2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

Took the pup to the dog park with SO's mom. I love spending time with her. She's just awesome.

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He is getting his kitchen remodeled and i suggested that he stay with me for the duration to get away from the noise and fumes etc. This kneegro is over here packing bags like he is going to a deserted island. I am watching him carry out his flat screen tv to the truck as i type. Smh. im like its only three days but he reminded me of my lack of his necessities like xbox netflix and hd. Whatever. This should be interesting.
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He said I give him something to look forward to. He was talking about before we met and how he just worked. ..spent time with his daughter and that was it. He said that's why he bought his motorcycle. He was bored.....but he said now he looks forward to seeing me....getting texts and calls....our future. He said his friends tease him because they know when he hears from me because he lights up like a Christmas tree. Lol
Um so I'm tentatively setting a toe back in this thread.

TOmorrow I'm going to his house for dinner. He's not making any big deal out of it but his lifelong best friend/brotherfromanothermother (who just moved in) will be there and his regular bestie who I already know. However, I KNOW its a big deal meeting his 'brother'. He's asked me to go over 'for dinner' twice this week and I declined the first time.. :look:.

The big deal today was when he was upset about something he picked up the phone to call & ask my advice! That's a first. He's never done that in our 4.5 months. So, we're making baby steps.

He also said something to the effect of "in the future, if we were to get married...":blush: All hypothetical like...hmm...what guy says that?!

This is good. :)
Yes. It went ok @Briabiggles. He apologized, said it was out of his control as he was on an island the whole time internet was spotty yadda yadda. I dont really buy it (he coulda dropped a 5 minute call). I am keeping an eye on his communication skills which seem quite poor and his honesty level in general. Hopefully we can work on communication together. If he's dishonest, he's gotta go.

Mind you, what he said before I'm in no way even thinking about marriage btw. I just like to know that he likes me more'n I like him :look: Thats important to me at this stage...
Welll....its been three weeks since I had my surgery and my momma hasn't said a PEEP about meeting Mr. She's usually so vocal. She just said "I wouldn't mind if he became part of the family!" Awwwwwww coming from her that's HUGE!
Yyyyeah, the mentioning of marriage means absolutely nothing to me anymore.
I ALMOST think they do that on purpose just to mess with your mind. Don't bring up marriage unless you're ready to put a ring on my finger or talk about how or when you plan on doing it! Hypothetically you can marry my best friend...or anyone! So....you uttering does NOTHING for me. *rolls eyes*

Do I sound bitter? lol
Riiiiiight Fine 4s which is why I don't put much stock in it. I also haven't thrown myself emotionally into this budding relationship yet. I am more thinking critically and using my heart less. First marriage was all heart. And we see where that went.

He's got a lot of proving to do before I even let talk like that sink into my emotions.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
I told mister Passive aggressive to get the hell on on July 25.

The same night he was bragging about smoking weed and sexing in the pale moonlight with his 'best friend'...

Be wary of female best friends that your bf cannot introduce you to..

I broke up with him because he was stressing me out financially and emotionally. Any attempt for me to address money issues or for me to discuss his passive agressive behaviours became about the fact that I was not a good enough or supportive enough GF and that I wasn't giving him sex.

I am not about discussing sex when we fight every 2 days. My nook nook does not work like that.

This fool would discuss our relationship publicly on social media for all 5k of his best friends to weigh in. smh

This is what I found out in the months since we broke up.

I come to find out that 20 days into our relationship he was getting a tattoo with this best friend to commemorate a child they lost together. Really ! Mess.

Really! When I asked him about the tattoo at the time he gave me whole romantic story about always having love in his heart. Mess!

I cooked for that idjit when I don't even cook for myself. I took him to dinners, helped him get one of his projects off the ground.

but no.. I'm evil because I was tired being dragged down by your mess.

My friend says he's going around telling ppl that I'm a crazy *****. I told her. 1. stop coming to me with it and 2. from all his post before all his friends must think so anyway

The reason he was upset about one of my male acquaintances he met is because my male acquaintance knew about the shenanigans he was going around with ex-almost baby-mother.

about a month after he came to me telling me he missed me and a whole lot of mess. I told him to respect the woman that he is with now. You would have thought that I told him to piss on his mother...

Told me he was depressed. I told him to lean on his 'best-friend -almost-baby-mother.'
Cussing and carrying on..

anyway he and almost-baby-mother are together now. I am mad as hell he wasted 6 months of my life.!

Happy as hell that I escaped with out any more of the madness but mad as hell at the audacity of this passive aggressive white chick masquerading as a man.

MAd as hell that I took him back when I was ready to be over June 16th.. Mad as all hell.

It's true. Men do not leave, they just act out. I am not about that life.
Yyyyeah, the mentioning of marriage means absolutely nothing to me anymore.
I ALMOST think they do that on purpose just to mess with your mind. Don't bring up marriage unless you're ready to put a ring on my finger or talk about how or when you plan on doing it! Hypothetically you can marry my best friend...or anyone! So....you uttering does NOTHING for me. *rolls eyes*

Do I sound bitter? lol

Yes! Passive Aggressive white chick used the marriage talk so often but never discussed the issues tha would make a good marriage..

Like getting his finances together.. smh.

Marriage is nice but I need to hear more than the words. I need to see action.
I had a dream and in the dream my SO kept saying we are engaged and I kept saying no we are not. I was getting mad too like boy you didn't get down on one knee. I woke up feeling like I was getting engaged. That's funny.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Awwww. The tv was for me yall. :reddancer: he asked if i would like to upgrade from my 42 in hunchback circa 1992 tv and keep his. I couldnt say yes any faster lol. Ive always wanted a flat screen but didnt want to pay any money for it. Im pretty cheap when it comes to that kind of stuff. He also gave me his computer and hooked it up to the tv screen with a mouse and keyboard. He even installed it above my fireplace. While he was at work i turned everything on and saw that he installed sims 3 as well. I love this man yall!
Took a hookey day and spent it with my honey. Left his house around 4:30. I've been home for 30 minutes and we're already on the phone...lol. Love him....
He's sleeping over tonight and coming to church with me. Kind of a big deal lol I never bring guys around church folks cause they nosy as hell.
I'm also bought to be cooking hella food tonight cause I'm having a little potluck at my place tomorrow after church I may cook in something skimpy. :look:
A stop at Victoria's Secret just popped up on my grocery list idk who put that there :look:
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I went to leave this morning after stopping by for some chicken and waffles (don't judge me) and when i went to give him a hug and kiss goodbye and went to leave he watched me walk away and before I could put my hand on the door knob he grabbed me and turned me around, grabbed my face and kissed me passionately, then pulled away and looked deep in my eyes and said I love you so much, have a great day baby. I metled when I got in the car. I love the way our love is going :rosebud:
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Shoot me and Mr. Are in the same city. Because of the nature of his job we text a LOT. I used to hate it. But when we do talk we make the best of it. And we communicate better than any other relationship I have ever had. Hold on LaBell! Sounds like you have a good guy.

He seems like a great guy and he plans in moving to your city in the future. Trust me I understand the frustration of ldr bc I am in one. This situation is temporary. He is everything you want in a man, the distance is temporary. Long distance relationships taught me the meaning of patience and to focus on myself. It also has taught me that it is very important to be together to get to know each other. But it also has taught me to value the times we spend together and to focus on quality of a person vs just being with someone. I know that women complain about the little things which is ok but when you cant see you baby everyday it can be tough. It makes me realize to not sweat the small stuff. And I hate texting all the time too. But I love the FaceTime and just talking about life. I don't know if there is something that you both love to do that can be done via FaceTime but that can help. We read with each other and I love when we do that.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Ugh i was just about to come in here and complain about not seeing my baby as much now that we dont work together. Granted its only been a day but i miss him so much. He worked late last night and texted me during his shift then tried to call when he got off but i was asleep. He tried to call me this morning but i am at work. I tried calling back on my break and now he is at work. Ugh we have a mini date scheduled tomorrow (after foosball of course :rolleyes:) and i cant wait
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Urgh. I've been seeing a few big spiders in his bedroom in the past week which freaked me out!

Tonight though **** got real. I go into the bedroom and saw a big one chilling up in the corner. Sprayed that one :look: 3 minutes later I see another bigger one run out on another wall :dead:

I had a mini panic attack :cry2::whyme::baby2:

SO said he's going to investigate, look for entry points and seal them tomorrow. He went in there with a torch to look for corpses lol. I cannot relax with spiders in the bedroom running around all willy nilly. I know he thinks I'm crazy deep down since he's not afraid of things, but he hides it well.:lol:

Apart from that doing well :). Therapy was life changing individually as well as for the relationship. My friendships are better also since I'm less passive aggressive/avoidant when things bother me which is great. It was no joke though. One of the toughest processes I've ever been through.
My baby's son was in a bad car accident yesterday. His car was totaled but his son is ok. He was stressed. I sent him a pic to lift his spirits. Lol........he said he looked at it for about ten minutes :giggle:
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Marriage is so tough I'm hanging in there. All the pain we have been through I Love him like the day he broke my heart. It was the day I thanked God for him. He broke my heart we are in love I can't imagine life without him.