2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

I'm kinda pissed at him....I'm laid up feeling lonely. Nobody has been here and I'm trying not to run the boys ragged but I can barely get off the chair without assistance. Trying to be understanding.
What's that app ya'll use to block unwanted calls?
I'll try Mr. number but want to specify for iphone 4s.
Thanks g-g
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Half way through my week without him. One of the few good things about being apart is not having to shave!! :reddancer: I'm a hairy mo-fo and I don't care! :lol:
Briabiggles lol Ikr. But if he surprises you and pop up then it's a different story. That happened to me. He did not care one bit. I'm feeling embarrassed and he is like I don't see the big deal, it's not bad.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I'm going to be 29 next year and I still have never been in a serious relationship, never been in love, haven't had a date since 2011. People claim that I am pretty beautiful whatever. I keep myself in good shape, not overweight. Don't smell, keep myself looking decent and clean but I am not attracting anybody. I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. The few guys who seemed interested just stare and smile and they never approach.
I was sitting here upset....feeling bad....just in a bad mood. Everyone telling me to just rest but its hard to rest when you can't move or adjust without pain. I was praying that God would just lift my spirits and who comes knocking on my door.
He helped me to the bathroom and wash up. He took a break from work to come check on me.
Lord I need to work on my patience cause this man.... .....when the rubber meets the road has been here for me through it all. He has a lot of responsibility and a stressful job. And here I am acting like a brat.....smh at myself
Briabiggles lol Ikr. But if he surprises you and pop up then it's a different story. That happened to me. He did not care one bit. I'm feeling embarrassed and he is like I don't see the big deal, it's not bad.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

He can't just pop up. He's over an hour away. With his teaching job and our puppy to take care of....no surprise visits. :grin: I know he wouldn't care anyway but you know.....

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
He can't just pop up. He's over an hour away. With his teaching job and our puppy to take care of....no surprise visits. :grin: I know he wouldn't care anyway but you know.....

Sent from my iPad mini mini.

Oh ok. I see...My SO is 8 hours away and I was not expecting it.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I was sitting here upset....feeling bad....just in a bad mood. Everyone telling me to just rest but its hard to rest when you can't move or adjust without pain. I was praying that God would just lift my spirits and who comes knocking on my door.
He helped me to the bathroom and wash up. He took a break from work to come check on me.
Lord I need to work on my patience cause this man.... .....when the rubber meets the road has been here for me through it all. He has a lot of responsibility and a stressful job. And here I am acting like a brat.....smh at myself

I hope u feel better soon crlsweetie912.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I was sitting here upset....feeling bad....just in a bad mood. Everyone telling me to just rest but its hard to rest when you can't move or adjust without pain. I was praying that God would just lift my spirits and who comes knocking on my door.
He helped me to the bathroom and wash up. He took a break from work to come check on me.
Lord I need to work on my patience cause this man.... .....when the rubber meets the road has been here for me through it all. He has a lot of responsibility and a stressful job. And here I am acting like a brat.....smh at myself

I hope u feel better asap. U have a wonderful man :yep:
I had one of the best birthdays ive had in years. My little party was wonderful. He had gotten on the mic to toast me but i was so buzzed i didnt remember what he said lol. my cousin told me the next day. she said he said how he is so happy i came into his life and he loves me and so glad we could celebrate me...awwww. I had on a ratchet dress. i said for once in my life i want to dress rachety, :lol:. so i brought in 40 in my ratchet dress. had a nice peaceful week. we lounged at the beach, chilled and really enjoyed each other.
He came into the room while I was on the forum, looked at my screen and said... "Are you on that uh... what's that site called again? Long hair don't care?" Lmao! :rofl:

The fact that he doesn't know the name of the forum is ok with me! :lol:

Okay, logging off. Dinner time :)
I got a new and hopefully better job closer to my city. This means that we are no longer working together and i have no reason to be out on his side of town except to see him. We live about 20 mins (without traffic) away from each other. Im quite content with that though. Through the months i have gotten comfortable with the convience of us working together then sleeping over at his place. This can encourage more independance on our part and cause us to apprieciate our time together seeing how we wont see each other as much. There are personal things that i have neglected that i would like to get back into now that i will have a lot more "me" time such as reading, meditating and cooking. Im sure he will enjoy his "foosball" and guy time without me distracting him as he says. (I came over once unitentionally dressed up and looking "too good" to ignore according to him...he just wanted some lol)
Going through a rough patch as of this weekend. I don't know how it will play out...my mind says stay home tonight but my heart is saying, go and talk tonight. Meaning wait for him outside his home for when he gets off of work :(
I need resolution or some plan in place. What are we going to do about this issue?!
I hate being emotional....

ETA-outside the home but I think I have to let it go, HE needs to come to me if this is what he wants. I have to keep reminding myself that I am the prize....
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OMG this is long!!!

So for months as twin and I visit eachother, the goodbyes get harder and harder. I didn't realize that it was bothering him to the magnitude that it did until this past week (I knew but didn't know). He voiced it in his own way but in my mind, this situation was only temporary (the distance). I am more vocal when it comes to expression, so I didn't think it bothered him as much.

My mother always said men don't like to be alone for too long. She is right.

I have been wanting to move up there with him since January of this year. That has been my goal from the start, but I wanted a transfer through the company I worked for. I had two close calls for that opportunity. The first opportunity I wasn't with the company long enough. I just so happened to be visiting him when I an email from HR about interviewing. I thought this was it, but I was told I had to wait until my 6 months! So my six months came and another position came available, only problem was that the interview was 3 weeks prior to be visiting him again. I had a great phone interview but the position needed to be filled the next week. So that fell through. There haven't been any positions since.

When I told him I that I might have to renew my lease bc I did not want to leave without a job, he started distancing himself. Of course that caused friction and I figured out it was bc of that. I was upset and he was too. He doesn't argue so we don't go back and forth but I know I was mad. We were both on the phone in tears, that is when I made the decision to move.

Back in August, we were both on the phone with an elder and twin what asked her what she thought about me moving up to where he was. We talked about it. I let them know that I been wanted to go. The Elder said that fear is holding me back and she said I needed to figure out why. It is definitely understandable. I am a pretty self sufficient person and having to depend on him frightened me, but he is the most caring person ever. I think fear of the unknown or the what ifs. She also told him that he would have to be patient with me if I decided to move up there, especially if I go through the motions of adjusting and finding a job.

I even spoke to my mother about this. I was thinking that she would say I should not go. But she said, I didn't raise you to be safe, but make sure you are doing this for you and that you are ok. I said to her I wasn't upset at him looking back, I was frightened of the unknown or taking the risk. Tinkat moving for love, I said I would never do that. But I am not moving just for love, I am moving for myself and new beginnings. I always said I wanted to live in the northeast just for the experience. I feel like I have outgrown the south at this moment. I know I will be back (Twin doesn't like the winters in the NE so I know the south will be our final destination). I have been resisting it for months. But my lease is going to be up in Dec and I am leaving Charlotte.

I promise I am a certified nomad. I have barely been here a year. Mom always said moving is in our DNA.

Luckily I have been researching the area for months, the cost of living (bc it is higher than the south), popular companies in the area, and how much I would need to live. I may have to live with twin starting off but I want my own place.
We are both soooo busy that we see each other like maybe 2x a week.

But....it kinda works for me. I feel smothered easily and I value my alone time.

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I had one of the best birthdays ive had in years. My little party was wonderful. He had gotten on the mic to toast me but i was so buzzed i didnt remember what he said lol. my cousin told me the next day. she said he said how he is so happy i came into his life and he loves me and so glad we could celebrate me...awwww. I had on a ratchet dress. i said for once in my life i want to dress rachety, :lol:. so i brought in 40 in my ratchet dress. had a nice peaceful week. we lounged at the beach, chilled and really enjoyed each other.

sylver2, that dress was not ratchet! You looked fabulous! He loves him some sylver2! Beautiful couple! You hide your "buzzed" well, LOL! I had no clue. :lol:
Got off work this morning, packed my bag and headed to SO's house. Our puppy was so excited to see me and has grown so much in just one week! Time to nap until he comes home from work. Can't wait to feel him kiss me to wake me up!

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
sylver2, that dress was not ratchet! You looked fabulous! He loves him some sylver2! Beautiful couple! You hide your "buzzed" well, LOL! I had no clue. :lol:

Lucie aww thank u honey and I'm so glad you were there. all the guys r still talking about the beautiful girl in the blue dress :yep: and yes i was beyond buzzed..:lol: haha.
Going through a rough patch as of this weekend. I don't know how it will play out...my mind says stay home tonight but my heart is saying, go and talk tonight. Meaning wait for him outside his home for when he gets off of work :(
I need resolution or some plan in place. What are we going to do about this issue?!
I hate being emotional....

ETA-outside the home but I think I have to let it go, HE needs to come to me if this is what he wants. I have to keep reminding myself that I am the prize....

Fine 4s what happened? did u leave or wind up waiting
@sylver2, that dress was not ratchet! You looked fabulous! He loves him some sylver2! Beautiful couple! You hide your "buzzed" well, LOL! I had no clue. :lol:

@Lucie aww thank u honey and I'm so glad you were there. all the guys r still talking about the beautiful girl in the blue dress :yep: and yes i was beyond buzzed..:lol: haha.

:look:were are the pictures ladies?!?!:yep:


So my brakes on the car are pretty much shot..at least the front end. We went and got estimates yesterday found the cheapest place they said to bring it in tomorrow (today/night) and it'll be ready Friday.
The SO said that he'd let me take his car tonight after work, and let me run my errands, and to pick him up in the morning. Maybe I'll just spend the night tonight....:look:
Okay...I'm "feeling" him again now. Just in time for the weekend, because he was about to have a me-less weekend.

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@Fine 4s what happened? did u leave or wind up waiting

Hey sylver2,

I waited for him outside his home when he got off of work but it was too late to have a productive convo and I knew it before even going. It's suppose to take place today. Thanks for checking in :)

ETA- Satisfied I had my talk. Now I have a little more peace.
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I had my surgery a week ago today......
Been feeling better day by day, and Mr. Fireman is so awesome taking care of me.
The other day when he came I was feeling really sad and hurt because NONE of my family has been here to visit me.....I had to ask my oldest to go to the market, pick up medicine. He even washed clothes....
I was just pissed off because when my sister was fighting breast cancer I took off a month to take care of her every need.
He explained that it seems like they love differently...and don't have the capacity to do some of the things I've done, so I can't expect them to do what they can't even fathom.
It hit me like a ton of bricks...he's so caring and smart and loving. I'm such a lucky woman..
Today he's coming to take me for my first "outing" since the surgery. The fresh air will be good and I can't wait to take a nice walk with my baby. I love that man so much.