2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

Today was great, he had Thanksgiving with my fam & met my dad O_o got good vibes tho. We're about to watch The Conjuring & dip into some leftovers (:

Hope everyone had/is having a great Thanksgiving!
He had Thanksgiving dinner with me and my parents and it was peeeeerrrrrrfffeeeccttt. He watched the first half of the Cowboys game with us and them went home to watch the rest so he could yell profanities in peace. My mom is still sitting here like :love: this wasn't their first time meeting but it was really the first time everybody got a chance to show their beautiful personality. Aw. My peeps.

I made some nasty green beans and he called them perfect. This was hours ago and my mom keeps talmbout "no, your green beans are PERFECT! that was SO cute!" Lol. There's a lot left though. :look:
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I've officially met the WHOOOOLE family; the cousin of the cousin of the cousin. He was meeting people for the first time too! Although it was nice to be introduced as the 'future wife' uhm, where da ring at? lol

I think my next bday surprise will be traveling somewhere warm, I overheard something suspicious in a convo with his sister. I smell motivation for getting bikini ready :D

Feels guuuuuud....
@DarkJoy I can't wait for you two to get married :lachen:
I swear I will buy a hat and get on a plane :yep:
Ya'll just giving me the hardest time today, I swear!!!

Anyhoo, he just left. It was an interesting visit. First, he was a little salty about me saying no to him meeting my parents, particularly my dad. Oh well.

Then exH dropped off DD from their visit and they met for the first time. It's weird having two men you banged in the same room together :rofl: :nono::drunk:!! That was surreal! But they got on just fine, though I could see a liiiitttle jealousy in current SO. Puhhhleeze.

This was the 3rd time him and DD met. They get on like old pals. You can tell he's a father to a little girl and definately favors them.

THen we watched football and he was teaching us about the game as me and DD have zero clue. He seemed to enjoy that.

It was a good holiday all in all... :yep:
Had a great Thanksgiving with his family. I've lived here 7 years and never had a real Thanksgiving. I always feel so welcome in his home.

I made a pie to take. I was worried the crust didn't turn out but everyone loved it. I passed his Aunt's pie test! *whew*

It was a great day!

Sent from my iPad mini mini.

I just stopped in to be nosy. I wasn't sure if Joy was going to make it to the table to even have Thanksgiving Dinner. Talmbout the table was too far. It was like 20 feet away y'all. :giggle:

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
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I'm sorry for being so brief the other day.

On the day that I met him, he told me that I would be his wife. I thought he was cray cray. :look: Sparks fly when we are together. He has a great job, is a great father, a great brother, and wants nothing but to be loved. He doesn't ask for much, but companionship and our future plans are one in the same. I went over to his place a few nights ago and he asked me to be his wife. We never had sex, so the freak nasty in me told me to try him out before I said yes :look:... Don't judge me! Well glory be to God, he's the best that I've ever had. I told him, yes. He had tears in his eyes.

He wanted to go to the court house and get it done ASAP, but I told him we can wait a few months. So January it is. No big fancy wedding.. Just me, him and our closest friends and family. He's so serious that he wanted to open up a wedding expense account, so I can pull from there to fund the wedding. What will I do with him?
I'm sorry for being so brief the other day.

On the day that I met him, he told me that I would be his wife. I thought he was cray cray. :look: Sparks fly when we are together. He has a great job, is a great father, a great brother, and wants nothing but to be loved. He doesn't ask for much, but companionship and our future plans are one in the same. I went over to his place a few nights ago and he asked me to be his wife. We never had sex, so the freak nasty in me told me to try him out before I said yes :look:... Don't judge me! Well glory be to God, he's the best that I've ever had. I told him, yes. He had tears in his eyes.

He wanted to go to the court house and get it done ASAP, but I told him we can wait a few months. So January it is. No big fancy wedding.. Just me, him and our closest friends and family. He's so serious that he wanted to open up a wedding expense account, so I can pull from there to fund the wedding. What will I do with him?

What a beautiful story and congratulations.
I'm sorry for being so brief the other day. On the day that I met him, he told me that I would be his wife. I thought he was cray cray. :look: Sparks fly when we are together. He has a great job, is a great father, a great brother, and wants nothing but to be loved. He doesn't ask for much, but companionship and our future plans are one in the same. I went over to his place a few nights ago and he asked me to be his wife. We never had sex, so the freak nasty in me told me to try him out before I said yes :look:... Don't judge me! Well glory be to God, he's the best that I've ever had. I told him, yes. He had tears in his eyes. He wanted to go to the court house and get it done ASAP, but I told him we can wait a few months. So January it is. No big fancy wedding.. Just me, him and our closest friends and family. He's so serious that he wanted to open up a wedding expense account, so I can pull from there to fund the wedding. What will I do with him?

Lord I got misty. I'm such a sucker for love....awwwww


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Here for our first date. I am so nervous! I haven't been on a first date in over 2 years!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

I just stopped in to be nosy. I wasn't sure if Joy was going to make it to the table to even have Thanksgiving Dinner. Talmbout the table was too far. It was like 20 feet away y'all. :giggle:

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Well we almost did burn the stuffin' :giggle: :blush:

Congrats AHeadOfCoils!!!!!! And yea. I agree with the test drive. :thumbsup: :look:
Twin is loading up my stuff for my move. I ask if he needs help, he says no. I ain't mad.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
My bf's mom said I was family at Thanksgiving. So happy!! I really want her to like me so it was a lovely thing for her to say.
A gf called and wanted me to go to her house for a little house party tonight. However, it pisses me off when friends have no deets--time, what I need to bring, who else is going. she said she'd get back to me. that was 5 hours ago. I hate flakes.

Anyhoo, he called and was like lets go to that restaurant we missed last time :giggle:. So gonna do that instead. And just MAYBE we can make it out the door this time :rofl:
Should I tell him that part of my hesitation for updating my home is because I anticipate us merging?

Not sure if I should say so.
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Haaaa! We made it to the restaurant this time :up: Turns out there was a little fair right in front of it. So after we ate we did a quick stroll through the attractions and to look at the christmas lights... quick cuz we were anxious to get back to his place:rolleyes: Then he was mad because we got lost on the way home which cost us half an hour and started speeding to make up time, I guess :lol: He was all growly and stuff on the road :drunk::lachen:!!! Hilarious!
Doing my best to keep calm........

Why are we...excuse me "he" scrounging to find us a place to stay for our last night, cause someone didn't confirm our # of nights to stay. I asked him on several occasions about reservations...but got a lot of hemming and hawing, so I let it go. I'm done with it...I won't offer or suggest anything. I'm going to let him be the man and make it work!

Oh yeah never mind the fact that it's raining in Hawaii!!
IDK... if you were to live together would he move into your place, his, or get another altogether Fine 4s?

Many options. If he moved in with me, we could rent his place for thousands more over the mortgage. Mine I has less potential for extra income. But I don't want to invest much if I'm not going to stay here OR if he's not going to like my color scheme and want to redo. He likes where he lives and so do I so I doubt we'd move anywhere else. Buying a home together sounds good though. Doubt he'd go for it....

His mom said he sent an email to some family members saying that he's in love...for good now.

A sweet convo between us:
His mom sent him away to another country to live with a family member when he was a young boy (can you say abandonment issues?) He likes how and when I interact with his mom because he feels like he connects with her through me. That was really sweet.
I'm sorry for being so brief the other day.

On the day that I met him, he told me that I would be his wife. I thought he was cray cray. :look: Sparks fly when we are together. He has a great job, is a great father, a great brother, and wants nothing but to be loved. He doesn't ask for much, but companionship and our future plans are one in the same. I went over to his place a few nights ago and he asked me to be his wife. We never had sex, so the freak nasty in me told me to try him out before I said yes :look:... Don't judge me! Well glory be to God, he's the best that I've ever had. I told him, yes. He had tears in his eyes.

He wanted to go to the court house and get it done ASAP, but I told him we can wait a few months. So January it is. No big fancy wedding.. Just me, him and our closest friends and family. He's so serious that he wanted to open up a wedding expense account, so I can pull from there to fund the wedding. What will I do with him?

Absolutely beautiful!!!!
I have been extremely emotional these last few days. I've been extremely emotional these last few days and I almost slipped into my old insecure self. I caught myself today and I will NOT go back to the old me. My ex broke me the hell down. He was so mean and controlling. He talked about me in ways that I don't even care to discuss, but I was in a very dark place. I told my fiance the general issue was his control issues, but I never got deep into the conversation. I'm basically coming here to ask my distant sisters, is that something that I should tell him?
I'm open in my relationship so that he knows what he's getting. Also, if I've told him I'm sensitive about something, I expect him to act accordingly. If he slips up, he shouldn't be surprised by the way I respond. To me, it's only fair.
Why a ninja gotta be difficult?!? Tomorrow his bday. I been asking for a month and he gives me nothing NOTHING to go on. So I'm floating around trying to figure him out and what to do or give. For the love of God why can't he just give a straight answer? I never been one to magically pull fabulous gifts/venues out my arse.


*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
Now I'm passed annoyed. I hear nothing back all gattdamn day. It's been dead air. My gut is telling me he is the "birthday blues" type. Especially considering some of the thing he's said about it and how he groaned so unhappily when I brought it up when we went out on the weekend. I'm not gonna run him down for his own bday crap. I give up.

Finally made it back home. We had a good time minus the mix up with the room.

He said if he had to do it all over again....he'd do it with me! I *heart* him!
Going on a date tonight.

It's so cute how he is going out of his way to actually plan a date. That sort of thing is rare nowadays ( I had one dude suggest a 'date' to the club and to the mall :/). We're going to listen to jazz at some place.

I'm also finding myself liking this first thing in the morning texts instead of being annoyed by them....and that's a big thing for me.