2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

Have you told him how you feel about this? Maybe there will be surprise gifts in the future if he knows how important it is to you.

I know some guys are terrible with hints.

Yeah we had the conversation right after I posted this LOL
Man I love that man! We had the best day at the park yesterday..bought food and had a picnic at the park. I know that's not his thing but he did it anyway lol..I don't think any of my exes would've ever done that for me. Very grateful for him!
He's in Orlando for business til Thursday. I dropped him off to the airport on Sunday. He says he misses me already cuz he's not used to being in a hotel room by himself lol. I don't really miss him yet lol.
And he continues to step his game up....he had to work Sunday but I woke up to a nice Mothers Day msg then he called to tell me again...then after working all day he came straight from work with these :-) Made my freaking day! Because I know he was tired after a 10 hour shift. He doesn't even have children but I'm glad he acknowledged my motherhood =)
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Good therapy session. Getting to the deep stuff now.:yep:

Tis funny that good couple therapy is not all about the couple by a long shot. She picked up on some patterns of thinking and dealing with things that she thought originated in my childhood and she was dead right. Doesn't just affect love relationships for me. Also relationships with family and friends at times. All very interesting.

Can't recommend transactional analysis enough. Even just to go alone would be beneficial.
I think our unhelpful communication patterns during non positive interactions were getting unbearable and putting a shadow over us at times.

Put simply, we are reluctant to give up 80% good for that 20% that needs some work without even trying to learn some new ways to relate in difficult situations.

The success rate for couples therapy/counselling isn't that great. People tend to leave it until well into a marriage, relationship where resentment has set in. I'm a big believer now in going early if you can afford it and want to try and sort out a struggling./unclear part of the relationship. If he's willing do it while you're still in love lol.
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Why is he texting me while he's at universal studios? Lol He would be the last thing on my mind if I was there :lol: But he's doing a good job of checking in with me while he's busy, so yay lol
Why do we miss each other after less than 2 days apart?! Mannnnn....this sucks.... Can't wait to see him Friday....

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
Wow. Think I just saw my first love on facebook. Well I think it's him.

Surrounded by nasty (seriously nasty) WW. He looks kinda trampy too.
Never thought he'd end up like that, times change. :perplexed
It's over. I asked him a question about something that I was concerned about and he went off. My heart hurts. I really did care about him. But I will have to just move on. People don't change. Especially a man like him. This hurts. And it sucks. I was looking forward to so much with him.
It's over. I asked him a question about something that I was concerned about and he went off. My heart hurts. I really did care about him. But I will have to just move on. People don't change. Especially a man like him. This hurts. And it sucks. I was looking forward to so much with him.

Oh now Lucie I'm so sorry.....:bighug:

What about the question set him off?
It's much easier to let go early BUT I'm also concerned about being hasty. However it may not apply here but...

He sounded like such a good dude. No one is perfect NO ONE!

If this is a deal breaker than keep it moving. You fly girl so, love will come again or at least you will project it again.

Kimbé fèm
Fine 4s, I really don't even want to get into what I asked. Nothing personal towards you or the lovely ladies, I just want to move forward. I wish the pain would go away. Yeah, he does have some good qualities but I don't want to ignore the red flags and get hurt even further down the line. :(
Just spent Sunday thru Monday straight together. 8 days whew!
he surprised me one night w/ tickets to knicks playoffs at MSG. best night, was so buzzed from my wine lol. Im cheering and yelling and i look down and my iphone is marinating in my glass of wine. it died a slow death :nono: .....got a htc one.
did better this time, fewer arguments. spent some time w/ his mom.
miss him like crazy already.
I just text him "I truly love you" He text back "I'm nothing without you" :love:
Just spent Sunday thru Monday straight together. 8 days whew!
he surprised me one night w/ tickets to knicks playoffs at MSG. best night, was so buzzed from my wine lol. Im cheering and yelling and i look down and my iphone is marinating in my glass of wine. it died a slow death :nono: .....got a htc one.
did better this time, fewer arguments. spent some time w/ his mom.
miss him like crazy already.
I just text him "I truly love you" He text back "I'm nothing without you" :love:

Aww, that was sweet. I'm :lol::lol: at your phone in the glass. :lol::lol::lol:
I have to help him get a new phone and to make a story short, he has to give me access to his account. I already know I'm going through that call log.

Then, I couldn't log in because of some pw issues.
Now my paranoid mind is thinking, did he realize his error and purposely sabotagegd my snooping? I'm hoping he clears it up so I can continue with my plan.

Somebody needs to talk me off the ledge...like now.

Do not do it :nono:. Who is the prize? You or him? Has he given you reason to not trust him? I'm confused.
I have to help him get a new phone and to make a story short, he has to give me access to his account. I already know I'm going through that call log.

Then, I couldn't log in because of some pw issues.
Now my paranoid mind is thinking, did he realize his error and purposely sabotagegd my snooping? I'm hoping he clears it up so I can continue with my plan.

Somebody needs to talk me off the ledge...like now.

Girl, don't do it!!! :spank:
Fine 4s, don't do it!

Understand this and understand well cherie, you NEVER have to look through a man's things or accounts! Whatever is done in the dark WILL come into the light. So do what you have to do pertaining to his account but don't go through any call logs lovie. :)

If you do not listen to me and the lovely ladies here you could irreparably damage your relationship and cause yourself MUCH embarrassment.
No outward signs to snoop but imagine the goodies I can find if there's something in there? And I'll have the phone in my posession until he gets it so what if he gets a text or a call....I'm salivating ladies.

Then what's the problem?

You would be bulls**t if he did that to you, right? Then doesn't he deserve the same respect?
Should I put a hex on you and say that if you snoop your hair will forever remain the length it is at currently? That would suck if you are WL and then you wouldn't care! LMBO!

GIRL, DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!! Plus I don't know how to do hexes! :lachen:

Seriously, don't do it! I'd be POed if he did it to you! Go workout or something. Or be even more productive and make me a 5-star Haitian meal! I need some tassot and griot in my life!
It wouldn't bother me (and maybe that's the problem) much if he went through my phone or call log b/c there's nothing there!

@Lucie, I'm on a no meat diet going on week 4 so ou pa nan ayin ki bon! MERDE!!!!!

ETA: He's going to take care of it himself :(
Well, that takes care of that.
Thanks for weathering this storm with me ladies LOLOLOL
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Fine 4s you just have serious trust issues. The answers are inside of you, not his phone. Plus you being wifey again, he can take care of his own phone issues, I'm just sayin'.