2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

NijaG I appreciate your response and completely agree. My father deeply instilled into me the importance of having your own but also importantly never entertaining a man that would make you use your own. I never even bothered to go on the date with Man #1. Stage one of being interested in someone is trying to impress them and if he felt telling me he doesnt like lazy women that dont have their half was going to impress me then we werent for each other.
My baby fell and sprained his ankle.....we are a sight to see...him hobbling on crutches and me barely able to stand all the way straight...lol
Currently watching my dad and boyfriend carry my new couch up some steep arse stairs.
I'm honestly super strong but they won't let me help lol.

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I went to bed last night very late. My baby and I started reading the first few pages of The five love languages. We were just talking about the book, past relationships, what our love languages are, etc... I didn't realize this book was geared towards married couples but I think it's a great read for any relationship. I woke up thinking I am going to pay for this today at work but then twin sent me a text saying thank you for listening to me and that he loved me. He wants us to have more talks like that. I am glad I got that book for us. Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Coming out of lurk mode to say: there are different versions of this book. There is The 5 love languages for couples, for singles, for teenagers, for military men and women. Saw them at Barnes and Noble.

Back to lurk mode.
Why is he so damn cute?!? :drool: Gah! I just swoon all the time. :cupidarrow:

We've been dancing around the marriage talk this week. We both want it. Feels so good to be with my future husband. I doubt he'll propose before our year anniversary though. *sigh*
My phone had been missing for two days now. SO insisted that i had left it some where and wasnt looking hard enough. I had given up and was ready to purchase another another one. He asked for my car keys, left and was gone for about an hour and a half. He came back hot and sweaty and dropped my phone in my lap. Perplexed and i asked where did he find it. He said it was under the mountain of trash and crap in my car. :look: When i got to my car to leave that night i noticed that he had cleaned out vaccumed and washed it. I was slightly embarrassed yet highly grateful because my car was a hot mess.
he came spent this past weekend down here, left mon. we were texting & i text 'every time I leave u...i need u as if i wasnt just w/ u'. he text back 'me toooo!! i was thinking that earlier'. he said he was on my instagram just looking at all our pics together.
his bday nex Thurs. heading up wed eve to spend that entire weekend together. he said 2013 is one of his better years, career wise and relationship & he's so happy:) My man is so sexy to me..his eyes :love:
He so good to me until it's SCARY at times. I've been under the weather with a cold this week...our conversation through text this morning:

Him: Good morning Honey bunny. I like you today.
Me: Good morning. I like you too. (this is a morning ritual for us. We love each other, but we joke with "like")
Him: Did you take your lunch? How are you feeling?
Me: I did not. Not feeling too well.
Him: Awwwwwww!!! What can I do to make you feel better?
Me: I don't know, but I appreciate you asking.

He makes my heart melt so much...it's been almost two years and I'm still madly in love with him.
Spent my whole day in the emergency room...Mr. came hobbling even though I told him to stay home and rest.....he said PLEASE! I would throw myself off of the world trade center if something happened to you!!!!
Made me feel so much better.
My SO is such a inspiration. Nothing is more sexier than a go-getter. I have watched him grow so much business wise in the past year. Slowly but surely he is reaching is goals. He showed me a pic of his warehouse which will be beneficial for him. Im so proud of my baby. It makes me understand why he is on the grind and can't always talk.
this thread is making me feel bad. Y'all's posts make it seem like relationships are a cakewalk. I'm straight struggling! A lot. Struggling to be patient, to be kind, not to be frustrated.

Maybe it's because we are long distance. In any case - I've been asking myself a lot in the last weeks if we will make it through. You all seem so secure. I'm def not there and not sure I ever will be.

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this thread is making me feel bad. Y'all's posts make it seem like relationships are a cakewalk. I'm straight struggling! A lot. Struggling to be patient, to be kind, not to be frustrated.

Maybe it's because we are long distance. In any case - I've been asking myself a lot in the last weeks if we will make it through. You all seem so secure. I'm def not there and not sure I ever will be.

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I have my moments and I am long distance as well. Im nervous about my move up there but it's not bc of him. I have learned that whenever issues arise to look at myself. not to find fault, but to reflect on why i feel this way, most of the time its from the past. I told my boyfriend that he is such a giving person but at times I don't think he doesn't know how to receive the same. We are both quiet but he is not vocal when conflict arise and he is just not an emotional person outwardly. He mentioned that growing up his dad never affirmed him meaning never really praised or said he loved him. I have heard this before but when he said it recently I realized that it affected him. He said that he will talk to his dad about that. Their relationship is growing and I am happy bc it will improve all relationships. I think it's great that we can talk about things that concerns us and figure out what the root is. This relationship I appreciate more bc of what I experienced and the past and I have matured.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
this thread is making me feel bad. Y'all's posts make it seem like relationships are a cakewalk. I'm straight struggling! A lot. Struggling to be patient, to be kind, not to be frustrated.

Maybe it's because we are long distance. In any case - I've been asking myself a lot in the last weeks if we will make it through. You all seem so secure. I'm def not there and not sure I ever will be.

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oh please, we def have our issues..still growing and learning each other. i was breaking it off every 2 weeks :lol: My cousin who was a big help sort of counselled us. I'm learning to be more patient. we bump heads a lot because we are exactly alike. The long distance keeps me/us frustrated. not to mention the added on stress frustrations of dating someone in the industry. This year was no all cake walk and i wasnt sure it would last but we are coming thru it. he said once we get thru we will truly be unbreakable. I am 100% secure in his love for me and that helps. it took me a min to get to that and i mentioned it in this thread during the summer. i wasnt secure and he broke his back to make me feel that.
this thread is making me feel bad. Y'all's posts make it seem like relationships are a cakewalk. I'm straight struggling! A lot. Struggling to be patient, to be kind, not to be frustrated.

Maybe it's because we are long distance. In any case - I've been asking myself a lot in the last weeks if we will make it through. You all seem so secure. I'm def not there and not sure I ever will be.

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Definitely not a cakewalk......we have good days and bad days....shoot.....I know we all post the "he is getting on my nerves" it takes time. And surely a lot of patience. I think the hardest part is being secure with self. That makes things a lot easier. Plus I'm old as hell and kissed a whole heck of a lot of frogs before I got my prince....:bighug:
this thread is making me feel bad. Y'all's posts make it seem like relationships are a cakewalk. I'm straight struggling! A lot. Struggling to be patient, to be kind, not to be frustrated.

Maybe it's because we are long distance. In any case - I've been asking myself a lot in the last weeks if we will make it through. You all seem so secure. I'm def not there and not sure I ever will be.

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Hey hon...definitely not a cake walk. We've had some struggles. I sometimes wonder how we made it past 2 months...not to even mention making it to 2 years. :look: In the beginning, I probably trusted a stranger more than I trusted him and was trying to break up with him every week, but he "kinda" wouldn't let me run. He was like velcro. :look: I didn't go into details, but I posted a little over a week ago on how we had had a horrible week.:perplexed Maybe it was me, maybe it was him but we were both stressed. However, if you can make it through those rough patches, you come out of them even closer. Try to hang in there, if you can, but do not compromise your values, beliefs, and expectations. Here's to hoping things get better for you.
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this thread is making me feel bad. Y'all's posts make it seem like relationships are a cakewalk. I'm straight struggling! A lot. Struggling to be patient, to be kind, not to be frustrated.

Maybe it's because we are long distance. In any case - I've been asking myself a lot in the last weeks if we will make it through. You all seem so secure. I'm def not there and not sure I ever will be.

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Don't feel bad. Relationships have ups and downs some minor and some major.

It is best not to compare your relationship with others as we all have different experiences and personalities that shape how we function.
Oh trust, I havent a clue when it comes to relationships and have screwed up a few good relationships of my own with my antics. this around time i am basically just winging it lol. This is the first relationship my so has had since his divorce 7 years ago and i can be a bit insecure sometimes and that alone can cause problems. It helps that my so and i are very compatible and we both are putting in a generous effort. Of course we can get on each others nerves and thats why we have our own places :giggle: I agree with what the ladies here have posted. Especially with not comparing your relationship with others. I try to enjoy my unique experience with this man and all that we have to offer each other. We both want this to work and i believe that it can and if things continue on like this i dont see myself going anywhere anytime soon.
We're finally all moved in to the new place. Tomorrow we'll take our first trip to heaven and hell on earth, Ikea, together. This will be the real test lol.

Pray for us ladies :lol:
Do you suffer from high expectations of people? And get disappointed...

My mom's cousin just had a chat with me about my situation with 'him.' Although she supports me, she wants me to live in the here and now and stop playing out scenarios in my head before they happen. To me, looking at signs (red flags) early on prevent the heartache later. But how much of that red flag is my being inflexible, judgmental, cynical and just down right untrusting? How do you know if your red flags are reasonable (what's the test)?

When I build you up in my mind, I expect so much and maybe TOO much?
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Do you suffer from high expectations of people? And get disappointed...

My mom's cousin just had a chat with me about my situation with 'him.' Although she supports me, she wants me to live in the here and now and stop playing out scenarios in my head before they happen. To me, looking at signs (red flags) early on prevent the heartache later. But how much of that red flag is my being inflexible, judgmental, cynical and just down right untrusting? How do you know if your red flags are reasonable (what's the test)?

When I build you up in my mind, I expect so much and maybe TOO much?
People don't really disappoint me, because I quickly learn what they are capable of "giving" "doing" "expressing" and base my expectations from that point. If they give more, great. If not, okay. What I have built up in my mind for someone is not what they may have built up in their minds for themselves.

And often times it's not their fault. The person just may not be capable of living up to your expectations because of their life experiences being different from yours. It doesn't mean that they are a bad person. It just means that their walk is different from your walk and they go about doing, expressing, showing, etc. things differently.

Now what you must do is decide if their walk is acceptable in your life or not. Sometimes people are willing to change/grow, but often times people are happy with the skin they are in, especially adults in their late 30's and up. They see nothing wrong with themselves and struggle with trying to understand your aggravation with them. And if that's the case, you have to accept them for who they are or either walk away.
this thread is making me feel bad. Y'all's posts make it seem like relationships are a cakewalk. I'm straight struggling! A lot. Struggling to be patient, to be kind, not to be frustrated.

Maybe it's because we are long distance. In any case - I've been asking myself a lot in the last weeks if we will make it through. You all seem so secure. I'm def not there and not sure I ever will be.

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My boyfriend and I are long distance as well. We've been having major struggles lately because we both have huge egos and crazy tempers and then this afternoon, I decided that I cared about our relationship more than my ego (this time) because we were fighting over something completely ridiculous and just like that, things are looking better already. Someone told me that two years was a hard milestone to make and they weren't kidding. We still have two months to go before that happens and I'm just hoping that it'll be relatively struggle-free.

It can be really frustrating in an LDR because when you're talking through text, or email, or skype, things can be misinterpreted a lot. You just have to try and find ways to work through the misinterpretations with minimal hurt feelings. I still haven't gotten the hang of it yet.
We're finally all moved in to the new place. Tomorrow we'll take our first trip to heaven and hell on earth, Ikea, together. This will be the real test lol.

Pray for us ladies :lol:

Lmao sooo true. How was your make or break trip to ikea, SmileyNY?
You guys we had sooo much fun together this weekend. We barely got out of bed on Saturday :look: to be perfectly honest.

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Lmao sooo true. How was your make or break trip to ikea, @SmileyNY?
You guys we had sooo much fun together this weekend. We barely got out of bed on Saturday :look: to be perfectly honest.

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:lol: It went well overall. I thought he would be the one complaining about the things I was picking out.... but to my surprise, he was the one throwing any and everything into the cart and writing bin numbers down all willy nilly :lol:

I was like um... honey... it's all cheap until it adds up at the register lol.
Lord......I just had a testimony service with the lady at the Car place...telling her about being a single parent (she was too) the grace of God.....raising three boys alone....she started talking about being 42 and single.....I told her of how me and Mr. Met.....all the stuff I had been through, and how my 40th birthday was just a few days ago......she was omg you encouraged me so much...you just don't know.....whoo I had a moment.
I'm so thankful for this man...geesh.....he said to me the other day...I had cooked some chili it was my first time cooking since the surgery and I was beat. I always put him some food aside and save it or freeze it if I can for him. He called me after he got to work and was like "girl......that chili was the BOMB! I was wanting some and you read my mind" He said it was better than his mammas.....lol