2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

I say things I don't mean when I'm nervous or scared.

Friend: So when's the wedding?
Me to SO: Yeah, when's the wedding?
SO: I don't know Fine 4s, when is the wedding?

....and like an idiot...

Me: Maybe in another 10 years.
*slaps myself repeatedly in my head*
After a few seconds passed and I realized what I did, I TRIED to save it and said

Me:We're already married
and proceeded to give SO pounds and make gang hand signals.

...like an even bigger idiot.

I'm hoping that he knows me well enough to know that I was put on the spot and reacted in the complete OPPOSITE of how I really feel.

Now I'm sad....
We were not talking for two days then he called me on Saturday to apologize and we realized it was a simple misunderstanding.

He is so wonderful and I feel so guilty because I live with my ex (he is aware of this it is a long and complicated story) and the more serious it gets the more I feel like an @ss.

Man, if that was a dude doing that, you know LHCF would be on fiyah!
So, I ask, why do you live together?
He expressed to me that it was important for his opinions and ideas be considered when I make a decision. He's very opinionated and so am I, but I actually appreciate his input. I'm looking for an apartment and he's trying to talk me into just saving and buying a house. I've considered this multiple times, but he def put things into a different light.. Look at him trying to make me a better woman. He said that he just wants his "future wife" to make the right moves. :look:
It kinda bugs me how you talk smack about everyone, dish their biz and then act so cool to their face. I'm not perfect but it makes me mindful of what I say about others. You have been really nice to me ma'am but I guess you are teaching me how not to be. Thanks.
Well, that was short lived. One minute I'm in a relationship the next I'm not. I think we moved too fast. Really nice guy but not for me. Plus I caught him in some lies, basically overstating some things and trying to front. I still feel horrible and sad but I know that I made the right decision.
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Well, that was short lived. One minute I'm in a relationship the next I'm not. I think we moved too fast. Really nice guy but not for me. Plus I caught him in some lies, basically overstating some things and trying to front. I still feel horrible and sad but I know that I made the right decision.

Nooooo......I'm sorry ......:bighug:
Man, if that was a dude doing that, you know LHCF would be on fiyah!
So, I ask, why do you live together?

I met him as a roommate and we are still cool now. We have always maintained our own individual rooms. Our relationship morphed into a brother sister type thing. We do not color or anything but and I am in the process of finding a place to live but it is not easy and my rent is too affordable to just leave.
I met him as a roommate and we are still cool now. We have always maintained our own individual rooms. Our relationship morphed into a brother sister type thing. We do not color or anything but and I am in the process of finding a place to live but it is not easy and my rent is too affordable to just leave.

I was in the same sitch for just over a year. SO never was bothered about it because he could tell from my attitude towards him and seeing us together that it was dead as a Dodo.
LOL! Saudi guy in my class kept looking at me and speaking in Arabic today. What on earth could he have been saying? He was smiling, but he could've been saying something awful. He refused to translate.

I'm not falling for it though, that's some highschool *****. He just keeps me entertained during class :yep:.
So yesterday, I asked him to promise me that our communication will always be good. He said "Livingdoll, I promise"...and we hung up. He called me back and asked why I asked him that. I said "just because". Him...:look:. He got REALLY upset and said that I wasn't being honest with him about my feelings. I told him to calm down, and explained that sometimes I may just want to hear him affirm something. He told me that he will always be concerned about where my feelings are coming from because he doesn't want things to fester and cause harm to our relationship...he is so sweet and yummy :lick:.
I love him but I love me more. You don't marry a man for his potential but for who he is today because he may or may not reach his full potential. That is a choice that only he can make.

I am giving him his walking papers today because he has really shown me who he is. Don't get me wrong, he has a million and one wonderful qualities and I have never been happier with any man in my life. But a red flag even if you choose to ignore for as long as you can is still a red flag.
beginning stages. so far so good. hate to admit it but i am excited but don't want to get my hopes up to high. i know someone understands that. still...hopeful though *smile*000000
He calls me every morning, so this morning we were chatting about Kim and Kanye. I mentioned the YT video and he told me Kanye should not be upset, as he knew who KK was before they dated and vice-versa. Anyhoo, as we're discussing relationships he said, "It pisses me off that so many black men after making it big, think the next step is a white woman. I love black women and think they are they real upgrade." He was on a tirade about it. LOL! Now he does not have an issue with IR dating/marriage but to omit your entire race because you feel you can do better outside of it is his issue. It just made me smile.
I love him but I love me more. You don't marry a man for his potential but for who he is today because he may or may not reach his full potential. That is a choice that only he can make.

I am giving him his walking papers today because he has really shown me who he is. Don't get me wrong, he has a million and one wonderful qualities and I have never been happier with any man in my life. But a red flag even if you choose to ignore for as long as you can is still a red flag.

yup, when a man shows u who he is...believe him! That was my problem with my ex. i refused to believe it the first few times. i had to force myself to walk away. and lo & behold something wonderful was awaiting me :yep:
do what u feel u need to do. go with your instincts. we need to listen to them more.
He calls me every morning, so this morning we were chatting about Kim and Kanye. I mentioned the YT video and he told me Kanye should not be upset, as he knew who KK was before they dated and vice-versa. Anyhoo, as we're discussing relationships he said, "It pisses me off that so many black men after making it big, think the next step is a white woman. I love black women and think they are they real upgrade." He was on a tirade about it. LOL! Now he does not have an issue with IR dating/marriage but to omit your entire race because you feel you can do better outside of it is his issue. It just made me smile.

I heart him Lucie! He sounds like a keeper:yep:. So happy for you.
So on an unrelated note :look: I may be about to lose my job :look: I've been unhappy for a while in my current position but I've been trying to go above and beyond in order to 1) stay positive and 2) position myself to attract opportunity. Well today I got fed up and left :look: I texted back and forth with my boss and we are meeting in the morning so, while I was preparing myself to resign as far back as January of this year and then considered it today when I left without fully making that decision, it may not even be in my hands anymore. I was pretty candid in my texts and I don't regret it. Like I said, it may not even be up to me anymore but I will have a resignation letter when I meet with her in the morning. :look:

I texted my boo (we've been calling each other boo lately. Thought it was gross when my last SO called me that but with him I'm like heeey boo) a tirade/play-by-play and he was everything I needed him to be. I love how he handles his career so I really have grown to respect his opinion. He's usually very rational and the devils advocate type of person but he went rogue with me today too like I needed :look: and then called me to say "I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I just want to let you know you're NOT crazy. You have a valid point. I support your decision whatever you decide to do but just make sure you go ahead and talk to her in the morning so that you remain professional." He's really hot :look:

He just knows exactly what to say to make me feel better and I appreciate him so much. I really don't want to randomly quit but that's what my heart is telling me to do. I have a little savings. I have a craft to start my own practice, and the best thing about his words are that I know they aren't just words because he's shown that he's willing to back me up monetarily :look: <---- like I don't want to rely on that and it wouldn't be the basis for my decision, but I appreciate the being there of it all. At this point, I'm super afraid to just jump out there but I'm really unhappy, underpaid, and my SO and parents are both like "uh uh. I couldn't work there either. Do what you gotta do, baby." I was selected for a position (which was later cut from the company because of budget, but just being chosen made me feel validated, which, idk if that even makes sense :look:) over 90 other candidates so I know I have the skills. I just formed a network of older women (they named it the sisterhood caucus and I have to bring the cookies cause I'm the littlest sister :giggle:) to meet regularly and discuss the goings-on, so I have the courage. I'm kind of going into the meeting feeling like its now or never. I like having him to give me feedback on my feelings.
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I love him but I love me more. You don't marry a man for his potential but for who he is today because he may or may not reach his full potential. That is a choice that only he can make.

I am giving him his walking papers today because he has really shown me who he is. Don't get me wrong, he has a million and one wonderful qualities and I have never been happier with any man in my life. But a red flag even if you choose to ignore for as long as you can is still a red flag.

So true....
Uhm... I was reluctant to make him wait so long, but I'm glad that I did. He was amazing y'all!! I'm going to be walking sideways for weeks, but it was worth it! :look:
When I got to work this morning, I realized I left my phone at home. Called SO to tell him at about 8:15a. When I went home on my break to get my phone at 10a (I live 2 mins away from work), he had sent me six text messages telling me how much he loves me...all sent after I called him. What a beautiful surprise.
My poor cousin. :nono: Not even married one whole month and her husband is already staying with his parents. :ohwell:
So on an unrelated note :look: I may be about to lose my job :look: I've been unhappy for a while in my current position but I've been trying to go above and beyond in order to 1) stay positive and 2) position myself to attract opportunity. Well today I got fed up and left :look: I texted back and forth with my boss and we are meeting in the morning so, while I was preparing myself to resign as far back as January of this year and then considered it today when I left without fully making that decision, it may not even be in my hands anymore. I was pretty candid in my texts and I don't regret it. Like I said, it may not even be up to me anymore but I will have a resignation letter when I meet with her in the morning. :look:

I texted my boo (we've been calling each other boo lately. Thought it was gross when my last SO called me that but with him I'm like heeey boo) a tirade/play-by-play and he was everything I needed him to be. I love how he handles his career so I really have grown to respect his opinion. He's usually very rational and the devils advocate type of person but he went rogue with me today too like I needed :look: and then called me to say "I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I just want to let you know you're NOT crazy. You have a valid point. I support your decision whatever you decide to do but just make sure you go ahead and talk to her in the morning so that you remain professional." He's really hot :look:

He just knows exactly what to say to make me feel better and I appreciate him so much. I really don't want to randomly quit but that's what my heart is telling me to do. I have a little savings. I have a craft to start my own practice, and the best thing about his words are that I know they aren't just words because he's shown that he's willing to back me up monetarily :look: <---- like I don't want to rely on that and it wouldn't be the basis for my decision, but I appreciate the being there of it all. At this point, I'm super afraid to just jump out there but I'm really unhappy, underpaid, and my SO and parents are both like "uh uh. I couldn't work there either. Do what you gotta do, baby." I was selected for a position (which was later cut from the company because of budget, but just being chosen made me feel validated, which, idk if that even makes sense :look:) over 90 other candidates so I know I have the skills. I just formed a network of older women (they named it the sisterhood caucus and I have to bring the cookies cause I'm the littlest sister :giggle:) to meet regularly and discuss the goings-on, so I have the courage. I'm kind of going into the meeting feeling like its now or never. I like having him to give me feedback on my feelings.

In my own little mind, no money is worth being unhappy. To some, you gotta pay the bills and you need to remain professional. I understand that perspective but something in my gut tells me that no matter what I'll be OK. So I completely support your decision as well.
Regarding the 'monetarily' comment, I GET it! There's nothing like knowing someone will never let you fall so low that you can't eat. Shopping maybe not, but food yes! Enjoy...
In my own little mind, no money is worth being unhappy. To some, you gotta pay the bills and you need to remain professional. I understand that perspective but something in my gut tells me that no matter what I'll be OK. So I completely support your decision as well.
Regarding the 'monetarily' comment, I GET it! There's nothing like knowing someone will never let you fall so low that you can't eat. Shopping maybe not, but food yes! Enjoy...

Exaaaaaactly @ the bolded.

Um. I was just in my boss's office for two hours, in which time I resigned and unresigned :look: Kinda feel like a punk.

By the time I got back to my office, I had a text from SO asking what was going on and when I told him I didn't quit, he sent back ":ohwell:" It's weird because I know he said he supported my decision to quit, but, I guess I didn't realize he really supported it. He's the kind of guy who feels like it's his duty to take care of the person he's with (which isn't unusual, I'm just saying) and he would feel embarassed for his SO to be struggling so my resignation, savings or backup plan or not, would have had ramifications for him if things didn't go as smoothly as my optimism expects. So I'm taken aback by his gung ho-ness about my (failed :sad:) attempt to go rogue (I feel like I shouldn't be taken aback. Like I should just have an "of course you'll support me" attitude. So it's weird to realize I'm so hesitant about it.)

Normally when I complain he gives me suggestions to stay like "well maybe you should assert yourself" or "have you tried this?" But today he was all about the resignation. Everybody was. And I didn't. Hmmph. I'm relieved that I know I'll still have a check, but I'm confused as to whether I'm being true to myself. I will say that, while I remained cordial, my boss was the bigger person--because I entered coldblooded :look:--and I respect that. I just can't help but feel like I didn't make the best decision for the InchHighPrivateEye within me.

I'll continue to prepare for myself for the next step, like I've been doing, though.
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He told me he loves me....I asked him how long did he know he loved me and he says since early December. I was so shocked because we were only dating 3 weeks and let me tell you MY situation is complicated.

He is lovely and overwhelming at the same damn time. (ithinkilovehimttoo)
He apologized..... His cancer the crab nature came out and boy did it. He retreated into that shell. I thought he wanted to break up with me. When I told him that he said "why would I want to lose the sunshine in my life? I'm so sorry". And poured out his heart. I'm thankful that no matter what happens we communicate. I love him so much.