Your 1st Boyfriend/love

Good question and so coincidental too. I was thinking of hitting mine up yesterday to “catch up”.

I don’t know how he is doing. Last I spoke to him in 2011. He cheated on me with a close friend of mine in 2003- 04 and got her pregnant. So I lost touch with him.

She had the baby, they started fighting, drama and child support/visitation and I heard he cheated on her and got the other woman pregnant. Now both mothers are friends and hate him.

He was (maybe still is) a cop, was promoted to detective but I really don’t know how he is doing or anything about him.

I think I wanted to catch up just to gloat and show him that what he did to me didn’t break me. Not sure why he crossed my mind yesterday- I haven’t thought about him in years. Not sure why I wanted to gloat either- maybe because he treated me like crap and I wanted to prove to him I wasn’t. Really have no clue.

Them cops are something else...
I had one of these in college. He wasn’t my first bf, but it was still devastating. He told me he was straight, later admitted to being Bi, and now (26 years later) is married to a man. He is the most intelligent, talented and successful man in my dating history. And yes, I wish him well.
My first boyfriend? Currently married to his husband and just adopted two kids.

First love? He's currently still single. Last time I heard he was in the air force training to become a pilot.
Ok last comment. I am weirdly friends on social media with my exes/guys I dated. Unless they cheated on me. I see nothing wrong with being friends- I really don’t care about their lives like that.
Most of them are being covert and don’t post about the women they are dating now so I have no idea what is going on with any of them.
Except one- I just went to a wedding for one of them and I am so happy for him.

Me too...I don't have bad break ups so I'm generally friends with everyone I used to date..except for one guy who stole from me..and he still wants to communicate with me but I refuse obviously..
I wish all of my ex's well.

I shed a little tear when a very brief ex boyfriend died earlier this year. I think I talked about him on here once...he was the guy I called New Years Day and said I can't walk into the New Year in this relationship. He didn't do anything wrong per se, but I didn't want to be bothered. He was 13 years older (I was 25/He was 38), so I figured he wasn't that invested anyway. I was wrong and when we ran into each other he said it still bothered him a bit and he hasn't been in a serious relationship after me. I never apologized for breaking it off when I did, but I did say I could've done it better.

I wish the rest of my exs a long and happy life..ones I hurt and the 2 that hurt that Jill Scott Song Cant Explain:

"I hope you're loving well
Baby, just because you loved and lost
Don't mean stop loving
If you have a nightmare, doesn't mean you stop dreaming
Don't give up on love because what I did to you"
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Hmmm...this is complicated for me for quite a few reasons. My first real boyfriend cheated and broke my heart...20 years later we reconnected and are now married with 1 child together. All together we have 9 kids in the blended family...I brought 3 and he brought 5 and the now 3 year old.

My first true love is single after a few failed engagements. Recently told me he wishes we were back together and regrets the past. We share a I said it's complicated. :(
1st BF- he's still in journalism/ local media doing much better than when we were together. He's now divorced, no kids, and we tried to reconnect a couple years ago, but I ghosted him because I decided I didn't want to be bothered and now we don't talk, but we're still FB friends. I wish him well.

1st love- on/off relationship for 5 years. He didn't want to relocate to where I am. Got a woman pregnant, but didn't want to marry the baby mama. He still wanted to be with me but that was the last straw. That was a few years ago, I don't know or care how he's doing or if she even had the baby.
My first boyfriend is a retired NFL player. He was your average high school football player (we broke up 2 months before senior prom).
He became a really good player in college and he ended up being drafted. We follow each other on social media...he is currently single (never married) and he has two beautiful children that he seems to adore. Every couple months he tries to weasel his way back into my life but I’m not attracted to the party life and he loves it. Plus I’m happily boo’d up.

My first love is married and doing very well.

I wish both well.
First BF: last I heard he was unhappily married. We dated in HS. His best friend was dating a friend of mine. Come to find out my bf and my friend were sleeping together. It was a mess. I dodged a bullet because she was pregnant in a couple of months. Years later he found me on social media. I figure we were all grown we could be cordial. Wrong.
He married my hs friend. They had one more kid. He was tired of being married so he wanted a break. She gave him one but he didn't count on her breaking with him. She found her a boo. He found one also but got her pregnant. He wanted to come back home and the wife was trying to work with him for the kids. He finds out the girlfriend isn't taking care of the baby but doesn't want to take the child because he isn't in the business of taking care of a baby again. Smh... the wife agrees to take the outside baby and raise it. He was undecided.
He wasn't working and said he needed a fresh start with me. He wanted to move with me and rekindle our love. I couldn't stop laughing, told him never ever never and blocked him.

1st love: Married w/ kids. The wife hates me. Why, I don't know but ain't my business.

I wish them both well long as they leave me alone.
Mine is still fine..single and no kids.

He was my college sweetheart that wasted my time b/c he was scared of marriage.

He finally stopped trying to reach out to me in May 2018 after 4 years of trying to come back into my life to waste it some more.

We dated until late 2014.
My first real love/bf is married and has 2 beautiful kids. Just young and simply grew apart when we both moved away to attend college. We were always cool from a distance and wished each other well (we're FB friends). Considering his background, it's nice to see that he's a stand up guy and seemingly a great family man. Although I do give him a side eye for not marrying black after attending an HBCU.
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1st boyfriend is a teacher and football coach working and traveling. The only reason I know this is because he recently reached out to me.

1st love is a VP of Finance for JP Morgan only know this cause we are connected on social. I am not sure if he has a wife and kids but I assume so since he was very family oriented when we were together.

Edited to say I wish them both well. They both treated me well just guys who ended up not being for me.
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First boyfriend - Not sure, I unfriended him on FB....However I wish him well.

First love - I think he's married again. He has a lot of kids....we are cordial, no hard feelings at all.
Wait... he moved his wife into his parents house?
All his siblings did. It was 9 ppl living in a 3 bedroom. Parents bought a new bigger house since the grandkids were coming. Now it’s 14 ppl living in a 5/6 bedroom.

He’s a good man. Just stems from a family of underachievers who think they are better and more talented than those around them(all 5 kids have a ged even though they were born here and none were pregnant in HS). It was a weird atmosphere but he’s a good man overall like 80% positive aspects.
Divorced and still living in his grandmother's house. Still trying to get a better car. He had a decent airport job. He got fired for God knows what. I wish him well.
I don't know where my first love is. He moved to another state right after high school graduation. I used to see him every year around the holidays for the first few years he went away. Last time I saw him was 2009. We were friends on facebook at some point but he's disabled his account. At one point I know he got into some legal troubles. I hope he's doing well. We had good times in high school, and I want nothing but the best for him
First BF: last I heard he was unhappily married. We dated in HS. His best friend was dating a friend of mine. Come to find out my bf and my friend were sleeping together. It was a mess. I dodged a bullet because she was pregnant in a couple of months. Years later he found me on social media. I figure we were all grown we could be cordial. Wrong.
He married my hs friend. They had one more kid. He was tired of being married so he wanted a break. She gave him one but he didn't count on her breaking with him. She found her a boo. He found one also but got her pregnant. He wanted to come back home and the wife was trying to work with him for the kids. He finds out the girlfriend isn't taking care of the baby but doesn't want to take the child because he isn't in the business of taking care of a baby again. Smh... the wife agrees to take the outside baby and raise it. He was undecided.
He wasn't working and said he needed a fresh start with me. He wanted to move with me and rekindle our love. I couldn't stop laughing, told him never ever never and blocked him.

1st love: Married w/ kids. The wife hates me. Why, I don't know but ain't my business.

I wish them both well long as they leave me alone.
What. A. Mess!
First love has at least one kid, last I heard (years ago) he bought a house with his baby mama (Latina). Dunno what he’s up now and frankly don’t care. I wish him what he deserves.
First boyfriend/first love from junior year in high school until sophomore year in college has been married for 20 plus years and has three kids with his wife and one from a previous relationship. He and my mom were very close and he stayed in touch with her from the time we broke up until a few months ago. My mom is in a nursing home due to dementia and he was going to see her a few times per month. Turns out, he had unresolved issues about our breakup and started going to counseling. The therapist told him to stop going to see my mom because it was his way of trying to hold on to our relationship. He told me all of this when he came over about a year ago to get closure. Y’all this ninja was the biggest cheater and liar alive when we dated and he tried to hit me with the “what happened to us?” I just looked at him like “huh?” I don’t think that talk went the way he wanted, so he faded my mom to black and I rarely hear from him anymore.
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1st boyfriend- Still living in his hometown doing odd jobs, we reconnected a few years ago but he was on some weirdddd druggy stuff so I had to let that be once and for all.

1st love- Married to one of the many women he cheated on me with, an ugly white woman and they have a funny lookin child.

He lives in South Dakota with her and is now a trump supporter.
1st bf: married to a woman he doesn’t deserve, has a son, cheated on her with one of our teachers from high school (he cheated on me with this teacher as well)

1st love: dating the woman he cheated on his last gf with. He cheated on me as well.

I wish them what they deserve
First love/ first boyfriend- In my dm's inviting me on an emotional rollercoaster

On an off again relationship from the time we were 15 until 27. Like many have shared, he was wonderful when he wasn't cheating. The last time we reconnected was after 3 years apart. In my attempt to move on, I had a daughter. At the time he had two children. About seven months in, I found out there was a 3rd kid that came before the other 2- 8 years old and in those 8 years he never said a word.

He had excuses. I tried to understand, but I just felt like he never cared for me... like it was all a lie. My feelings were hurt hurt. Not to mention, I had a daughter now and I didn't want her to think that this is what love looks like. I ended things and purposely avoided him for about 10 years. He was in the military so it was easy. But I would see his father all the time and he would always say,"you should've stayed with my son.":look:

First love returns to the area about two years ago because his mother is sick. He is currently on his second marriage- they have 1 son together- he has 4 kids now. We started to follow each on IG. He looked good. In great shape. Still has all his hair. From the looks of it, he seems to enjoy being a father. He also has custody of one of his other sons and travels to see the other two often.

The mother passed away about a year ago. I offer my condolences via social media. Six months later his send me a series of dm's, more or less apologizing for his behavior when we were younger. Blames it on immaturity, ego, not realizing what he had, blah, blah, blah. Claims he never stopped loving me. He tries to see if we can link up and I say no.

I finally run into him at a series of events for a friend that passed (vigils/wake/ funeral). I think I melted. We chat at each. The subject of family comes up and he shares that the wife moved out of state with their kid- it's just him and his oldest now. I change subjects.

He slides in my dm's frequently. Sometimes he'll ask me to hang out, I say no. Sent his number a few weeks ago saying he was gonna close his acct and I could contact him that way. I've never used it. He has yet to close the acct. My best friend thinks I should let him take me out. I moonwalked out the grocery store about two Sunday's ago when I saw him in the deli section. Seeing him is too much. All the feels.

Why can't he be out here aging like milk, while I'm somewhere happily married.
First love/ first boyfriend- In my dm's inviting me on an emotional rollercoaster

On an off again relationship from the time we were 15 until 27. Like many have shared, he was wonderful when he wasn't cheating. The last time we reconnected was after 3 years apart. In my attempt to move on, I had a daughter. At the time he had two children. About seven months in, I found out there was a 3rd kid that came before the other 2- 8 years old and in those 8 years he never said a word.

He had excuses. I tried to understand, but I just felt like he never cared for me... like it was all a lie. My feelings were hurt hurt. Not to mention, I had a daughter now and I didn't want her to think that this is what love looks like. I ended things and purposely avoided him for about 10 years. He was in the military so it was easy. But I would see his father all the time and he would always say,"you should've stayed with my son.":look:

First love returns to the area about two years ago because his mother is sick. He is currently on his second marriage- they have 1 son together- he has 4 kids now. We started to follow each on IG. He looked good. In great shape. Still has all his hair. From the looks of it, he seems to enjoy being a father. He also has custody of one of his other sons and travels to see the other two often.

The mother passed away about a year ago. I offer my condolences via social media. Six months later his send me a series of dm's, more or less apologizing for his behavior when we were younger. Blames it on immaturity, ego, not realizing what he had, blah, blah, blah. Claims he never stopped loving me. He tries to see if we can link up and I say no.

I finally run into him at a series of events for a friend that passed (vigils/wake/ funeral). I think I melted. We chat at each. The subject of family comes up and he shares that the wife moved out of state with their kid- it's just him and his oldest now. I change subjects.

He slides in my dm's frequently. Sometimes he'll ask me to hang out, I say no. Sent his number a few weeks ago saying he was gonna close his acct and I could contact him that way. I've never used it. He has yet to close the acct. My best friend thinks I should let him take me out. I moonwalked out the grocery store about two Sunday's ago when I saw him in the deli section. Seeing him is too much. All the feels.

Why can't he be out here aging like milk, while I'm somewhere happily married.

Change your focus and don't get sucked back in...he is an ex multiple times for a reason. Believe people when they show you who they are the first, second and third time! You're in love with who you thought or wishes he would be, not the person he is showing you! Run and stay away, I speak from experience in this arena.