2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

hopeful I love reading what you have to say about this type of stuff. You are one of the few posters I pay attention to about relationship stuff. Just being honest :look: No matter how many degrees I get, how outgoing my personality is, how pretty I am, sometimes you have to swallow that dose of reality; and in this case it is if I truly want to get married and treat it like there is an unlimited supply of men for me to choose from then it very well may not happen. It's a really, really ugly truth. I dont think you have to run and break your neck to the alter though. I dont believe that at all. Rushing to get married and ending up in a bad marriage is just as bad as never marrying at all.

All of the black women I know who are married, married in their 20's. It seems that black women (and women in general) are less likely to marry the longer they wait. For example, when I got married there was a wedding or two every year throughout my 20's. Once I hit 30, it slowed down and those that didn't marry young, never married at all. I personally think that you, Barbie, are a unicorn, in that you will likely get married whenever you are ready. You have a blend of extreme beauty and magnetic personality that draws men in. Most women are neither as beautiful or intriguing as you and will need to strike when the iron is hot. JMHO.

HanaKuroi I hate that this is true. *deep sigh*

The good ones will be gone! I would have been snatched up and same with DH.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
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You are still a baby, very young. Like you said, no need to rush. But I would make it a point to try to marry (to a great guy with whom I was compatible) before I hit 30. That would be my goal if marriage and having children within a marriage were important to me.
I have been reading the last few posts and I am trying to figure out what is happening in your 20's that can not happen in your 30's
Really learned the meaning of ' if it's important enough to you, you'll find a way..' the other day. If your response is "I'm too busy and that's just the way it is" after I express an issue with not seeing you, then I know where I stand.

Not gonna beg someone to be in my life.
hopeful I love reading what you have to say about this type of stuff. You are one of the few posters I pay attention to about relationship stuff. Just being honest :look: No matter how many degrees I get, how outgoing my personality is, how pretty I am, sometimes you have to swallow that dose of reality; and in this case it is if I truly want to get married and treat it like there is an unlimited supply of men for me to choose from then it very well may not happen. It's a really, really ugly truth. I dont think you have to run and break your neck to the alter though. I dont believe that at all. Rushing to get married and ending up in a bad marriage is just as bad as never marrying at all.

HanaKuroi I hate that this is true. *deep sigh*

But the key to life is understand that nothing is limited, nothing is lacking. When the mindset is changed to that, things will just start happening. That is something I have come to learn because it has happened to me. And honestly the newer generation views on marriage is pretty different, people don't value it as much. That is why i haven't rushed on it. My mother always told me to live my life
Finished my interview! I am just happy its over, I did pretty good. My SO is more nervous than me about if I will be chosen :lachen:. If I get the position, GREAT. But if I don't it is ok too, I attempted to do it and there is something great out there for me regardless.
Finished my interview! I am just happy its over, I did pretty good. My SO is more nervous than me about if I will be chosen :lachen:. If I get the position, GREAT. But if I don't it is ok too, I attempted to do it and there is something great out there for me regardless.

Positive vibes your way!!!!!
He shows off how well we get along in front of his friends by cracking jokes on each other and telling inside jokes.
It's like he's saying "" yeah look how cool friend my gf and I are." We enjoy each other like friends.
It's so cute <3

Had to clarify that it wasn't a bad thing.....
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my boo held my hand today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know it's silly, but i loved all 7 seconds of it! he knows it's important to me, and he's coming out of his comfort zone for me. yes!!!!!
I have been having an awful few weeks at work. And he has been so encouraging. It's so nice to have someone truly on your side. And he gives such good advice!
He can't stop dropping hints at our future together. At the most random times too.
I just got new glasses and my prescription is strong....:nono: so he's like "so if we were to get married and have kids, hopefully they'd have my perfect eyesight."
on the outside i'm like okaaaayy dude, chill and remain playful, laugh it off.
but on the inside i'm like :look: keep talking. let's hear more about this marriage thing.

he asked me a week ago how i felt about staying home and raising babies. :look:
i'm a little taken aback, i mean we're only 2 months in, but then i have to remember that he's a little older than me, and that's where his peer group is at. and i'm okay with it, but i just remain aloof and chill in these conversations.
How much older? Last guy told me he didnt have time to waste because he wanted to get married :look: I was like umm aint that my line :lachen: He was 25.

He can't stop dropping hints at our future together. At the most random times too.
I just got new glasses and my prescription is strong....:nono: so he's like "so if we were to get married and have kids, hopefully they'd have my perfect eyesight."
on the outside i'm like okaaaayy dude, chill and remain playful, laugh it off.
but on the inside i'm like :look: keep talking. let's hear more about this marriage thing.

he asked me a week ago how i felt about staying home and raising babies. :look:
i'm a little taken aback, i mean we're only 2 months in, but then i have to remember that he's a little older than me, and that's where his peer group is at. and i'm okay with it, but i just remain aloof and chill in these conversations.
How much older? Last guy told me he didnt have time to waste because he wanted to get married :look: I was like umm aint that my line :lachen: He was 25.

my dude is 26.

but he ain't scary about it like that...that **** would have me :roadrunner:
it's cute, i promise. maybe i made it sound scarier than it is. :lol:
my dude is 26.

but he ain't scary about it like that...that **** would have me :roadrunner:
it's cute, i promise. maybe i made it sound scarier than it is. :lol:

I was scared af. I posted about it in here :look: He was cute with it as well. I wasnt trying to hear all that though :look:
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I want to thank all of you ladies for your wishing me well bc i got the position!!!!!! I am so excited and that is one HUGE thing that i don't have to worry about when I move next week!