2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

I'm so irritated with my SO right now. His niece is in town, finally. He's been telling me about this visit and how much he wants me to meet her. Family is important to him, so, when he said that he intended for me to spend time with them while she's here, I felt like it was important to be available. I've already said to him that while I know his intentions, he hasn't made any plans to get together.

Yesterday, I had a 22 hour work day. I didn't get home until 4:30am. He texts me to let me know their agenda. I say that I got no sleep so I'm feeling useless. Maybe tomorrow would be better. He agrees. Then, while I'm sleeping, he texts me to say he's in the area, what to meet at A place in 15 minutes? I missed the text but I was so annoyed at him dropping this last minute plan on me. The entire time this child has been in town, he can't make a plan or give me a few hours notice. I know it's only his niece and its her trip. But I'm not going to sit at home waiting for you to tell me when to jump. I want to be available to him since supposedly this is important for him but I have a life too.... I'm starting to not care about meeting her and would like to dismiss the whole idea.

I feel like ignoring him for a few days. See how he likes that..
I've officially stepped into "Cougar" status this year. I don't know how on earth I keep attracting these YOUNG men. :look: I know there's absolutely, positively no way I would have anything serious with a much younger man. I think I must be stroking my own ego like men do with younger women. Or maybe I'm just on some "scratched that off my bucket list" type stuff. :lol: Either way, I need to sit down somewhere.

I also meet men who are really into me but the feeling isn't mutual or older men who I don't find attractive. Not all older men..just the ones who are interested in me. :perplexed So I'm here to publicly announce that I'm taking a much needed break from men :yep: I don't know if I want to but I need to. I don't know that I'm thinking clearly.

But what I do know is that at this stage of my life, I want to be in love and be loved. I want to feel butterflies when he walks into the room. I want to get up in the morning with him on my mind. At work on a Friday, I want to get super excited around noon because I know we'll spend the weekend together. I want to be lovingly kissed on the forehead. I want to be adored. I want to feel like sylver2. :sad:
So he told me that we can't even be text buddies since I don't want to be with him. :lachen: I knew he was going to say that. Dudes HATE being cut off. :rofl: & I'm the Queen of being fed up and restricting all communications to the text during business hours, to keep me entertained while at work.
I am here vegetating on his couch while he prepares one of my favorite dishes :lick:. He insists I not lift a finger lol. I had a practice test earlier today for an upcoming exam and he is aware that my brain is frazzled. So happy to have him in my life...he is so getting "dessert" after dinner :lol:

Hope your weekend is going well, ladies!
So he told me that we can't even be text buddies since I don't want to be with him. :lachen: I knew he was going to say that. Dudes HATE being cut off. :rofl: & I'm the Queen of being fed up and restricting all communications to the text during business hours, to keep me entertained while at work.

This is me. No contact! Drives them nuts! :spinning:

Dare~to~Dream It will happen for both of us. :yep:
Everything is fine now. He introduced me to his niece today as his girlfriend. We had a fun evening. But boyfriend will be reminded that I don't jump for anyone with only 15 minutes notice when I see him privately on Monday.
I think I'm finding myself in a relationship. It all seemed to happen faster than I thought it would thanks to the "Black Love Brigade" at the park during our picnic date. It was an awesome date but everyone referred to him as my man and I was his woman. I had to ask after we left the park what just happened. I like him. We'll see how things go.
Well he left on Saturday night. I miss him. But work and brainstorming other goals will keep me busy. I plan on visiting him for his bday in a couple of weeks.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I'm about done. We will not be having the same argument after 3 years. He can't give me 100 and if he's got 20% going over there , 20 going another place, and 10 going somewhere else. That leaves me with half butt effort.

(I'm new to posting, can you cuss around here? Lol)
Welcome cwmarie! People find ways to say bad words to get around the censor filters. :lol: IDK...maybe I'm one :giggle:

OAN: FInding myself slipping into 'feelings'. IDK why they freak me out.

He came over to this weekend to drop off the techie gift he bought me :). I only expected him to drop it off and leave. I was babysitting DD's friend and had my daughter. Well, he pretty much stayed 8 hrs. :lol: I had no food, so we had breakfast for dinner. We always split the cooking. I start, he finishes. It's so funny and SO easy between us. It's ridic!

After he got over being a little nervous (I could tell), he fit right into our little unit. We laughed, we ate, we hung out...

The next day, I didn't mean to, but pretty much had to ignore his texts--house full of kids and then I was just bone tired. Still, he persisted and left a sweet message this morning, which I was finally able to take a moment to answer.

I really only wanted to date and smash this guy :look: and here I am.... Oh dear...
Ugh. We were both wrong. But even after talking through it.... Again, I woke up this morning like what if he changed his mind overnight? Or will 2-3 days from now? He can be very indecisive. I don't like feeling like a fool after I've agreed to work on things.
I've officially stepped into "Cougar" status this year. I don't know how on earth I keep attracting these YOUNG men. :look: I know there's absolutely, positively no way I would have anything serious with a much younger man. I think I must be stroking my own ego like men do with younger women. Or maybe I'm just on some "scratched that off my bucket list" type stuff. :lol: Either way, I need to sit down somewhere.

I also meet men who are really into me but the feeling isn't mutual or older men who I don't find attractive. Not all older men..just the ones who are interested in me. :perplexed So I'm here to publicly announce that I'm taking a much needed break from men :yep: I don't know if I want to but I need to. I don't know that I'm thinking clearly.

But what I do know is that at this stage of my life, I want to be in love and be loved. I want to feel butterflies when he walks into the room. I want to get up in the morning with him on my mind. At work on a Friday, I want to get super excited around noon because I know we'll spend the weekend together. I want to be lovingly kissed on the forehead. I want to be adored. I want to feel like sylver2. :sad:

i remember feeling and saying the exact same things...last year lol. It will happen.
I swear once i stopped thinking about it..bam! when i least expected it. I cant lie...oh what a feeling lol. i keep expecting it to wear off but it gets better and better.
You gonna get mad at me when you proposition me and I tell you, naw bruh, I'm in love with a wonderful man, and you still ask me over for wine and I reiterate my naw son, and you STILL have mad attitude? GTFOOHWTBS
I spent the afternoon with my man friend and I enjoyed his company. I like that he doesn't pressure me but at the same time I am aware that he wants to lock me down right now. I'm not sure if I'm ready yet so I will continue to take my time. I need to come to a decision soon though. He asked me where do I see us in 6 months. I'm not sure yet.
How long you been seeing him khadicurls?

Dude is a trip. see he asked me about my bday last night, asked me out in the afternoon for a friday date to which i agreed and he hasnt responded since.

that is some annoying mess, right there, which is why i refuse to bring my guard down. sure, i'm hard on people but idk. that is always questionable to me. but maybe i'm just kinda off... i dont know how these things are supposed to work.
DarkJoy We've been seeing each other for two months now.

I have issues. I don't want to get hurt again so I have a habit of just dipping my toe in the water but he wants to be with me. So far he has been a perfect gentleman. Goodness, it's been a long time since I was last in a relationship. I don't know how to just be happy in the moment.
kaykari when kneegrows become parched and horrible exes come out of the woodwork looking for someone to coupled up with for the winter months then convienently leave once it warms up. Be on the lookout because they approach laying the charm on thick and will say almost anything to get with you.

I have an ex from two years ago that contacted me on fb today wanting to know how my life has been. I let this man hurt me and break me down to a point to where i no longer believed in myself without him. :nono: i can easily just block and ignore him but i dont think that will send a strong enough message for him to never ever in his life contact me again. He has lost his mind if he thinks i will ever take him back let alone speak to him.
@kaykari when kneegrows become parched and horrible exes come out of the woodwork looking for someone to coupled up with for the winter months then convienently leave once it warms up.
Yep. Many a woman finds herself dumped right before Valentine's Day when they couldn't keep the ninja off them during the fall and winter. I was cuffed once back in HS. Never again!
@DarkJoy We've been seeing each other for two months now.

I have issues. I don't want to get hurt again so I have a habit of just dipping my toe in the water but he wants to be with me. So far he has been a perfect gentleman. Goodness, it's been a long time since I was last in a relationship. I don't know how to just be happy in the moment.
Ohhhh no wonder we're in the same place khadicurls--it's still really early in our relationships. Been with mine 3 months and I'm still ambivalent--I flip flop between wanting it to deepen and not. If he really wants me, he'll wait for me to make up my mind. Being older, I don't just jump all in. Never have, actually. The ones that really wanted me waited. My ex waited a year for me to fall in love with him and that lasted 20 years *shrug*.

Aint nothing wrong with taking it slow :yep:
Last night he said he's the luckiest man and that i'm stuck with him. Good!! Cuz there's no way he's getting rid if me either! :cloud9:

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