If something happened to your husband . . .

Would you remarry after the death/divorce of a spouse?

  • Yes, I would remarry after death or divorce.

    Votes: 81 57.0%
  • No, I would not remarry under any conditions.

    Votes: 25 17.6%
  • I would only remarry if we divorced.

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • I would remarry if I were still fairly young after divorce/death.

    Votes: 20 14.1%
  • It would depend on the wishes of my spouse.

    Votes: 7 4.9%
  • Other: Please Explain

    Votes: 17 12.0%

  • Total voters
I think I would be OK with him marrying but I would hope that he would respect my memory and not date or marry in a short amount of time. Not that I would know, but in theory if it was less than a year, to me , is a slap in the face, especially if we have children. A friend of mine did that...male...married within 6-8 months....I was like dang can the body get cold and decompose a little before you move another woman in your house with your kids.

Something like that makes me believe he had the new woman all along.
I think I would be OK with him marrying but I would hope that he would respect my memory and not date or marry in a short amount of time. Not that I would know, but in theory if it was less than a year, to me , is a slap in the face, especially if we have children. A friend of mine did that...male...married within 6-8 months....I was like dang can the body get cold and decompose a little before you move another woman in your house with your kids.

My aunt's husband did that and it really divided our family and messed their two youngest kids up (they were very young).
If something happened to my husband, I would definitely remarry. If he died, I would wait a bit to recover, and for my children to adjust, but I would have no qualms getting married again. My marriage is not so great, and we are divorcing now, there is no way that I am going to become a spinster and sit and pine away behind my-soon-to-be ex. If I died, I am sure he would marry one of the many women that he keeps around, my biggest problem would be that I wouldn't want 'nary one of them around my children. But I'd be dead, so what could I really do? When we get divorced I'm sure he'll find someone (or some-two, LOL) but I really could give a care today.

Maybe tomorrow.

Can ya'll tell that I shouldn't be in this thread!? LOL!
It was very hard for me to come into this thread. Everytime I read the title my chest catches up a bit. I mean get a physical reaction in my chest. Just the thought of not having my husband is unthinkable. We've been together 24 years, married 20, I love him so much. I can't even answer the poll, the whole thought is just so sad:(.
It was very hard for me to come into this thread. Everytime I read the title my chest catches up a bit. I mean get a physical reaction in my chest. Just the thought of not having my husband is unthinkable. We've been together 24 years, married 20, I love him so much. I can't even answer the poll, the whole thought is just so sad:(.

My husband says he wouldn't get remarried if I died. But I would hope he would since he's the type that needs a wife. But I would prefer that he waits until the kids have finished college and married and had children and the grandchildren had married and had children.:grin:

SpicedTree, I hope you find someone who deserves you and you're looking great in the new siggy picture.

Hopeful, that's wonderful to have that type of love for your husband. I have had thoughts of flirting at my husbands............when he made me super mad.
My husband says he wouldn't get remarried if I died. But I would hope he would since he's the type that needs a wife. But I would prefer that he waits until the kids have finished college and married and had children and the grandchildren had married and had children.:grin:

SpicedTree, I hope you find someone who deserves you and you're looking great in the new siggy picture.

Hopeful, that's wonderful to have that type of love for your husband. I have had thoughts of flirting at my husbands............when he made me super mad.

You are so funny :lol:.
We have talked about it. No I would not remarry. I have two small daughters and I would not trust another man around them. I would probably date on the low, and get my groove on erry now and then,:grin: but the man would not be introduced to my girls. Now, when I am an empty-nester, than most likely I would be more open to marriage because my paranoia wouldn't be plaguing me:lol: :lol:
This is my answer almost exactly. I would not remarry if I had kids that were still in the house. I would consider remarrying after the kids become adults.
I would marry if I found someone to love. My grandmother spent over 25 years alone after my grandfather passed and I don't feel you are betraying your vows if you choose to remarry.
One of my friends father remarried only a few weeks after her mother died :perplexed. Her mother had cancer and was sick for a good while before she died but still. My friend was very hurt.

If I were married and my husband died if I wanted to remarry I would. I would want him to do what's right for him and if he wanted to remarry after I died/divorced then so be it, it's his life.
Yes, I would remarry....if I found a good man.

I wouldn't mind if he did as well...only if she was a good woman who treated my daughter like she was her own.
I'd re-marry, if I met the "right person". I don't know if he would, but if he didn't, it wouldn't be because I've expressed opposition to it.
I'd remarry and I'd want him to as well. There's no such thing as "remaining faithful" to a dead person. And I want to be happily married.

Unless I was like... in my 70s, then forget it haha.
No, I would not remarry. I have no interest in another man being around my children or doing the whole marriage thing all over. I teach at a high school and always hear stories about mother's boyfriend's molesting the daughters and the mothers not even having a clue or just refusing to believe their daughters. I would just have a friend, someone to hang out or travel with on occasion. Nothing more than friend and no sleeping over at my place.
If I die, I would like my husband to remarry, and vice versa. Asking anything else of my partner is selfish - it wasn't meant for people to live alone.
***Speaking in futurisitc terms in regards to a hubby:lachen:***

But if he were to pass, don't think could re-marry. I wouldn't want to go through that type of pain again.:nono:

Now divorce...man, I might end up dating my attorney by the end of that case!:lachen:
I would. I think it depends on where you are in life as well. I mean if Im 23 and my husband dies when Im 25 does he honestly expect me to remain single for 60-70 years?:perplexed thats quite farfetched. I would want him to remarry if he found that right person.
If my husband died, yes I would grieve, but eventually I would get married again, why now! I am not giving money to Ann Summers, because after awhile you do get lonely. Ruth was a widow and she married Boaz. There are a lot of Boazs available.
If I pass before my husband I would just want him to be happy and if remarrying helped him to be happy then what do I really care, I'm dead anyway. He may get lonely after awhile.

If he passes before me, no I would not. The older women in my family did not, like grandma and them... So I wouldn't either. I'd just be single, and have my kids and such. I wouldn't want to meet and greet and get going with another man in another marriage. I'd want to meet my husband in heaven and remain his wife :grin: I don't mind being alone and I say this at 25 if his death occurs now. He is my lifelong partner.

I was just on this subject with a friend of mine the other day so I really do see the reality behind it all... And the above answer is the reality as I see it today.
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I know for sure I won't. I didn't want to get married AT ALL until he came along. I, in my core, believed marriage was for fools. If something were to happen to him, I'd be done and happy that I got to experience HIM. No man could compare....he melted the "Ice Queen" nothing else another man could do after the fact could measure up to the huge job he did and would basically be a waste of his (the living man) and my time.

If I were to die and he could find a woman thats half as dope as me....I'd want him to go ahead and marry her. I would want him to be happy....if him re-marrying would make him happy, I can only hope he'll do so and that she'll treat him as he deserves to be treated.
God forbid that happens, but no, I would not marry again. I might date but he would have to be very rich and we would need separate dwellings like Oprah and Steadman. :lachen::lachen::lachen: With all jokes aside, the way women are saying men are hard to find, I don't think I would want to go through the rat race searching for a disease-free man. :nono:
I wouldn't remarry, but I would have a partner. I think my husband would remarry if our girls gave him their blessing...
I would not, marriage is a wonderful and beautiful blessing but its alot of work, I rather have a special someone and live apart .:ohwell:
I don't think I'd ever find someone else I would WANT to marry - if I did, I certainly would, but I don't think I would be looking for another marriage.

DH would remarry - again, if he could find someone else that he would want to marry. We've spoiled each other. :lachen: