2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

Did you say the L word??????

GASP! NO! I couldn't be....not @DarkJoy.... never.....:grin:

Watchoutnow crlsweetie912 and Briabiggles!!!
Hey @DarkJoy it's easy peasy. Just open your mouth and say.......
What?! Nooooo! Bublin. Just no!

Plus, now I'm mad at him. Hardly heard from him yesterday. hmph. See? This is why I never 'confess' to no ninja unless they do first. And I've only said those words to two men in my whole life and they broke down first. Both wanted to get married. I married one. The other was no bueno.

I tell my female BFFs I love them all the time, tho :look: That count? LOL
AHeadOfCoils said:
I was eye hustling... :look: and saw something that could potentially be a deal breaker. Why do I have to be so darn nosey?!

What did you see?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
he brought over part 1 of my christmas presents and left them under my christmas tree. It's taking allllll my willpower not to peek. I feel like a kid lol.

I need to get him the remainder of his present today, as well get presents for my parents. every year they say don't bother blah blah blah yea whatever mom and dad. y'all gon take these gifts and y'all gon like it.
sylver2 I'm sorry to hear this..
I'm back the DMV let me know if you need anything..

if its meant to be...It will be...
I hope your ok...

aww thank u. we almost got back together last week. but ....issues run deep...real deep. it being the holidays don't make it any better. sigh. yes..if its really meant..i guess it will be. if not i learn from it & try to move on.
So, he just told me that he thinks I'm hiding something from him. I'm not, but I do see how he could get that idea. My mom and Bestfriend think I'm hiding things from them all the time, but I'm just a very observant person. I sit back, listen and sometimes offer my opinion. I rarely talk about myself, which seems weird because I'm a Leo. I've had people throw things back in my face, so I tend to keep all of my business to myself. I need to be more open, so I'm going to work on that.
My customer wants to take me on a date. Not the least bit interested. I'm actually annoyed when the phone alerts me that it's him :look: Plus I see too many engineers and longshoreman at work :look: :look:
We just had a knock down drag out heart to heart. I had to lay things on the table. We'll see. I know I love him and he loves me......
I did Christmas with SO's family last night. My god! His mom was so generous. She got me way way too much! She even got me the boots I wanted (but didn't tell her that I did). Goodness. I am blessed!

SO and I went to see some Christmas lights. We were walking around and he stooped and asked if I wanted my first present. Of course I did! :grin: He reaches into his breast pocket and I gasp....omg....is this it?!?! A ring?! Haha....no... :sad: He pulled put a scroll that he had written a poem on. It was to the theme of Jingle Bells and was about us meeting and how he feels about me. So sweet and thoughtful! Of course he gave me other things later but that was my favorite.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
So, he just told me that he thinks I'm hiding something from him. I'm not, but I do see how he could get that idea. My mom and Bestfriend think I'm hiding things from them all the time, but I'm just a very observant person. I sit back, listen and sometimes offer my opinion. I rarely talk about myself, which seems weird because I'm a Leo. I've had people throw things back in my face, so I tend to keep all of my business to myself. I need to be more open, so I'm going to work on that.

This is me all day but I'm a Pisces and we are secret keepers by nature. Currently working on this in my current relationship.
One of my presents was a B&N gift card from him. I told him that my boss's sister got me a B&N gift card so he returned it. I died 1,000 deaths. How could he destroy my soul like this? I. FEEL. SICK! I don't care about what he will replaced it with. CANNOT. PROCESS. RETURNING. A. BARNES & NOBLE. GIFT. CARD! Why not just throw me into traffic?
One of my presents was a B&N gift card from him. I told him that my boss's sister got me a B&N gift card so he returned it. I died 1,000 deaths. How could he destroy my soul like this? I. FEEL. SICK! I don't care about what he will replaced it with. CANNOT. PROCESS. RETURNING. A. BARNES & NOBLE. GIFT. CARD! Why not just throw me into traffic?

You have me rolling!
Fine 4s, I wish I never said anything. He already returned it. He said what he substituted it with is way better. Whatever! Kick rocks makak! :(
I have yet to get this man a gift.....:sad: while my gift is sitting ina corner at his place with a sheet over it and a note that says "dont touch"
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Thank goodness my honey is Jewish! No gifts!! :lol: Just kidding... about the gifts. We decided to exchange New Years gifts. I love the idea. It's nice to have a gift exchange to look forward to after Christmas :)

However... I have no idea what to get him. For his bday I got him an ipod mini (which he needed for the gym). I thought that was a great gift until he got me a weekend getaway for mine lol. I'll figure it out.
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I think I'm going to throw in the towel..... :(. We are having a huge argument about this white girl that was disrespectful. She did something disrespectful and he didn't think it was disrespectful, but he did ask her to remove it. My issue is with him telling me that I should lighten up on her. I don't do well with passive aggressive white women. She started something, I finished it and now she's sad because I set everyone straight. I swear this is definitely a test of my commitment.