Assumptions Made Because You Have Long Hair

I don't have long hair yet, but I do get a lot of questions asked and people wanting to tell me about their hair and how they are trying to go natural.

One thing a lady did ask me if I pressed my edges for my puff I was rocking. I was like uhhhh lady. Who does that? Why? I told her nope I just keep my hair moisturized and a scarf and gel does the trick. I was offended. I am starting to hate my edges, I guess they are too straight or something.
This doesn't apply to me, but my mom always gets these about her hair:

1. You think you're better than everyone else. Well, you're not!
2. You think you're so cute. Well, you're not!
3. That's a real good weave you got.
4. What kind of African are you? I bet you're Egyptian/Ethiopian/Sudanese/other African ethnicities with middle eastern blood. (wtf, my mom is and looks Nigerian)
5. And when she says that she isn't mixed/is not wearing a weave: "YOU'ZE A LIE!" or "It must be that secret African **** you all put in your hair. Them herbs and juices. You gotta give me some of that sometime."

It was always really funny to behold, but sad too.
I'm mad you carry 'proof'
These folks don't matter that much!!
Its not about what matters to them...its about what matters to me....most people don't come up to me on an ignorant tip...its usually in a spirit of admiration or curiosity...then they'll make a statement like "well you must have good hair" escape their mouths and sorta see them losing hope for I take it upon myself to simply pull out my phone and show them that my texture is just like theirs.

I definitely could have just shrugged and walked away allowing them to hold the same limiting beliefs but I find joy in the look in their faces when they see its possible to be a long haired type 4.
I can't even deal with assumptions from other people right now, because my own mother is still trying to figure out why my hair is so nice now when it was so nappy when I was a child. She mentally knows that there's no way my hair's texture could change, but her heart won't let her believe.:rolleyes:
-that it takes forever to do my hair

-that i'm stuck up

-that i think i'm some how better than everyone

-i get asked what tribe (native american) i'm from too which i think is weird

-the weirdest one insinuated that i did something of a sexual nature often which i also found weird
I am a natural that only straightens her hair only when I want to trim my ends, I'm current MBL. I was at the hairdressers having my ends trimmed when a few of the stylist, kept gawking at my hair. They wanted to know if I was mixed with Indian or hailed from the caribbean. As far as hairdressers go I was kinda of disappointed that they didn't know better. The next time I need my hair trimmed I went to Supercuts were I was told by the receptionist that they don't cut or trim weaves.
I am a natural that only straightens her hair only when I want to trim my ends, I'm current MBL. I was at the hairdressers having my ends trimmed when a few of the stylist, kept gawking at my hair. They wanted to know if I was mixed with Indian or hailed from the caribbean. As far as hairdressers go I was kinda of disappointed that they didn't know better. The next time I need my hair trimmed I went to Supercuts were I was told by the receptionist that they don't cut or trim weaves.
LMAO!! u just can't win huh :lachen:
I am a natural that only straightens her hair only when I want to trim my ends, I'm current MBL. I was at the hairdressers having my ends trimmed when a few of the stylist, kept gawking at my hair. They wanted to know if I was mixed with Indian or hailed from the caribbean. As far as hairdressers go I was kinda of disappointed that they didn't know better. The next time I need my hair trimmed I went to Supercuts were I was told by the receptionist that they don't cut or trim weaves.
:blush: :blush: :eek:Well damn!

Ignorance from each direction:nono:
I am a natural that only straightens her hair only when I want to trim my ends, I'm current MBL. I was at the hairdressers having my ends trimmed when a few of the stylist, kept gawking at my hair. They wanted to know if I was mixed with Indian or hailed from the caribbean. As far as hairdressers go I was kinda of disappointed that they didn't know better. The next time I need my hair trimmed I went to Supercuts were I was told by the receptionist that they don't cut or trim weaves.

TGF Haircutters is where it's at. I love them. I don't need a trim, but I want to go back just because they were great.
My hair has never been long and I have a long way to go before I consider it long..but after reading these responses I am NOT looking forward to the ignorant comments to come in the future :nono:

Its not about what matters to them...its about what matters to me....most people don't come up to me on an ignorant tip...its usually in a spirit of admiration or curiosity...then they'll make a statement like "well you must have good hair" escape their mouths and sorta see them losing hope for I take it upon myself to simply pull out my phone and show them that my texture is just like theirs.

I definitely could have just shrugged and walked away allowing them to hold the same limiting beliefs but I find joy in the look in their faces when they see its possible to be a long haired type 4.

BMP I like your rationale and that seems like something I would do too....I've already had some people compliment me on the thickness and overall healthy appearance of my hair (not the length yet LOL) with the same admiration combined w/ that lost hope for themselves vibe....when I get a chance I always direct them to sites like LHCF, YouTube and Fotki and let them know that there is sooooo much info out there and that no matter what the hair type there are countless women growing their hair healthy & long. I've even e-mailed friends about it .. I'm on a mission :grin: .. Of course not all will actually believe you but that's no reason not to try to enlighten them. As long as you have the right disposition and don't come across arrogant I think it's cool to want to share the wealth of info and show them that it is possible :yep:
I am a natural that only straightens her hair only when I want to trim my ends, I'm current MBL. I was at the hairdressers having my ends trimmed when a few of the stylist, kept gawking at my hair. They wanted to know if I was mixed with Indian or hailed from the caribbean. As far as hairdressers go I was kinda of disappointed that they didn't know better. The next time I need my hair trimmed I went to Supercuts were I was told by the receptionist that they don't cut or trim weaves.

Please tell me you checked her and walked out.
I've had hair almost to my elbow before and now it's almost bra strap after cutting it to chin length. No one has really ever said anything funky. I feel left out :lol:I've gotten compliments, but no one has assumed it's a weave or asked silly questions or try to cut it off.
I've had hair almost to my elbow before and now it's almost bra strap after cutting it to chin length. No one has really ever said anything funky. I feel left out :lol:I've gotten compliments, but no one has assumed it's a weave or asked silly questions or try to cut it off.

I've had long hair all my life and I only recently, since starting my hhj, noticed comments about my hair. Sometimes I feel like I go on the offensive even when it's harmless. Once this guy made such a big deal about how long my hair was.

I was offended because for me I was getting the vibe like he was saying, " You're black it's impossible for your hair to be that long". Maybe we should have a spin spin off about assumptions we make about people who make assumptions about long/natural hair. :lachen:
Those who know me will ask if my mother's or sister's hair is long, or what products my stylist use on my hair.

Strangers will complement my hair if it's down, then they will ask if it's mine. I'll tell them the truth by telling them: "Yes, it is." Then they will say: "I can tell, because the texture is consistent even in the front" or "I know it's yours because I can just tell."
They assume that because you have long hair that you have never cut it or worn it short.

Also they assume you are timid because you have long hair, then when you don't allow them to make stupid comments to you about your hair, they act like they are really shocked.

Sometimes I just don't feel like indulging the dumb ones who are trying to come at you with a snide remark out of some sort of intimidation.
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"Are you half-cast (mixed)?"

Sometimes people meet me and ask me straight off "Who's white in your family?" :ohwell:

OMG I got this last week. Is your mom or you dad white? I'm like neither:rolleyes:. We'll then that must be inherited. My friend came to me to help her with her daughters hair. I recommended some conditioner which I was using weekly and was cheap. Silk Elements. She told me that it made both her daughters hair fall out. Then gave me the side eye like I suggested a bad product on purpose. Every conditioner doesn't work for every head.
I dont use spanish a lot... otherwise their next sentence is "Where are you from?"

I've heard "Are you dominican?" a bit too much.

I get that a lot, but I AM Dominican :lachen:

I get mad because people think that's the ONLY reason why my hair is long. I try to explain my regimen and the techniques I do, but they won't listen because I got the "good genes" and their hair don't do that. Oh brother. :rolleyes:
wussupp with the whole "stuck up" thing?

I think it's because people feel it's uncommon for black women to have long hair, and if you do, you must feel overly special.

It's like they want to 'put you in your place' with the stuck up insult.

Just my observation/hypothesis though.

My hair is only APL. I don't straighten it often, but last time I did there was no issues. My uncle asked where I got the horse hair from and playfully tugged on my ponytail. But I think he was joking......i think. He did ask for hair help on braids a while after but idk.
I think it's because people feel it's uncommon for black women to have long hair, and if you do, you must feel overly special.

It's like they want to 'put you in your place' with the stuck up insult.

Just my observation/hypothesis though.

My hair is only APL. I don't straighten it often, but last time I did there was no issues. My uncle asked where I got the horse hair from and playfully tugged on my ponytail. But I think he was joking......i think. He did ask for hair help on braids a while after but idk.

ya know, i think i surprise alot of folts because they expect me to be stuckup, even some of the women on this board are shocked that im soo helpful and overly welcoming on my PM response:ohwell:.