2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

We were watching house hunters and the couple looking for a home in this particular episode were expecting their first child.

Without warning he kisses me and says "Baby you're going to be so beautiful when you're pregnant."

:heart:....... :grin:..... :look:...

I said "Are you planning knocking me up... without warning??" lol. He said "Eventually, but I'll warn you first." :lol:

It wasn't the first time we spoke about the future and children, but that random moment made my night. It was such a sweet thing for him to say... especially since I'm terrified of my future pregnant body lol. I love him so much.
I love when my boyfriend and I play GTA V together online. I shot him in the head for wrecking one of my cars. He ran me over in his SUV :rofl:

For some reason we have a policy not to kill each other on games:rolleyes:. Want to start playin dirty:lol:
We're greek (just never met) and were at a unity tailgate for homecoming yesterday. Me and my neo have crushes on him and his LB. She and I also have the same first name so it's cute that we both like LBs. :lol: We and another sister decide to walk to their tent (the neo had the goal of telling her crush she liked him; me, I just wanted to meet mine. :look:) So, the third sister introduced me to him and I started talking to him, getting to know him. He was very friendly and nice. I tell him, "I never do this but I just wanted you to know that you're really handsome." He goes, "Oh thank you, you're really pretty." I say, "Awww thanks, I never hear that!" He says, "what?? you're gorgeous. You should hear that everyday." :love: Later on, I ask for a picture, and we look really nice. We keep talking, and I drop my drink on my foot, which was really disappointing because he was right, that Ape Spit was delicious. :look: He ran and got some water to clean myself with. So I don't know, I guess we'll see what happens!! ETA: He's an Alpha. I love Alphas. :look:

I'm all late seeing this, but updates are in order!!

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I mentioned that I wanted a caribbean island bday vacation getaway for my bday in a couple of months....alone! Before I got to the alone part, he was all cheesing and his faced DROPPED so quickly when I got to alone hahahahaha!
Apparently he had been thinking about taking me away teehee.

Yyyyyyeah, I'ma shut my mouth on this 'alone' crap. Ima sound like Debo and Red in Friday in the bicycle scene "Man, Pops is trippin. He wants me to ask for my bike back, You know I wouldnt trip." LOL

My relationship of two years is now really officially over. I initiated it ending but was really hoping that we could be friends and work on some of our communication issues and hopefully reconcile. He was originally agreeable to the plan but things have changed. We`re a very long distance apart right now and the distance and the stress that we were both under just amplified our issues. It`s been a few days and I was originally feeling ok, but I`m really starting to feel my alone-ness now.
My relationship of two years is now really officially over. I initiated it ending but was really hoping that we could be friends and work on some of our communication issues and hopefully reconcile. He was originally agreeable to the plan but things have changed. We`re a very long distance apart right now and the distance and the stress that we were both under just amplified our issues. It`s been a few days and I was originally feeling ok, but I`m really starting to feel my alone-ness now.

im so sorry. ((hugs)) the distance is a killer. Its the #1 stress in our relationship. Has he contacted u since the break up? Maybe after some time you both can think more clearly and try again. possibly work on a plan to kill this distance and make your relationship stronger.
keep yourslef busy with some hobbies, girlfriend time, closet rearranging, happy hours, etc.
im so sorry. ((hugs)) the distance is a killer. Its the #1 stress in our relationship. Has he contacted u since the break up? Maybe after some time you both can think more clearly and try again. possibly work on a plan to kill this distance and make your relationship stronger.
keep yourslef busy with some hobbies, girlfriend time, closet rearranging, happy hours, etc.
Thanks lady. We have been long distance for the past 4 months and right now being closer together isn`t feasible. I`m a full-time student and he`s a recent grad and not eligible to work here (in Canada) so he needs to be in the US. We haven`t spoken to each other in over a week. Thankfully my schoolwork keeps me very busy, I`m in a new city and meeting people, so I`m ok in the daytime... but night time is a killer! Trying to remind myself that this too shall pass.
Watched 'Diary of a Tired Black Man' w/ SO last night...I really enjoyed it, very insightful.

OAN, I love the fact that I can be myself with SO.
I've been patiently waiting for him to say the 3 little words and he finally did yesterday. :) it wasn't by accident and it didn't just come out. He made a point to about saying, "can we talk about something?" after we had come back from brunch. It was very sweet and honest and I was so happy to have his feelings confirmed.

He said that he didn't want me to feel pressured about saying it back bc it wasn't about that. But I had been holding it in myself for some time so I said it right back.


I'm so happy..... And I'm glad I waited!!
im starting to feel like this isn't a relationship between lovers but more of an older sister/younger brother relationship. very reminiscent of raven/corey from that's so raven.:perplexed he purposely tries to see how far he can push me before i explode.

this "relationship" is not good for me. my bp has skyrocketed since we've been together.:nono: i know i definitely need to control my anger but isn't it about time he grow the **** up? ive never been with someone who takes pleasure in seeing me constantly angry and annoyed.

i feel an indefinite break coming on.
This weekend has been an interesting one. I realized that me and a friend of mine have had a mutual 'like in a way more than friends' since undergrad. Yet, due to various reasons, we kept everything at a friendship level.

Well, this we spent some time hanging out this weekend and we kissed. Now I'm just trying to figure out what's going on. I'm really interested to see where things may go from here.
I told my mom I officially called it quits with my ex. She goes, "man, I'm sorry to hear that... so when are you gonna start dating" :lachen::lol::lachen:
I was talking with a co-worker Friday who I am pretty close with. He's going through a rocky divorce/separation. Out of the blue he says "you are glowing! I know he's the one because I have NEVER seen you so happy!" Awwwwww.....it was sweet....
can't wait for him to get off of work. he has been so good to me. my allergies were kicking my butt all weekend and now i'm hoarse. tonight ill make him a dinner :look: and to prepare for this cold front thats coming im going to get some firewood. should be a good night :grin:
I'm on a 10 straight day work stretch and exhausted. I can tell he misses me. The few hours I got free he tells me I need to rest and he's starting to see how I tick :rolleyes: and that I'll run the candle from both ends and squeeze him in when I'm too exhausted for it to be healthy for me. He's right...but...so what. :look:

I guess in his way, he's trying to look out for my wellbeing. But me no curr. He needs to be here!
I decided to move some of my posts over here because I feel like I'm getting a little too mush... Even though he's not the bf and I'm still a single woman!

But cute text from the guy. We were on the phone for like 3 hrs today. He calls me almost every day now and we talk about anything and everything.


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We had so much fun this weekend! Took a little road trip back to our alma mater. Got a lil drunk, saw some old friends and I met some of his friends too.
He's such a sweetie pie and a gentleman. I was like, would you want me to drive a little bit on the way back, I know you're sleepy. He just kissed my forehead and was like no baby, I wouldn't let you drive, and take a nap if you want to. So cute.

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We had so much fun this weekend! Took a little road trip back to our alma mater. Got a lil drunk, saw some old friends and I met some of his friends too.
He's such a sweetie pie and a gentleman. I was like, would you want me to drive a little bit on the way back, I know you're sleepy. He just kissed my forehead and was like no baby, I wouldn't let you drive, and take a nap if you want to. So cute.

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Awww that sounds like an awesome trip!
DarkJoy said:
I'm on a 10 straight day work stretch and exhausted. I can tell he misses me. The few hours I got free he tells me I need to rest and he's starting to see how I tick :rolleyes: and that I'll run the candle from both ends and squeeze him in when I'm too exhausted for it to be healthy for me. He's right...but...so what. :look:

I guess in his way, he's trying to look out for my wellbeing. But me no curr. He needs to be here!

This reminds me. Me and SO broke up for a few hours this weekend bc he was the opposite of this lovely man you're speaking of :grin:

We both have entered new areas of our respective careers. At the beginning of September, I started a new position that has me working 12 hour days and then coming home to more work and watching my back bc the staff is very....well its just different and a lot of pressure (but oddly more fulfilling than my old job so far, actually). He has been taking it personally when I don't want to see him as much or do the same things I used to and this weekend I felt like we needed to take a break (not bc a job that I've only had for two months...and only plan to har for a year :look: became more important but bc I felt like he wasn't being understanding of how overwhelmed I am. I mean he listens when I complain and has told me he'd be there if I need to quit and makes me dinner :love: but I felt like the fact that he kept harping on my schedule that is actually overwhelming me was a red flag.

So I said I wanted to take a break and he agreed and I was devastated but calm. Calm bc I felt like if we were meant to be, it wouldn't be final...but I was hoping it wouldn't be final and that I wouldn't end up devastated. By the time I got out of church and lunch he had called and messaged and said "I don't like this. I can't even take the thought of you being out of my life, not even for a couple hours." And when we talked he said he is going to not take me granted and he was ashamed that he had been. I honestly don't think he needs to be ashamed of anything, bc I know he cares about me. He just is very regimental and had started expecting me to come over more than he expected to make an effort to go out of his way to show that he wanted to spend time with me on my terms and I wanted him to understand.

I also have to realize that he has a lot on his plate and is jn transition too. in late September he accepted a job as director of this section that is totally new to him and I'm sure its stressful. He likes to hang out at his house everyday if he could and I like to be alone at home or out at dinner so we compromised with a date night a week and a house date a week and however else we decide. I just know that as long as we both care we can work anything out. I love him sooo much. And I do think he has gotten lazy but its really true that they do what we allow. Cause even at his laziest he looks out for me. It's just that I allowed him to stop wining and dining me, and expecting me to be able to function without me time over the past couple months and I can't be doing that. *cracks whip*
So my sister who lives in a state over invited the entire fam out to visit next weekend. It will be my 3 sisters and their SOs mom stepdad niece me and ds. I told SO about it and again he hemmed and hawed and said he will have to think about it. :rolleyes: My sisters enjoyed him so much during their last visit and keep asking about him wondering if he will come. I wont make a fuss about it like last time but i will be very disappointed if he doesnt come. Ugh cancers and their anxiety issues. (J/k)
That Kerry Washington thread had me thinking about my own life.

I'm intensely private. Some people think it's do to preservation, however, I like to control how I'm perceived and who sees what.

I havent had a picture with a SO since.....hmmmm.....actually never. (outside of a few dance pics) :look: never realized that. no one's damn business. friends arent allowed to take pics of me, even on vacation. I dont keep pics of myself on my phone and have never sent pics to anyone. It's almost impossible and will be impossible to pin anything on me other than what I want.

I totally get and understand why Kerry Washington keeps dude hidden. who knows how long they were dating. He's going to get tired of that tho, she's going to have to fess up real soon.... this is just like pseudo-SO and his bs about wanting to meet my fam and bff. that ain't gonna happen, not unless we get married and I'm not interested in getting married any time soon so that's that....

I can always pick up and start over from scratch. I dont have anyone else's baggage attached to hold or wear me down......
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Glad you two are working it out InchHighPrivateEye. Sounds like you both really care about each other and that is worth it!

It's frustrating all around though ---why cant these guys meet in the middle? Mine is like--you working, got your daughter, you're exhausted. Plus he just got a promotion too (just like yours). But then he tries not to whine (but kinda does anyway :rolleyes: that our schedules dont mesh.

TBH, it's only not been meshing 2 weeks:rolleyes::lol: We are both a couple of big ole babies.:lachen:

Hmmm... your workaround is good--we have the same general one with our 2 schedules. One date night out. One date night in (alternating homes since we live ~25mi apart).

I think he is just ready to spend MORE time together than our designated 2 days We're already working on schedule changing (my coparenting weekends vs his work schedule) for next month so we'll have like 4 straight days togther every other week.

Wow...that almost feels overwhelming come to think about it!:spinning:

This reminds me. Me and SO broke up for a few hours this weekend bc he was the opposite of this lovely man you're speaking of :grin:

We both have entered new areas of our respective careers. At the beginning of September, I started a new position that has me working 12 hour days and then coming home to more work and watching my back bc the staff is very....well its just different and a lot of pressure (but oddly more fulfilling than my old job so far, actually). He has been taking it personally when I don't want to see him as much or do the same things I used to and this weekend I felt like we needed to take a break (not bc a job that I've only had for two months...and only plan to har for a year :look: became more important but bc I felt like he wasn't being understanding of how overwhelmed I am. I mean he listens when I complain and has told me he'd be there if I need to quit and makes me dinner :love: but I felt like the fact that he kept harping on my schedule that is actually overwhelming me was a red flag.

So I said I wanted to take a break and he agreed and I was devastated but calm. Calm bc I felt like if we were meant to be, it wouldn't be final...but I was hoping it wouldn't be final and that I wouldn't end up devastated. By the time I got out of church and lunch he had called and messaged and said "I don't like this. I can't even take the thought of you being out of my life, not even for a couple hours." And when we talked he said he is going to not take me granted and he was ashamed that he had been. I honestly don't think he needs to be ashamed of anything, bc I know he cares about me. He just is very regimental and had started expecting me to come over more than he expected to make an effort to go out of his way to show that he wanted to spend time with me on my terms and I wanted him to understand.

I also have to realize that he has a lot on his plate and is jn transition too. in late September he accepted a job as director of this section that is totally new to him and I'm sure its stressful. He likes to hang out at his house everyday if he could and I like to be alone at home or out at dinner so we compromised with a date night a week and a house date a week and however else we decide. I just know that as long as we both care we can work anything out. I love him sooo much. And I do think he has gotten lazy but its really true that they do what we allow. Cause even at his laziest he looks out for me. It's just that I allowed him to stop wining and dining me, and expecting me to be able to function without me time over the past couple months and I can't be doing that. *cracks whip*
I'm off work today. Six workdays left until my last day. Three weeks until I move to my love. I'm anxious and nervous. I look back on how much I've grown in the last couple of years in general. I have gone through so many changes on all levels. I am happy I made this decision. It's been almost three months since I've seen my baby. We've had a long year but its been rewarding. Our families are supportive of the move and that is impt to me.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
SmileyNY that is a great article, someone posted that on facebook. I sent it to my SO earlier this week. Its a good read for anyone who is or want to be married.