Your 1st Boyfriend/love

Interesting/funny replies.

I didn't really have a first boyfriend/love type situation. I know the first guy I had a crush on is probably in jail or dead. When I was about 14 he was probably 20. He lived a couple houses over from me. He had a muscle car, was buff, and was an obvious gangbanger (the Crips). When I would hear the rumble of his car, I would rush outside and sit on the front porch just so I could wave at him as he drove by. Good thing he didn't really pay me no mind or I might have got into a world of trouble ;-)
He’s a sleazy cheater. I don’t have contact with him because the last time I did he was trying to get me to meet him for “lunch” ( no it wasn’t really lunch , he knew that I was married and straight up told me about his pregnant gf on bed rest)

I don’t want bad things to happen to him but I’m not sure if I’m wishing him well :lol:.. I wish him indifference? No that doesn’t sound right but it will come to me

Right! Not hell or well! Indifference is about all I got too. That will have to do :yep:.
1st boyfriend is married with 2 or 3 kids. Had a cancer scare last year. Not sure if he's in remission but I know he's still alive.

1st love... no idea. He randomly called my job years ago asking about a property (I worked in real estate) and I gave him info and set him up with another agent in the office to take a look at it. I was giddy to hear his voice because I was a fool in love with him. I never let on that I knew him though because I was a fool in love with him. If he knew it was me he kept it to himself. I kept in touch with his mom for awhile but that stopped several years ago. No idea what he's up to now.
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My first boyfriend is doing well I think. He’s still quite odd but he lives in Brooklyn and was one of the creators of BarkBox so I assume he’s fairly successful. We dated senior year of high school and freshman year of college.

Second boyfriend? I have no idea. We dated my junior and senior year of college and I haven’t spoken to him since. I’m sure he’s fine.

Third “boyfriend” in law school is probably a lawyer somewhere. Don’t know don’t care.
My sister sent me a recent pic of his like a month ago. He got big, but carries it well (He's 6'7" and used to be thin but muscular) but still has all his hair :lol: He works at a bank, which isn't surprising cause he majored in business. He married the girl he cheated on me with, and have a kid together. Since then she lets everyone and their brother hit. My sister and cousins live in the same neighborhood and see her often with other men. I'm glad devil:
I was a 2nd semester Freshmen when we met...He was 5 years older than I was...had been at school..left and came back..
Now little did I know they were "going together" the entire time we were together...when he would go home he would see her...
Then he graduated way before I did of course and went home...
He would come see me occasionally but I had moved on by then..
Then maybe 1 or 2 years later I ran into some of his cousins and they told me he was getting married but they didn't say to her..
We lost contact and then years later he called my house in like the middle of the night one night after Googling me and my info..scared the mess out of me cause he was playing a wack game of guess who..
Anyway we've been cool since then..I've seen him a few times but he's still married to her...and they have 2 kids..


Girl, be glad yall didn't stay togther. He messy chile.
My 1st boyfriend/love and I were together when I was a senior in high school through my second year of college. I randomly called his grandmother to see how she was doing a few years after we broke up...and she told me that he had gotten shot and was in a coma. He stayed in a coma for months. When he gained consciousness he was a different person.

We follow one another on social media. He's a woke vegan. Only posts about books, travel, and health food. He recently married a black tree huggin' lookin' chick.

He's extremely different now than the boy I was with, but he's a good person. I wish him well.
My 1st boyfriend/love and I were together when I was a senior in high school through my second year of college. I randomly called his grandmother to see how she was doing a few years after we broke up...and she told me that he had gotten shot and was in a coma. He stayed in a coma for months. When he gained consciousness he was a different person.

We follow one another on social media. He's a woke vegan. Only posts about books, travel, and health food. He recently married a black tree huggin' lookin' chick.

He's extremely different now than the boy I was with, but he's a good person. I wish him well.
Wow, what a story! I’m glad he’s okay and it actually sounds like he’s thriving.

SN: I’m interested in what other people do regarding social media - how many are connected to their exes on FB, IG, etc?

I’m not connected to mine, although I admit to looking at a few of their pages to see what they’re up to (plus my exes are funny people so I know I’ll always see something hilarious on their pages).
Wow, what a story! I’m glad he’s okay and it actually sounds like he’s thriving.

SN: I’m interested in what other people do regarding social media - how many are connected to their exes on FB, IG, etc?

I’m not connected to mine, although I admit to looking at a few of their pages to see what they’re up to (plus my exes are funny people so I know I’ll always see something hilarious on their pages).

Yes! He's doing really well! He was always a really smart guy but he was young and caught up in a bunch of stuff that I had no idea about. I just thank God that I didn't get caught in the middle when we were together. He's thriving now but he comes off a little self righteous and preachy sometimes...I could never be with him now. LOL

I am connected to a few of my ex's on FB and IG. In most instances we've remained friends. The ones I'm not connected to don't have social media.
My 1st boyfriend/love and I were together when I was a senior in high school through my second year of college. I randomly called his grandmother to see how she was doing a few years after we broke up...and she told me that he had gotten shot and was in a coma. He stayed in a coma for months. When he gained consciousness he was a different person.

We follow one another on social media. He's a woke vegan. Only posts about books, travel, and health food. He recently married a black tree huggin' lookin' chick.

He's extremely different now than the boy I was with, but he's a good person. I wish him well.

I know at least three men who were shot and turned their lives around the same way..
Married with at least 5 kids. He still is close with my sister and her husband. My nieces and nephew call him uncle.

I blocked him over 2 years ago because he’s still in love with me and always want to reminisce and ask stupid questions. I have had 50-11 boyfriends since him. We broke up in 2006.
Married with at least 5 kids. He still is close with my sister and her husband. My nieces and nephew call him uncle.

I blocked him over 2 years ago because he’s still in love with me and always want to reminisce and ask stupid questions. I have had 50-11 boyfriends since him. We broke up in 2006.

I have my most recent ex blocked for the same reason.
So in general do you ladies wish them well or wish them hell?

I never wish any bad on X's even though they all messed up.
I'm like the best thing that ever happened to all of them and
every last one of them have tried to come back even years later.

My first love has a daughter but I haven't seen or heard from him in years to know anything else.

I wish him VERY well. Unlike some of my other exes, he was a really good guy. Yes, it was high school and not a REAL relationship but we had genuine affection for each other and I have very fond memories of him. I only hope my DD has a similar experience with her first love, whenever that happens
Hmmmm...I had to go back and actually try and pinpoint which guy was my first "official" bfs because I wouldn't even consider some of the early ones I "dated" bfs even by high school standards...I also had a first love who was never my bf, which sucked. after thinking about it, this dude named Carlos was my first official bf my sophomore year of high school. We were together for like, 2 or 3 months, and I broke up with him because he was allegedly cheating on me with this white girl named Becca.

He now lives in South Carolina and has a couple of kids and a girlfriend...He reached out about 2 years ago and we had a nice little chat to catch up. He wasn't trying to be sleazy like my other exes who have girlfriends and whole wives and still pull that, "I miss were my favorite/first/only "real" girlfriend..." mess. :rolleyes:
where is he or she now?
Good question and so coincidental too. I was thinking of hitting mine up yesterday to “catch up”.

I don’t know how he is doing. Last I spoke to him in 2011. He cheated on me with a close friend of mine in 2003- 04 and got her pregnant. So I lost touch with him.

She had the baby, they started fighting, drama and child support/visitation and I heard he cheated on her and got the other woman pregnant. Now both mothers are friends and hate him.

He was (maybe still is) a cop, was promoted to detective but I really don’t know how he is doing or anything about him.

I think I wanted to catch up just to gloat and show him that what he did to me didn’t break me. Not sure why he crossed my mind yesterday- I haven’t thought about him in years. Not sure why I wanted to gloat either- maybe because he treated me like crap and I wanted to prove to him I wasn’t. Really have no clue.
So in general do you ladies wish them well or wish them hell?

I never wish any bad on X's even though they all messed up.
I'm like the best thing that ever happened to all of them and
every last one of them have tried to come back even years later.
Wish him well.
I guess I am trying to accept the apology I never received from him. Some sort of validation he was wrong for what he did and the drama he caused by sleeping with my friend.

But Karma got him back though- he was arrested for DV with that same friend and almost lost his police job. So no apology necessary.
Ok last comment. I am weirdly friends on social media with my exes/guys I dated. Unless they cheated on me. I see nothing wrong with being friends- I really don’t care about their lives like that.
Most of them are being covert and don’t post about the women they are dating now so I have no idea what is going on with any of them.
Except one- I just went to a wedding for one of them and I am so happy for him.