2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks

Wow.....what made you continue for so long with the issues?

I loved him :lol: We loved each other very much. I knew what happened with his ex. She broke up with him because she wanted to be single and broke his heart. A few months later when we got together, she wanted him back. I just didn't want to regret my decision. I wanted to be sure that this is what we needed. I could get back together with him right now, and it would be good for a short amount of time and then it will go back to the way it always is. If I know our future, why continue down that path?
I loved him :lol: We loved each other very much. I knew what happened with his ex. She broke up with him because she wanted to be single and broke his heart. A few months later when we got together, she wanted him back. I just didn't want to regret my decision. I wanted to be sure that this is what we needed. I could get back together with him right now, and it would be good for a short amount of time and then it will go back to the way it always is. If I know our future, why continue down that path?

I understand. I've been there and its hard.....:bighug:
I loved him :lol: We loved each other very much. I knew what happened with his ex. She broke up with him because she wanted to be single and broke his heart. A few months later when we got together, she wanted him back. I just didn't want to regret my decision. I wanted to be sure that this is what we needed. I could get back together with him right now, and it would be good for a short amount of time and then it will go back to the way it always is. If I know our future, why continue down that path?

You are so smart :)

My first very incompatible "everything" lasted 5.5 years because I thought love was enough and wasn't as smart, brave and mature as you. I had it in me, but him being my first love clouded my perspective. He gave me a ring from tiffanys and kept getting upset that I did not believe in shacking up and would never. I tried to break up with him 3 times lol and each time he'd beg with gifts and tears.

I'm so happy you made this wise decision so now you're freed up to find your true "matched opposite" haha. Just be careful he'll try to talk/guilt you into getting back with him but it sounds like you already made it over that hump!
So i have been seeing this younger guy for a month. I'm not sure what to do. I like him but we are in different places in life. Maybe if we were both older. I am more established than most people my age which doesn't help either. I see myself getting hurt in the end of this. Even though he is a sweetheart.

This is why I have stayed single.
This at times seems too good to be true. I used to see other people in love and long for it to be me. My friends are telling me I'm "glowing". And it feels so awesome. He tells me everyday how he thinks of me and smiles and his co-workers tease him about him being so gone. I'm just genuinely happy for the first time in so long. Love is amazing! !!!!!
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So...I think I messed up. I cooked dinner earlier in the week and took him a plate when he got home from work. He kept saying how good it was...and last night he gave me a brand new container to put his future dinners in. :look:

So...I think I messed up. I cooked dinner earlier in the week and took him a plate when he got home from work. He kept saying how good it was...and last night he gave me a brand new container to put his future dinners in. :look:


Lol...I did this...but I never cooked a special meal for him...if I cooked and I know I would be seeing him, I made him a plate.
Lol...I did this...but I never cooked a special meal for him...if I cooked and I know I would be seeing him, I made him a plate.

Girl, we live less than 3 minutes apart, so it's easy for him to stop by or vice versa. I've known him for years (at least 24yrs, since around 9th grade) and he said he was shocked because he had no idea that I could cook so well.

My sister always says I'm not married because I never cooked for my SO's in the past. She always says that some man would've been wifed me up once I started feeding him regularly. :lol:

I've just never been a believer in feeding men, especially if they weren't helping me with money for groceries.
I'm glad I stopped rushing him and listening to friends about where my relationship should be at certain points of us dating. We went at our pace and we're still here :grin: while those same friends are either single or dealing with terrible relationships SMDH.

I learned just because I was ready doesn't mean he was ready and that you can't make a man do what they don't want to do.
He's a workaholic.....I'm learning patience.


be patience and keep busy. women tend to want it all. we want men to have money, buy us things, take us to nice places, help us out, but not willing to understand and accept the time and effort it takes to have all of that. there are some men that can balance that, but most men don't. when my man is grinding, it can be a long time before we actually have some alone time. but when we do get that moment, he makes the most out of it.

be patience and keep busy. women tend to want it all. we want men to have money, buy us things, take us to nice places, help us out, but not willing to understand and accept the time and effort it takes to have all of that. there are some men that can balance that, but most men don't. when my man is grinding, it can be a long time before we actually have some alone time. but when we do get that moment, he makes the most out of it.

Believe me. It's not a complaint versus a little venting. I know why he does the things he does. And he supports me in every way. I just miss him. Thanks sis!
We had such a blast yesterday. He got a haircut. Looks cute. He doesn't like it, since he only likes a barber that uses scissors and his barber was away.

He brought by lanbi, tassot, du rit blanc and sauce poix rouge yesterday evening. YUMMO!!! After that we went to see 42. I loved the leg rubbing, hand holding, kissing, AND the movie was good too. He keeps calling me short (I am 5'6"3/4") and he said, "In about a year my youngest will be taller than his STEPMOM!" :D I mentioned something that I missed that he used to do and when we were in the movies, I realized he had done it. Though he is still a loud a$$ Haitian (LOL) he is becoming more understanding and apologizes when he makes a mistake. That is a big, dang deal! *my heart smiles*
My boo is a homebody. I can't be mad, because I am too. After all these years, I finally appreciate spending time snuggling with him.
He is very in tune with me. He always knows how I'm feeling and how to bring my spirits up. He cares about how I feel and I care about how he feels....
sometimes I feel like other women refer to brown skin as an insult.

not cool. :nono:

your personality determines the relationship you attract. that's it.
Whew!! i swear we just did like a couples boot camp lol. learned a lot about each other. i spent the last 2 weeks at his house. we were literally in each other face every minute. we went everywhere together. even to his jobs/projects. did everything together.
arguments, make ups, crying, yelling, partying, relaxing, loving..everything.. :lol:
i just got home today and already we r like i miss u baby lol. he got me ticket to come back up saturday for a party hes throwing at his lounge then driving me back down to DC sunday and staying with me for a few days. hes been looking at trips to jamaica, barbados or tahiti for us this summer. feeling so good about us:)
Whew!! i swear we just did like a couples boot camp lol. learned a lot about each other. i spent the last 2 weeks at his house. we were literally in each other face every minute. we went everywhere together. even to his jobs/projects. did everything together.
arguments, make ups, crying, yelling, partying, relaxing, loving..everything.. :lol:
i just got home today and already we r like i miss u baby lol. he got me ticket to come back up saturday for a party hes throwing at his lounge then driving me back down to DC sunday and staying with me for a few days. hes been looking at trips to jamaica, barbados or tahiti for us this summer. feeling so good about us:)

sylver2 is he in DC, I wanna go! :sekret:
I didn't realize that my post didnt post everything!

I am visiting my boyfriend this whole week!!! Oi flew up yesterday. I was so excited yesterday. I was waiting for my baggage and he was behind me with flowers and a bear. I love him :).

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
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