2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

Girl please......my old maid tail is 40 it's about time! Thank you so much. Y'all support is amazing. Trust me if I can find someone EVERYBODY can!

Grirrrl, I try to think that, but some days it looks grim. I have friends who are complaining about their men being supposedly too "clingy"-- calling them too much, showing them too much affection...and I'm like THAT is what I want...lol. I've had it in the past (looong ago), and I miss it. I want it back. :sad:
Yesterday he went to our hometown without me :( he said he was tellin his friends how at first he wanted to stay single but now he can't see himself with anyone else.... AWWWW talk bout a kool aid grin!!! (He's not the type to voice his feelings more by the things he does so yea its a big deal)
Make sure you flip all that hair in her face the next time you see her... the nerve.

Girl! SO was like "you have such thick skin. Nothing people say ever bothers you." That's because I just got a trim Saturday, so I know the devil is a liar. What she means is "haircut" to look like her, not "trim", and I don't want to look like her, so.....womp womp.

What's crazy is that she goes ouuuuuuuuuuut of her way to be nice to me when I come in, which I thought was weird. She actually has proven a point that I had been trying to make in discussions with SO that I've been having while I took a break from the board (otherwise I would have posted about. :look: and then when I came back I was over it). He has been working there since before we were together, so at first I had no problem with his work crew, but lately I've been feeling like they feel too comfortable with him, particularly the women, and it made me uncomfortable. I was telling him that I trust him but at the same time, if we're on the same page, I don't even want things to LOOK inappropriate or for either of us to place ourselves in a position to even become tempted. Unless we're not exclusive :look:

He was like "I understand what you're saying but I really don't see what's inappropriate." One instance in particular was when this young lady that works closely with him as a sort of assistant, but they're similar in age and are together a lot, came out of the building with him as I waited to pick him up for lunch. She walked out with him to get a glimpse of me but was going to totally bypass my car and keep walking (basically, she wanted to see me but not meet me. Or for me to see her :look:) but he called her back and was like "ey! Meet me girlfriend" and then she got very smiley and friendly. I was like "what do you think the purpose of that was? I'm not saying she's a bad person, but I am saying that was sneaky and shady :look:" Before THIS incident, he thought I was tripping. And now he's like "yeah! You're right! It is inappropriate! Why would they think they could talk negatively about you to me." Exactly :smirk: Nip it :mad: I'm not even worried about her, but I do thank her kindly for proving my point. There's more to the story but I'm longwinded as it is. lol

Oh! But according to my other informant at the place :look: the girl in question started crying when he checked her (in a gentlemanly way, I'm sure :look:) by saying "I don't need my girlfriend to have to be afraid to come here because she's worried about being judged" and was like "why are you mad at me!? I ALWAYS say she's pretty! I like her, I'm not even trying to be messy. I always say she's pretty!" Girl, please. I could possibly never need validation from you. Be seated. And don't worry about why he's mad. Get a life :look:

eta: I'm not saying he's perfect either, because like I've beeeeeeeeeeeeen saying, the reason why she felt that comfortable in the first place is because their whole interactions are inappropriate, but he stood up for me and I love that he handled that and he better continue to handle it and that's that :look:
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Girl! SO was like "you have such thick skin. Nothing people say ever bothers you." That's because I just got a trim Saturday, so I know the devil is a liar. What she means is "haircut" to look like her, not "trim", and I don't want to look like her, so.....womp womp.

What's crazy is that she goes ouuuuuuuuuuut of her way to be nice to me when I come in, which I thought was weird. She actually has proven a point that I had been trying to make in discussions with SO that I've been having while I took a break from the board (otherwise I would have posted about. :look: and then when I came back I was over it). He has been working there since before we were together, so at first I had no problem with his work crew, but lately I've been feeling like they feel too comfortable with him, particularly the women, and it made me uncomfortable. I was telling him that I trust him but at the same time, if we're on the same page, I don't even want things to LOOK inappropriate or for either of us to place ourselves in a position to even become tempted. Unless we're not exclusive :look:

He was like "I understand what you're saying but I really don't see what's inappropriate." One instance in particular was when this young lady that works closely with him as a sort of assistant, but they're similar in age and are together a lot, came out of the building with him as I waited to pick him up for lunch. She walked out with him to get a glimpse of me but was going to totally bypass my car and keep walking (basically, she wanted to see me but not meet me. Or for me to see her :look:) but he called her back and was like "ey! Meet me girlfriend" and then she got very smiley and friendly. I was like "what do you think the purpose of that was? I'm not saying she's a bad person, but I am saying that was sneaky and shady :look:" Before THIS incident, he thought I was tripping. And now he's like "yeah! You're right! It is inappropriate! Why would they think they could talk negatively about you to me." Exactly :smirk: Nip it :mad: I'm not even worried about her, but I do thank her kindly for proving my point. There's more to the story but I'm longwinded as it is. lol

Oh! But according to my other informant at the place :look: the girl in question started crying when he checked her (in a gentlemanly way, I'm sure :look:) by saying "I don't need my girlfriend to have to be afraid to come here because she's worried about being judged" and was like "why are you mad at me!? I ALWAYS say she's pretty! I like her, I'm not even trying to be messy. I always say she's pretty!" Girl, please. I could possibly never need validation from you. Be seated. And don't worry about why he's mad. Get a life :look:

eta: I'm not saying he's perfect either, because like I've beeeeeeeeeeeeen saying, the reason why she felt that comfortable in the first place is because their whole interactions are inappropriate, but he stood up for me and I love that he handled that and he better continue to handle it and that's that :look:

yep! women don't act wonky for no reason and men don't pick up on that mess.
I had to break up with my boyfriend last night. I just cant take it anymore. His father is in his 70's and I believe is suffering from dementia but no one wants to look into that and recently had his colon removed. So imagine a man with dementia trying to empty out a colostomy bag....

Prior to this my bf and I were recently discussing getting engaged and him moving to my state ( long distance relationship). However as his father keeps getting sicker and sicker things have been postponed and I decided to say to hell with this and leave. I would never tell him to choose so I just decided to choose for myself and move on. I feel guilty for leaving him like this but I am going to be 29 next month and I need a relationship that I know is going somewhere and I know my bf is not going to leave his dad so I just have to move on.

This sucks!!!
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I almost broke up with him last night. I've been in a "funk" for the past few days and asked him to call me thinking he could cheer me up. Utter fail. I couldn't communicate to him why I was feeling awful (I think it's PMS :look:), and the way he responded was just :nono: He has only been away for a week and already I'm feeling like this won't work out. He's not the type to do or say things that will keep me interested when we're not physically together but I really wanna see this work. Maybe I'm just tripping and need to get used to not seeing him everyday? *sigh* I'm confuzzled...
We're soulmates. Here's my proof.
I'm taking chlorella and he's pooping green.
We're meant to be.

I almost broke up with him last night. I've been in a "funk" for the past few days and asked him to call me thinking he could cheer me up. Utter fail. I couldn't communicate to him why I was feeling awful (I think it's PMS :look:), and the way he responded was just :nono: He has only been away for a week and already I'm feeling like this won't work out. He's not the type to do or say things that will keep me interested when we're not physically together but I really wanna see this work. Maybe I'm just tripping and need to get used to not seeing him everyday? *sigh* I'm confuzzled...


Take it easy. The space will allow you to see if you want HIM or if it's about having an easy, convenient relationship or PMS lol. So let the 'space' work FOR you. But I will say that getting used to a different routine can cause some anxiety. All the fears surface when you're not in each others face all day to 'test' the relatioship etc.
We went through it so I understand. I'm still getting over stuff.
It'll pass...
I had to break up with my boyfriend last night. I just cant take it anymore. His father is in his 70's and I believe is suffering from dementia but no one wants to look into that and recently had his colon removed. So imagine a man with dementia trying to empty out a colostomy bag....

Prior to this my bf and I were recently discussing getting engaged and him moving to my state ( long distance relationship). However as his father keeps getting sicker and sicker things have been postponed and I decided to say to hell with this and leave. I would never tell him to choose so I just decided to choose for myself and move on. I feel guilty for leaving him like this but I am going to be 29 next month and I need a relationship that I know is going somewhere and I know my bf is not going to leave his dad so I just have to move on.

This sucks!!!

Congrats to you for having the strength to do that! Talk about self love...
Hope it works out for the best.
Watching John Q

Seeing how Denzel's character is trying his best to support his family, the love for his wife....it just warms my heart. Black love....I know it's not just "black" love. It's just that it gives me goosebumps to see this type of relationship between two black people. I've dated various nationalities and races, but there's just something about a strong black man.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox.
Ugggggh i can't with my feelings for my ex. When do they go away????

He's already tweeting bout how he swear he never felt like this before and he has the best girlfriend ever.
Its been maybe a month since hes got with this new girl. Wow.

Sent from my phone-typos to be expected :)
Rocky91 Ok, I don't know your back story but you need to disconnect from him ASAP. By disconnect, I mean ANY type of social media. This is your healing time. It will only draw out the whole process if you are still involved in his life, even if only remotely. It's tempting but do not follow his tweets or facebook posts.
@Incognitus, I'm nosey too, so you're a person after my own heart.

Well, to set the scene :look: I had my hair pulled back into a fluffy ponytail and I brushed my bangs back. In general, I liked how all my hair back, sans bangs, looked with what I was wearing so it wasn't just because of my dear SO's work buddy, but I did get amusement from the fact that I was showing forehead, as another thing I understand she commented on was my big forehead. Which I like. So I'm good :look:

Anyway, after making sure my ponytail was still fluffy so as not to offend her with any split ends or scraggliness, I decided to enter on some "bless your heart, sweetheart :)" and kill her with excessively sweet, sideeyed kindness. In fact, I killed every lady that crossed my path in his officeplace with kindness, as I'm pretty sure anyone who was around for the "argument," which I heard was loud, probably knows that I heard about it too. Just decided to make her look like a big ol' a** by looking nice and acting nicer:look: Offered that a** a muffin with five-head shining all in her face. (I really do know that I have a forehead and I like it. It's high fashion :look:). The interesting thing is that, for some reason :look:, she was not as chatty and intrusively "friendly" as usual. Seemed a little less confident. Almost uncomfortable. Aw.

eta: My momma was like "baby, I would be up at that office everyday. Every chance I get." Now, one does not simply have time for that. But I'll blow through every now and again :look:
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He is such a good person....never a bad word...the one time I saw him upset it had to do with his daughter. I told him the other day I didn't understand why his exes let him get away. He said because I was destined to be with you.......:cry2:
We met six months ago today! I only know because he told me....the day we met he wrote the date in his iPhone calendar!

I decided to be the sweet one today so around mid night I sent him a text telling him how glad I am to have him in my life. I don't know how he wi feel about it because he thinks I'm a "G" lol.

I'm playing hookie from work so we can spend a day at the park!
He is such a good person....never a bad word...the one time I saw him upset it had to do with his daughter. I told him the other day I didn't understand why his exes let him get away. He said because I was destined to be with you.......:cry2:

I like this. He did NOT focus on saying anything bad about them but focused on your destiny.
Class act!