2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

o my gosh i have butterflies. I see him Thursday after not seeing each other for a month. We will be MIA for 2 days ;)..Then my 40th bday party is at his lounge on Saturday and I have a great response from my friends and family that are coming.
He & I are going on a cruise w/ my family in November the week before Thanksgiving.
I'm so happy. its been a little bumpy but that happens as you are settling down and figuring out each other. The honeymoon lust phase is over and its :love: for real now:)
and If any of u ladies are in the NYC/NJ area and would like to come Sat. Pm me for info.

So happy for you. You look amazing on your flyer. I wish I could come! Enjoy every second!!!!!!
Talked thru things last week, rest of week went pretty good.

Weekend comes and he goes too hard. Over doing it and now he's back to "tapering" off. Didn't work so well last time.

So Labor day plans were ruined, he says he's done.

Oh and he reveals he's mother has been diagnosed with dementia.

I guess I should stop posting in the single ladies thread now lol.
It still feels odd to be with someone after a couple months of singleness.I have to remember not to be extra flirty when tipsy and all that. He's going away this weekend for a wedding and was joking that I should stay at home and not go out lol
I'm happy with him, but if I find out we're not sexually compatible :look: ummmmm....

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I think I'm going to lurk here now... I don't think I'm single anymore... The inevitable is happening with the new mr man...
My SO and I are living 1.5 hours apart for the next year or so. I was supposed to drive out for the weekend this morning. Instead, I drove out last night. The weather was horrible! So rainy and the road out is twisty, dark and through the mountains. I was white knuckling the steering wheel the whole way! It felt so good to get here though. Sleeping in his arms last night and waking up to kisses from our puppy this morning was worth it! :cloud9:
Both of our leases are coming up soon and he is asking me what am i going to do.......in a perfect world cohabitation sounds like a wonderful idea. Split bills...easy access..:look: etc But this is the real world i dont want tonkill what we have. I have seen and heard the horror stories. I think this early in our relationship the sense of mystery helps keep the romance alive. I can be his sexy entertainment and vice versa for a time and then i go home. He doesnt see the "other me" the "me" who is in her own element when i am alone. And God what he does when i am not there lol :lol:
Just realized I made a big mistake.

Just before his plane I told him to not worry about me, I will be fine. Just call when you land so I know you're OK.

How flippin DUMB! I forget dudes are literal and dont get the subtext, cuz you know and I know I meant the exact OPPOSITE of that. Pfffffttttt!!! :wallbash:

I'm just gonna drop a light and airy email...

Ugh. I hate missing him!

ETA: THere! I did it! So why am I freaking out?! :spinning: I'm a freaking wack job sometimes...
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He returned my email. :) I didnt expect him to. I sure enjoy hearing from him.

Anyone deal with a less emotive guy? How do you get secure in that?

I'm so used to men unabashedly wearing their feelings on their sleeves. I realize this leaves me questioning us all the time as his communication style is way different than what I usually attract. He doesn't much say certain things but when he wants to see me that's it. He's coming over. We're going out. He shows mild jealous and certainly possessive traits--not dangerously tho. IDK...I'm baffled. Insights, wise women?
It has only been 4 days and I miss him like he was gone for 4 months. How will I make it through the next 15 days:perplexed
He returned my email. :) I didnt expect him to. I sure enjoy hearing from him.

Anyone deal with a less emotive guy? How do you get secure in that?

I'm so used to men unabashedly wearing their feelings on their sleeves. I realize this leaves me questioning us all the time as his communication style is way different than what I usually attract. He doesn't much say certain things but when he wants to see me that's it. He's coming over. We're going out. He shows mild jealous and certainly possessive traits--not dangerously tho. IDK...I'm baffled. Insights, wise women?

My baby is like that. My first love was a scorp and now I am with a virgo. Water vs earth. Completely different when it comes to expression of emotion. The Scorp was a mush and I am too lol. Virgos are not emotional like that (outwardly) but mine is so thoughtful. That makes up for it for sure. He do things for me and after the fact I am like aw, he really went out of his way to think about me. Its always after the fact.

I told my baby it takes a certain type of female to be with him, he said I know lol. With us being long distance, its even more of a lesson for me. You have to be very secure. The thing is that I don't worry about him cheating or doing anything crazy. I find that if I do, its my mind wandering. He is just not a mushy guy but I know he loves me to pieces.

He is the most thoughtful and serving person ever plus extremely attentive. I remember when I went to visit him and his close friend sister made me a plate of burritos with alot of hot salsa. He took a bite of his that she prepared and was like tinkat is not going to eat that. They made me another plate, they are such kind people :). The funny thing is that I ate it right before he ate his and was thinking in my head, its good but too hot!!!! He senses things about me without me saying anything. I always remember moments like those when my mind start to wonder.

One thing I pick up on is that sometimes the most outwardly affectionate are not always the most thoughtful, serving, and attentive.

The guys that aren't the most emotional outwardly are actually very emotional, they just know how to control it. My guy has self control but extremely passionate.

Being with a Virgo made me realize that it is definitely quality over quantity when dealing with them. He was single for six years before meeting me. They are super picky. He may not be a mush but he is the best when he isn't over thinking lol.
He returned my email. :) I didnt expect him to. I sure enjoy hearing from him.

Anyone deal with a less emotive guy? How do you get secure in that?

I'm so used to men unabashedly wearing their feelings on their sleeves. I realize this leaves me questioning us all the time as his communication style is way different than what I usually attract. He doesn't much say certain things but when he wants to see me that's it. He's coming over. We're going out. He shows mild jealous and certainly possessive traits--not dangerously tho. IDK...I'm baffled. Insights, wise women?

My guy is like that. In fact, most people would think he is cold as ice. For him, I let his actions speak instead of words. For ex, I would never expect a love letter or poem but he will buy flowers and pick up things I like often. He listens and remembers even when i think he is not. He likes to cuddle and hold hands when we are out. And basically if I want to know something I just ask directly because he will not pour his heart out but opens it up little by little. If I told him i felt insecure about the relationship he would probably say, "i wouldnt be here if I didnt love/like you" Like tinkat, my SO is a Virgo as well.
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Ugh e-Bestie (I made us those in my head after graduating and stuff around the same time :look: ) you didn't even tell me lol. Give up the details or point me to the thread where you did already.

I guess I should stop posting in the single ladies thread now lol.
It still feels odd to be with someone after a couple months of singleness.I have to remember not to be extra flirty when tipsy and all that. He's going away this weekend for a wedding and was joking that I should stay at home and not go out lol
I'm happy with him, but if I find out we're not sexually compatible :look: ummmmm....

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May I make a confession? :curtain: I'm one of those "my man will find me" type of girls. It hasn't failed me yet in terms of not actively seeking anyone but I wonder about what if I don't get married while still young and it's easier to be found?...I guess you would say.
Ugh e-Bestie (I made us those in my head after graduating and stuff around the same time :look: ) you didn't even tell me lol. Give up the details or point me to the thread where you did already.

Lol SuchaLady oh good you feel the same way :)
And no I haven't posted any details cause there isn't much. We talked for like 3 months I think and then one night while we were making out in his car he asked me out but then said "I'll ask you again officially in the morning when you're not drunk." Lol and that was that.
I dig him. He's cute, great job (chemist) and very attentive. I am kind of a demanding spoiled brat in relationships and so far he seems to be okay with that :look:

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Lawd his family...it's like I'm already married to him. They LOVE me and refer to me as his wife to everyone. I don't like that but at the same time it makes me giggle. I don't like it because I don't want it to have the opposite effect...him not asking anytime soon or doubting because all these old heads have adopted me in the family.

I feel like I have much to catch up with you ladies on but I'm tired.

Here's a little story: This woman he knows was chit chatting with him as I stood around after he introduced me as his girlfriend. When they were done, she walks away and says to him "I'll stop by sometime, when I see you're car outside, I'll stop by." As soon as she walked away, I go to him "oh no you won't" and he busts out laughing.
I mean WHY would a grown arse woman say that right in front of a man's gf? It seems like either I'm running into disrespectful women too often, my guy doesn't check them hard enough OR I'm too sensitive. What is going on?
...just realized that my SO is seeing someone else.

Her initials are NFL and shes got him wide open all day. Ah well, it's only for a few times a week for the next 5 months. I could learn to share...right??

:lol: gotta love football season!
QT, I feel ya.
I'm surprising him with tix to David Chapelle and he's not moving away from the darn tube! I don't know how I'm going to pull this off. The show starts at 5 and it's about 45 mins. drive.
QT, I feel ya.
I'm surprising him with tix to David Chapelle and he's not moving away from the darn tube! I don't know how I'm going to pull this off. The show starts at 5 and it's about 45 mins. drive.

Fine 4s. I would mention it during halftime depending on what game he's watching. Hopefully he's not like my SO who flips between all the games...He 'll be by the tv until 8 lol.

Such a nice surprise...hopefully the two of you get to go :yep:
...just realized that my SO is seeing someone else.

Her initials are NFL and shes got him wide open all day. Ah well, it's only for a few times a week for the next 5 months. I could learn to share...right??

:lol: gotta love football season!

lol, Im so slow. At first Im like...huh? She seems to be taking this cheating so well...
Thanks TayMac and tinkat. Kept the quotes below because they fit us pretty well. I appreciate you ladies taking the time to respond. :)

In this case I am the Virgo :look: and he is a sag. I am NOT outwardly emotional but I am outwardly affectionate as in loving even the most basic physical contact. His communication (at least while on his vacay) isn't that great. On the regular, we talk daily. He is so constant with everything. He has no problems holding my hand in public and opening doors and whatnot. And he is very reliable when it comes to dates and stuff... IDK what I worry about! Sheesh. Like I said--I'm the nutjob.

I just don't like not hearing from him for a couple days right now. I think I'm spoiled. :ohwell: He is also not very romantically agressive which I am used to on a certain level but not his much so. I'm pretty aggressive but he is very timid when dealing with me.

IDK how you do a LDR tinkat. That's a special kind of woman who can handle that...

My guy is like that. In fact, most people would think he is cold as ice. For him, I let his actions speak instead of words. For ex, I would never expect a love letter or poem but he will buy flowers and pick up things I like often. He listens and remembers even when i think he is not. He likes to cuddle and hold hands when we are out. And basically if I want to know something I just ask directly because he will not pour his heart out but opens it up little by little. If I told him i felt insecure about the relationship he would probably say, "i wouldnt be here if I didnt love/like you" Like tinkat, my SO is a Virgo as well.
TayMac thank you! I bolded the above cuz he is like this. He's not even a flower or poem guy, but he remembers stuff and he is constant. I have to remember that.
My baby is like that. My first love was a scorp and now I am with a virgo. Water vs earth. Completely different when it comes to expression of emotion. The Scorp was a mush and I am too lol. Virgos are not emotional like that (outwardly) but mine is so thoughtful.

One thing I pick up on is that sometimes the most outwardly affectionate are not always the most thoughtful, serving, and attentive.

The guys that aren't the most emotional outwardly are actually very emotional, they just know how to control it. My guy has self control but extremely passionate.
He may not be a mush but he is the best when he isn't over thinking lol.
It's official. We had the talk today. I must say it was the best break up I've ever had. We held hands, kissed and he walked me to my car. We agreed that we want different things right now and that it wouldn't be fair to either one of us to stay together.

That said, we suck at breaking up because we've already emailed, text and talked on the phone twice in the past 3 hours. Sigh, this is going to be harder than I expected. Now that I'm not mad anymore, I'm realizing how much I'm going to miss him.

Thanks for letting me lurk/join your thread for a hot second ladies. I wish all of you the best!
You're welcome DarkJoy. The ldr is not hard part, i grew up watching ldr ( military brat). My mother just moved back to the same city as my stepdad and I'm almost 30 and my stepdad has been retired for a long time. I had one with my ex who in the military but this current on is a challenge bc we started our relationship at a distance. Getting to know someone at a distance is challenging and rewarding. He is quiet natured and like Taymac said he not a flower guy or write poems. But the time he gave me flowers I was shocked lol, I tend to get books instead. I do have to let him know he is slacking off in the communication bc he gets wrapped into his work, he is a entrepreneur, so that means even more patience.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
What would be a fun day time date between 12 and 5? Nothing regular like movies or lunch. I want it to be fun and different
About a month ago I met an incredible man. It's only been a short time but I really feel like he is my soul mate. We met on POF and now he is my BF. For him it was love at first sight. I came to love him shortly after. I can't wait to experience more amazing things with this man. I am so blessed. All glory to God!

PS its been 7 years since I have been in a relationship. Keep hope alive!