Assumptions Made Because You Have Long Hair

I was at the fish market waiting for my fish to be cleaned when I felt something in my hair. I whipped around and it was one of the fish guys touching my hair. He had this really faraway look in his eye then he asked me "Where'd you get that hair." I said "My mother gave it to me." Then I quickly moved away from him. He touched my hair with his fish glove still on. I found a scale in my hair later. Ugggg!

You have me over here LMAO!!! I've had a Mexican guy at a health club do that to me. He started feeling on me and telling me in Spanish that he loved my hair and skin and asked if he could have my number.

I usually get weave-checked and when they realize it's all real, they TRY to touch it but I'm quite agile, LOL! Funny thing is that I haven't worn my hair straight since 2008 for a wedding I was in so even in it's natural state people are thinking I'm walking around with 15 pounds of afro weave or something.
I wear my hair in buns 99.9% of the time now so I gets no questions.

But prior I got all the typical remarks that mostly everyone else gets. They are too tired to repeat...but a remark that sat with me because it was probably the most realistic and truthful of all was:

Well, You have time and patience for all that hair care mess, I dont.

That's real right there because it really is a commitment. And I am glad to see that at least this person knew it was achievable but realized that she had to make a consistent effort to make it happen.
I was at the fish market waiting for my fish to be cleaned when I felt something in my hair. I whipped around and it was one of the fish guys touching my hair. He had this really faraway look in his eye then he asked me "Where'd you get that hair." I said "My mother gave it to me." Then I quickly moved away from him. He touched my hair with his fish glove still on. I found a scale in my hair later. Ugggg!

That's disgusting.
See, now this is funny to me. I am bi-racial (my mother is an Afro-Latina, and my father is Indo-Latino, with some white ancestors thrown in for good measure) but I am a LATINA, and I consider myself a woman of color.

I look Hispanic (I get Middle Easter or Greek when my hair is straight- I only get Dominican- which I am- when my hair is curly) but the only thing that happens to me is that people (mostly black women) don't believe I should have a hard time growing my hair because I am "Hispanic."

I have 3c hair- no joke. I have to relax to be able to dry it straight, and I can't rock a 'fro because it falls down. Grrrrr.

Yeah I have the same problem. 99.9% of the time people assume that my hair was always long just because I'm Latina. Which is a ridiculous statement and I wish I could show them pictures of me in my teens through early 30's with fried up short hair LOL
Im nowhere near long hair, but for some reason people still have stuff to say. I guess because they just see how big my hair is and assume its really long too.

For the people who have been around long enough to see me go from my BC to now they always say "your hair grows so fast, it must be that Creole blood in ya" (um... What?)

My grandmother has asked me several times how do I comb all of it. i don't even want to blow her mind and tell her that I don't even use a comb. That may cause her to have a heart attack.

I had one guy friend (who only ever mentions my hair when his girlfriend is around and is usually trying to down it. I guess to make his gf feel better? I don't know) who straight up said to me within a group of people that my hair wasn't that long and proceeded to pull a piece and then said it would be long for real if it was down to here and touched several inches down. I wanted to punch him in the face. TWICE. but I just gave him a smirk and said "don't worry it'll be there by the summer" That shut him up. But this is also the same guy trying to touch my hair any other time like he's in love with it *insert eye roll here*
I have been asked "is that all your hair"? I'm only APL not long at all IMO lol....but I'm lookn forward to the are you mixeded, from another country questions :look:

I was asked by several indian men am I indian. I am like "no" so they call their friends over. I am like it's a tan, I am not Indian (Mines is watered down to the great grand mother who was pure I don't claim that, but they wasn't even talking about American Indian). LOL

So I wasn't asked am I mixed :lachen: it was are you INdian and what kind! Hehehehehe
People assume I should want to wear my hair out all the time :perplexed
Personally I don't like to wear it out much. I am so learning to love wearing it out thanks to CurlFormers :)
I often have people asking me where ill from, my teacher asked me what products I use. I've also been told I have where girl hair, and I flinch whenever people touch my Bantu knot outs so people think on tender headed ...I'm just scared they will mess up all my hard work
These are assumptions/questions just made to me:

1. Are you mixed? My answer n!gg@ and black :nono:
2. Are you relaxed? Or what relaxer do you use? None, I am natural
3.What brand of hair is that? Scalp 1968 :perplexed
These are assumptions/questions just made to me:

1. Are you mixed? My answer n!gg@ and black :nono:
2. Are you relaxed? Or what relaxer do you use? None, I am natural
3.What brand of hair is that? Scalp 1968 :perplexed

:lachen:Love it !!!

And congrats on your marriage!
People assume I should want to wear my hair out all the time :perplexed
Personally I don't like to wear it out much. I am so learning to love wearing it out thanks to CurlFormers :)

lol i guess i'm one of those people. I would wear my hair out ALL THE TIME if it was as long as yours. :lol:
1. That I'm natural - This is funny to me because I wouldn't consider myself texlaxed or anything. I do wear a lot of braidouts. But even when I wear my hair straight people assume I'm a straightened natural.

2. I must be mixed - I've had guys ask me if I'm black because of my hair. Like, I'm darker than you dude... why are you asking if I'm mixed.

3. It's a weave - I went from wearing my hair straight to doing a really tight braidout and a friend said "oh, you took your weave out?" I was like huh... it's my hair. I started parting the front and she went examining the back and jokingly (?) said "I hate you!" when she realized.

4. Assume that I won't tell them what I do - This couldn't be more false. If you start asking me questions I'll talk your ear off and offer you free stuff.

4. I think I'm all that - I can't say much 'bout this one... :supergrin:
I hate the "are you mixed question". Even though I am mixed that's not what made my hair healthy and longer, me learning about it, and taking care of it is what got it long. Like many have said, there are pictures of my hair before I knew the do's and dont's of haircare that prove just because I'm mixed with a different race doesnt mean I was born with a "easy, fast, and long growing hair gene."
Girl, ChasingBliss I be looking like "really" :perplexed It justed happened to me on my wedding day. This time it was from a dude. He liked my answer too. And thank you for the well wishes. I appreciate that :yep:
I don't have long hair but some people assume women with long hair are automatically pretty.

Hair can be hypnotic, making people look at it and ignore a multitude of homemade sin. LOL!!!
That I'm natural - Nope, 100% bone-laxed head. Don't have to be natural to have thick, healthy hair. My braidouts really throw folks for a loop!

That my hair is fake.

That I won't tell them my healthy hair practices or products - You kiddin' me? I love talking hair!

That I go to the salon weekly and I'm lying when I say I do everything myself.

That I'm stuck up. :ohwell:
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I don't have long hair but some people assume women with long hair are automatically pretty.

Hair can be hypnotic, making people look at it and ignore a multitude of homemade sin. LOL!!!

I'm average looking so if long hair makes u automatically pretty, I'll take it. lol
I'm average looking so if long hair makes u automatically pretty, I'll take it. lol

How do you know that? You could be very beautiful and just downplaying your own looks. We are our own worst critics. I wouldn't be surprised if you were very beautiful. I know this has nothing to do with hair. But. I don't like to see anyone call themselves "average" Don't underestimate yourself love.
Question for those who say people have asked is it a weave.. Do you ever just randomly run your hands through your hair when you are around people or flick it this way and that.. Or just happen to just "have to" part it down the middle with your fingers for whatever reason (heh heh) just to prove to others that it's not a weave just in case they were thinking it? Has anyone ever been shocked when you've done those things in front of them, because they were thinking it was a weave...
I have been asked "is that all your hair"? I'm only APL not long at all IMO lol....but I'm lookn forward to the are you mixeded, from another country questions :look:

I can't lie. I have asked this question. Just because I'm always so thirsty to see a fellow natural and compliment their hair. But I have been tricked by some phony pony's and thangs, so I ask first (lol)
People use to ask me if my hair was fake all the time and even ask to touch it cause they didn't believe me or flat out accuse me of lying smh.

Now ppl ask me what kind of texturizer I use and are so confused when I tell them I am natural. So ignorant smh
Question for those who say people have asked is it a weave.. Do you ever just randomly run your hands through your hair when you are around people or flick it this way and that.. Or just happen to just "have to" part it down the middle with your fingers for whatever reason (heh heh) just to prove to others that it's not a weave just in case they were thinking it? Has anyone ever been shocked when you've done those things in front of them, because they were thinking it was a weave...

It seems like I only get weave checked when my hair is in a pony. I had a lady follw me through Tarjay, trying to look to see if I had a "piece" on. When my hair is down and straight, or with waves, etc. I just get compliments. And if they do think its weave, they don't ask. IDK
-What tribe are you from?
-what have you been doing to your hair/whats your secret?
-I am stuck up
-"you think you cute"
-what products do you use
-random staring even though people stare at me when my hair is short:ohwell:
-that everyone in my family has long hair(they don't)
-what salon do you go to, I dont go to salons unless to get trims, if that.
-i noticed that guys seem to be "nicer" the longer your hair gets

Now that my hair is getting longer once again, I know these questions/comments and many more will spring back up again. Especially by next year.:nono:

I don't understnd all the animosity towards black women with long hair by black woman with unhealthy and/or short hair. I try to give them advice but it just goes in one ear and out the other. There are no magic potions or grease that will make your hair grow. If they wont take my hair advice, at least buy some conditioner, a decent shampoo, a WIDE TOOTH COMB, and just leave the hair alone or put it in a bun. Stop using heat for at least one month and see if you like the difference. Please that's the least you could do.:perplexed
I've been asked a few times if my hair is "real".
Even my boss asked me twice. :lol: These questions are all from white people, they seem to think all black people wear fake hair.

I don't care what they think. :)

Is weave popular in Sweden? Why are White Swedes asking this question?
even though my hair isnt @ mbl yet .....I love standard ole guess

1. You mus have 3/4.1458243 Indian in your blood
2. you got some white in you somewhere in yo family line.
3. what u greasen your scalp with
4. its a horse somwhere missing his mane or tail !!!!!
5. it got to be a weave black folk dont grow no hair like that

and the stupidity goes on...and on....and on...... WHEW !!!!!!
People always wanna know what products I use as if they hold the key to fast growing hair within them. Products are definitely helpful and my mom's natural DC's from Haiti have been a life-saver.....but I'd say technique is wayyyyyyyy more improtant then any product.
Preach sista, PREACH!:yep: