How Do You Feel About Calling Your DH/SO "Daddy?"

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yesterday the popo where all over threads clickidy clanking for no good reason. Today people are doing a Tracy Braxton, literally begging to sing backup and where are they? Nowhere to be found! I am well annoyed! :mad:
I gotcha. I think for many in this thread, though, it's seen as a term of endearment in general, not just one used during sex.

See I almost gave leeway to you know he's the daddy of your kids kinda thing but it's almost like the mother is pretending to be the daughter in bed, it's just yuck to me..seriously all I get is incest or a lil girl who wishes she had a daddy and looking to her pimp instead.

Literotica mehn :nono:
See I almost gave leeway to you know he's the daddy of your kids kinda thing but it's almost like the mother is pretending to be the daughter in bed, it's just yuck to me..seriously all I get is incest or a lil girl who wishes she had a daddy and looking to her pimp instead.

Literotica mehn :nono:

And likewise, if a man refers to his SO as "baby", I suppose this same manner of thinking would mean he's got pedo tendencies? Again, it's all about context, and as I mentioned upthread, culture and ethnicity. And generational slang, since in the 50s to 70s, everyone called everyone "baby" and "big daddy" or "cool daddy".
those sound like pimp names..

if its any consolation, I wonder about guys who like their women to dress up like lil grls, the pig tails and all that sh
Yeah, ok are taking it to a whole nother level so miss me with that bs. You sound exactly like one of the uptight broads I was speaking on.
why do people feel the need to project? :ohwell: If envisioning your father in bed is find with you then cool but to claim that other people are down with that ish on the low is annoying.
No, I have not been molested. No, I do not envision my father when I call my man Daddy. I call my father Daddy. (yes, he was always there for me) Before I was married I called all my boyfriends Daddy and during our marriage I call my hubby Daddy. With hubby sometimes it's part of dirty talk but most times it's not. When I speak to our children about him, I always call him Daddy. I also call him baby. I call the kids baby too at times.
My point is, it's just a word. The way I see it is words are like colors that are used to highlight feelings or thoughts. I can use it in a number of ways to mean different things at different times. If it weirds you out don't use it.
Yeah, ok are taking it to a whole nother level so miss me with that bs. You sound exactly like one of the uptight broads I was speaking on.

Im not a lesbian so why would I care if I seem "uptight" to you?

Point is speak for yourself. Own up to your own ish, dont go around telling people "oh you know you say ths and that on the low"..NO you DONT know

Simple as that.
Im not a lesbian so why would I care if I seem "uptight" to you?

Point is speak for yourself. Own up to your own ish, dont go around telling people "oh you know you say ths and that on the low"..NO you DONT know

Simple as that.

Why is it even this serious??
If it doesn't apply to you then why trip?
I'd like to believe most people dont care for projection. I dont and I speak up on it, why is that a problem?

I said my inital comment is something I believe, writing epistles and barking ths and that hasnt and will not change my mind. why would you even care to change my mind. Do you.

same way you have the crazy brigade going around accusing people of partaking in backdoor activities and pretending not to be.
People who usually do this, are more than likely ashamed of their actions and feel like they have to make it seem everyone else does it else they would be confident in what they do and not care if others state the opposite.

then again when people maintain that they dont do x, y and z the "you must be a prude" claws comes out. The board is predictable that way. Must suck to be so insecure.
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I don't have an issue with "babe" or "baby" as much because those words are generally used in a variety of ways, and used to address men and women. My dad calls me babe, but he also calls women in general babes a lot of the time (he thinks he's cool lol). I think it's a little different. I wouldn't want a man calling me ma, lil mama, mommy, or the like either. And baby is pushing it...for some reason it sounds so needy to me...I automatically think, "But baby, please!" when I hear it. :lol:
Im not a lesbian so why would I care if I seem "uptight" to you?

Point is speak for yourself. Own up to your own ish, dont go around telling people "oh you know you say ths and that on the low"..NO you DONT know

Simple as that.

You are about as ignorant as they come I'd say. Wtf does being a lesbian have to do with what I said? What ish do I need to own up to? you need a hobby.
Y'all know good and well you done called somebody daddy at some point whether you were joking or not. Ain't no need to be shamed :lol: :lol: let's keep it real now!
Why you gotta assume that people are lying though? I definitely haven't ever said that. It just doesn't really fit my personality. But I am not averse to trying some variation of it in the future, e.g. "Big Daddy" or "Papi", because it's not do directly translatable to my own dad. I understand people's discomfort with that aspect of it, and I don't think it should be dismissed as prudishness.

Daddy in his eyes means "being the head or in charge, having power, yadda yadda". Men like to feel like they are all of that. It doesn't have that paternal feel to it when it's said that right way.:yep:
I agree that the meaning of words change with context. I think people use the word "Daddy" because we don't have one word in English that conveys the power, authority, protectiveness, virility, etc. of a man who is holding it down as a lover, husband, etc.. A lot of words in English do double, triple or quadruple duty to express a range of meanings.

Gross. No offense to others but I tend to assume the person ether wasnt raised with a father around or was molested.
So do you assume that those people who call their SOs 'babe' and 'baby' are pedophiles??? :spinning:

Language is malleable, people. The same arrangement of letters can have a different meaning in a different context.
You are about as ignorant as they come I'd say. Wtf does being a lesbian have to do with what I said? What ish do I need to own up to? you need a hobby.

Why are you still responding? :perplexed If you couldnt figure out that I dont care that Im "uptight" to a woman since I dont screw women, then there's nothing more to be said. :ohwell:

What part of state what you do privately without trying to project it on others is hard to grasp? Ignorant is right.
Why are you still responding? :perplexed If you couldnt figure out that I dont care that Im "uptight" to a woman since I dont screw women, then there's nothing more to be said. :ohwell:

What part of state what you do privately without trying to project it on others is hard to grasp? Ignorant is right.

I'm responding because you addressed me. Did you not know how that worked sweetie? Turn your hater down. It's going to be ok!
hater? grow up. Then again "daddy" probably wouldnt like that :lol:

Why you gotta assume that people are lying though? I definitely haven't ever said that. It just doesn't really fit my personality. I understand people's discomfort with that aspect of it, and I don't think it should be dismissed as prudishness.

This is all Ive been trying to say

So do you assume that those people who call their SOs 'babe' and 'baby' are pedophiles??
I dont think it's the same first off but to be honest "baby" isnt a common word in my relationships either so yea. Then again majority of my relation ships have been wth men who speak my lang.

Like I mentioned before, my beliefs, not sure why anyone would care so much to wanna change my mind, obviously yall arent gonna stop screaming for daddy dik at night cos of my comment so its like whatever, OP ask how do we FEEL about it and I answered and yes those constantly questioning and getting overly defensive about it do care.

They shouldnt.
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Yes, i call him Daddy, usually with a Big in front :giggle:
Since my first language is not English, I don't call my father Daddy, he is Pappa so to me it has no connection (thank God).
Like I mentioned before, my beliefs, not sure why anyone would care so much to wanna change my mind, obviously yall arent gonna stop screaming for daddy dik at night cos of my comment so its like whatever, OP ask how do we FEEL about it and I answered and yes those constantly questioning and getting overly defensive about it do care.

Well, girl, this is a discussion and that's how those work. People going back and forth with each other, trying to understand each other's positions, countering them, etc. It doesn't have to get hostile. But once you state your position you have to be prepared for people to challenge it. Otherwise a thread would just be filled with posts responding directly to the OP, and no interaction between the other posters.
I didn't assume anyone was lying. I was speaking more to the "clutch the pearls I'd never" tone this board has. Nothing more, nothing less. If it don't apply let it fly
Why you gotta assume that people are lying though? I definitely haven't ever said that. It just doesn't really fit my personality. But I am not averse to trying some variation of it in the future, e.g. "Big Daddy" or "Papi", because it's not do directly translatable to my own dad. I understand people's discomfort with that aspect of it, and I don't think it should be dismissed as prudishness.

I agree that the meaning of words change with context. I think people use the word "Daddy" because we don't have one word in English that conveys the power, authority, protectiveness, virility, etc. of a man who is holding it down as a lover, husband, etc.. A lot of words in English do double, triple or quadruple duty to express a range of meanings.

So do you assume that those people who call their SOs 'babe' and 'baby' are pedophiles??? :spinning:

Language is malleable, people. The same arrangement of letters can have a different meaning in a different context.
I didn't assume anyone was lying. I was speaking more to the "clutch the pearls I'd never" tone this board has. Nothing more, nothing less. If it don't apply let it fly

That's not what you said though. What you said was this
Y'all know good and well you done called somebody daddy at some point whether you were joking or not. Ain't no need to be shamed let's keep it real now!
You said people know they've actually done it, but because they are ashamed, they're not keeping it real.
That's not what you said though. What you said was this You said people know they've actually done it, but because they are ashamed, they're not keeping it real.

If that's how you took it then so be it. Yes, that s what I said. So I guess that every single person that said they don't do it its a liar. Does that sound right to you? Obviously my usage of the smilies was lost on you.
Well, girl, this is a discussion and that's how those work. People going back and forth with each other, trying to understand each other's positions, countering them, etc. It doesn't have to get hostile. But once you state your position you have to be prepared for people to challenge it. Otherwise a thread would just be filled with posts responding directly to the OP, and no interaction between the other posters.

The only person who did this n a non-defensive manner is Miss Marsala then again as with everything she does/says on here Im not surprised =as she actually does act her age.

Getting overly defensive aint gonna change diddly squat esp since I gave my reason for thinking that way(which I didnt have to do) and people are still whining. *shrugs*
lmao @ talking it so literally. I'd imagine life is pretty weird if you take everything everyone says super literally.

I understood it the way she intended. Sometimes some people on LHCF get brand new and extra when they see the tone of the thread.
Yes, i call him Daddy, usually with a Big in front :giggle:
Since my first language is not English, I don't call my father Daddy, he is Pappa so to me it has no connection (thank God).

Perhaps this is why it doesn't bother me....because I don't call my father Daddy either. He's my Baba.:yep:

But even if I did call him daddy (my father)...I can still separate the two meanings.
I find it to be particularly abhorrent. Possibly because to me, my father is daddy, and calling another man daddy who is giving me the disco stick....:ohwell::nono:

I can't get down with that.

lol @ disco stick

I wonder if people preface it with "you know Im not talkin' bout my real daddy right"? Ok. cool.lets carry on.