2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

You are not ready for a commitment if you aren't willing to compromise. We all have the right to do whatever we want, whenever and however. But when you are in a relationship something's - within reason- have to stop. The problem is what's "within reason" for you is out of bounds to me (vice versa). That's where it gets tricky...and that's where people part ways.
You are not ready for a commitment if you aren't willing to compromise. We all have the right to do whatever we want, whenever and however. But when you are in a relationship something's - within reason- have to stop. The problem is what's "within reason" for you is out of bounds to me (vice versa). That's where it gets tricky...and that's where people part ways.

you're talking about my relationship...right:look:
Lol silly.
I'm talking in general or with anyone who had to go through it including myself.

LOL! well that would be me and him:yep:

but if you saw my post from last week-ish....I'm trying to hold out til Nov for hawaii, but not sure if I'm gonna make it:nono::look::drunk:
We have been having some really deep conversations lately. I had to tell him about me being sick and I started my converstion off with don't be mad with me. After I told him, he said whew I thought you were gonna say something else. He told me about an ex who had her sons father living with her for an extended period of time and he thought that I was gonna say something like that. He admitted that me saying that just took him back to that moment and that he knew I wouldn't do anything like that.
I just realized at that moment that he has some baggage just like I do. Men carry things with them just like us.
I think he's having sympathy pains . It's so cute.....
ETA....I made the appointment with the specialist.....here's our text conversation

Me: I go next Wednesday to see the doctor
Him: No WE go next Wednesday to see the doctor...how r u feeling....

After the things I've been through I sit and wonder if this is really happening..... I have to pinch myself.
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Hey ladies- what are your thoughts on your SOs connecting with new female acquaintances through FB? I'm not comfortable with it but it may be my trust flair ups. He helped someone with something and the woman asked him if he had a FB page. Some acquaintances have friend requested him but he doesn't initiate. I don't expect him to lie to the new woman but how would he get out of it without saying "my gf said no" lol!

In that book by MB, he talked about cheating stories that all started with FB. However we all know opportunities exist everywhere.
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Hey ladies- what are your thoughts on your SOs connecting with new female acquaintances through FB? I'm not comfortable with it but it may be my trust flair ups. He helped someone with something and the woman asked him if he had a FB page. Some acquaintances have friend requested him but he doesn't initiate. I don't expect him to lie to the new woman but how would he get out of it without saying "my gf said no" lol!

In that book by MB, he talked about cheating stories that all started with FB. However we all know opportunities exist everywhere.

It wouldn't bother me. If he wants to do something he'll do it FB or otherwise.....and my SO doesn't have a FB so I'm lucky.....lol
Yesterday was my birthday and I had a great day! My dude took me to VIEW in Oakdale and gosh the "VIEW" was so amazing. It felt like we were right on the water. The food was great! He got me this Jimmy Choo perfume set I really wanted and the most beautiful long stemmed red roses.

He is planning a trip for us to Mexico (I think). I can't wait! :D
I love my SO's mother. She is so blunt and funny. The other day, SO was talking about putting his 55" tv in the bedroom and getting a bigger one for the living room. I said...no way! His mom pipes up and says...."I don't like tv's in the bedroom. The bedroom is for sleeping and for sex!" All I could do was shrug and nod....

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
I had lunch with my bf's parents for the first time over the weekend! Apparently he talked about me many times and they really wanted to meet me :D I felt super special and appreciated :D

I feel like it's a new phase in our relationship.
I had lunch with my bf's parents for the first time over the weekend! Apparently he talked about me many times and they really wanted to meet me :D I felt super special and appreciated :D

I feel like it's a new phase in our relationship.

I just posted something similar lol! Were you nervous meeting them?
Ugh, there is not enough wine in this world...I took a chance and lost my best friend. I thought our friendship was strong enough to weather any storm. Clearly, I was mistaken.
Ugh, there is not enough wine in this world...I took a chance and lost my best friend. I thought our friendship was strong enough to weather any storm. Clearly, I was mistaken.

((Hugs)). Sorry honey. I don't know the details but I'm sure if they're a true friend thing will work out.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
Like seriously I know he has to have some weird habit or grinds his teeth or hogs the bed something.......but he is perfect for me. Whatever faults, flaws....I love him and he loves me. Head over heels :reddancer:
being away for a week sucksss. i'm just wanting to be back with him now. i'm driving back Friday afternoon and we're supposed to attend this work party. we're meeting at my place & i'm going to decide then if we should go :look: i'll be late anyway b/c it's a 4 hour drive. so i can just be like, "traffic was terrible!" :lachen: hopefully traffic isn't actually terrible though :lol:

apparently he's been hitting on me from day one but i was just oblivious & he couldn't read me. he was trying to be respectful and get a feel without being too aggressive/making me uncomfortable. while i was like "lalalala this kid just wants to be friends" :lol:
our church just sent out an announcement for our monthly young adults social gathering and used the group picture from the night he had asked for my number :lol:
He and I are bbq hoes (sp*) now, LOL! He already has one for us to go to during the weekend. I just enjoy him laughing and being with the guys. It's too bad I don't know any of the women there. They already have their cliques. But it is so nice dancing-grinding to the kompas, meeting more of his friends and just spending time with him. That man has the best Haitian laugh ever. So loud! So funny! And I love listening to them crack on each other. He had on the LV shoes that he bought himself for his birthday. His friends gave him props for his LV shoes and his LV lady. LV are my initials. :) I do love that he is such a sharp dresser. When we go to the Americana Manhasset, neither of us have control, LOL!

When I first met him I thought the worst of him. He has pleasantly surprised me over the past year. I did not realize how much he pays attention to my likes and dislikes. Someone offered him a RedBull and he said, "Nah, Lucie told me they're bad for my kidneys so I stopped."

Why am I gushing over him? LOL! This weekend we are renting bikes at Central Park and a jetski in the Rockaways. Groupon is my second dude!
we spent three days camping at the beach. i had so much fun but next time we're renting a camper. i aint doing that tent **** no more.

we both thought that because we're brown ppl we dont need sunscreen. WRONG! he is as red as a lobster and finds it painful to even wear a t-shirt and im peeling. like, seriously, i look like a moulting insect.:nono: AND he wanted to have sex in the tent. um, yeah, thats cool and romantic and all but i have sand all up and through my lady parts so i know you have sandy balls. he's like "well we'll just rinse off". with what?! dirty *** ocean water to get more sand up my pooner? no thanks brah.:nono:

oan, both of us are new in town and neither one of us has friends so it's just the two of us. all the time. every day. as much as i love him and being with him, we really need other friends.*sigh*
I don't like change, I really thought that we had something there. I prefer to talk it out and get to the point of the matter. But still its cool.
Love unscheduled lunch dates in uniform :)

Lucie, why do you look like Kerry Washington in your avatar now...first it's Stacey Dash, now it's Kerry?! Too HAWT!