Calling in the One Challenge

I haven't bought my book yet, i'm late I know but I will definitely do so next week. As of now I do not want a relationship as i'm currently in one but I think the book will help me to be more assertive in many areas, move past my past and help me improve myself as an individual that will prepare me to become a better person in my relationship going forward.
I want to join this challenge. I'm in a relationship now, but it is new. I'm not sure how long this is going to last. I'm very stubborn and I want things to go my way in relationships. Anyone else like this?
Thanks for starting this thread. I'm going to buy a hard copy of the book (I'm old school) for me and a copy for my daughter. I probably won't pick up the books until next week though.
Im going to continue to post here to keep the thread up for people that might want/need to come across it, but post confidential updates in the group thread.
I want to join this challenge. I'm in a relationship now, but it is new. I'm not sure how long this is going to last. I'm very stubborn and I want things to go my way in relationships. Anyone else like this?

Im not currently in a rlshp. I think others upthread have mentioned similar traits.

I am really stubborn, though. I am convinced that im always right. I like to argue, not heated emotionally charged arguments, but arguing for the purpose of proving im right in every circumstance lol.
Im not currently in a rlshp. I think others upthread have mentioned similar traits.

I am really stubborn, though. I am convinced that im always right. I like to argue, not heated emotionally charged arguments, but arguing for the purpose of proving im right in every circumstance lol.

This is me. Hearing you say it sounds horrible. I need to do better
I've written this on the site before, but I'll add my testimony to this thread. I started reading Calling In the girlfriend told me about it and we were going to read/do the homework together. I was on chapter 1 or 2 (had just completed the homework to write down a list of all the things I wanted in a partner) and I met my now husband. The funny thing is, I actually wrote that list of future husband attributes the very same day I met him. I never did finish the book, but even though we've been married over three years I still want to go back to it. There were some great self-reflection and self-improvement exercises in that book that would even help married folks. Good luck ladies and maybe I'll join the book challenge with you!
I've written this on the site before, but I'll add my testimony to this thread. I started reading Calling In the girlfriend told me about it and we were going to read/do the homework together. I was on chapter 1 or 2 (had just completed the homework to write down a list of all the things I wanted in a partner) and I met my now husband. The funny thing is, I actually wrote that list of future husband attributes the very same day I met him. I never did finish the book, but even though we've been married over three years I still want to go back to it. There were some great self-reflection and self-improvement exercises in that book that would even help married folks. Good luck ladies and maybe I'll join the book challenge with you!

Thanks for sharing your testimony!
It's inspiring to hear how the book has helped others attract their husband.
Today, I avoided the cold by waiting in Barnes & Nobles for my bus. During that time, I read chps 1-3 of the book.

Due to death + sickness in my family & its impact on me this year, my goal is to keep positive despite these difficulties. I plan to complete the writing exercises for chps 1-3
I think im scared to go through this process. I dont know why I feel nervous as I think about starting. I just got home and Im going to sit down and do lesson 1 in a few minutes. I didnt get past week 1 the first time I went through this. Im so glad you're all here for support.
I read this book last year but nothing came of it. I really want to give it another try. I am very stuck in terms of relationships but I know I need to change my mindset from the inside to attract someone
I have my book. I am on lesson 4. Can you add me.
I am going to meet the person I am going to marry by the end of the year.
I think im scared to go through this process. I dont know why I feel nervous as I think about starting. I just got home and Im going to sit down and do lesson 1 in a few minutes. I didnt get past week 1 the first time I went through this. Im so glad you're all here for support.

Did you complete lesson 1? I'm holding you accountable. We are in this together.:yep:
Hmmm.... I'm thinking that it might be a little better (and just easier) if we keep the group on this site lol... :yep: If anyone is interested, I started a support group on here at LHCF. I'm surprised there wasn't one already! Anyway, if you're interested in posting more "private" info or want support on the daily/weekly exercises, here's the group that I created. :yep: "Calling In The One" Group Avyn girlonfire FlowerHair keyawarren tigerrose PureSilver ClassicChic Kimbosheart sapphire74 I don't think I was able to tag everyone, so please tell others! :grin:
pls add me too
Hmmm.... I'm thinking that it might be a little better (and just easier) if we keep the group on this site lol... :yep:

If anyone is interested, I started a support group on here at LHCF. I'm surprised there wasn't one already!

Anyway, if you're interested in posting more "private" info or want support on the daily/weekly exercises, here's the group that I created. :yep:

"Calling In The One" Group

Avyn girlonfire FlowerHair keyawarren tigerrose PureSilver ClassicChic Kimbosheart sapphire74

I don't think I was able to tag everyone, so please tell others! :grin:

I'd like to join the private group as well. I have the book and I'm ready to get started.
I really feel like I need an intervention with this guy.

The past few times I have made a serious attempt to release him and prayed about it, and he immediately contacted me afterwards. Like I would release him and say I don't want him in my life if he is not the One, and less than 10 minutes later he will call or text me.

We have a strong spiritual connection and it is like his spirit feels my spirit trying to let him go. And he is not going anywhere.

Anyway, today I thought about him all day. I could not get him off of my mind. I really need to completely release him so I can focus on attracting the One for me. I think I need to do release exercises throughout the day instead of daily so I can focus on getting ready for my husband.

I still feel that if he is the One that when I let him go, he will come back once he is ready for me, but until then I can't allow any distractions while I get ready for my husband.
Please add me to the group. I'm gonna start tonight. I bought the book and never finished it. So I need to start over and be serious about it this time.