Assumptions Made Because You Have Long Hair

Its not about what matters to them...its about what matters to me....most people don't come up to me on an ignorant tip...its usually in a spirit of admiration or curiosity...then they'll make a statement like "well you must have good hair" escape their mouths and sorta see them losing hope for I take it upon myself to simply pull out my phone and show them that my texture is just like theirs.

I definitely could have just shrugged and walked away allowing them to hold the same limiting beliefs but I find joy in the look in their faces when they see its possible to be a long haired type 4.

this is very kind of you BMP. It's obvious from the responses that many long haired folks are viewed as stuck up; well this is exactly the opposite of what a stuck up person would do :+)
Ignorance runs the gambit. I get all the usual dumb inquiries and assumptions.

My own grandmother attributes "iron rich blood" as to why my hair is the length it is. She's even advised me that I had "pube" hair as an infant! :nono:
Ignorance runs the gambit. I get all the usual dumb inquiries and assumptions.

My own grandmother attributes "iron rich blood" as to why my hair is the length it is. She's even advised me that I had "pube" hair as an infant! :nono:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Back in the 90's people would just come up and ask me "is that your hair?" Now I often find out that most people just assume it is without asking.

If they do think it's mine, then clearly I have some native american in my family, which I do but so do most african american and caribbean folks. Why can't we just get acknowledged for our healthy hair practices ::sniffle sniffle::
I've been asked a few times if my hair is "real".
Even my boss asked me twice. :lol: These questions are all from white people, they seem to think all black people wear fake hair.

I don't care what they think. :)
I don't know about the fact so much that it is long, but I get alot of relaxer questions when my hair is straight. And when I tell them that I don't have one, they are like :eek: If I am in the haircare isle, I get questioned alot about what I products I use and recommend for hair.
I don't get alot of questions about length because lots if people have long locs, but I do get the 'how long have you had them' question. My siggy is from December 2004 thru June 2009. I'm officially BSL now and plan to grow them no longer than waistlength. This hair is thick and a serious chore to wash in the shower. And I can only imagine how much my loctician will charge once they get to that length.
I've heard someone say that my hair is long because I am natural.:ohwell:

I've also tried to tell a housemate that she too can have long hair and even showed her the site but insisted it was because I and most Americans were mixed. (she's from Nigeria) :ohwell:
This can be annoying because I know I worked for it to get to where it is. To chalk it up to "mixedness" is a discredit to my work. But I enjoy my hair so....:grin:

ETA My hair's not even long by my standards, I can only imagine what I get when it is...
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Ignorance runs the gambit. I get all the usual dumb inquiries and assumptions.

My own grandmother attributes "iron rich blood" as to why my hair is the length it is. She's even advised me that I had "pube" hair as an infant! :nono:

U think that's bad, when i first started growing my hair out, my dad was like "yea you have nice hair but see ya sister, my poor child just got the bad end of the stick. Just got barb wire for hair"

The main assumption is that I have a "secret". Always people who haven't known me or my family. The truth is it is genetics, consistent care and a respect for my hair's likes &dislikes.
This how i feel. My hair isnt long AT ALL in my book. But for some reason everybody thinks is... all i think when they say that is i WISH you could see the ladies on LHCF. My hair aint sh$t compared to them...
Its not about what matters to them...its about what matters to me....most people don't come up to me on an ignorant tip...its usually in a spirit of admiration or curiosity...then they'll make a statement like "well you must have good hair" escape their mouths and sorta see them losing hope for I take it upon myself to simply pull out my phone and show them that my texture is just like theirs.

I definitely could have just shrugged and walked away allowing them to hold the same limiting beliefs but I find joy in the look in their faces when they see its possible to be a long haired type 4.

Oh I see now. Good on you!!
#1. Your hair must grow easily. (The truth - no baby this takes some work)
#2. You must be inter-racial. (The truth - 100% black american)
#3. How do you make your hair look so real? (Answer - umm well I grow it out of my scalp, that helps a lot.) :blush:
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I found out his age because he then proceeded to tell me that although he was 73, he was quite virile and could still make good strong babies and he had 7 tall strong sons to prove it. This is kinda the part where a threw up a little bit in my mouth and bid him good day. I had to leave that offer in the street. No proof required, lol. :blush:

Oh crap that is funny!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Poor you!
Yesterday I was in Walmart, but my hair was in a bun so it not hair related and an old guy stated does your BF go wild and crazy over you. :grin:

My hair is only past shoulder length so I don't get these comments. Yet!
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My hair's nowhere near long, but the ignorance flies already. I guess because some people are realizing curly hair can be stretched to a longer length (finally!!!), they assume my hair is much longer than it is.
1.) I have some miracle scalp remedy that causes Rapunzel-like hair growth.
2.) Mixededness. Um...I'm black, black, and blacker...Indian blood doesn't count. Dang near everyone has it.
3.) I must be stuck up. I've literally heard chicks say this under their breath when I walk around campus, and I've seen guys stare at me like they want to approach me but keep their distance like I bite or something. Fine by me, but jeez...I wish you'd find another reason to avoid me. >.>

I have had some good ones come from it, though...My extended family members assume I'm the healthiest eater on the planet, lol. Yeah....*glances at empty dozen size box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts*... :)

My own grandmother attributes "iron rich blood" as to why my hair is the length it is. She's even advised me that I had "pube" hair as an infant! :nono:

Holy cramp that is funny! Some of these comments a comedian can use! :lachen::lachen::lachen:too funny. Where did she come up with that. Too , too funny. Ah. You can only smile and say yes! :grin: :grin: and then shake your head. I think I heard it all now. :grin:
That 'stuck up' thing

Where I'm from the stuck up thing, especially BW with long hair seems to be automatically labeled as, 'she thinks she's too nice.' *sigh*
I don't know about the fact so much that it is long, but I get alot of relaxer questions when my hair is straight. And when I tell them that I don't have one, they are like :eek: If I am in the haircare isle, I get questioned alot about what I products I use and recommend for hair.

I think this is one of those things that really gets me. Do people really not know flat-irons or pressing combs? How did they think black women were straightening their hair before relaxers. It really boggles my mind that people don't know how versatile our hair is in its natural state :spinning:. You do not have to be relaxed to get straight hair or to even get a great rollerset.
U think that's bad, when i first started growing my hair out, my dad was like "yea you have nice hair but see ya sister, my poor child just got the bad end of the stick. Just got barb wire for hair"

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Sorry but that was kind of funny.
Apart from the genetic background checks-
That Im wearing a weave, Im conceited, I'm using some type of special hair grease.
How bout i emailed this woman who i call my Aunt....she's so day i emailed her my WHOLE entire regimen...and then i saw her a few months later and she asked me what did i do to my hair....

I asked her if she got my email about what i do to my hair bc she always asked me,,,and she said "I don't believe you."

I just bursted out in laughter:laugh: and i said....well...i don't know what to tell ya....cause thats what i do!:grin:

Is there anyone here besides me that feels like they have to try not to come off as stuck up or egotistical around women of color just bc they have long hair? And sometimes i just stop caring....i LOVE my hair!
I don't have long hair right now, but I still get some stuff. and I used to get some when I had long hair. Mainly just

1. Do you go to a stylist a lot? Who's your stylist? How much does she charge? What kind of products does she use?
2. Are you Chinese? (I get this a lot regardless, because I have small eyes but they don't look Asian to me.)
3. You must spend a lot of money on your hair.
4. You must think you're White. (WHAT?! yes, I've actually gotten that...from Black people! It's almost as bad as when I used to get told that I think I'm White for making good grades. smh.:sad:)
That I have "that kind" of hair. It completely overshadows the work I put in to caring for my hair so that it can grow to long lengths.I get comments from family and friends saying they always knew my hair could grow this long or longer.I don't get it. I mean I still have to take care of it for that to happen :perplexed :sad:. No fair!
I don't have long hair right now, but I still get some stuff. and I used to get some when I had long hair. Mainly just

1. Do you go to a stylist a lot? Who's your stylist? How much does she charge? What kind of products does she use?
2. Are you Chinese? (I get this a lot regardless, because I have small eyes but they don't look Asian to me.)
3. You must spend a lot of money on your hair.
4. You must think you're White. (WHAT?! yes, I've actually gotten that...from Black people! It's almost as bad as when I used to get told that I think I'm White for making good grades. smh.:sad:)


That I have "that kind" of hair. It completely overshadows the work I put in to caring for my hair so that it can grow to long lengths.I get comments from family and friends saying they always knew my hair could grow this long or longer.I don't get it. I mean I still have to take care of it for that to happen :perplexed :sad:. No fair!

People always assume that its fake, I hardly ever straighten my hair, so its usually curly or stretched but never bone straight. I have seen so many curly weaves that look like my hair that i can understand the it kind the assumptions, but it is kind of annoying.

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I don't have long hair right now, but I still get some stuff. and I used to get some when I had long hair. Mainly just

1. Do you go to a stylist a lot? Who's your stylist? How much does she charge? What kind of products does she use?
2. Are you Chinese? (I get this a lot regardless, because I have small eyes but they don't look Asian to me.)
3. You must spend a lot of money on your hair.
4. You must think you're White. (WHAT?! yes, I've actually gotten that...from Black people! It's almost as bad as when I used to get told that I think I'm White for making good grades. smh.:sad:)

ugh!! This is off topic but I know what you mean-You talk all proper and white. I don't talk white although there are broads who DO try to talk a "certain" way if you know what I mean, y'all know that nasally sounding phony voice?? But my family is so country y'all and I am too but see I know when to use complete sentences and speak clearly. I don't wanna be white I wanna graduate so that's why I make good grades...I hate that we discount ourselves as black people especially so casually. Its sad. Its as if we do that to avoid the truth which is we need to be responsible and accountable for ourselves no exception. Throw the excuses out the window and admit you just don't care enough to change....

I have an idea that we should get some LHCF business cards and pass them out as we see fit and cut to the chase. Shoot I got some card stock and a printer...I'll just hand em the card with only the website all anonymous like its a secret society. :lachen::lachen::lachen:They'll get a kick out of that one!! then they can log on to this secret website and we can reveal the ancient old secret-TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR!!!!!!