2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

My baby made my day by saying he is coming to see me for a couple of days this week. I have been missing him!

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

So much for the excitement, he can't come afterall :(.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Text from ex who I haven't talked to in a long time....

Ex: PrissandPrim, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of our chemistry.

Me: Who is this?

Ex. I'm Sorry, it's A baby.

Me: Oh, sorry I wasn't sure who this was.

Ex: I understand. I was just thinking about you and I. Our chemistry was awesome.

Me: When you told me you were moving on, it made me realize it was time for me too...which I've done.

:rolleyes: Men.
I'm back with another issue :look:

Can I ask a non-relationship question? I need to see if I'm trippin.

So, I'm going to DC with my best friend, about 5 or 6 of her friends. Anyway, my friend lives in a different city and travels all the time. She's always asking me to go too but I can't take off from work that much or afford to travel as much as she does. Like, in 2012--at least 12 trips--both domestic and international. Which I think is great! But I don't get it, in terms of being able to just roll with her like that.

Anyway, I normally ignore the invitations for trips because I know that she can tend to "do it big" and me....no. I She had been sending out emails asking me to join them for DC for the Inauguration. I figured: "Inauguration. It's history. Okay, I will definitely make time to make this one and it shouldn't be too difficult."

Anyway, I agreed to go to Inauguration and, months ago, the 5 or 6 girls (and now one is bringing a dude. Why am I mad!? My dude would have come! Actually he was--and that was cool--but then decided not to because no other dudes were supposedly going. That's neither here nor there) going, made plans about where we're going to stay and the rental car and all of that. In November we settled on a hotel. NOVEMBER.

We arrive in DC Friday. THIS MONDAY my friend sends out an email talkin about another hotel became available and it's a little more expensive, but nicer. It equals out to like $200 extra dollars. :look: :look: :look: :look: Um............so at first I felt like, if everyone else was cool with that, I didn't want to be the one to be a buzzkill (I'm basically the only one who doesn't know the rest of them) and I understand that this hotel is closer and all of that, so I just chalked it up to, if I wasn't prepared to spend an extra $200 then that's my bad, because "if you ain't got no money stay your broke self home." BUT NOW I'M SITTING HERE TRIPPIN LIKE.....considering the costs that will undoubtedly occur when we get there, how do we add an extra $200 right off top FOUR DAYS BEFORE WE LEAVE?

Like, what?! At first I was thinking my reluctance to do that was a buzzkill. But you know what!? This situation and the way people are acting like it's cute to change plans are a buzzkill! I'm kind of annoyed and am worried that I'm going to pop off when we get there. Am I being unreasonable?

My SO wants to see me before I leave so he's probably going to offer me some money but I didn't need his help for this. Until damn Monday. I mean, I would still be fine. But it's just that I had budgeted this trip effortlessly. No pulling from savings. No drama to checks this week. Fine. Now, before we even get there, the budget is being all wrecked and upended. See, uh uh. I'm not sure if I'm wrong because it's a "what did you expect?" situation or I'm right because....why are we changing plans 4 days before we leave, again, damnit?

Why am I mad!?
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A whoooooole lot of talking but at least I told him my deadline for being engaged and I'm glad he agreed that he better get it together in 2014. Although I went past the timeframe we discussed here, I'm OK with that time frame. Now....about having kids or not....not so clear and I really need to think about whether I do or not....it's so difficult.
You must know that you are NOT tripping! I would just not go or tell them I can't afford it and be done with it. The girls that I travel with know this so well. My acceptance of the trip is tied to the price so if you change the price I can change my mind!

I hope they understand....
Fine 4s
Thanks for clarifying because I was like no, we supposed to get the ring in 2013 :lol:, getting all annoyed like it's me! But, sounds like you made progress and he knows what's up. But most importantly, you are gaining clarity. The kid decision is hard so maybe good you did give him (and you) a little more time.
MENTION=5968]hopeful[/USER] lol! Yes! I just wanted some sense of WHEN.
This means that within the next two years, I need to get my life plans (ie business venture) together.
You must know that you are NOT tripping! I would just not go or tell them I can't afford it and be done with it. The girls that I travel with know this so well. My acceptance of the trip is tied to the price so if you change the price I can change my mind!

I hope they understand....

The more I think about it, I'm so mad! Because, since we're not even there yet, it feels like they're going to be pulling things like this the whole time! Now to be fair: my friend is a really sweet woman and I know for a fact that she's not trying to cause problems. But I don't get the oblivion to the fact that this is an inconvenience. (I did tell her, when she sent the original email Monday why I wasn't in favor of the change. This morning I asked the status and she's like "yep. We changed hotels." -_-) I don't get how somebody can be oblvious to why an extra $200 before anything even starts is a problem. That's why I was like, clearly I must be the one tripping. It's not a huge amount of money, but we planned this in November.

I already have my ticket and everything so I'm going, but I just really am going to have to focus and relax myself in order not to arrive irritated.

I was actually going to cancel around November, after she invited me and SO and he was going, and we found out no other men were going. But I didn't, out of respect for the fact that the price for lodging was based on the number of people going (that's basically why she was like "yeah, bring him! People can bring a friend!"). So I didn't want to inconvenience anybody else. But now I'm like "well, damn." Everytime I try to have some scruples I get punked.

Why am I mad!? lol
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I sent him a random text while at work as I normally do. I thought he was still in class.

Me: Hey Love!
Him: Hey Honey!
Me: How is class going?
Him: it went great. So great, I'm already at home cooking dinner for you.


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Homecooked Salmon, asparagus and sweet potatoes....served in bed :)

It's the little things even if it was three hours late lol!
Lunch date with K today. It was nice. :yep: We made out in my car...in plain sight of his coworkers...and he didn't care a bit! I like that!
His flight hopefully touched down safely and he should be on his way to me.

Yankee candles are burning!

Slipping into a 1 size too small dress, just like Mimi taught me lol
Thinking about going for drinks with my male friend. Is this appropriate? He's just a friend but I ask because I know I'd be jealous if the shoe was on the other foot, not going to lie. SO has met said friend before. I have to change how I've been behaving the past year...I've become too available. Maybe a little jealousy is good?!

I'm scuuuuurd!

Btw- I'd ask if he's OK with it all....

Advice please?
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Thinking about going for drinks with my male friend. Is this appropriate? He's just a friend but I ask because I know I'd be jealous if the shoe was on the other foot, not going to lie. SO has met said friend before. I have to change how I've been behaving the past year...I've become too available. Maybe a little jealousy is good?!

I'm scuuuuurd!

Btw- I'd ask if he's OK with it all....

Advice please?

I wouldn't do drinks, maybe Starbucks, maybe. But honestly I wouldn't try to make him jealous. You know the whole do unto others as you would have them do unto you...
Thinking about going for drinks with my male friend. Is this appropriate? He's just a friend but I ask because I know I'd be jealous if the shoe was on the other foot, not going to lie. SO has met said friend before. I have to change how I've been behaving the past year...I've become too available. Maybe a little jealousy is good?!

I'm scuuuuurd!

Btw- I'd ask if he's OK with it all....

Advice please?

If it is just a friend, what is the problem? If I hung out with a friend, I would casually bring up that friend in a conversation. And then a time comes where you are hanging out with friend and SO just so happen to call and you answer, it won't look bad. There is nothing wrong with having friends of the opposite sex.
Thinking about going for drinks with my male friend. Is this appropriate? He's just a friend but I ask because I know I'd be jealous if the shoe was on the other foot, not going to lie. SO has met said friend before. I have to change how I've been behaving the past year...I've become too available. Maybe a little jealousy is good?!

I'm scuuuuurd!

Btw- I'd ask if he's OK with it all....

Advice please?

This is hard. I guess it's largely because of your intentions. If this was just a friend, then I'd say go for it. No harm, no foul. It does get a bit complicated since you want to stir up jealously. I don't really know the details of your relationship but I'd evaluate why you even want to create jealously in the first place.
This is hard. I guess it's largely because of your intentions. If this was just a friend, then I'd say go for it. No harm, no foul. It does get a bit complicated since you want to stir up jealously. I don't really know the details of your relationship but I'd evaluate why you even want to create jealously in the first place.

Good point!
I'm trying to prove something that I shouldn't be :(
- He wants to be Camryn's dad. LOL!
- What do you need to say now man about "the situation?" I wish someone would hock spit on your face. Not me though, as I do not have enough spit to wet an ant.
- New dude is sexy as hayell. Haitian men are hmm, hmm, good!
- As if! You cannot stay at my house. It is not the Westin.
- Man, you might just become my BFF. You treat me so well. But I am not looking for more. And am actually happy to say, I am okay if I never do with anyone. I am glad you know that and are happy with things as-is.
My coworker is an annoying hater. she was talking to a mutual friend about work and the friend was telling her about how her husband takes care of her son in the morning getting off to school so that she can sleep in after being up with the baby. The coworker started admonishing her about not doing enough since she just works part time and the husband works full time. I made a sarcastic remark about how I also expected to be spoiled a bit when I get married.

I cant stand haters like her. Her decision to marry man who has made minimum wage his whole life and she has to work 15 hour days was her decision to make. Get out or deal with it. Dont hate on others whose husbands make their life easier. Ugh
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So dead weight of the past, the guy that I use to talk about in previous relationships threads, sent me another text. Now this same guy is suppose to be newly married and baby (with the woman who he was seeing while seeing me). He sent me a scripted SMS pretty much saying he missed me....Smdh!!!! I told him I have moved on and he said that I was mean and bye forever. I told him that I was being truthful and I hope his new family is doing well. Shame on him, I should be the last person he should be texting! That interaction made me even more thankful that my SO is in my life now. Such an upgrade!
I hate it when friends drop that "Hello STRANGER, where have YOU been" bs when they were the one who hasn't got back to you or its been a mutual silence through being mutually busy.
So dead weight of the past, the guy that I use to talk about in previous relationships threads, sent me another text. Now this same guy is suppose to be newly married and baby (with the woman who he was seeing while seeing me). He sent me a scripted SMS pretty much saying he missed me....Smdh!!!! I told him I have moved on and he said that I was mean and bye forever. I told him that I was being truthful and I hope his new family is doing well. Shame on him, I should be the last person he should be texting! That interaction made me even more thankful that my SO is in my life now. Such an upgrade!

What is going on with these newly married men? Well some of them. I've mentioned two in this thread that will not go away. I'm still ignoring them....they are so worthless.

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