I just want you to know that you're the reason I initially started exploring Hairveda and Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade girl!! And my hair ain't not nary one bit like yours! I've also hit up your fotki, just to admire. I've stayed out of this thread, but I've listened to a ton of advice from a ton of people, regardless of hair type.
Umm, didn't actually know you didn't have long hair. I know that we have different hair types, but I love reading your posts. You definitely know your stuff, even if I can't use the same techniques (eg water alone as moisturizer, even with a ton of coconut oil, my hair threatened a coup ). I listen to a lot of what all of you lovely women say, even if I do pay the most attention to other coily 4a's like myself.
You definitely should not feel like that, especially on the basis of hair type. Notice these 2 threads that we both started about the same brush and notice the response. ...
I guess I understand. You have to do what makes sense to you. I know most of the time folks don't listen to most of what I say because I don't have long hair, but I keep posting anyway LOL. As long as it helps one person I'm ok with it.
Just a quick question: Why do we think LHCF is the "The Ultimate Hair Care and Beauty Resource for Women of Color"? If it was so easy to take advice from all hair types, then why aren't we on LHC? (for those who don't know, it's the hair board for yt women). Or why did some people google stuff like: "how to grow long black hair", and found LHCF?
Answer: We can relate to each other better and are more willing to learn from people with similar hair like ours. In this case, most "women of color" tend to vary in the 3-4 type range.
You definitely should not feel like that, especially on the basis of hair type. Notice these 2 threads that we both started about the same brush and notice the response. I have type 4, but people were definitely listening to you.
Mwedzi thread:
Pokahantas thread:
... If it was so easy to take advice from all hair types, then why aren't we on LHC? (for those who don't know, it's the hair board for yt women)...
Good hair practices are good hair practices for ALL hair types (i.e. low/no heat, deep conditioning, oils, etc.) But I'm a 4a/3c--when it comes to PRODUCT recommendations, I'm probably not going to listen to someone who is a 3b. That's just reality.
After reading the responses here I will not waste my time giving out anymore hair advise. Since it seems that so many are closed off I will not pick and choose who to give out advise to....I just don't have the time anymore.
I answer all pm's though.
I thought I was really helping too. After all this time over half of yall weren't even payin attention.
After reading the responses here I will not waste my time giving out anymore hair advise. Since it seems that so many are closed off I will not pick and choose who to give out advise to....I just don't have the time anymore.
I answer all pm's though.
I thought I was really helping too. After all this time over half of yall weren't even payin attention.