Your sister's husband makes a pass - Spin off

If your sister's husband made a physical pass at you, would you tell her?

  • Yes... I'd tell in a heart beat.

    Votes: 167 84.3%
  • No... I aint telling nobody, but Jesus!

    Votes: 31 15.7%

  • Total voters


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Your sister's husband, makes a "strong" physical pass at you. Do you tell her, or not?

If your husband made a pass at your sister.. would you want to know? Would you divorce (children involved)? How do you think it would change the dynamics of your sibling relationship?
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That's a terrible situation to be in and would be really hard to do, but that's my sister and I don't want her with a man that's going around hitting on other yes, I would definitely tell her.

I would definitely want to know it my man made a pass at any woman. If it was my sister would he hit, he'd have to go.
[quote=toosexy1]holy quadruple post batman!!! :lol:

and to answer your question, i would tell her[/quote]

Seriously... you'd tell? What about the 2nd guessing she'd do-

  • She wouldnt trust you the same... 'that watchful eye'
  • You must've done something to provoke him
  • You must've miss-understood his intentions
  • He told me you made a 'go' for him
  • and the thousand of other things that would go thru her mind.
What if she stayed with him... but other family members got involved added their two cents... and it made all of the family functions unbearable-therefore... they slowly dissolved.

What if she left him... but acted as though she held you accountable with her actions... although her mouth said otherwise...

I'm rambling (not picking on you)- :( :ohwell:

Sorry.... Thanks for answering.
reunitej21 said:
That's a terrible situation to be in and would be really hard to do, but that's my sister and I don't want her with a man that's going around hitting on other yes, I would definitely tell her.

I would definitely want to know it my man made a pass at any woman. If it was my sister would he hit, he'd have to go.

If you thought it was an isolated incident... you'd still want to divorce?
Married 10yrs w/3 children. Up until this.. you think he's a great husband, never questioned his fidelity... very submissive to your needs and those of your children... you have small tiffs.. but for the most part.. you think you have a "great marriage".
Lotus said:
[quote=toosexy1]holy quadruple post batman!!! :lol:

and to answer your question, i would tell her

Seriously... you'd tell? What about the 2nd guessing she'd do-

  • She wouldnt trust you the same... 'that watchful eye'
  • You must've done something to provoke him
  • You must've miss-understood his intentions
  • He told me you made a 'go' for him
  • and the thousand of other things that would go thru her mind.
What if she stayed with him... but other family members got involved added their two cents... and it made all of the family functions unbearable-therefore... they slowly dissolved.

What if she left him... but acted as though she held you accountable with her actions... although her mouth said otherwise...

I'm rambling (not picking on you)- :( :ohwell:

Sorry.... Thanks for answering.

I'm thinking if someone has to question if their sister would believe them, then maybe they should evaluate that sibling relationship....Just my thinking...:perplexed
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Ebonygurl00 said:
I'm thinking if someone has to question if their sister would believe them, then maybe they should evaluate that sibling relationship....Just my thinking...:perplexed

I agree. The bullets were more so the kinds of things I suspect would go through the average a woman's mind in that situation... 2nd guess. Not that she wouldnt believe her sister...

But let's just for grins sake... say the sibling relationship was not as strong as it should be, due to age difference. You were close, loved each other... no harm/prior fouls... but you had your set of friends and she had hers...
So... your sister and you arent "best friends"... would you tell?
knowing my sister, she'd probably stay with him. so i wouldn't say anything and keep my distance. barf at the idea of her scumbag husband hitting on me.
I know one thing that I would do and that is to straighten him out to the point where he would be wondering if it would be safe to even speak to me, after insulting me like that. A man like this could cause a rift in the family structure from which you could never recover. It could go so many ways. The sister could believe you or believe that you misunderstood his actions and made a mistake.
I would tell, mainly because I know there is nothing I would do to give her husband the impression that I welcome that type of behavior. I would not expect her to leave him based on hitting on me, but I would expect her to believe me and keep a watchful eye out because if he has hit on me I can almost guarantee he has hit on someone else or even worse had an affair. I think some women may get upset with the woman because they already know the man is capable of that behavior and it is embarassing to them for someone else to also know what type of man he is.
I would have to check his ***....but I wouldn't tell. That's just how I am, what she don't know won't hurt her, I'd take it to the grave.
dlewis said:
I agree with Vester, I would avoid him.

That also depends on your relationship with your sister. I would tell mines. But I know some siblings who would just think exactly what Ebony said. In that case I would have to avoid him.
Ebonygurl00 said:
I'm thinking if someone has to question if their sister would believe them, then maybe they should evaluate that sibling relationship....Just my thinking...:perplexed

I was thinking the same thing. If it's like that then we don't need to be close. Just know that if that man would make a pass at you then he's certainly cheating on your sister.

Originally Posted by curlilocs
I would have to check his ***....but I wouldn't tell. That's just how I am, what she don't know won't hurt her, I'd take it to the grave.

I don't know...that man is cheating on her with someone and I wouldn't want my sister in danger of him bringing home some kind of disease or babies. If she doesn't protect herself after that then that's on her.
I wouldn't tell, neither of my sister would care and they will stay. I wouldn't waste my time or energy telling them.

If my husband made a pass at any of my sisters(Which I doubt very seriously he would) I wouldn't divorce him, but he would be in the dog house for a very, very, very, very long time.
I would tell her in a heartbeat, it takes no thinking. Never would i risk the relationship that i possess with my sister to protect his bad ways against my sister.

If it was a friend then my thinking would probably be different but more than likely i would tell her also. The difference with a friend,i always think is if they decide to get back together there can be some hatred aimed in your direction.
I don't have a sister but I am very loyal to friends and family and would DEFINITELY tell!
Without a doubt, I would tell her!!! If he can make a pass at me, he has certainly been making passes at and sleeping with all kinds of other women, and I would not want my sister to pick up some STDs from a whore husband.
If my sister's husband came on to me I'd tell her - if he's hitting on me, I'm certain he's hitting on other women and most likely already getting some on the side. You have to be very bold, stupid and sloppy to hit on your wife's family member - these same characteristics would assure me that he's already sleeping around and is dumb enough to hit it raw with multiple women.

I have two sisters, and if either one of them ever came to me and told me that my boyfriend/husband hit on them, I wouldn't doubt them for a second. And he would be gone for the reasons listed above.
curlilocs said:
I would have to check his ***....but I wouldn't tell. That's just how I am, what she don't know won't hurt her, I'd take it to the grave.

lol... Knowing me I would check him and then tell her what he did AND how I checked him. My sister knows how vocal I am so she would think somethings really odd if I had let it pass without saying something to him IMMEDIATELY!!
I was in a situation similar to this. I used to work closely with this really nice lady who invited me to her bible study class. Her husband used to call her every day around the same time and we shared the same work phone. She followed the same routine every day so even I knew about what time she would go to restroom. He always just HAPPENED to call at that same time and wanted to chit-chat with me instead of just leaving the dang message! Once, when they were dropping me off at home after the class, he carried my sleeping daughter inside and then made a physical pass at me. I flinched away from him and walked quickly to the door to let him out.

That week, I finally asked her 'advice' about a 'situation'. She was like a big sister to me. She always had great advice so I just asked if I should tell 'the wife of one of the members of her class' about her husband hitting on me. She said it depends on the lady and the nature of the couple's relationship. Then she said, "I know it couldn't be MY husband because he TOLD me a long time ago that that is just one thing he would NEVER do". So I never told her that it was her husband.

I ended up looking for another job (because he continued with the phone calls). Those phones did not have caller ID back then and we couldn't just let them ring. I don't go to that bible class anymore, but before I left I noticed that they had gotten a divorce anyway. Rumor was that he was messing around with some other chick(s).
I'd tell her, then help her move his **** out of her house. I'd definitely want to know if my dh did something like that. My sister and I are too tight, I know she'd want to know, and want my help in disposing of the remains.
This actually happened to me with my sister's husband and my cousins. But I didn't tell either one. Why? If this man is bold enough to make a pass at a women's relative, I don't think he has a discreet bone in his body.

Why tell them what they already should know or probably already knows? I'm sure I wasn't the first woman they tried to hit on.
shawniegee said:
This actually happened to me with my sister's husband and my cousins. But I didn't tell either one. Why? If this man is bold enough to make a pass at a women's relative, I don't think he has a discreet bone in his body.

Why tell them what they already should know or probably already knows? I'm sure I wasn't the first woman they tried to hit on.

Do feel shame or have guilt? If so.. how long did it take you to get over it?
Lotus said:
Do feel shame or have guilt? If so.. how long did it take you to get over it?

Do I feel shame? No but I felt uncomfortable when they would come around. They both found out that there husbands were no good. One is still married, one isn't. But they knew there husbands were jerks.