This is the cycle of abuse/domestic violence/intimate partner abuse. Wheel Clare Murphy PhD 1 October 2014 New Tactic 5 Cyber Abuse Cover.pdf
On page two is the power and control wheel developed by a woman in Australia who studies this phenomena.
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The cycle goes something like this:
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This is the circle that
@nursenappy is referring to. Many of us still think of an abuser as someone who hits, yells, or calls us names, but the above wheel clearly shows that men have found many other ways to hurt us. And it is abuse and it is cruel. All about power, control, and dominance by any means necessary.
It occurs in a circular motion because most women would leave if the abuse occurred non-stop. It would be clear to the woman that the man didn't love her and was an abuser. This pattern keeps the woman hooked, blaming herself, and hoping for the good times (honeymoon stage) to return.