Are Some Women OK with having a piece of a relationship?!?

Yes, they do. My loud arse neighbors are a perfect example. He seems to be cheating with his ex (based on the arguments I hear) and although his new GF knows this, she went ahead and got a divorce. That had been his reason for not marrying her, but now that she is divorced they were yelling at each other over him not wanting to marry her...yet.

She basically spent 3 hours (at least) arguing with him yesterday about working on himself (since she says he is not "perfect") so they can get married. A few weeks ago they were arguing about how disrespectful he is to her by calling his ex "boo" and by talking to his ex on the phone for hours on end. I guess she thinks a ring will change all that overnight.
Eh..the only thing I'll address is the facebook and appearances thing. How else should they protray their marriage? Gloom and doom? :lol: dh and I have our problems....definitely, but facebook is never the place you'd see them displayed. And posting like everything is perfect is not always appearance purpose related. For me it's picking and choosing my emotions or current feelings about things - which happen to mostly be picturesque. there's no sense in posting " ugh this Negro is worthless" when you could choose to highlight a more positive emotion. No marriage is ever how it appears from the outside.

I honestly don't see the point in posting status messages about a marriage at all. TMI. What's the point in broadcasting it?
I honestly don't see the point in posting status messages about a marriage at all. TMI. What's the point in broadcasting it?

Completely agree... but some folks just really like to show off. I have a homegirl that, if I didn't know her personally... I wouldn't think that she was married.

She has it as her status and you see her wedding ring. But that is it... she doesn't even mention her hubby by name... lol. She only has pics up of her and he'd daughter and her posts are about the same...

She always says that folks are only on facebook to be nosey... so no point in knowing her business-- good or bad.

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If everybody on your FB is your friend, then A) they already know you are married, B) know your husband is good or a POS...posting it on FB to me screams desperation and wanting acceptance from people that don't matter.