Assumptions Made Because You Have Long Hair

A about a year ago I was with a group of friends, and we were talking about our families and I mentioned that my father is from Panama and one of the girls said to me so thats why you have long hair.
People who dont know me never weave-check me (with their eyes I mean) , I guess they just assume it is a weave and move on.

Close friends always assume I have found an exceptional stylist. Mind you, I have always been a DIYer, even before LHCF :) When I told my DH's cousin I never go to hair stylists, her jaw dropped down to the floor. Funny, she really beleives only stylists can grow hair long.

The last time I went to a shop to get a quotation for box braids, she wanted to charge (you know) the extra for long hair, something like $500 LOLOL. Good for me she couldn't find hair long enough to braid my hair (I am 5.9 and past WL), I ran away as soon as I could.
:blush: oh man I'd have ran away too.

I also think most people think my hair is a weave. Well at least if it's straight or I've done a rollerset.

I know this is an assumptions thread but I wonder if people just assume longer hair is a weave. I mean besides in childhood I got the most comments I got on my hair being long was when my hair was at it's shortest about 4 years ago. :/

Also, your hair is so lush. <33
#1. Your hair must grow easily. (The truth - no baby this takes some work)
#2. You must be inter-racial. (The truth - 100% black american)
#3. How do you make your hair look so real? (Answer - umm well I grow it out of my scalp, that helps a lot.) :blush:

LMAO @ #3!
My hair is no where near being long but I've been told that I am being vain because I care about my hair and how it looks.
So walking around with a nest would be better? its a little different for me....bc i've always had a decent amount of length and pretty nice hair pre-LHCF...the shortest its ever been was SL and the longest pre-LHCF was BSL.

So when my friends comment on my hair...they always say..."but you've always had long hair"....but then i'm like yeah....but not THIS long!!! Its down to my waist!!

Lately i've been getting the..."you must be Dominican"...or "you must be MIXED with Dominican"....but i tell'm Black and the only other blood i know of in my family is Cherokee...but that was 3-4 generations ago so...yeah.:ohwell:

But i kinda like the Dominican comment bc i LOVE Spanich people!!! In fact im like an honorary Latina:laugh:...bc i like to Meringue and i know a decent amount of Spanish to find my way around Puert Rico!...and i LOVE Spanish food!!:laugh:

I hate when friends introduce you to THEIR frends and then introduce your hair...telling you to show them your hair:fistshake:....and then leave u out there to answer all their questions...i guess to see if you're going to tell them something different:laugh:....i had this lady last year that i met in Sally's she was really nice and i had my hair straightened and she just complimented it so much and she just HAD to touch and feel i let her...and she was like...what kind of shampoo and conditoner do you use?...i pointed to the store across the street(WalMart:grin:) and told her i use use Suave Humectant shampoo and conditoner...anything that says moisturizing is what i use...and i summarized my regimen to i guess she took some of my advice bc she went straight to WalMart after our convo.
Y'all... really?

In Jr. High I had long braids and I remember once a girl coming up and yanking one of my ponies... I guess expecting it to come off in her hand.

Anyway... so are people really coming up to you and sticking their hands in your hair to feel your scalp? Really? LOL.
the island comments in this thread reminded me of what my mom told me when I was younger, lol.

She told me that black girls from the islands have 'good' hair that grows because their mothers shaves their heads over and over until their hair grows in curly...

lol, and of course I believed it...and even contemplated doing it myself (I was like 11). I wonder where she got that info from...
I'm APL which I don't consider long, on me that is. It baffles me when people assume:

I'm using special-magic-God sent products...

that of course I have a weave... that I spend hours doing my hair (I actually HATE doing it and do nothing past, wash, condition, roller-set and bun throughout the week without combing it out!)...

that's I'm an exception among black woman - this one makes me soooooooooooo angry!!!....

That's there's no way both my parents are Haitian and that they aren't mixed. Well they SURE are and I couldn't be prouder!...

That I get my hair done at an amazing salon by a stylist with midas touch... hell no I don't!.....
Gotta love my Haitian people. :perplexed
the island comments in this thread reminded me of what my mom told me when I was younger, lol.

She told me that black girls from the islands have 'good' hair that grows because their mothers shaves their heads over and over until their hair grows in curly...

lol, and of course I believed it...and even contemplated doing it myself (I was like 11). I wonder where she got that info from...
What the heck is the name of this mystical island people keep referring to? I sure never heard of it the whole time I lived on the islands. its a little different for me....bc i've always had a decent amount of length and pretty nice hair pre-LHCF...the shortest its ever been was SL and the longest pre-LHCF was BSL.

So when my friends comment on my hair...they always say..."but you've always had long hair"....but then i'm like yeah....but not THIS long!!! Its down to my waist!!

Lately i've been getting the..."you must be Dominican"...or "you must be MIXED with Dominican"....but i tell'm Black and the only other blood i know of in my family is Cherokee...but that was 3-4 generations ago so...yeah.:ohwell:

But i kinda like the Dominican comment bc i LOVE Spanich people!!! In fact im like an honorary Latina:laugh:...bc i like to Meringue and i know a decent amount of Spanish to find my way around Puert Rico!...and i LOVE Spanish food!!:laugh:

I hate when friends introduce you to THEIR frends and then introduce your hair...telling you to show them your hair:fistshake:....and then leave u out there to answer all their questions...i guess to see if you're going to tell them something different:laugh:....i had this lady last year that i met in Sally's she was really nice and i had my hair straightened and she just complimented it so much and she just HAD to touch and feel i let her...and she was like...what kind of shampoo and conditoner do you use?...i pointed to the store across the street(WalMart:grin:) and told her i use use Suave Humectant shampoo and conditoner...anything that says moisturizing is what i use...and i summarized my regimen to i guess she took some of my advice bc she went straight to WalMart after our convo.

You're my Dominican niece, don't know what you're talking about LOL

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^^Shaving hair until it grows in curly? :lachen: the only Hair thing I heard from Carribeans was a complete opposite. I heard that you shouldn't cut a child's hair until they are like 2 or they could have speech problems anyone else heard of this ?

Anyway bumping for more stories.
I wear wigs currently as my main protective style. My friend assumes I'm bald underneath. He can't seem to realize that for me fake hair is A MEANS to the END. In other words it's only temporary until I reach my goal length!! I have some long a** hair under this HZ 7047 don't get it twisted :lachen:
-I was on vacay and some drunk chick kept callin me miss maybelline while swiping my hair with her hand. i told her to address me as Miss Mac:rolleyes: lol
-my fathers wife is always trying to catch me out there. every single time she sees me she asks if this is all my hair. um you've known me for 15 years now. have never wore weaves. now she got my own darn father doubtin me. he had the nerve to ask me damn is that all your hair. I gave him the look of death! he got the picture:-/.
-my family & some friends always slyly weave check me. i act like i don't know while they just have to touch my hair because its so pretty. i know u checkin for tracks u ain't slick:rolleyes:
-guys swear im biracial or 'from the islands' etc where r u from?. i say im from New york(even though i know what they tryin to ask) they go no.. what are u mixed with and i say ohh, mixed with black and blacker. that shuts them up everytime now:lol:
-my daughters grandmother and aunts keep saying i got that good people hair
-people assume i use one product to grow my hair long. my fathers wife has a bottle of ntm sittin under her sink mad at me because her hair didn't grow after a few days of rubbing it in :ohwell:

my fathers wife, yes once again at Thanksgiving weave checked me:-/.
Once again(15 years of this) wow..sylver is that all u?
I looked at her like she was crazy and said now i know u know better asking me that darn question. :smh:. stop asking me that!
she said i kno i kno but it just grew so fast from your cut. then had a nerve to put her darn hands in my hair and pull!! This chick seriously thinks i wear weaves. 15 years of knowing me, its like she wants to out me. she just can't believe it:-/.
how much u want to bet she will continue asking me :ohwell:
Where'd y'all get all that hair?? As in, no one else in your family has long hair (it's called a hair cut or poor hair care practices) so why is your hair long?

My other favorite is, "is that all YOUR hair?" what kind of question is that?

Mind you, I'm only between APL and BSL, but my daughters have A LOT of hair so I get lumped in with them.
-That because YOU have long hair your mother must have had long hair, too.
-That you KNOW the products that can grow long hair
-That you are wearing a weave and lying about your hair (Why even ask if your gonna stick your nasty hands all up in my scalp anywayz).
-That you've had long hair all your life
-That you're vain
trinidadian. Smh.

Assumption that I enjoy talking about hair.

That I think I'm cute.
(....if its any consolation, I'm pretty sure I'd still think i was cute bald, lol)

That I have to be approached a different way
(Thugs all of a sudden become extremely proper and shy)

That I'm not from America and from some island where black women have long, type 3 hair...?
I really have nothing to say about that.
When you grow out your hair...its like yo own mama will ask you what island you're from. Its ridiculous. I'm pretty sure u birthed me.
^^Shaving hair until it grows in curly? :lachen: the only Hair thing I heard from Carribeans was a complete opposite. I heard that you shouldn't cut a child's hair until they are like 2 or they could have speech problems anyone else heard of this ?

Anyway bumping for more stories.
I have. And you shouldnt let a pregnant person do ur hair or it will fall out.

No one has seen my hair yet so no stories. Roll on march so i can have that swang
I understand that Afro-Latinas get weaves. My problem was he was 73 and male. It just seemed like, um, shouldn't you be more brushed up on AARP and geriatric medicine? Weaves, sir? :poke:

Thanks for the reply and let Papi stew in his shame alone, lol.

Re: "weave demographic" Plenty of Afro-Latinas get weaves. And, EEEWWWWW. Makes me embarrassed to have to claim Papi for being nasty.
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trinidadian. Smh.

Assumption that I enjoy talking about hair.

That I think I'm cute.
(....if its any consolation, I'm pretty sure I'd still think i was cute bald, lol)

That I have to be approached a different way
(Thugs all of a sudden become extremely proper and shy)

That I'm not from America and from some island where black women have long, type 3 hair...?
I really have nothing to say about that.
When you grow out your hair...its like yo own mama will ask you what island you're from. Its ridiculous. I'm pretty sure u birthed me.

Hmm, I can only guess what assumptions have made.

Only a couple of people told me they thought I had a weave.

Some people have mentioned "good hair"

A lot of people used to ask me if I was mixed, Dominican, or from the islands (can't say for sure if it's because of my hair or not due to my last name).
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I reckon all of us get the "where are you from?" question :yawn:. Knowing where it's going I always say "North London", lol :lachen:. Then obviously, it goes "no where are your parents from?" :fistshake:

But today I got the offensive "good hair" term thrown at me. I had a fresh relaxer a few days ago so I decided to enjoy my hair for a change and I was wearing it down today.
Being as I needed to buy another wig to continue with my usual protective style, I popped into my local hair shop. One of the Asian guys that work there hasn't seen my hair before and asked "is that a weave?" :look:. I told him it was my hair and he exclaimed "oooOOOOOOHHHhhhhh, you have good hair" :perplexed. I guess he wanted me to take that as a compliment but I've never liked that term due to to what it implies about Afro-Caribbean hair. Another lady wanted to know why I was even buying a wig.
Without wanting to sound too much like a KNOW-IT-ALL I told her wigs protected my hair and made it easier to retain length. Plus it was starting to get cold and I could retain more moisture by covering my own hair...".
Hopefully she'll be inspired to learn more about healthy haircare practises; who knows!
Where'd y'all get all that hair?? As in, no one else in your family has long hair (it's called a hair cut or poor hair care practices) so why is your hair long?

My other favorite is, "is that all YOUR hair?" what kind of question is that?

Mind you, I'm only between APL and BSL, but my daughters have A LOT of hair so I get lumped in with them.

Answer: :grin: No Just the ends :)
vestaluv1 said:
I reckon all of us get the "where are you from?" question :yawn:. Knowing where it's going I always say "North London", lol :lachen:. Then obviously, it goes "no where are your parents from?" :fistshake:

But today I got the offensive "good hair" term thrown at me. I had a fresh relaxer a few days ago so I decided to enjoy my hair for a change and I was wearing it down today.
Being as I needed to buy another wig to continue with my usual protective style, I popped into my local hair shop. One of the Asian guys that work there hasn't seen my hair before and asked "is that a weave?" :look:. I told him it was my hair and he exclaimed "oooOOOOOOHHHhhhhh, you have good hair" :perplexed. I guess he wanted me to take that as a compliment but I've never liked that term due to to what it implies about Afro-Caribbean hair. Another lady wanted to know why I was even buying a wig.
Without wanting to sound too much like a KNOW-IT-ALL I told her wigs protected my hair and made it easier to retain length. Plus it was starting to get cold and I could retain more moisture by covering my own hair...".
Hopefully she'll be inspired to learn more about healthy haircare practises; who knows!

That would of pissed me off!
sylver2 said:
my fathers wife, yes once again at Thanksgiving weave checked me:-/.
Once again(15 years of this) wow..sylver is that all u?
I looked at her like she was crazy and said now i know u know better asking me that darn question. :smh:. stop asking me that!
she said i kno i kno but it just grew so fast from your cut. then had a nerve to put her darn hands in my hair and pull!! This chick seriously thinks i wear weaves. 15 years of knowing me, its like she wants to out me. she just can't believe it:-/.
how much u want to bet she will continue asking me :ohwell:

Lmao, people don't know you have to be patient to grow hair