2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

OK. I'll stop lurking and start posting...:look:

I'm coming out of a long marriage (14+ years). The marriage wasn't terrible - we had a lot of fun with each other. But I knew early on that we weren't right for each other. About 5 yeas into the marriage it was confirmed. He hurt me a lot during those first few married years. I kept thinking that if I worked on me more, the marriage would get better. I spent most of the marriage "alone" so I've gotten to know myself pretty well. But instead of growing closer as husband and wife, we grew into best friends. Having a best friend is cool but I want the safety and security (emotionally) of having a husband so I left. He's worked very hard to become a better husband and he has become what I wanted in the beginning. But "when a woman's fed up, there is nothing you can do about it" (thanks R-Kelly). I think he'll be a great catch to some lady (Master's degree, great job, 3000 sqft home, a writing career that's taking off) - he's just not for me.

Now I'm in a new state and I miss my best friend. :( Even though he doesn't want it, the separation/divorce has been very amicable and we often share jokes about our son. I miss having someone share my daily struggles. I've had that for the last 16 years (since 1997) and now there's a void. I have no desire to remain married to him but I don't know how to fill this void. I'm so lonely.

I'm not an FWB or F-buddy kinda lady so I have no idea where to go from here. I've joined some local girlfriend meet up groups so I'm hoping that'll help. But I've never derived the same kind of pleasure from my "Ladies Nights" with my girls that I get from a night of cuddling with my guy or even going out by myself. It's just not the same.:nono:
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Oh boy! He wants to take me someplace really high end Friday night to eat.

What to wear what to wear! Oh my hair! What to wear!


Oh boy! He wants to take me someplace really high end Friday night to eat.

What to wear what to wear! Oh my hair! What to wear!



Little black dress
Sleek bun
And put me in your purse :lol: I'm starving at work right now, all I read in your post was "food"

Are you now admitting that you're catching feelings, ma'am? :look:

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I'm so completely in love with him. Today we had to go to the store to get his phone fixed. I was sitting in the waiting area while the associate helped him. This guy started grinning at me asking if I needed help Mr. Grabbed my hand and said "she's with me". It was so cute.
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I'm so completely in live with him. Today we had to go to the store ti get his phone fixed. I was sitting in the waiting area while the associate helped him. This guy started grinning at me asking if I needed help Mr. Grabbed my hand and said "she's with me". It was so cute.

Good for you :)

At first I was adamant about not living with my SO bc I don't want him to get comfortable and I like my space. But as time has passed I decided we will live together instead of getting my own place. We are on the same page. He is the one for me. I think I was worried about what others would think but it's my life. I send him potential places and he checks them out. We don't have make a decision until march but I like to start early.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Ok so he's holding out on me:blush:....BUT he did inquire about the "special toys" I ordered at a pleasure party:lick: I'm picking them up Friday....right on time for our trip. I have to be careful...the egg will be dropping during that time :look:
At first I was adamant about not living with my SO bc I don't want him to get comfortable and I like my space. But as time has passed I decided we will live together instead of getting my own place. We are on the same page. He is the one for me. I think I was worried about what others would think but it's my life. I send him potential places and he checks them out. We don't have make a decision until march but I like to start early.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Congrats! Remember if you happen to come across some good places(for a single woman) let me know tinkat. :grin:
Keshieshimmer sure no problem! LOL! Are you going to live right in Philly? I can tell you that the cost of living is a culture shock :lol: compared to down south but there are places that I wouldn't mind living by myself in. I won't be right in Philly, just working there.
Little black dress
Sleek bun
And put me in your purse :lol: I'm starving at work right now, all I read in your post was "food"

Are you now admitting that you're catching feelings, ma'am? :look:

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I woulda got you some e-food:look:, but with that last question, now you just gone be hungry :lol::drunk: Rocky91!!!

Arrggghhh! :pullhair:
..ahem... anyhoo... *glares @crlsweetie912* :look:

I do have a black dress. It's very business-like though. Maybe some nice accessories to un-stuffy it.

Maybe I got enough time to run out and get a little purse cuz I realize all mine are HUGE mommy bags--you know bring the whole house to care for just one kid for a trip to the store. :lol: Hmm... I will also need a nice jacket :look:

guess this is an opportunity to shop! Which I RARELY do...

I havent seen him in like a week and some days. I wanna look real dang good... good enough to eat! :lick:

ETA: He keeps texting and texting. I havent responded since yesterday :look: Just havent had the energy. Now he wants to take me for dessert... or dear lord... Will I need to buy shoes too?!?!
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..ahem... anyhoo... *glares @crlsweetie912* :look:

I do have a black dress. It's very business-like though. Maybe some nice accessories to un-stuffy it.

Maybe I got enough time to run out and get a little purse cuz I realize all mine are HUGE mommy bags--you know bring the whole house to care for just one kid for a trip to the store. :lol: Hmm... I will also need a nice jacket :look:

guess this is an opportunity to shop! Which I RARELY do...

I havent seen him in like a week and some days. I wanna look real dang good... good enough to eat! :lick:

ETA: He keeps texting and texting. I havent responded since yesterday :look: Just havent had the energy. Now he wants to take me for dessert... or dear lord... Will I need to buy shoes too?!?!

New shoes! Thigh highs! Cute little jacket.

Sent from my iPad using LHCF
OK. I'll stop lurking and start posting...:look:

I'm coming out of a long marriage (14+ years). The marriage wasn't terrible - we had a lot of fun with each other. But I knew early on that we weren't right for each other. About 5 yeas into the marriage it was confirmed. He hurt me a lot during those first few married years. I kept thinking that if I worked on me more, the marriage would get better. I spent most of the marriage "alone" so I've gotten to know myself pretty well. But instead of growing closer as husband and wife, we grew into best friends. Having a best friend is cool but I want the safety and security (emotionally) of having a husband so I left. He's worked very hard to become a better husband and he has become what I wanted in the beginning. But "when a woman's fed up, there is nothing you can do about it" (thanks R-Kelly). I think he'll be a great catch to some lady (Master's degree, great job, 3000 sqft home, a writing career that's taking off) - he's just not for me.

Now I'm in a new state and I miss my best friend. :( Even though he doesn't want it, the separation/divorce has been very amicable and we often share jokes about our son. I miss having someone share my daily struggles. I've had that for the last 16 years (since 1997) and now there's a void. I have no desire to remain married to him but I don't know how to fill this void. I'm so lonely.

I'm not an FWB or F-buddy kinda lady so I have no idea where to go from here. I've joined some local girlfriend meet up groups so I'm hoping that'll help. But I've never derived the same kind of pleasure from my "Ladies Nights" with my girls that I get from a night of cuddling with my guy or even going out by myself. It's just not the same.:nono:

I don't have a solution to offer but the 14 years of your marriage sounds like stories I've heard from countless older couples married 30/40 + years. sucked terribly the first 5 years, up and down in between and mellowing out by year 10-15. there was even a thread on here about marriage and women shared similar experiences about the challenges of marriage. i won't add more b/c there's no point playing Monday morning quarterback.

you're not going to get over your husband quickly...even women in dreadful situations don't get over their ex's easily. learn from each stage what you are to learn which can make the transition easier. not only that but i think you may find this experience will allow you to share valuable advice to another woman years from now. your story sounds very familiar and i have learned from similar experiences of other women as i approach life and love and develop expectations for my spouse.
Sorry to blow up this thread. IDKW I'm panicking. It's not like we havent been to swanky dinners before. But, ladies, I'm not good at working emergency situations. :(

I mean, just the luck tho. I had tomorrow off work...but guess what? The beesche decide they need me working--since it conflicts with a school event for DD I will have to work AFTER that through the afternoon. And then my gel polish fell off so I gotta try and get that one nail did (at home). And I dont like the little black dress I got here... :look: AND it's suddenly too cold and windy just to wear pumps and it will be REAL cold where we're going because it's at the ocean. so I think I'm gonna bust out the knee high boots... with a dress and purse and matching jacket I dont have? How'm I gonna fit that stuff in? Doing my hair now at least.

It wouldnt be so bad, but he pressures to see me the MINUTE I get off work. I work from home so if it was up to him, he'd head over and just chill while I finish work and get ready. He gets impatient! ANd it's freakin me out :pullhair:

All that leaves zero time to find a bag and a decent coat FFS! OK and maybe some earrangs cuz I luvs me sum earrangs...

*** it! Maybe I can dress up some damn jeans! I suck at this!

ETA: When am I suppose to clean this house too?! Ugh...!!
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Keshieshimmer sure no problem! LOL! Are you going to live right in Philly? I can tell you that the cost of living is a culture shock :lol: compared to down south but there are places that I wouldn't mind living by myself in. I won't be right in Philly, just working there.

I live in Philly so if you guys have any questions about the area let me know!
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Really excited to spend Thanksgiving with SO's family. My family is small so it's been a long time since I've had a huge family dinner. I did a test run on the pie I'm taking and it turned out awesome. SO thought it was so good! :lick: EXCITED!

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
What else is there to do when the power is out :naughtycouch: :superbanana: thanks to the high winds!!!!:yep:

ETA: :blush:let me find out that the power outage wasn't the only reason why you didn't go to work today! :look::yep::lick:
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My boo's phone is still acting crazy. We didn't talk at all yesterday. He called me today like *** this phone somebody is gonna fix this because I need to be in constant contact with you!!! Lol
What else is there to do when the power is out :naughtycouch: :superbanana: thanks to the high winds!!!!:yep:

ETA: :blush:let me find out that the power outage wasn't the only reason why you didn't go to work today! :look::yep::lick:
LOL! I see where you live A856! That mess was cray! Hoping the wind continues as I see my boo thang tonight... :giggle:
LOL! I see where you live @A856! That mess was cray! Hoping the wind continues as I see my boo thang tonight... :giggle:

In our infamous words HELLA:lol::drunk: but I had a good time.
I think the wind will still be around....so you too can be "gone with the wind fabulous" :giggle:
Office closed so he took the day off too. We went to the mall and he bought me a pair of FRYE boots. Here I am preaching about budgeting etc but allow him to buy me an expensive gift? Maybe budgeting doesn't apply to gifts for your lady? *gulp* I've never been spoiled like this before and kudos to you ladies that get high end gifts!!!

I'm wearing them all over the house and might take them off when we watch Scandal! Love these lazy days and loving my gift <3

I present to you my lil' Frye....


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he had an interview today so he wanted me to cut his hair. i cut off 4+ inches. i nearly cried. and he shaved his beautiful beard. clean cut men are so not sexy to me.:nono: **** professionalism.

he's lucky his hair grows so quickly but its going to be a very dry month.:look:
i'm thinking about starting over with a new guy, he makes me feel sooo good, he's just younger than I would like. I'm so confused, don't know what to do, but he makes me feel so good...
he had an interview today so he wanted me to cut his hair. i cut off 4+ inches. i nearly cried. and he shaved his beautiful beard. clean cut men are so not sexy to me.:nono: **** professionalism. he's lucky his hair grows so quickly but its going to be a very dry month.:look:
My SO keeps saying he's going to cut his hair.... : cry2:
Whoa... O.o

Boo thang shole ain't no punk. :hide:

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