Assumptions Made Because You Have Long Hair

At our family Christmas party in December, I wore my hair down for the first time (around my family) since joining LHCF. Mind you at the time, my hair was full APL and almost BSB, still not long for me at all; however, my hair has never been past shoulder length—EVER. So, my brother comes in and someone in my family says look at Diane’s hair and he turns around and says that’s nice, where did you get it?

I died laughing and said this is all mine and his girlfriend about hit the floor and then I was bombarded with questions.

It made me feel good because it means someone thinks my hair is long, or at least long enough to be considered extensions and/or a weave.

Can’t wait to reach MBL/waistlength!
But honestly if you guys were not on here wouldnt u wanna touch and know too?

Not really. My initial thought (prior to lhcf) would be: "Nice hair, I wonder if it's a weave?" But my curiosity would never bring me as far as to wanting to touch. It was never that serious for me; I am too much of a germophobe to want to stick my fingers in anyone's hair. :perplexed
Not really. My initial thought (prior to lhcf) would be: "Nice hair, I wonder if it's a weave?" But my curiosity would never bring me as far as to wanting to touch. It was never that serious for me; I am too much of a germophobe to want to stick my fingers in anyone's hair. :perplexed
Fa real. It never got that deep for me at all. I think thats absurd and nasty...
That I am stuck up. That I am weak or something. That I think that I am better than everyone. That my life is so easy (DE HAYLE)

There it is. I must be stuck on myself, stuck up, spoiled, ect... assume that I will allow myself to be disrespected ...lots of negatives from some women.:yep:
The usual....."is all that yours?"..."oh so you have good hair?"....."where are you from?".....and mind you my hair isnt even all that long:blush:!!!

oh yea recently someone i work with said to me....."So when are you going to start wearing your real hair?" I was like whaaatttt:perplexed????[/QUOTE]

The rest of the conversation must be interesting. Please share this information.
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Im not saying to actually touch but just to want to kno.. Say for example your unsure and the touch is the one thing that would seal the deal.

I had a friend that has long hair; when I first met her I asked her if she was mixed. She gave me one dutty look! But were friends now lol. But when I have longer hair I dont think I wd mind ppl touching but that could be because I dont have long hair. I guess it wd get a bit tiring ppl's hands all up in ur hair all the time. U ladies all have beautiful hair anyway maybe u should look at it from the positive it looks so good its gotta b fake!
I dont consider my hair long at all, but over spring break I went home and had my "cousin" braid my hair and put it in a puff as a pseudo protective style. Tell me why as soon as I left her house family members were like..

"Is that all your hair? Where did you buy that puff"
"Can I touch it? Ohh its soft!"
"Ohh, girl your hair is gettin long!"
"Let me send a pic of that to E, she is gonna be so jealous. You are gonna have the long hair in the family now!"

These are the same people that called me Celie and Tego Calderon...WHO IS LAUGHING NOW?

I just hit SL:lachen:. What will happen when I hit BSL , or even WL?
I dont consider my hair long at all, but over spring break I went home and had my "cousin" braid my hair and put it in a puff as a pseudo protective style. Tell me why as soon as I left her house family members were like..

"Is that all your hair? Where did you buy that puff"
"Can I touch it? Ohh its soft!"
"Ohh, girl your hair is gettin long!"
"Let me send a pic of that to E, she is gonna be so jealous. You are gonna have the long hair in the family now!"

These are the same people that called me Celie and Tego Calderon...WHO IS LAUGHING NOW?

I just hit SL:lachen:. What will happen when I hit BSL , or even WL?
LMAO! girl i know how u feel.. trust me
I relaxed today after a 5 month stretch and after geting done I had to run to the market. In the check out I feel these eyes on me so I turn around and there was a very hansome Indian man staring at me. I smile, but not too big cuz I'm married.:lachen: He gets behind me in line and asks me where I'm from and I said "Alabama". He says, "No. From what country do you orginate?" I said, "America." He says, "Are you sure? You don't look American." And thinking of you ladies I asked, "Why don't I look American?" He said, "Your hair is so long (not quite BSL). I don't see black girls in the US with hair llike that."

If you had told me I would eva be called anything other than a plain ole black girl, I would have laughed in your face. It's amazing what healthy hair practices and patience can do!
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Coupled with light skin, I must be arrogant and better than medium/dark-skinned girls. What? Also, I'm not like most black women. Trust me, I get this a lot from men.
I'm APL which I don't consider long, on me that is. It baffles me when people assume:

I'm using special-magic-God sent products...

that of course I have a weave... that I spend hours doing my hair (I actually HATE doing it and do nothing past, wash, condition, roller-set and bun throughout the week without combing it out!)...

that's I'm an exception among black woman - this one makes me soooooooooooo angry!!!....

That's there's no way both my parents are Haitian and that they aren't mixed. Well they SURE are and I couldn't be prouder!...

That I get my hair done at an amazing salon by a stylist with midas touch... hell no I don't!.....
Coupled with light skin, I must be arrogant and better than medium/dark-skinned girls. What? Also, I'm not like most black women. Trust me, I get this a lot from men.
I feel you, girl. I hate when people tell me what I "must" be like.

They also tell me long hair is nothing special on me, because I have to be mixed. Some of them give in a little bit when they see that 4a in my crown :rolleyes: but pretty much no one gives me credit for all the work I've put in over the past two years.
I'm a newbie,
Hands down worst assumption that trumps all. Out in public going about my business and a 73 year old Hispanic male asks, "Where did you buy your hair?" First, aren't you too old and not part of the "weave demographic" to know that some people like to wear extensions for whatever reason? So, I removed my wide brimmed straw hat (summertime in the South) and allowed the gentlemen to touch and see that my hair does in fact grow fom my scalp. The resulting assumption: (wait for it)

Well, then, you must be Indian because black women don't have long, silky hair. Mind you, I'm dark-skinned, (medium) full lips and he just up and decided to change my ethnicity altogether because he couldn't reconcile the fact that black women have hair that moves when the wind blows.

I found out his age because he then proceeded to tell me that although he was 73, he was quite virile and could still make good strong babies and he had 7 tall strong sons to prove it. This is kinda the part where a threw up a little bit in my mouth and bid him good day. I had to leave that offer in the street. No proof required, lol. :blush:

Re: "weave demographic" Plenty of Afro-Latinas get weaves. And, EEEWWWWW. Makes me embarrassed to have to claim Papi for being nasty.
See, now this is funny to me. I am bi-racial (my mother is an Afro-Latina, and my father is Indo-Latino, with some white ancestors thrown in for good measure) but I am a LATINA, and I consider myself a woman of color.

I look Hispanic (I get Middle Easter or Greek when my hair is straight- I only get Dominican- which I am- when my hair is curly) but the only thing that happens to me is that people (mostly black women) don't believe I should have a hard time growing my hair because I am "Hispanic."

I have 3c hair- no joke. I have to relax to be able to dry it straight, and I can't rock a 'fro because it falls down. Grrrrr.
My accent kinda gives it away sometimes but no one really puts the two together, my mom is Puerto Rican and my Dad is Black.

I don't really get weave checked; my senile friend ask the same question, is that yours? Every month.

I don't like people that I know to ask out loud in a foot ball field " IS that your HAIR?" and then i see people looking at me waiting for a response, my kids get me out of that real quick. I tell them I will chat with them later, I usually am a little embarrassed.

That I shouldn't wear fake hair short or long :ohwell:

IF it is bought it's mine, if it is Grown it's mine. Stop calling me out, learn hair question etiquette. Alone or text me on the phone!!!!

Otherwise no one really bothers; I guess people just don't say it to me. :ohwell:
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I don't know I think I would prefer someone to ask me if my hair's mine as opposed to just feeling my scalp for themselves...although I agree I don't much like the question either.
My accent kinda gives it away sometimes but no one really puts the two together, my mom is Puerto Rican and my Dad is Black.

I don't really get weave checked; my senile friend ask the same question, is that yours? Every month.

I don't like people that I know to ask out loud in a foot ball field " IS that your HAIR?" and then i see people looking at me waiting for a response, my kids get me out of that real quick. I tell them I will chat with them later, I usually am a little embarrassed.

That I shouldn't wear fake hair short or long :ohwell:

IF it is bought it's mine, if it is Grown it's mine. Stop calling me out, learn hair question etiquette. Alone or text me on the phone!!!!

Otherwise no one really bothers; I guess people just don't say it to me. :ohwell:

:lachen: :laugh: :lachen:
People who dont know me never weave-check me (with their eyes I mean) , I guess they just assume it is a weave and move on.

Close friends always assume I have found an exceptional stylist. Mind you, I have always been a DIYer, even before LHCF :) When I told my DH's cousin I never go to hair stylists, her jaw dropped down to the floor. Funny, she really beleives only stylists can grow hair long.

The last time I went to a shop to get a quotation for box braids, she wanted to charge (you know) the extra for long hair, something like $500 LOLOL. Good for me she couldn't find hair long enough to braid my hair (I am 5.9 and past WL), I ran away as soon as I could.
See, now this is funny to me. I am bi-racial (my mother is an Afro-Latina, and my father is Indo-Latino, with some white ancestors thrown in for good measure) but I am a LATINA, and I consider myself a woman of color.

I look Hispanic (I get Middle Easter or Greek when my hair is straight- I only get Dominican- which I am- when my hair is curly) but the only thing that happens to me is that people (mostly black women) don't believe I should have a hard time growing my hair because I am "Hispanic."

I have 3c hair- no joke. I have to relax to be able to dry it straight, and I can't rock a 'fro because it falls down. Grrrrr.

Hey fellow Dominicana! :drunk:

I think some people are surprised at how nice I am. I think most people think I'm stuck up because of my hair. Must be because I always flip it around when I've straightened it :grin:

BTW I can't rock an afro either because of my 3b/3c hair BUT if I blow dry it out and then use a pick to fluff it out, why I can rock a 20 inch afro LOL You want it straight just use rollos. If you see my siggie that's my rollerset hair.