2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

This jerk at work said some horribly mean things to me today.......he came right over after work and offered to "handle him"...... I wouldn't ever do that but the way he jumped into action :love:
Helped him and his dad deliver their dog's puppies today. Good thing I was there. They were so nervous! MEN! :lol:

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My baby is coming to see me this weekend. This was unexpected :).

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Lawd I'm emotional.........he is the sweetest man I have ever met....(text conversation)

Me: I wish I could do something special for u
Boo: you do a lot for me. I have strength in you, love support and hope for the future. Nothing else compares to that. I love you....
I just.......I don't even understand how I'm gonna make it a whole nother month until this vacation smh. Juuuuuuuune!!
So....the ex dater is now engaged! Just last month was kicking willy bobos in my ear. Smh!

Some men....
Lawd I'm emotional.........he is the sweetest man I have ever met....(text conversation)

Me: I wish I could do something special for u
Boo: you do a lot for me. I have strength in you, love support and hope for the future. Nothing else compares to that. I love you....

girl i can't stand men! :lachen: know what to say and when to say it!
Lawd I'm emotional.........he is the sweetest man I have ever met....(text conversation)

Me: I wish I could do something special for u
Boo: you do a lot for me. I have strength in you, love support and hope for the future. Nothing else compares to that. I love you....

Aww, I am ridiculously happy for you, you so deserve this.
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I love that we kiss every time we get in or out of the car. One time I forgot (we were going to dinner and i was hungry!! :look:). He scolded me and kissed me by the car. I know this lovey stuff won't last forever but it sure feels good right now. :yep:

Also spent a lot of time with his dad and sister this week. I'm so comfy with them....like part of the family already. I asked him if they approved of me (he said his sister can be a tough egg to crack) and he said I'm good to go!

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It is so important for women to be balanced during their relationships. Some women get so wrapped up in their man, they forget their loved ones. I understand that when you first fall in love, time-wise things change. And that is understandable. I don't expect my friend to be on Cloud 9 and to be up under her all the time. But overall, no one should forget their loved ones. I am glad that regardless of who I am with I don't forget my girls and they don't forget me. :)

Don't ask me why I decided to type that. Just random Lucie musings!
I feel like I'm posting in here everyday but he's so good to me. Each and every day he shows me how much. I'm just overflowing with happiness. Having someone in my corner who is true to his word is so different for me. I'm so thankful and I feel so blessed.
I hope all of you ladies have a nice, long weekend. Have fun, be happy, and enjoy your pretty selves.
I REALLY like him, but he's doing too much. Three times he has mentioned that he's going to trap me. Not only am I NOT down with being a 2x baby mama (although I was married to my daughter's father) , but I'm happy w/ only one child. I'm officially taking him serious and I've decided that I can't see him anymore.

My "heart" wants me to stay with him, but my mind and morals are like

I'm really not confused.. I've already made up my mind, but I just felt like typing it.
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I REALLY like him, but he's doing too much. Three times he has mentioned that he's going to trap me. Not only am I NOT down with being a 2x baby mama (although I was married to my daughter's father) , but I'm happy w/ only one child. I'm officially taking him serious and I've decided that I can't see him anymore.

My "heart" wants me to stay with him, but my mind and morals are like

I'm really not confused.. I've already made up my mind, but I just felt like typing it.

I don't like jokes like that and if he is serious, even worse. Maybe a break would help him see the light.
random: "Beautiful Creatures" speaks to my youth. Love this movie.

Sometimes I miss it. To have a man protect you like that. Chase hard like that. Love me unconditionally. Disavow all others......

just a matter of reflection. Dont think I want to ever go back to that....
I was told I was mean!
I think he was serious. I gave the silent treatment in protest. Then he tried to explain that I'm not a mean person but that I wasn't being nice to him this morning. Einh, I'm going to make him payyyyyyyyy.....oh, he don't know it's that time of the month?! He should always proceed with caution around dem days!!!!!!

ETA- made out lovely! Jacuzzi bubble bath, ate out at a Brazilian spot....I'd say popping an attitude every once in a while pays off! Teehee.....
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I'm mad at him for leaving me alone this weekend. Maybe that's why I've been sleeping so much today. But really I miss him. He's my weekend partner and he's out of town until Tuesday.
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I love how he covers me and we are not even married. Almost a year ago he bought tires for my car; he took my car and took care of it all. Fast forward to this past Saturday. My neighbor calls me before 9 and I was actually on the phone with SO when neighbor beeped in. He called to tell me that one of my tires was flat.. I click back over to SO and told him the issue. His words: Don't worry about it baby. When I bought the tires for you last year, I made sure that I purchased the road hazard insurance. No worries, everything will be covered. By 12:00, I had a brand new tire replacement on my car. I. Love. Him. To. Pieces!

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Went to Mumford and Sons concert with him, his friend, and his sister. I really like his sister. She reminds me of myself. :yep:

This weekend, he's coming to the beach with me. I'm running a marathon and he's gonna cheer on me and my friends. Gonna be fun!!

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I wanted to see him yesterday. I intended it and didn't know how it would manifest. We both ended up at Brasserie Creole (a Haitian restaurant). I was stunned. I will never doubt the power of intention and really setting out your desires. This also reminded me that I also need to keep my thoughts and convos pure. My cousin was also stunned at what had occurred. When I think of all the things I did that morning, deciding what outfit to wear, shaving my legs, styling my hair, IT ALL LINED UP PERFECTLY! Even our parking spots were in alignment.

I enjoyed Fast 6. He laughed when I clapped at the really intense scenes. He said I am such a Haitian. LOL, he loves it though. It's little things like that, that make me appreciate our cultural similarities.
On our first date he said that as long as he's around I didn't have to worry about nothing. At the time I thought he was just talking to impress me but I haven't wanted or worried about much of anything since he's been around. He probably forgot that he said that but I remember and I'm glad he stuck to his words.
we had a small rough patch that we got thru. growing pains of our relationship & slight miscommunication. he also withdraws to himself when goin thru something. he's so use to dealing on his own, no support. i made it known there is no he. he is not alone. there is us now. We had a long deep discussion and came thru so much closer. i love him deeply. Earlier at the end of our call i said i love u baby. he said and i love u baby..forever and ever and ever and ever and ever lol. awww