Assumptions Made Because You're Natural

Is it just me or does it seem that its mostly you American folk that get these comments. I'm from Birmingham UK and all I ever get from co-workers black and white is the usual 'Oh your hair is so thick!' or 'Did you get a haircut?' after I wash my hair and it shrinks.

I actually thought and fully expected people around me to make weird comments when I first decided to transition but nope, my sister decided to join me in the transition and a few months later my mum did too! Now I'm fully natural and I've only just started to notice how many naturals there are out there and there are tons of us. It just doesnt turn heads and I'm feeling left out . . . I want silly assumptions too!! :ohwell:

You can have the silly assumptions! take them all. I don't get these comments from strangers. It is the co-workers or some distant family members.
I'm extremely afro centric

Girl, I was more afrocentric when I had a relaxer. After I did the bc, it kind of went away - off into Afro Heaven :rolleyes:

The only thing I have that represents any kind of afrocentrism is my balled up fist afro pic, which I only bought because it was kind of cute and $1 at the beauty supply store.
Is it just me or does it seem that its mostly you American folk that get these comments. I'm from Birmingham UK and all I ever get from co-workers black and white is the usual 'Oh your hair is so thick!' or 'Did you get a haircut?' after I wash my hair and it shrinks.

I actually thought and fully expected people around me to make weird comments when I first decided to transition but nope, my sister decided to join me in the transition and a few months later my mum did too! Now I'm fully natural and I've only just started to notice how many naturals there are out there and there are tons of us. It just doesnt turn heads and I'm feeling left out . . . I want silly assumptions too!! :ohwell:

Yes, and that is the reason America is so divided as a country people are always making assumptions.... I hate to say this ( and totally disagree) but, Its the American Way :nono:
I haven't really had a lot of assumptions about me since I went natural, but today, my best friend mentioned that she just couldn't do it. When I said it wasn't so bad, she went on about how her hair just was waaaaay too nappy for that kind sort of thing.

I think she has mistakenly come to the conclusion that since my hair has curls, its somehow easier to manage, but... :nono:

Try to put a comb through my dry hair if you want to. At least half the teeth will be gone IF you get manage to get it back! :perplexed
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I haven't really had a lot of assumptions about me since I went natural, but today, my best friend mentioned that she just couldn't do it. When I said it wasn't so bad, she went on about how her hair just was waaaaay too nappy for that kind sort of thing.

I think she has mistakenly come to the conclusion that since my hair has curls, its somehow easier to manage, but... :nono:

Try to put a come through my dry hair if you want to. At least half the teeth will be gone IF you get manage to get it back! :perplexed

I second that! I just don't understand how my hair can get so tangled when I just spent hours detangling it. It boggles my mind.
Im not completely natural but here is what I got.

1. If it is humid, cloudy or otherwise y hair will revert

2. if a drop of water touches my heat straighten hair it will turn instantly into a nappy fro
btw noting wrong with a nappy afro its my style of choice (yes I used the N word)

3. my hair is unkept if not straight (annoys me so much)
ugh. I got that I am radical for going natural... frustrated me because it was this girl who was purporting to understand race,gender, constructions blabla but there she went putting a label on me because of my (then new) hair style.

It's not fair to put a label on someone else, but it seems like no matter what black women do, there's some label for it. blech
That i'm afrocentric
That I smoke weed
That I sell weed
That i'm Jamaican
That i'm trying to be like Erykah Badu
That i'm going to grow dreds
Got one!

So the other day, I was having a conversation with two male co-workers. One of them had brought up interracial dating. The other automatically assumed that I would never step outside my race :rolleyes: because I'm "You know... like you are. Not that it's a bad thing but ..." *gesturing towards the hair* :lachen:

Ok, so maybe it wasn't too outlandish since he knows I'm an African American Studies major -- I've been pro-black all my life but now the hair just sets everything off lol -- anyway, I told him that I would date outside my race. Black men have no loyalty these days, so why should Black women? Pssh.
Because I'm Natural...

I must be vegan or vegetarian and I am fond of pleather loafers.
I go to poetry slams and perform on the weekends as well as listen.
I must really like bohemian dresses and rhapsodies.
My favorite singers happen to be black and natural like me.
Butters and Oils are my best friends.
I attend jazz music festivals.
Fros are my favorite hairstyle.
I'm a napptural nazi and shun women with relaxers.

I think my family and friends are a little confused by my decision to go natural (Natural 4 mos woohoo) because they do make assumptions about naturals being earthy, militant, no frills kinda girls and they know for sure I am none of those things. Everyone knows I love my luxury goods and makeup and that is not changing only thing now is the hair will be bigger *crosses fingers* Im praying for Chaka Khan Diana Ross big hair lol .
-You re a black Militant *fist up in the air*
-you hate white people
-only date black men with natural hair
-You listen to soul music
-You don't shave down there .
-You re into the Holistic /vegetarian/meditation way of life.
-You re very opinionated and judgemental about women who don't wear their hair in their natural state.
-You like strange Earrings and wooded beads.
- You Must have strong beliefs therefore u re intimidating.
-Your locks must be dirty and smell funny.
-women with short fro are gay.
These are all the misconceptions I ve heard ,generally the most commom one is that naturals are militant .
I just changed my profile pic on FB to a pic of me with straight hair and someone commented about how I lost my "neo soul" ways lol. See? I don't even listen to neo soul music. Why must hair that is not straight represent such?
That i don't brush my hair regularly

Once my aunt came looking for a comb, so she asked if she could borrow mines. Half way through the sentence she stopped and said "Oh yeah ... you don't comb your hair" .... ROTFL I had to laugh though.
I'm assuming their assumptions are:
That my hair grows
That my hair is healthier
That I'm a true 'sistah'
That I truly love myself
That I want everyone else to be natural
That I don't know much about relaxed hair
That I think relaxed heads are sell-outs to their race
To name a few. They don't know me at all....

Just this week, I was doing someone's hair and she started to say something that I stopped really quickly...
Her: "If you like natural hair..."
Me: *I shake my head* "I like healthy hair. I don't care what kind of hair you have, I just want it to be healthy."
Her: "oh."
#end of 'convo.'
Anymore assumptions?

Funny everyone assumes your from a island when you BC.. In NY EVERYONE asks me....Uh i'm a big corn fed Midwestern girl...however i've started saying i'm from Grenada LOL just because...:spinning:

Also I was asked if my island-born boyfriend (GND smirk inspiration) made me go natural?!! Uh he's buzzed with no locs in sight!!

Again I must heart Jill Scott... however one day while twisting my hair, my sister called me Corinne Bailey Rae I was like:cloud9:

That men must hate the short do...

That my hair is "good" and thiers would NEVER look the same BC its waaay thicker,nappier,greener...whatever:perplexed:kick2:
ugh. I got that I am radical for going natural... frustrated me because it was this girl who was purporting to understand race,gender, constructions blabla but there she went putting a label on me because of my (then new) hair style.

It's not fair to put a label on someone else, but it seems like no matter what black women do, there's some label for it. blech

How is merely allowing your hair to remain the way it naturally is (DNA structure-God given texture etc.) is revolutionary? making a statement? radical? That's what I really don't get that others don't get.

Let me take that back- All women get boob implants so my itty bitties can truly STAND OUT! Fight the power *fist up*
Apparently because of the economic climate that we live in it's obvious that I can't afford to patronize the beauty salon, I've been told that I can purchase a DIY perm kit from the local BSS, Sally's, CVS, or Walmart.
My darling cousin assumes that since my natural hair is growing and "getting long" aka (shoulder length) that I should relax again. When I tell her that I don't plan to relax again ... ever, she gets a confused/frustrated/why-does-she-always-have-to-be-difficult look on her face and then asks "Why?"
Because I'm natural I must:
hate relaxed hair
Listen to jill scott and macy gray
Like dudes with dreads
be spiritually enlightened (wtf does that mean??)
Celebrate kwanzaa (dude asked me this the other day)
I don't know if people know if i am natural or not. Sometime I wear my hair straight, sometimes I wear it in a bun all brushed back. It really doesn't come up.

My friends know I am natural but they know why so no assumptions are needed.

I do see how people can give the assumptions made. I am guilty of sometimes thinking the same about other natural women. Sorry, just being honest.
1. dudes always call me "sistah" or "queen" when they approach me but not when I was relaxed
2: my name in Erika so ppl lay it on thick with the Badu references
3. ppl assume I'm some Rasta chick who likes to get high.
4.when ppl find out I'm a student they assume I major in sociology or African American studies
1. That I am "artsy."
2. That I like neosoul and despise "glamorous" women (done up in heels and freakum dresses)
3. That I hate relaxers, texturizers, straightening, etc.
4. That I like locs.
5. That I don't care if my hair gets messed up.
6. That I'm not vain.
7. That I'm going to try to convince them to go natural.
8. That I'm vegan.
9. That I think it's a compliment to be referred to as "soul sista" or Grace Jones.
10. That I was making a statement when I cut my hair into a TWA.
11. That I don't use profanity...what?