisper Song” under her breath as she thumbs through the pages of Langston Hughes’ “I Wonder As I Wander” rings wedding bells all throughout my mind. She’s the kind of woman who can waltz at a charity ball, but when Juicy J’s “Bands A Make Her Dance” begins blaring from the sound system, she’ll at least keep her shoes on to preserve her dignity.

When workplace conflicts arise, she’ll be smart enough not to jeopardize her job security over some bull-ish. Though if the colleague with whom she has a grievance insists on acting a tad bit too cray, she’ll, in her own coded language, threaten to “put them paws on ‘em.” My sophisti-ratchet wifey-to-be has a Bachelor of Arts in African-American Studies, a Master of Science in Psychology, and a PhD in Anthropology with a focus on all things ratchet.

I prefer locks or whatever the woman’s natural do is as opposed to the synthetic alternative, but being half-ratchet, my prototype will probably have a head full of someone else’s hair with a few tracks noticeably out of place.
That’s fine. My late granny taught me how to work a needle, so I’ll be more than happy to thread her weave into shape. (Yes, I really have sewn tracks in to weave for a woman before.)

According to the “Urban Dictionary,” a ratchet woman “repeatedly use ludicrous terms such as ‘YOLO’, ‘swag’, ‘boost’, ‘beaking’, ‘doe’, ‘really, ‘naw’, ‘actually’, ‘twerk’, ‘coaster’, ‘dagga’, etc., to make a valid statement when they speak.” (NewsOne/Thinkstock Photo) The sophisti-ratchet sista loves living life to the fullest. That’s why you’ll always hear her saying, “YOLO.” Her boss describes her as a “smooth operator” in the boardroom, but in her mind, she prefers the title (in Trina‘s voice) “Tha Baddest Bi*ch.” Oh, and she probably has a tattoo on her left breast that reads, “Tha Baddest Bi*ch.” Nine times out of 10, she’s a Gemini like yours truly! Try imagining the combination of Mrs. Sophisti and Miss. Ratchet, if that makes any sense.

As for what she’ll get from me…

In return, my sophisti-ratchet sista will get a, well, I don’t want to say, I’m a ratchet brotha. However, I wouldn’t mind role-playing to make my sophisti-ratchet woman-to-be happy. If she won’t mind “Blowing Me Kisses” every once and a while, I’ll have no problem being her “Souja Boy.”
On her birthday, I’ll buy her not one but “2Chainz.” And if she doesn’t mind pouring me a glass of her “Lemonade” whenever I’m feeling a little parched, I’ll get dressed up, pop my collar, and be her “Gucci Mane.” I’ll even drop my “Starr” status and be her “T-Pain” if she doesn’t mind me asking her if I can “Buy you a drink.”(BTW: I am addicted to the “Lemonade” song. It’s downloaded to my iPhone and I listen to it at least 10 times per day–along with the other tracks in my “ratchet playlist.”)

Mr. and Mrs. Ratchet at their wedding before heading off on their Hooneymoon in Ratchetstan. And, although I am a Fulbright Grantee, I’ll have no problem flipping the script and being her “Ratchet Scholar.”
I’m a great cook and will prepare her breakfast before she heads off to work. To put a smile on her face during a rough work week, I’ll deliver her homemade lunch to her desk. When she steps past the threshold of our home after a long day of battling in the belly of that corporate beast, I’ll have one of her favorite dishes ready. To help her ease the stress, I’ll pour her a glass of her favorite wine (probably Moscato Rose). After making her that wonderful meal and clearing the table, I only ask that she dances on top of it. (She doesn’t have to do it every day, of course.) No doubt, as a “Man of Vision,” I will do my best to be her “House Keeper.”

So ladies…
If you’re that graduate student who would run across campus and make it rain with the pages of your dissertation after your doctoral committee approves your final draft, capture the moment on Instagram and “@” a brotha. Or @ me on Twitter. If you’re a historian who specializes in the post-Reconstruction Era in New Orleans but is comfortable expressing your inner-Wally World and showing me a thing or two about that Louisiana Purchase, then I’ll definitely be early for class, baby! If you’re the kind of woman who would do “The Doogie” on a crowded C-Train after getting that phone call of good news because you know “er-body luv me, er-er-body luv me,” then bring your “swag” on down to Brooklyn so we can be “Bed-Stuy Till We Die.”
What are you waiting for? Our honeymoon in Ratchetstan* and lifetime of holy ratchemony awaits!

Note: “Ratchetstan” is a term I picked up from the super-talented director and actress Issa Rae while watching her RATCHETPIECE Theater series.
He probably can't find a woman because he's a loser,a weirdo, or short as a mug. First off, he sounds like a whiny arse b!sh. I refuse to believe that a well-traveled, educated, moderately attractive man can't find a date. Is he a republican, is he a f*ckboy? Does he stank? He needs to take a good look at himself, and his expectations in a woman. I bet you he's looking for a dimepiece when he needs to be aiming for a nickel. You know what, imma need him to die for making me waste some of my precious time reading this, when he needs to just set up an OKCupid account.

Or POF lmao!
When I see stuff like this from men, I tend to assume there is something wrong with them that they are not disclosing in their rant.

There tends to be fierce competition for men in this world - especially Black ones. If he is all he says he is, he should have women jumping all over him. Heck, if Junebug down the street can get a professional woman to pay his bills and lease him a car, this dude should have women throwing themselves at him. I ain't buying it. He is crazy, has a weirdly small peen or both.
I'm like him and I wouldn't date him.

He doesnt make enough money for me.

I believe in dating/marrying up. If I want to stay the same or worse off lagging a man like him around me I'd just stay single. :look:
I always thought it was common male logic that men with the most money/resources have access to the best women. Lol these new modern ninjas need to study history. Broke men have to much hope and need to humble themselves

Amen sista

I think this was just bait to get some dates. I won't dignify this nonsense with any more keystrokes. I'm just going to sit here with my :popcorn:
No kids, a job, traveled, bilingual and he can't get a woman???

I'll bet he has a stank attitude.
He probably can't find a woman because he's a loser,a weirdo, or short as a mug. First off, he sounds like a whiny arse b!sh. I refuse to believe that a well-traveled, educated, moderately attractive man can't find a date. Is he a republican, is he a f*ckboy? Does he stank? He needs to take a good look at himself, and his expectations in a woman. I bet you he's looking for a dimepiece when he needs to be aiming for a nickel. You know what, imma need him to die for making me waste some of my precious time reading this, when he needs to just set up an OKCupid account.

Lol well damn

Yea, I was with you until the "die" part lol... :look:


I think we're onto something here. I think he's probably attracted to the wrong women. You can't tell me with all of the single black women around that he can't find ONE that will date him?? :look: :confused:

I mean, I admire his strength and determination to go sex-free instead of just whoring around during this time period, but still.... :look: He hasn't been able to find ANYBODY since 1998?? :look:

Again, I think it must be his personality. :perplexed I think maybe he's a little too much on the quirky side for the black women he likes to date. A lot of women can do nerdy, or even kinda quirky, but if you're plain WEIRD or painfully socially AWKWARD...Idk a lot of women who automatically jump at the chance of being w/these types of men.

Most Women LOVE success, power, stability, strength, security, CONFIDENCE, social aptitude in men. :yep: The way he's describing himself and the fact that he makes less than what is desirable is what the problem is.

Actually...I take that back...a woman will get with a dead-beat broke man (even if just for a little romp in the sack) if the guy is good-looking, charming, or just plain confident (ie. swagalicious) :look: :lol:

So...idk...I think it goes deeper than his bank accounts though. Look at all the women who stay with struggling artists, or guys who aren't on their same educational level. There's something deeper there....
I don't believe him. The women HE chooses don't want him. That is the problem.

Right. There are men wayyyyyyyyyyyyy worse off them him on all levels in a relationship. He is just refusing to seek a woman who would better fit in with his current situation.
Girl you got these mofos on iyanla wit 159kids making 7k a year and 25 baby mommas getting potang and affection everday .

He sounds like he wants to date out and is making bs excuses.
How tall is he? :look:

Look I'll work with a brotha but in all honesty that mess died in my 20's. That "All We Need Is Love Ish" is BS when my light bill ain't paid and the refrigerator is empty. :look:

Too many men need to recognize that if you don't have money to support a wife and a family then guess what? You don't get a wife and a family- period.
Dear Mr. "Sophistiratchet" Promising Writing Career,

Maybe your breath stinks?


Multilingual Female Wanderlust
I find it difficult to believe he hasn't had a girlfriend 1998. That's a long time! :lol: For someone who is so well traveled, surely he could have found someone (though I imagine Russia would be difficult to find a BW).

Money aside (I don't want children so I never looked into someone to pay for a family), he doesn't sound masculine at all, and he's the type that will want you to pay for your own meal, and split everything with you. He reminds me of the kind of guy that's obsessed with (you) using babywipes and calling/texting you 50 times if he doesn't hear from you after 12 hours.
Sounds like one of those dudes that likes to talk about themselves all the time. Arrogantly insecure.

He doesn't sound appealing to me and it isn't the income.
Omg his whiny *** just needs to go date white women. A dissertation on why you can't get pussy? Bruuuuuuuuhhhhh.