2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

Breakfast date with J this morning. I hadn't seen him for a week. After spending so much time with K last week, I was surprised how easily I fell back in with J. It was like no time had passed. I'm gonna need more time before I decide which one to keep.....

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Best friend tried to set me up with a friend of a friend. Guy is super awkward and shy. I'm jaded and apathetic. Guy was supposed to meet me last night. He chickened out. This is going to end before it starts. Too bad. It's the first time I knew of a guy being interested in me enough to want to date me since May 2011. Not counting the fiasco with Sir text-a-lot from plenty of Fish, I've been utterly super single since then. Not one date. Not even exchanging numbers with anyone. Hardly a passing glance my way I think. But yet I'm not desperate. I refuse to chase and take the aggressive role with this awkward guy. If a guy really is interested he will make the first moves no matter how shy, period.
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All of them did.
Yeah... I didn't mention them because they had questionable circumstances. The only one who had her man for sure was Persephone. He wanted her full time, he just couldn't have her. But she was wanted and loved. The others had men who cheated and what not. I knew it was metaphorical, I just didn't think she belonged in the line-up. Maybe Hera. Zeus stayed cheating on her.
....and the saga continues.

K met me for breakfast. I told him a few of my girlfriends would be coming. :look: Turns out TWELVE of them came. :lol: He looked like a deer in headlights but handled it well. :yep:

After, he stopped at my place so he could change and go running. We could not stop kissing on each other but he was still a complete gentleman. No crazy groping. Just nice. There has always been a physical attraction but it's definitely growing.

Completely the opposite of J. The attraction was immediate and every time we're together it's a carnal desire. *fans myself*.

Damn. I need more friends to meet them. I need help!

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
Another person engaged on my timeline. I am extremely happy for her and sent her a comment letting her know.

This year I've resolved myself to not even worry about it. If I sit and worry and ponder it will make me bitter and I don't want to be that type of person. So I'll just continue to support and genuinely be happy for those that are on that part of their journey. I think that is the best path for me to take.

Sent from the corner pay phone
I'm excited. I went back home to NYC for New Years and randomly met this man in a lounge. He was visiting fam and lives in Missouri. I didn't think much of it at the time because I was scheduled to come back to MD on the 1st. Well I was super drunk and missed my bus lol.. So we went out.. He was my first date of the new year.

It was seriously one of the best dates I've ever been on.. Our connection and similarities were on point and we talked for hours. And him look good! 6'4, solid, chocolate.. wooh lawd. Long story short, we've text, face timed, talked on the phone everyday since then.. He's coming to visit me in two weeks.

I'm hesitant about liking him as much as I do because of the distance. But he's moving to NJ in the summer anyway..but I'll be in the DMV for at least two more years..le sigh.
so next week I'm on `holiday`… solo mind you…somebody's feeling some kind of way.

I asked you to go......guess you (& err`body eLee) really thought I WASN'T gonna go solo

I'm out!!!! deuces
Please need an opinion!
Same guy my friend tried to hook me up with. A friend of my friend's friend. The same awkward dude I mentioned earlier up thread. They claim he has social anxiety. Claim. Long story short:

Weird behavior #1: dude expresses HIS INTEREST in me through my friend's friend. He saw me on Facebook. They set us up with each other's info after I gave the ok. Dude takes a week to call me after receiving my number. The friends say he was so nervous. Hmm.

Weird behavior #2: I miss his first call but then I call him back the next day less than 24 hours later. He says he doesn't remember calling my number. Mind you, he left a long voicemail. I clicked directly on his number from the voicemail and I recognized his voice plus I mentioned his friends name that was trying to set us up. He still doesn't recall. The friends say he probably got confused. Oh really? How does a guy who graduated magna cum laude, get so confused he can't look in his call records to see who in the world he called?

Weird behavior #3: I was ready to give him the chop, but then he called back and we finally got to talk. Yawn! Three days after the first convo, no contact until I text him to see how he was since he was the last one to call. He asks me about a bday party. I tell him I was planning on going to the party and if he was also. He said maybe. I said okay then goodnight. 2 days later, he then asked his friend for my friend's (the friends who tried to set us up) number to get information about the bday party. This is after I told him I was going to the bday party. So why didn't he just call to ask me? My friend said maybe he was too nervous to talk to me. bs.

Weird behavior #4: He doesn't show up to the party. Doesn't call until MLK day at 10am in the morning. I was at work so I forward him to voicemail then text him that I was work and would call later. I called him after I got home. He forwards me to voicemail and has yet to return my call. Social anxiety, my foot. That's just plain rude.

He is working as a software tech on contract and he travels from state to state. Frequently back in this state every other weekend.The contract is up in a few months. My friends said I should not shut him down until I meet him in person, but he has made such a shady impression on me pre-meeting that now I don't even care/want to meet him in person. Too harsh?

So what do y'all think "social anxiety" or "punk trying to run game to see if I would chase him"? Am I wrong to want to end things before they start?
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Please need an opinion!
Same guy my friend tried to hook me up with. A friend of my friend's friend. The same awkward dude I mentioned earlier up thread. They claim he has social anxiety. Claim. Long story short:

Weird behavior #1: dude expresses HIS INTEREST in me through my friend's friend. He saw me on Facebook. They set us up with each other's info after I gave the ok. Dude takes a week to call me after receiving my number. The friends say he was so nervous. Hmm.

Weird behavior #2: I miss his first call but then I call him back the next day less than 24 hours later. He says he doesn't remember calling my number. Mind you, he left a long voicemail. I clicked directly on his number from the voicemail and I recognized his voice plus I mentioned his friends name that was trying to set us up. He still doesn't recall. The friends say he probably got confused. Oh really? How does a guy who graduated magna cum laude, get so confused he can't look in his call records to see who in the world he called?

Weird behavior #3: I was ready to give him the chop, but then he called back and we finally got to talk. Yawn! Three days after the first convo, no contact until I text him to see how he was since he was the last one to call. He asks me about a bday party. I tell him I was planning on going to the party and if he was also. He said maybe. I said okay then goodnight. 2 days later, he then asked his friend for my friend's (the friends who tried to set us up) number to get information about the bday party. This is after I told him I was going to the bday party. So why didn't he just call to ask me? My friend said maybe he was too nervous to talk to me. bs.

Weird behavior #4: He doesn't show up to the party. Doesn't call until MLK day at 10am in the morning. I was at work so I forward him to voicemail then text him that I was work and would call later. I called him after I got home. He forwards me to voicemail and has yet to return my call. Social anxiety, my foot. That's just plain rude.

He is working as a software tech on contract and he travels from state to state. Frequently back in this state every other weekend.The contract is up in a few months. My friends said I should not shut him down until I meet him in person, but he has made such a shady impression on me pre-meeting that now I don't even care/want to meet him in person. Too harsh?

So what do y'all think "social anxiety" or "punk trying to run game to see if I would chase him"? Am I wrong to want to end things before they start?

Even if this was social anxiety, which it isnt, why would you want to put up with this?
I have a feeling your friends were the initiators and not him, trying to play matchmaker but its not working.
Even if this was social anxiety, which it isnt, why would you want to put up with this?
I have a feeling your friends were the initiators and not him, trying to play matchmaker but its not working.

Nope I'm not putting up with this. I refuse to entertain the shenanigans any longer, just wanted to make sure I wasn't being too harsh. I've cut guys off for less. If he was trying to test my interest as my cousin and dad said, it was a total fail because im not into games AT ALL. When he friended me on Facebook, I realized that he messaged me back in 2011 also but I never answered. Forgot about it. He was the one who told my friend's friend he was interested in me. Look how long I had to wait for any guy to express any interest in me and this what I get?!
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softblackcotton said:
Nope I'm not putting up with this. I refuse to entertain it any longer, just wanted to make sure I wasn't being to harsh. I've cut guys off for less.

Not being harsh at all. Tough to end something that didn't even begin. Next time he tries to reach out I would tell him: hey, so-n-so, I don't think this is working out. You seem pretty difficult to talk to. Sorry.:look: and that would be the last thing I would say to him.
Don't beat yourself up over it:huggle: Dating is a numbers game, and sadly sometimes the lower the number the higher the likelihood of disaster:ohwell: In some cases, the remedy is to just keep getting out there... so you develop thick skin and get rid of unrealistic expectations. Don't let the experience with this guy stop you.
He was so patient with me. We practiced for over 3 hours. He really helped me feel like a butterfly. He even taught me how to DJ. He is such a good teacher. I am glad to be his friend.
Spent a few hours with J before I came to work. Just chillin', watching a movie and eating pizza. So cozy I didn't want to leave. Now I'm at work and I can smell him all over me.

Didn't hear from K today which is abnormal...

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
so next week I'm on `holiday`… solo mind you…somebody's feeling some kind of way.

I asked you to go......guess you (& err`body eLee) really thought I WASN'T gonna go solo

I'm out!!!! deuces

I went to DC without SO because at first he was going too and changed his mind. After he changed his mind, a couple of months ago, he asked "you're still going?" Um. Yes :look: And he's a history and politics buff so when I talked to him this weekend he sounded kind of salty. :lol: "Make sure you take in the history of it all. It's the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and the 150th of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation so take all that in." At one point when I told him about a restaurant I went to, he texted me "Well, you're just having a grand ole time, aren't you, Mary Tyler Moore?" Look. You shoulda came. Lol

But then my heart melted when he called me from work yesterday when my flight got in and said "I'm just so glad you made it back safely!!" Then he admitted he was a little salty and I told him I could tell :look:
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My baby just left. I miss him but I needed that mini visit. It was so sweet to me when I came in from work last night and he had cooked for me. He rushed to the door and gave me hugs and kisses. I miss him already.
I dated widdle man last year. Now, his friend (who I think is DEAD sexy :nono:) is trying to get at me. He def knew that we went on those dates, but he's fronting like he doesn't know the extent of it. I've known him longer than widdle man though. I'm ignoring him now. I'm mad about it though. I should have dated him and left widdle man for those that don't mind widdle men, but NOOOO I was playing hard to get. We've been "flirting" with one another since freaking 2nd grade.

*Throws shoe across room*