Black Male Hbcu Law School Grad Announces "i'm The Prize Now!"

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
Did y'all see this tomfoolery?

"Now that I’m JD’d (bar number loading) I’ve entered into a new arena of black men, and in this arena I’M THE PRIZE NOW!!! Don’t just take my word for it though & before you kill me in the comments...Let me drop some stats for your ass right quick so you can see my point:

Black women outnumber black men by 2 million

Black women don’t want to deal with a black man who’s gay/down low, has baby mama issues, or has a felony conviction/record/in jail which collectively is a large percentage of our race unfortunately as statistically 37% of black men are in jail while 1/3 of black men have some form of criminal record

Black women typically don’t want to “date down” and prefer to have a black man that is on the same playing field as her or higher, well statistically only 7% of black men are professionals

With this massive criteria that black women don’t want in when dating a black man they have essentially drastically limited the dating pool of viable black men that majority of black women are currently after which means everyone doesn’t get picked and statistically 70% of black women go see where I’m going here??

Additionally, black women want their mate to be attractive, have some form of edge, style, to be exciting and not be a lame, etc...(I know all that is subjective, but everyone doesn’t have these so called “X-factors”) which lowers the number of viable black men even lower....

So with me now gaining access into this very small percentage of black men that are young (for the record I’m under 30 with 2 degrees), single and attractive, are heterosexual, have no criminal record, no baby mama drama, and have some form of high paying career potential, that majority of black women are competing against each other for...

You tell me who’s the real prize here???"
He's looking for his queen yall. Strutting like a peacock on his profile.


I found his statistical musings offensive LOL

Somehow he managed to offend both black women and black men

He sounds sooo conceited, flaky, and immature!

Boy, bye!!!

P.S. He's not bad looking but he ain't that cute either
P.P.S. He might be a wee bit cray, a la Kanye West
Soooo, supposedly he failed the bar exam and people in the comments were calling him O'fail Beckham and Fake Odell Beckham... I died, came back to life and died again. Black people are funny as heck!
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But he is dissing his fellow black men too. :drunk:
I would never hire him as a lawyer, good luck getting hired at a law firm after they google him.
Instead of saying he’s becoming a lawyer to help fellow black men that are receiving unfair racial treatment in the criminal justice system he posts this exclaiming that he’s the prize to black women? :lol:
Important tea:
-he failed the bar
-he posted his 2.5 GPA on instagram
-his father is an attorney and his brother also graduated law school but HE passed the bar

Let's discuss :giggle:
From the post and his stats, his beef isn’t with women, but with that father and golden child brother of his. He really wants to be validated and seen as being worthy and enough. He needs to put the hair bleach (lightener) down and get some therapy.
He is the prize....a consolation prize to some wannabe Kardashian who couldn't get a halfway decent black ball player or a playmaker of some other ilk. He'll be a baby daddy to a Rebecca in 5....4...3..

I'd like to thank him for letting good black women know not waste their well deserved time and heart on this person.
But he is dissing his fellow black men too. :drunk:
I would never hire him as a lawyer, good luck getting hired at a law firm after they google him.
Instead of saying he’s becoming a lawyer to help fellow black men that are receiving unfair racial treatment in the criminal justice system he posts this exclaiming that he’s the prize to black women? :lol:

Well his daddy is an attorney so I'm sure he can get a job with him LOL
He is the prize....a consolation prize to some wannabe Kardashian who couldn't get a halfway decent black ball player or a playmaker of some other ilk. He'll be a baby daddy to a Rebecca in 5....4...3..

I'd like to thank him for letting good black women know not waste their well deserved time and heart on this person.

I volunteer him as tribute for any non-black woman :yep:
Lol..... a couple of BW YT’ers have covered this.

The past 2-3 decades of a large segment of the BC acting like educated BM (especially AABM) are some special breed has definitely produced a large subset that definitely see themselves as a prize when it comes to male-female romantic/sexual dynamics.

The fact that his father is an attorney with his own firm means he grew up at minimum solidly middle class and above. So having a degree shouldn’t even be a big deal at his level.

So basically this was more peacocking for women who will take the bait.
I saw this and rolled my eyes. He graduates from law school and his first thought was to make a post telling black women they need to compete for him because he is the prize? Just strange. He could've posted those same stats and made it a "black men, we need to do better" post but nope
He didn’t lie. He’s the prize that the black women who love to say “well maybe the black men in your circles...” will tell other black women to move down south or get their kids in J&J for their sons to become and their daughters to date.

Every single one of us from different generations has heard some version of what he said. This dude is not an anomaly, it’s just that his peers usually have enough sense to spout the nonsense anonymously.

If he hadn’t put down other black men (and been blonde) they would be sitting up ki-ki’ing with him.