2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

We're so good right now. I hope I don't jinx us by writing this post, but I have never been this happy in all of the months that we've been dating. He's really been going in with the affection and admiration. I'm a Leo, so keep stroking my ego baby! :yep:
Had a great time with SO at my coworker's wedding last night. :yep: He said I was the most beautiful woman there (of course) :love4: It was a fairly small wedding, maybe 100 people. SO asked how much I thought a wedding like that would cost. :grin: I wish he had money for a ring RIGHT NOW!
We've had many in-depth conversations since the phone snooping incident. We are at a great place in our relationship. He has been out of town on business for 2 weeks 1 more week to go...I miss him
i feel bad that my friends 1) don't like my bf because of complaints i had 7-8 months ago that have been long resolved worked out and 2) they have totally different personalities.

idk how to fix that or if i should even bother.

naija24 THIS is why I'm hesitant to talk about my relationship with friends and family. You may have moved on but they don't forget and will quickly bring it up. I would just refrain from telling them future stuff and keep moving on with being happy. That's the only way to fix it IMO.
Major milestone. After last weeks debacle I was intently watching how he behaved this week. He's still going through a challenge. But we have really been on the same page. He lost his phone Friday night. I thought it was strange that he didn't call or text later Friday but I knew he was working......I got up really early Saturday to do errands because I wasn't feeling well and just wanted to get things done so I could get back home.....no word from him......but his phone was off so I got worried. As soon as I get back in the house there's a knock on my door. It's him....he had come over early but I had already left. He lost his phone and wanted to tell me, check on me and make sure I knew that's why he hadn't been in contact.
He had to return a car he had been working on but we spent a bit of time together. He had to be at the firehouse, but came BACK, because "he's so used to talking with me he was missing me". Awwwww.......
And came by again today after church before he had to go back in to work.
Progress I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Major milestone. After last weeks debacle I was intently watching how he behaved this week. He's still going through a challenge. But we have really been on the same page. He lost his phone Friday night. I thought it was strange that he didn't call or text later Friday but I knew he was working......I got up really early Saturday to do errands because I wasn't feeling well and just wanted to get things done so I could get back home.....no word from him......but his phone was off so I got worried. As soon as I get back in the house there's a knock on my door. It's him....he had come over early but I had already left. He lost his phone and wanted to tell me, check on me and make sure I knew that's why he hadn't been in contact.
He had to return a car he had been working on but we spent a bit of time together. He had to be at the firehouse, but came BACK, because "he's so used to talking with me he was missing me". Awwwww.......
And came by again today after church before he had to go back in to work.
Progress I LOVE IT!!!!!!!


I enjoy reading about you and your guy very much. I really hope your relationship keeps growing :-).
I know we're not supposed to talking about coloring, but I have been getting the most amazing coverage from this Crayola that I have. It seriously doesn't miss a spot and it never breaks or gets too mushy on the paper. Like y'all really have to look into Crayolas. Those off brand crayons don't cut it.
I know we're not supposed to talking about coloring, but I have been getting the most amazing coverage from this Crayola that I have. It seriously doesn't miss a spot and it never breaks or gets too mushy on the paper. Like y'all really have to look into Crayolas. Those off brand crayons don't cut it.

Lord :lachen:

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I know we're not supposed to talking about coloring, but I have been getting the most amazing coverage from this Crayola that I have. It seriously doesn't miss a spot and it never breaks or gets too mushy on the paper. Like y'all really have to look into Crayolas. Those off brand crayons don't cut it.

Iongettit. What's a crayola?
Yesterday I had a "just one of them days....Monica" and now I'm trying to explain. I just sent him the video....I'm tired of talking.
I would like to punch him in his face. Hard. And if this continues I will be posting in the single ladies thread. So serious.
This man!!!!! He lost his phone and is waiting for the replacement. I saw him briefly yesterday but we hadn't "talked" all day today. And I just had the worst day ever at work. Why was he sitting outside my house when I came home from work! I love my baby so much.
I saw him and tears started falling....I said why are you here! He said I'm always going to be here for you.....and kissed me on my forehead.
ok im a noob to the rt thread... gonna say by way of introduction, bf and i have known each other for almost a year even though we only recently decided to date monogamously.

gonna lob this one out there...yesterday we went shopping for dinner and there was a sample i wanted to try but they were out... after paying, we realized he forgot tomatoes, so i waited up front while he went back to grab it. when he finally came back he was carrying one of the little samples for me, i guess he waited for them to make more... so stupid and cute :lol: :love:
i have been a ball of stress, anxiety and unhappiness. far from the best daughter, friend or girlfriend. after two months of intense preparation, I sit for the bar exam tomorrow. he called and prayed with me.

we are growing.

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i have been a ball of stress, anxiety and unhappiness. far from the best daughter, friend or girlfriend. after two months of intense preparation, I sit for the bar exam tomorrow. he called and prayed with me.

we are growing.

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Good luck!!!!! I'm sure you will do great!
:ohwell:Wondering if this is a serious question??.....there isn't one:spinning:

Moving on....I'm being smothered, at times I like it and other times it's like WTH?!?!

A crayon connected to a man vs a crayon that's manufactured by a company (toy). :lol: I should have made that distinction. Sorry! :lol:
spent the night at bfs last night. i went to bed early while he stayed up late working. then we both left for work in the morning with a peck on the lips before heading in the opposite direction. id forgotten what thats like.

we had a talk where i told him we should work out which days im gonna sleep over. given where he lives and where i work and go to the gym, his apartment is super convenient for me. itd be easy to be there all the time (weve done it before) and i told him my concern is that i dont want it to be like im living there. I dont, and I dont have any ownership of his place and I do not want to get that confused. i spend whole weekends there now as it is. we still havent worked out the details yet.
i have been a ball of stress, anxiety and unhappiness. far from the best daughter, friend or girlfriend. after two months of intense preparation, I sit for the bar exam tomorrow. he called and prayed with me.

we are growing.

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NY Bar or Cali?

You'll see this after all is said and done but I hope it went well today!!!!!
Ladies are Leo men usually very aggressive, possessive and jealous? I'm really not feeling it as of late and I haven't been around dude much because I'm preparing my applications and studying for an examination I need to take for admissions. But what really struck a cord with me was him deflecting blame onto his daughter for my growing distance (due to my studying) from him. The daughter (she is 16) confided in me about something and she later relayed by email that he told her she cannot be trusted...how 'things between him, her and her mother' is to be solely discussed among them. She's been confiding in me a lot lately and apparently dude is getting suspicious/jealous.

Something about all of this just doesn't feel right, ladies. The way he is trying to deflect his jealousy and insecurity onto his daughter to make her feel bad. It's quite manipulative. Any objective opinions on this? It doesn't help that he just called me at work and went A-wall (ie "you didn't see my text??? I've been trying to reach you..etc"...VERY aggressive). I didn't respond to his text asking if we were doing lunch. I was busy studying :ohwell:...bleh.
This man!!!!! He lost his phone and is waiting for the replacement. I saw him briefly yesterday but we hadn't "talked" all day today. And I just had the worst day ever at work. Why was he sitting outside my house when I came home from work! I love my baby so much.
I saw him and tears started falling....I said why are you here! He said I'm always going to be here for you.....and kissed me on my forehead.

I *HEART* your stories of you and him. He's amazing.
I *HEART* your stories of you and him. He's amazing.

Omg thank you so much!
He really is. This is the best feeling in the world. My life is gone to hell in a handbasket but having him on my side has just been awesome. I'm totally blessed by his presence in my life!

In the theydontwantyoutillyouhappywithsomeoneelsefiles....
Fool from my church always talks trash (mostly about how "fine" I am, and I should come over to his house and "chill") Negro please.....so I have missed a few Sundays due to being sick. So this Sunday I'm there and he's all I have a bone to pick with you......I hear you got a man.....only two people could have said something and thats my mother and/or her big mouthed husband. But he wouldn't tell me.
Talking bout I could take you from him! I looked him dead in the face and said NO YOU COULDN'T! Smh.......troll.