Can A Brother Get A Date???


Well-Known Member
So this guy here


Says he can't get a date because he doesn't make enough money and black women assume he's not into them because of his Eastern Europe/Russia speciality.

So what say you LHCF? Can a Brother get a date?

Well-Traveled, Intelligent Black Man, 34, Seeks ‘Sista’ OK With Him Making Less Money He’s got a degree. Check. A job. Check. Money. Well, that’s where Terrell Jermaine Starr’s dating story stops adding up.

Posted: Nov. 3 2014

When I tell my friends that the last time I had a girlfriend was during my freshman year in college in 1998, they respond with disbelief.

For them it’s bemusing to fathom that a man who is well-traveled, gainfully employed, bilingual, degreed, childless, not living in his mother’s basement and debt-free could go 16 years without being in a relationship and years at a time without having sex. What people don’t understand is that my income isn’t as high as many would expect, and it makes me feel insecure about how women may view my current professional station in life.

I only began working full time in my 30s; I spent all of my 20s traveling around Eastern Europe—mainly through Peace Corps, Fulbright and language study-abroad programs—and earning degrees. I consider myself a very late bloomer who has just recently realized I can make a living keystroking breaking-news stories and Brooklyn Renaissance-ing my way into a literary career. As intellectually fruitful as my 20s were, my worldly and academic sojourns did little for my bank account. All my education and travel were fully paid with scholarships, so I guess that means something.

But I wasn’t climbing any corporate ladders and adding zeros to my salary year after year during my 20s, like most women my age were doing, so I find myself financially incompatible. I can’t say that I’ve dated dozens of women who’ve told me as much, but my female friends have given me the impression that someone like me doesn’t bleep on their “He is dating, and perhaps marrying, material” radar.

Most of them are making six-figure salaries, or near that amount, and insist that their partners make at least as much. I’m a senior editor at a website—not an entry-level money earner, but I’m not making six figures, either, so I’m pretty much out of their league with regard to dating. Of course, I’m acutely aware of the fact that many black women have “dated and married down” economically, but I surmise they’ve grown weary of doing so. Complaints about men taking advantage of their financial status pervade most conversations I hear over why many women prefer to only date men who are their economic equals. For the record, I’d have no issue dating women who earn more than I do, and I’m not exclusively pursuing women with deep pockets, so don’t tweet me your foolishness.

When I took to Twitter several days ago to ask my female followers if they would date a man who earns less money than they do, all replied, “Yes.” In fact, many of them balked at my claims that I have a hard time dating because of my income. I’ve also been told that my background in Russian affairs and European wanderlust lead many black women to assume that I only date white women. To the contrary, I’m only interested in sistas. (At the egging on of my former boss, I wrote a funny piece about my type of woman called “Sophistiratchet” a few years ago that I encourage you to read, if you have a sense of humor.)

Most women are also shocked that I’ve gone as long as five years without sex. While I’m as sexual a being as any man, women aren’t disposable to me. I’ve never been able to engage in sexual relationships without establishing some emotional intimacy. Yes, such men do exist.

Some of you will quickly dismiss me and conclude that I’m penning this piece as a cheap attempt to evoke sympathy from female readers. That’s not the case. I’m writing about this because women have repeatedly asked why I, a man who wants to date and eventually marry, find it challenging to do so. There is, indeed, a swath of men in the dating pool who feel they are boxed into a space in which their incomes have yet to catch up with their professional statuses, thus making them less appealing.

For every woman who says she wouldn’t mind her partner making less money than she, there are just as many who do mind. Men like me who are professional late bloomers can conceivably find such dating pools nearly impossible to access when women at this age are beginning to think long term. And I repeat: I don’t have an issue with my financial status; it is something, however, that I find many women care about, and it makes me not even try to put myself out there at all because I feel I won’t measure up in their Excel dating-requirements spreadsheet.

You don’t hear us discussing it often because we’d have to admit to our fears of not feeling valued because we aren’t where we are “supposed to be in life.” Think about it: Thirty-four-year-old men aren’t supposed to be five years removed from an internship and expect to find a woman who will view them as potential relationship material. Most women my age have children and may see a man who makes less than they do as another mouth to feed. I’ve been told this, in so many words. Remember that society views me as “old” and “late in the game,” too. Being a man doesn’t make that any less challenging.

While I’m more than happy with myself, most women could care less that I speak several weird languages they’ll never understand, am a good person, have a promising writing career and can carry on a stimulating conversation, if they don’t find my income attractive. I’m not begrudging women who demand that their partners make as much as or more than they do. Most reasons I’ve heard are perfectly reasonable; money is very important. But this notion that I should have no issues dating is dismissive of all the points I’ve made.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that all high-income women fit into the dilemma I’ve described. I am saying that my background—sans income comparable to or more than that of my potential partner—doesn’t make me the automatic catch my female followers on Twitter claim that I am.
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I think he has some valid points that a lot of women are looking for a man that is finacially well off than them. We have a thread on hear about how to find a Rich Man. I do feel like there are some other women that are willing to date men that are at least headed in the right direction and not necessarily looking for the come up.
Oh boo hoo. Men have no problems with judging women off of their looks and make no excuses for women that don't match their requirements
It takes money to raise a family. Most women in their 30s are working towards starting a family if they haven't already.

Just like women have to work on themselves before finding someone to marry, men have to do the same. Maybe he should get himself together and work his way up to marriage material before looking for a mate.

And this is coming from someone who doesn't believe that a man HAS to make more money than a woman. He doesn't. He just has to have his ish together.

Also, is a low income woman good enough for him? Why does he keep referencing "high-income" women? Is that who he's looking for? RED FLAG! Nobody is trying to pay you alimony, boo boo. Maybe he should see if Sherri Shepard is available :look:
I think this guy is making a lot of excuses. He needs to look in the mirror for his issues. He is insecure which cause him to self sabotage. It sound like he does not step up to women assuming they will reject him because of his income. Does he want women to carry signs saying they don't care about income so he can single those out right off the bat?
Cant he find a woman like him? Well traveled, educated, free spirited and not making 6 figures? I refuse to believe those women don't exist.
He should look for someone that took the same path in life he did. What he did wasn't necessarily bad. A woman that shares the same interests and passions as he would understand perfectly why he isnt as advanced in his career.
Cant he find a woman like him? Well traveled, educated, free spirited and not making 6 figures? I refuse to believe those women don't exist.

Yes they exist but ain't nobody trying to date in their own pay grade. Everyone is moving on up. He may need to find a younger woman in her early - mid 20s a few years out of college.
didn't someone post an op about the Mayor of New York's wife chief of staff who was boo'd up with an ex con? certainly he can find such women. well accomplished and not discriminating.

i do agree that for some women he is out of the running. on this very board i asked a few years ago what was the minimum salary a brotha needed to make in order for you to give them a chance. i got some responses 150K and onward. it is what it is.
I remember that! :lachen: Remember the half a mil people? :lachen: Man Im over here choking on my lunch.

didn't someone post an op about the Mayor of New York's wife chief of staff who was boo'd up with an ex con? certainly he can find such women. well accomplished and not discriminating.

i do agree that for some women he is out of the running. on this very board i asked a few years ago what was the minimum salary a brotha needed to make in order for you to give them a chance. i got some responses 150K and onward. it is what it is.
He's a liar and there's probably something wrong with him. When have black women ever had a problem dating broke dudes. He's obviously going after women who are out of his league. Champagne dreams on a beer budget
TIA with all posts. What is also telling is that wants sophisticatedrachet. Which screams monies or at least use to nice things. There are plenty of women who want him, but he is focusing on wanting 1% that does not want him. He is right about his interests putting black women off. I think most would assume that he is into eastern european women. But him saying that he is not would get a positive response.
Cant he find a woman like him? Well traveled, educated, free spirited and not making 6 figures? I refuse to believe those women don't exist.

We exist. I've spent my 20s doing very similar things, and so has my sister. But I am now done with that and I put more stock in high, and specially STABLE, incomes, both for myself and future partners.

What is unclear is what his future ambitions are. Is he okay with having an average income forever? Or is he saying that even though he's had a slow start because he prioritized other pursuits in his younger years, that moving forward he's focusing on building his income.

The 1st is a turn-off, but not the 2nd. In fact, finding well-traveled, multilingual and intellectual men is a very attractive combination. That's not what's turning women off.
I'm thinking it's not just his bank account that's the problem... :look:

What's his PERSONALITY like? I know some women are just all about the figures, but a LOT of women don't care TOO much about how much a man makes as long as he's well educated, has ambition, and is SMART. :yep:

Also, when he says: "lower salary" ....just how LOW are we talking about? :look: Is he saying he makes $40,000 or $20,000??? :look:
He's certainly not bad looking and quite well-spoken. He can find a date. He can't find a date with women he wants to All black women aren't 6-figure corporate dynamos. Gazillions of gorgeous, educated, broke grad students that I'm sure would be happy to skip thru Central Park with him. They could build a future together. He wants a power partner who buckled down and built her own foundation while he was arsing around in Europe. Maybe SHE wanted to be arsing around in Europe too! We all have dreams. Some of us set our dreams aside and dug into the work that needs to be done to ensure a decent living. Then you have the black man and his dreams... He wants to be a musician. He wants to be a rapper. He wants to be a photographer. He wants to play ball of some sort. That's all fantastic but he needs to do these things outside of a F/T job. There is a cost to dreams. We aren't magically entitled to them and WE realize this, while men don't! Now he wants to piggyback off of someone's blood, sweat, and tears and mentions that he prefers BLACK women as if he's doing us some sort of service! Ugh!!!
TIA with all posts. What is also telling is that wants sophisticatedrachet. Which screams monies or at least use to nice things. There are plenty of women who want him, but he is focusing on wanting 1% that does not want him. He is right about his interests putting black women off. I think most would assume that he is into eastern european women. But him saying that he is not would get a positive response.
:yep: Exactly. His problem is, he can't afford the 'sophisti-'. He could probably swing the '-ratchet'... if he worked hard, and saved. :look:
I know his type. My cousin is just like him. No one is ever going to be good enough for him. There will always be some flaw with a woman he's interested in, but it will somehow be his income/personality/extra curricular activities that were her problems with him, not the fact that he finds problems behind every corner. And he'll always pick women who simply wouldn't be interested in him, no matter what he earned or what he did as his extracurricular activities.
I always thought it was common male logic that men with the most money/resources have access to the best women. Lol these new modern ninjas need to study history. Broke men have to much hope and need to humble themselves
I always thought it was common male logic that men with the most money/resources have access to the best crime of the crop women. Lol these new modern ninjas need to study history. Broke men have to much hope and need to humble themselves


My first thought was that he's dating out of his league. He should find someone younger or find someone who is on a similar life path.

I would not date him. It is not that I do not think he's an eligible bachelor. It is just that where I am currently in life, I am not in a position to wait for a man to get it together.

However, there are women who will date him at the drop of a penny.

I spent all of my 20s traveling around Eastern Europe—mainly through Peace Corps, Fulbright and language study-abroad programs—and earning degrees.

This is why I turned down a couple of opportunities. It's nice, but past 25 for me, it's time for me to settle down and get it together. I have a good cushion to fall back on, but not that good.