Calling in the One Challenge

My brother is going to read along with me. He's been using my copy. I'm buying him his own copy today.

Fyi, he informed me that he will not be participating in our if I invited him. :lachen:
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are people actively looking for dates while doing the course?

Idk about anyone else, but as for ME personally, I'm not really actively looking for dates. I mean, if a guy wants to ask me out on a date while I'm doing this program I'm not going to turn him down.

I think for me though as a whole I have STOPPED reading any other relationship books on how to "catch a man" or whatever until AFTER I finish this book. This book is more so about ME, MYSELF and I. :yep: I don't want to crowd that out with other relationship books about how to "snag a guy" or "be the best woman" in order to "win" a guy. The one thing that I'm loving about this book is that it's less about "winning" a guy and more about "winning" over YOURSELF! :yep: :grin: I want to stay in that OPEN, natural, optimistic, and radiant energy. I've realized (for myself) that when I read some relationship books and I'm too focused on what I should be "doing" in order to snag a guy, I find that my true nature or my true feminine radiance gets diminished, and I'm not truly being my TRUE self. :nono:

So, I'm taking a break from the relationship books while I do this program. :yep:

I also have been trying to forget about present/current crushes that I have. At first I was thinking I could still think about them while doing this program, but then I realized that I was reverting back to trying to do this program in order to "snag" them, and I don't want this program to be about that. :nono: I want to find "THE ONE" (the RIGHT one) and not just try to do a program in order to snag a particular SOMEONE. Idk if that makes sense. So, lately I've been giving my "future" guy a blank face, a blank canvas.... Nothing physical do I see. I just view him as if he is in the shadows or in the dark WITH me. I want to be OPEN to ALL types of men who are RIGHT for me.....not just a man who I'm crushing on, or who has the physical qualities that I usually am attracted to. I want a blank SLATE. I think this will open me up to even MORE men who have the PERSONALITY traits and qualities that I'm looking for in the first place. :yep: If my crush happens to be "the one" after I finish this program, then so be it! :grin: But I'm not doing this program in order to "catch" him or any man.

Idk if this makes sense, but this is how I'm approaching it. This program is more about ME. :yep: I like the fact that I'm focusing on ME and MY healing. :grinwink:
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Hey ladies,
I just wanted to wish all of you good luck. I don't know anything about the book personally, but just from reading your posts it sounds like nothing but good can come from it. I believe we all come to earth in this human, physical form, to learn about ourselves, others, and life. The more we resist, the more painful life gets. I'm so happy to see how open everyone is. Recently I've come to realize that most of us (including me) think we have all the answers and want to teach everyone else how to act and behave. The truth I believe is that most people and situations, especially the difficult ones, are trying to teach us something. If we are open to learning, to the fact that we might be wrong sometimes, might be misunderstanding certain things, the heavens kind of open up for us. Wishing everyone of you love, blessings, and companionship :kiss:.
Truekarisma - IA exercises 1,2,3,6 can be completed anytime. There are specific ones I need to revisit such as the essence qualities one.

For lesson 7, I removed clothes from my closet that I haven't worn in one year & gave them to my sister. She was glad to take them & that same day put together a nice casual outfit for an impromptu date with her hubby. YAY!!

As far as actively dating, I'm not. Recently, I met & had dealings with a man (through work) who seems very kind & generous (gave me gift w card) - though there was a prospect for something more -I won't pursue anything romantic with him. I must admit that I think of him often but I know :nono:

Keywarren- that's great that your brother is interested in the book!!

hopeful - your words were very kind and insightful. If I'm not mistaken, you are a long time happily married gal so I'm sure you could provide helpful advice about keeping "The One". (wink) . It seems that is something the author of the book wasn't able to do - hopefully she is in a content place in her life.
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Okay I finally purchase the book. I purchased the kindle version. BTW for anyone who wants to purchase an online version of the book you can just download the kindle app. It works for iphones, androids, and the windows app. I can read the book on my windows phone :)

I will start chapter 1/exercise 1 tonight.
Nomadiclady Thank you. Yes, I like that, Keeping the One :). It's an ongoing process but well-worth the effort :yep:. I've been married 27 years and he's definitely a keeper. On the outside it looks a lot easier than it is. I hope you guys update here periodically and don't go totally private. I want to hear about future engagements and what not :).
hopeful - aww - it warms my heart when married folks say 'he/she is a keeper' or if 'I had to do it again - I would still choose him/her.'

I have to share a anecdote about a co-worker. Last month she celebrated 35 yrs of marriage with an extended vacation. When I had the opportunity to congratulate her, she flashed her anniversary gift - a cute heart locket with an inscription & arrow. She told me when locket hangs the arrow points to her real heart. Her husband had a duplicate made for himself also.

He told her that although his job didn't allow/want him to wear jewelry (I guess it's a blue-collar job) - he wore his necklace anyway. How sweet!

She feels as you do- she has a keeper. It's nice to know there are happily married folks!
I purchase the book as well, will be reading the first chapter tonight, Please add me to the group Crystalicequeen123

Fortunately for me my friend came over last night and went through my closet , we discarded old cloths and gift from exe's, she doesn't know the journey i am about to embark on, so her coming to attack my closet is definitely a sign from above.

Last night i ended a would-be relationship with a guy i met in September, I am so happy my emotional attachment to unavailable guys and guys in general have drastically decreased , its so freeing
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Because of this thread, I bought the book last night and must say, it's the best $10 I could have ever spent. The cool thing is that I already had begun to do the things she asks in the exercises without realizing their implications.

No matter what, I feel more hopeful and more intentional and empowered.

Love is truly everywhere and I found it so insightful to try to see it emanating like energy waves as her dying friend could.

The hardest part will be to let go of 2 exes.
I came upon this thread last night and read through it. You ladies have inspired me and I bought the book on Kindle last night (even through I'm not suppose to make anymore purchases because I'm trying to buy a house). I want to join the challenge. I read the introduction last night and will start chapter one today. Please add me to the private group.

Idk about anyone else, but as for ME personally, I'm not really actively looking for dates. I mean, if a guy wants to ask me out on a date while I'm doing this program I'm not going to turn him down.

I think for me though as a whole I have STOPPED reading any other relationship books on how to "catch a man" or whatever until AFTER I finish this book. This book is more so about ME, MYSELF and I. :yep: I don't want to crowd that out with other relationship books about how to "snag a guy" or "be the best woman" in order to "win" a guy. The one thing that I'm loving about this book is that it's less about "winning" a guy and more about "winning" over YOURSELF! :yep: :grin: I want to stay in that OPEN, natural, optimistic, and radiant energy. I've realized (for myself) that when I read some relationship books and I'm too focused on what I should be "doing" in order to snag a guy, I find that my true nature or my true feminine radiance gets diminished, and I'm not truly being my TRUE self. :nono:

So, I'm taking a break from the relationship books while I do this program. :yep:

I also have been trying to forget about present/current crushes that I have. At first I was thinking I could still think about them while doing this program, but then I realized that I was reverting back to trying to do this program in order to "snag" them, and I don't want this program to be about that. :nono: I want to find "THE ONE" (the RIGHT one) and not just try to do a program in order to snag a particular SOMEONE. Idk if that makes sense. So, lately I've been giving my "future" guy a blank face, a blank canvas.... Nothing physical do I see. I just view him as if he is in the shadows or in the dark WITH me. I want to be OPEN to ALL types of men who are RIGHT for me.....not just a man who I'm crushing on, or who has the physical qualities that I usually am attracted to. I want a blank SLATE. I think this will open me up to even MORE men who have the PERSONALITY traits and qualities that I'm looking for in the first place. :yep: If my crush happens to be "the one" after I finish this program, then so be it! :grin: But I'm not doing this program in order to "catch" him or any man.

Idk if this makes sense, but this is how I'm approaching it. This program is more about ME. :yep: I like the fact that I'm focusing on ME and MY healing. :grinwink:

This! Especially the part about the blank slate. I even asked my sister to paint a picture of a couple to go over my bed. I specifically told her to use a silhouette of a male because I don't know what the next Mr. ArrrBeee will look like.
It's interesting to see this. An acquaintance of mine was just talking about how this book addresses forgiveness issues. I think she's reading it on scribd if someone was looking for a preview.

The author divorced the man this book is about. Apparently that's where Gwyneth Paltrow got the phrase "conscious uncoupling" from. . Nice to see the book has been working for people here.
whoa the author is divorced? I just finished reading her story of how she met her husband and the preface. I must say her story was interesting and I was a bit stunned at how quickly they married. The preface was intriguing and empowering however.

I don't know what to make of this. I don't know how to feel about her divorce considering the premise of the book.
Lesson 3:
Honoring Our Need for Others

When I did this lesson before I wasn't as conscious of exactly how independent I am and how much I value my independence. I have a really long track record of making sure I don't need anyone else. It stemmed from my childhood full of lots of disappointments, broken trusts, broken relationships, death... I saw my mother suffer from depression as a result of a broken heart and I remember being 12 and looking at her sleep (which she did a lot of) and vowed to never love in a way that made me "like that." I think I have a doctorate degree in isolating myself and avoiding meaningful relationships. Intellectually I know how this mindset is leaving me emotionally handicapped, but emotionally I don't know how to get over it.

She's right about it making some people feel weak. I feel as if being needy makes me weak and makes me feel shameful. I don't know how to ask for what I need, or sometimes don't even know how to take stock and acknowledge my needs to myself.
The things I need from relationships were:
1. Strong emotional connection/friendship
2. Feel seen and understood
3. Feel secure physically, emotionally, and financially
4. Have a certain level of autonomy
5. Be loved and respected

I love the fact that she the exercise called for me to commit to filling these needs myself. I heard a speaker say recently something to the effect that we teach the world how to treat us with our example of how we treat ourselves. I'm finding that I don't hold myself to the same expectations that I hold for others in their treatment of me.

The first time I did this lesson 2 years ago, I wasn't nearly as conscious and honest with myself. The first time I did it, I wrote a paragraph in my journal. When I went through this time I had 5 pages.
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I have so much to say, but don't want to reveal or write anything that will haunt me. I bought this book years ago when I was in my late 20s and found out about it here. I remember not far into the book. NOW, I feel better prepared and more equipped mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to do the digging this book will require. I just did Lesson 1 today and some of the concepts and the excerpts on the side of the book resonate with me, I'm familiar with, and I have a better understanding of. Looking back in hindsight, I don't think I was prepared to do this work.

My challenge now will be to remain committed even when it gets difficult and I'm required to do a lot of digging into my past relationships, my childhood, my emotional patterns and where they stem from. I really do want to find a good partner for me and I realize that I have some healing to do before that comes to fruition.
Hi Ladies, I've just read this thread and you've inspired me. I bought the book and would like to join. Please add me to the private group.
I'm in too. I picked the book up yesterday on my day off. I'm already doing counseling so this should be an added benefit.
Sorry ladies,I was out of town for 5 days and thus out of commission lol. I will go ahead and add all who have requested.

I'll also add that there are quite a few of you who asked to be requested and your request has yet to be confirmed even though I've already invited you to the group! Just a reminder! :grin:
Well ......

I've had two gentlemen from my past, reappear this past week. I take this as a sign that I am on the right path. They are nothing but distractions!!!! One told me he dreamed about me. The other wants to go out. ............ Oh boy!!!

Im gonna continue on my journey ......