2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

I didn't even think about the wifey part! I would do the same for a friend though.
Darn it, I have to do a better job deciphering which actions are gf and which are wife-like.
my 10,000 post since i joined this board 9 years ago!!!!. just thought id put it in here.

Big hug to the ladies going thru relationship issues. whats meant to be will happen.
big kudos to the relationships going great. they wont be great all the time but u grow closer getting thru the ups/downs togethr. im learning i have some issues of my own from past relationships that im bringing into this one and is not good. working on that hard and he has been so patient.

Fine 4s without trust a relationship has nowhere to go..but down imo.
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shoot im about to add Bryce wilson, Joseph Morgan(vampire diaries) and Kenyon Martin in my siggy. they my boo's too ;)
He got some good news today that will double his salary in a year, or two. I take partial credit through slow and steady prodding in the right direction for the past year. Do it so gently and at odd times, that after a while they think it was their idea in the first place:lol:

Mo' money for you, mo' money for me:look:.
we just booked our hotel. were doing a 'family' vacay for memorial day weekend. him, his daughter, my daughter & i driving down to VA. waterpark and williamsburg. history & fun lol. can't wait!!
Mr. Has been working super hard all week. We saw each other briefly on Monday...but time has been slim. Last night he was working on a car and ran late. When he texted me about ten o'clock we were doing the I miss you....I miss you more thing it was so cute. I texted that I hadnt heard his voice since Monday. He called me immediately! I love how responsive he is. I can tell when he has a lot on his mind and I try to be there for him as well. We work really good together.
My ex popped up. Purely platonic but we've been talking a lot lately and........my word, she's a d*ck! :lol: Lord, the she acts just like I do/used to. She claims she learned it from me. :ohwell: So I want some food, and she's a chef right. This woman said, "are you gonna pay me? my time is valuable!" I.ALMOST.DIED. b*sh what I look like?! :lachen:

she think she's slick, you can't out do the master. I'm going to find a way around this.......
Making a Jamaican meal again for me tonight. Getting pretty good at it:lick:

I'm probably never going to attempt Chinese for him though.:lol:
Me: "I'm tired of bring an optimist all the time!!!! :mad:"

Him. "Well I'll be the optimist right now then! :mad:"

:look: :look: :look: okay. I'm not mad at that. That's kinda hot :look:
I'm ready to meet someone else.. He's moved on and I still have feelings for him. This sucks :sad:

Well I should move on right? Some of my girlfriends think I should contac him and let him know how I feel..
Okay, if he's moved on (i.e - he has no reciprocal feelings for you) and is also with someone else then I think it's best to not let him know. Would telling really achieve the outcome you possibly want most?

He may be happy and could feel like such a confession is a burden or at least unnecessary. If you're ready to move on, I think you should. It may make the process of getting over him a little bit easier.
Caught between two men -
A who is perfect for me, kind, sweet, romantic, everything. I just don't get excited for him, like I do B. My head says he's the smart decision, my heart feels like something is missing (passion)

Then there's B, who excites the hell out of me but probably wouldn't lead anywhere. He's spontaneous, adventurous, and simply intrigues me. Not sure if I should tell him how I feel or not. B knows about A, but A does not know about B.
So I realize I was a bit hasty in dumping him. I got into a car accident on Friday, 3 blocks from my house. This moron in his Who's The Boss van sideswiped me. Ironically, the damage was 99% better than I expected! I thought Camryn lost her arse. LOL! The jerk got out of his van cursing me in Jamaican patois for "hitting" him. Fortunately, I was just as tough and told him if he didn't get out of my face, I'd go in my purse and find something to splatter his brains with. That made him get out of my face immediately! LOL! Imagine, if he called my bluff? All I had was makeup, my planner, flip-flops, and my Mama Gena book. WHEW!

I called him (my dude) and he was there in 5 minutes. As he walked over to me, the Jamaican dude started with his, "Ah bradda, no worries. She's a likkle emotional but I'm ready to do whatevah ya think we should do." STFU ya damn liar! Anyway, Camryn has a scratch on the side and my hubcap got scratched. No biggie!

We talked after the sideswiping debacle and I realized he does love me. And a lot. When I really think of all the moments, I needed him, he was there. He is a hot head (grrr) but he is always ready, willing and able. *HUGE SIGH*
Caught between two men -
A who is perfect for me, kind, sweet, romantic, everything. I just don't get excited for him, like I do B. My head says he's the smart decision, my heart feels like something is missing (passion)

Then there's B, who excites the hell out of me but probably wouldn't lead anywhere. He's spontaneous, adventurous, and simply intrigues me. Not sure if I should tell him how I feel or not. B knows about A, but A does not know about B.

I say don't:look:. Furthermore don't even bother to have romantic feelings, but not everyone is good at that lol. I think if he felt something significant he would have told you because he's aware of the competition from guy A. If you want to enjoy time, or have fun with him it's best to go into it with the mindset that nothing serious will ever happen and take it for what it is. JMO.
Mwin pa't fout di'w kalme ko'w?! LOL
But you didn't really expound on the question asked but that alone I too though was a bit harsh but you know best.
Now....all that lovely story to say WHAT????! Ya'll kiss and make up yet? Get to the good part geesh....
Mwin pa't fout di'w kalme ko'w?! LOL
But you didn't really expound on the question asked but that alone I too though was a bit harsh but you know best.
Now....all that lovely story to say WHAT????! Ya'll kiss and make up yet? Get to the good part geesh....

Fine 4s :look: :lachen:

Yes, we did kiss and make up. We went to see The Great Gatsby last night and had some good jerk chicken. In honor of the man that hit my car. :lol: He was a huge JERK!

ETA: Now that I think of it, it might have been my cramps breaking up with him. :lol: I stay trying to get rid of anything and anyone I can when I get my horrific period.
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Fine 4s :look: :lachen:

Yes, we did kiss and make up. We went to see The Great Gatsby last night and had some good jerk chicken. In honor of the man that hit my car. :lol: He was a huge JERK!

ETA: Now that I think of it, it might have been my cramps breaking up with him. :lol: I stay trying to get rid of anything and anyone I can when I get my horrific period.

lol..this is me. i break it off every 29 days :look: :lol:
His dad asked him "why doesn't she talk to me?" :lol: he's always asking him stuff like that. "does she like me?", etc lol The only reason I talk to his mom is because she starts conversation with me lol