Assumptions Made Because You Have Long Hair

that my mum must have long hair
that ive never cut my hair since i was a baby
that i must be mixed with indian or sumtin

i wore a braid out to school once and this lady, approached me and after looking at me for a while, she finally said
she: " oh now i see it".
me : see what
she : how u attached the weave so it looks real
me: it's not a weave it's my hair
she: oh dont worry i get it it, i figured it out, nice one
me: !"£$%^&*()_)(*&^%$

I was at a friend's place and i had my hair in half braids and half up do when a guy asked me if this is my hair and i thought for a split second of the debate i would get into defending the hair and i simply said no.
Weeks later when i wore my hair out in full, he approached me and said so it really was your hair, then why did you lie because most ladies with hair like this will flaunt it. i tell him that i was tired of defending my own hair and found it easier to just tell them it isnt. my friends usually did the remaining arguement on my behalf, i just could care any less what anyone thought.
this white lady in my group keeps staring at my hair when we have group meetings it gives me the creeps.
ive gotten all kinds of nickname( even from my brother) i wont even mention them here
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co-signing on that caribbean island stuff lol. as if we are not as black as any african-american,or as mixed or as whatever,whatever happened here,happened over there.
Most common assumption.....

That I have a very good weave.

I was told by a lady that goes to my church that I have a weave! I didn't know I had one....:lachen:. She came up to me one Sunday with a friend to ask me where I got my hair from, because it moved so well, and I kindly told her I got it from healthy hair practices and she looked at me like I just stepped off a spacehip. I reminded her I was in church with no reason to lie and did a thorough finger rake through for her and she still looked doubtful. Her and her friend shrugged and said, well you look like you're not " all black" anyways..??????

It's also assumed I'm stuck up. ( a girl from a mom's group admitted she thought I was before getting to know me because I had long " fake" hair)

It's amazing how some people act like they've seen a unicorn or something when they see a black woman with long or healthy hair of any length.

:lachen: Now that's funny!
1. when i was wearing my lacefronts folks would ask me what i'm mixed with or what kind of indian i was regardless of the texture of the lacefront (kinky straight or chinese virgin remy). mind you, i'm the color of a hershey's chocolate bar (definitely 99% African American) the hair wasn't even growing out of my head. even when i wore my then bsl hair out i was told that i had to be mixed with something b/c black folk can't grow hair

2. they assumed that i was ok with them putting their hands in my (real) hair and didn't have any problems with them pulling on it b/c it was supposedly 'long.' people assumed that b/c my hair was longer it was some how indestructible.
Today my ma saw my hair and she touched it saying "Your hair is SO pretty"... I was like "thank you, its tracks"... she believed me for a second saying "for real?!" :look:

My grandma asks "Is that all your hair?"...almost every time I see her lol

Thats so mom and paternal grandma too!!
Does anyone else have a mom like mines thats ALWAYS surprised by your hair length:rofl:

Any time I straighten she's like:blush: your hair is soooooo long! wow!

I always politely say thanks but in my head I'm like: ma' I see you every two weeks! Why you always surprised:lachen:

She never gets over it....but its really sweet:blush3:
Does anyone else have a mom like mines thats ALWAYS surprised by your hair length:rofl:

Any time I straighten she's like:blush: your hair is soooooo long! wow!

I always politely say thanks but in my head I'm like: ma' I see you every two weeks! Why you always surprised:lachen:

She never gets over it....but its really sweet:blush3:

My mom is so unimpressed by my progress, she swears my hair was always as long as it is now.
Then again, she's not into hair at all and she frequents the barber so she wouldnt care if I was knee-length.

But my grandma makes me feel like I have the longest, most beautiful hair in the world. :yep:
Girl, yes! My mom is surprised everytime!!!!

And then she starts with the 50-11 questions:

Is that your hair? No, it's not! Let me see...:rolleyes:
Why don't you wear it "down" (aka straight) everyday? :rolleyes:
You need to let people see your real hair more often. :rolleyes:
When are you going to the shop? ME: Never! :nono:
Oh girl, who you going to see today with your hair like that? No one, I'm heading home
You need to stop by "such and such" [some fantasy son-in-law] ENOUGH MOM!

If it was up to her, I'd be walking around here with my hair "whipped" = dyed, fried and laid to the side eRReday....and RIGHT back to where I started when she had control!

I have to gently remind her of that every so often! :lachen:

Does anyone else have a mom like mines thats ALWAYS surprised by your hair length:rofl:

Any time I straighten she's like:blush: your hair is soooooo long! wow!

I always politely say thanks but in my head I'm like: ma' I see you every two weeks! Why you always surprised:lachen:

She never gets over it....but its really sweet:blush3:
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Girl, yes! My mom is surprised everytime!!!!

And then she starts with the 50-11 questions:

Is that your hair? No, it's not! Let me see...:rolleyes:
Why don't you wear it "down" (aka straight) everyday? :rolleyes:
You need to let people see your real hair more often. :rolleyes:
When are you going to the shop? ME: Never! :nono:
Oh girl, who you going to see today with your hair like that? No one, I'm heading home
You need to stop by "such and such" [some fantasy son-in-law] ENOUGH MOM!

If it was up to her, I'd be walking around here with my hair "whipped" = dyed, fried and laid to the side eRReday....and RIGHT back to where I started when she had control!

I have to gently remind her of that every so often! :lachen:
do you have a fotki?
-I was on vacay and some drunk chick kept callin me miss maybelline while swiping my hair with her hand. i told her to address me as Miss Mac:rolleyes: lol
-my fathers wife is always trying to catch me out there. every single time she sees me she asks if this is all my hair. um you've known me for 15 years now. have never wore weaves. now she got my own darn father doubtin me. he had the nerve to ask me damn is that all your hair. I gave him the look of death! he got the picture:-/.
-my family & some friends always slyly weave check me. i act like i don't know while they just have to touch my hair because its so pretty. i know u checkin for tracks u ain't slick:rolleyes:
-guys swear im biracial or 'from the islands' etc where r u from?. i say im from New york(even though i know what they tryin to ask) they go no.. what are u mixed with and i say ohh, mixed with black and blacker. that shuts them up everytime now:lol:
-my daughters grandmother and aunts keep saying i got that good people hair
-people assume i use one product to grow my hair long. my fathers wife has a bottle of ntm sittin under her sink mad at me because her hair didn't grow after a few days of rubbing it in :ohwell:
Sylver2, your father's wife is hilarious! You think she thinks if you were wearing a weave, you'd confess it to your father before confessing to her? Hair is no laughing matter with black women. She is probably really pissed regarding the bottle of ntm. LMAO!
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-I was on vacay and some drunk chick kept callin me miss maybelline while swiping my hair with her hand. i told her to address me as Miss Mac:rolleyes: lol
-my fathers wife is always trying to catch me out there. every single time she sees me she asks if this is all my hair. um you've known me for 15 years now. have never wore weaves. now she got my own darn father doubtin me. he had the nerve to ask me damn is that all your hair. I gave him the look of death! he got the picture:-/.
-my family & some friends always slyly weave check me. i act like i don't know while they just have to touch my hair because its so pretty. i know u checkin for tracks u ain't slick:rolleyes:
-guys swear im biracial or 'from the islands' etc where r u from?. i say im from New york(even though i know what they tryin to ask) they go no.. what are u mixed with and i say ohh, mixed with black and blacker. that shuts them up everytime now:lol:
-my daughters grandmother and aunts keep saying i got that good people hair
-people assume i use one product to grow my hair long. my fathers wife has a bottle of ntm sittin under her sink mad at me because her hair didn't grow after a few days of rubbing it in :ohwell:

Why will people know you for years and STAY asking if you have a weave:rolleyes:

I always play stupid when people ask where I'm from too

I love when people try to do the "good hair" background check on the sly.....what a mess.

We need higher hair esteem in the community...I swear:nono:
Does anyone else have a mom like mines thats ALWAYS surprised by your hair length:rofl:

Any time I straighten she's like:blush: your hair is soooooo long! wow!

I always politely say thanks but in my head I'm like: ma' I see you every two weeks! Why you always surprised:lachen:

She never gets over it....but its really sweet:blush3:

No. Her hair is longer than mine. she think hair growth should be effortless for everyone.

Infact, I pulled her hair down today to stretch it, and she is wl. I asked her, "you know ur wl right? Its past your waist, this is your waist here right?" and shes like "which one?" (which waist) lol b/c of her little bit of extra weight. i was cracking up :lachen::lachen:
-People just automatically come up to me and start "talking hair".

-Friends and family members assume I want to do their hair, their children's hair, etc., lol.

-I was standing in front of an office building and these ladies called me inside to ask if my hair was real.

-People assume I have always had long hair, it's genetic/good hair.

-I must be stuck-up/high-maintenance....I am as low maintenace as they come, lol.

-I get asked where did I buy my hair a lot.
Well besides the annoying mixed thing: that I am a "b@tch."
I'd say, "I am, but the hair ain't the reason." :giggle:


How dare you have long hair while we don't?
Bascially.:lachen: Everybody knows black folks destined to be bald headed. Must be some mystical, magical potion or dat good weave. :rolleyes::lachen:

I've been asked where I get my hair from when I'm wearing my twists. It's sad that healthy looking hair must equal weave.
-people assume i use one product to grow my hair long. my fathers wife has a bottle of ntm sittin under her sink mad at me because her hair didn't grow after a few days of rubbing it in :ohwell:

Slightly OT, but I had to cosign on this!

When I told my cousins about WEN, they purchased it, used it for a week and when they didn't wake up with hair like Rapunzel, they said it was "wack."

Last time I ever recommended a product to anyone. :ohwell:
i love gettin the whole "where did you buy your hair from" thing. My hair isn't even close to what i consider long at all. Not in the least bit. Yet and still people follow me around because the want to know if its mine or not. One girl stopped and asked me where i found my puff.

I bust out laughing and was like Its all mine. She just could not believe me.
Reading this thread has me in awe. Seriously, what's up with the assumption that you MUST be from the islands?? That's hilarious!! We're not any more different from you guys. We're not some exotic blend. :spinning: I know people who have no other race in their heritage for up to four generations and don't have long hair, and I know others who do on both sides of the family and STILL don't have long hair.

Interestingly I don't get a lot of assumptions except that being dark skinned and having natural hair, I must be at church 24/7 and can only speak about the bible.

Thankfully I don't get accused of wearing fake hair. I've been asked a few times about whether or not I'm wearing extensions. Most look like they believe me when I say it's all mine, and genuinely look impressed more than anything else. I've never had a complete stranger try to touch my hair to see if it's real. Nor do I remember that happening to any of my friends in Jamaica. But then again, it's probably not done because people fear they'd get a ***** lick. :lachen:

I'm just grateful for the Rastas, because due to them, I think people have it in their heads that we can grow long hair.

This thread is quite interesting... :yep:
Girl, yes! My mom is surprised everytime!!!!

And then she starts with the 50-11 questions:

Is that your hair? No, it's not! Let me see...:rolleyes:
Why don't you wear it "down" (aka straight) everyday? :rolleyes:
You need to let people see your real hair more often. :rolleyes:
When are you going to the shop? ME: Never! :nono:
Oh girl, who you going to see today with your hair like that? No one, I'm heading home
You need to stop by "such and such" [some fantasy son-in-law] ENOUGH MOM!

If it was up to her, I'd be walking around here with my hair "whipped" = dyed, fried and laid to the side eRReday....and RIGHT back to where I started when she had control!

I have to gently remind her of that every so often! :lachen:
I see your mom's point about the fantasy son-in-law, you and your hair are gorgeous based on your siggy. :yep:
Reading this thread has me in awe. Seriously, what's up with the assumption that you MUST be from the islands?? That's hilarious!! We're not any more different from you guys. We're not some exotic blend. :spinning: I know people who have no other race in their heritage for up to four generations and don't have long hair, and I know others who do on both sides of the family and STILL don't have long hair.

Interestingly I don't get a lot of assumptions except that being dark skinned and having natural hair, I must be at church 24/7 and can only speak about the bible

Thankfully I don't get accused of wearing fake hair. I've been asked a few times about whether or not I'm wearing extensions. Most look like they believe me when I say it's all mine, and genuinely look impressed more than anything else. I've never had a complete stranger try to touch my hair to see if it's real. Nor do I remember that happening to any of my friends in Jamaica. But then again, it's probably not done because people fear they'd get a ***** lick. :lachen:

I'm just grateful for the Rastas, because due to them, I think people have it in their heads that we can grow long hair.

This thread is quite interesting... :yep:

When i was in J.A it was seen as mostly christian ppl had their hair natural. I think in certain denominations they are not allowed to relax it. But their hair grew long because they always had it in one p.s or another. So twists,canerows or what ever.

When I first got my hair relaxed when I was 12 they used Revlon super. This was the relaxer the sold in all the shops. And half the time there wasnt no neutralizer either.

Am I the only one prior to LHCF that wondered if some ones hair is a weave and wanted to touch it. But now I've joined lhcf I know better; I can spot a weave a mile off. But honestly if you guys were not on here wouldnt u wanna touch and know too?
The whole island thing is so funny to me. My younger sister's friend has long hair and she is afro trinidadian but everyone thinks she is coolie kuli? or is half indo trinidadian like Tatyanna Ali, too funny because people call her Ashley Banks