2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

My New Year's Resolution is to not go looking. I find myself snooping and I shouldn't do that! :lol: I'd be type upset if I found something, so what am I looking for? :look: It doesn't make any sense.

I love that man! We both have our issues, but it's so great to have someone to work them out with. :love:
so i came back from a 4 night/5 day vacation in Vegas with my SO. It was amazingggg and I am super grateful that he covered most of it. Of what we spent, I probably paid for 10% of the stuff we did and that includes his late Christmas gift.

We saw a show, met up with my bff & her friends for hookah and then her family for site seeing, played slots/poker/roulette, ate so much food, i drank wayyy too much, went shopping, explored, & just had so much fun. It was a pretty great end to the year.

Tonight we're doing dinner out and then drinks at a local bar. Keeping it low key after our ridiculous trip. We've spent the past 12 days straight with each other and don't seem sick of each other....yet :lol:
See y'all!!! See?!? I ain't the only one!!! :yay:

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*

Mr. Worked a double today (no rest for the service workers of America) I don't think we have spent one holiday together. When he left worked he called me and sounded awful. He is coming down with something. I stayed home and watched our church service online.
My phone rings at EXACTLY 12:00 and its him saying "I wanted your voice to be the first voice I heard in 2014"......my baby.....HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!
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