Your 1st Boyfriend/love


where is he or she now?

My 1st boyfriend is a loser selling fake bags with 8 kids from the girl he cheated on me with. He also dated my bff after we broke up. He kept my silver chain and used to call me from college crying about how his baby mom was a thief stealing for their baby then proceeded to have kids with her over the last 23 years. I heard they were living in a hotel at one point.

He followed me on Facebook but never said anything. Bless his heart
1st real boyfriend lives between Texas and Louisiana..he has a good job and is married to his old high school English teacher and they have 2 kids...he doesn't do social media at all..but we speak often..
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1st BF/Thought it was love: Graduated from Naval Academy with an Engineering degree. Master's Degree. 1 white baby momma. Currently married to a cute lady. Defense Contractor. He wrote on my wall when I got my Masters. We don't talk.

Actual 1st Love: Consultant. Single. Tried to slide in my life on some situationship type "offer" last week. I laughed at him and he pretended to be joking.
Actually, he just posted on FB the other day. Recently married, having a baby. Wishing them well.

1st real boyfriend lives between Texas and Louisiana..he has a good job in the and is married to his old high school English teacher and they have 2 kids...he doesn't do social media at all..but we speak often..

Er, what? Thought you were going to slide this one in without explanation? Give up the goods.
He’s a sleazy cheater. I don’t have contact with him because the last time I did he was trying to get me to meet him for “lunch” ( no it wasn’t really lunch , he knew that I was married and straight up told me about his pregnant gf on bed rest)

I don’t want bad things to happen to him but I’m not sure if I’m wishing him well :lol:.. I wish him indifference? No that doesn’t sound right but it will come to me
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So in general do you ladies wish them well or wish them hell?

I never wish any bad on X's even though they all messed up.
I'm like the best thing that ever happened to all of them and
every last one of them have tried to come back even years later.

I wish him well. He was a good guy then and he's a good guy now as far as I know. He was my first boyfriend, first kiss, first guy to give me was a sweet relationship. I have nothing but happy memories when I think of him.
Single (I think divorced?), barber, 6-7 kids by multiple women. Still in his hometown, still hanging with his siblings and still smoking weed. But he’s a sweet person and we’ve chatted over FB messenger a few times.

I wish him well, we had good times together. Also, I am not good at holding grudges (I could because he cheated at the end) - just don’t want to keep up the negativity.
So in general do you ladies wish them well or wish them hell?

I never wish any bad on X's even though they all messed up.
I'm like the best thing that ever happened to all of them and
every last one of them have tried to come back even years later.

I'm not a grudge-holder. I will always wish him well. It was a long time ago and he was a great boyfriend when he wasn't cheating lol.
My first love is doing his residency in Tennessee. He came to my area for a conference earlier this year, invited me to dinner and mentioned he's considering moving out here for a fellowship at a local medical center that is one of the best in the country. I never thought he'd consider moving here, he always said he'd never do it but he loves it now that he's visited. :ohwell: I wish him nothing but the best, we'll always have a connection but I have a SO and I'm happy. :cloud9:
Actually, he just posted on FB the other day. Recently married, having a baby. Wishing them well.

Er, what? Thought you were going to slide this one in without explanation? Give up the goods.


I know girl...
When we were dating in college he told me that he used to sleep with her when her when he was in high school which blew my young mind...but this is when I was very new to sex so the fact that a grown woman would be screwing her student was some Mary Kay LeTourneau stuff to me..he used to tell me about a few grown married women he was sleeping with in high school..

I was a 2nd semester Freshmen when we met...He was 5 years older than I was...had been at school..left and came back..
Now little did I know they were "going together" the entire time we were together...when he would go home he would see her...
Then he graduated way before I did of course and went home...
He would come see me occasionally but I had moved on by then..
Then maybe 1 or 2 years later I ran into some of his cousins and they told me he was getting married but they didn't say to her..
We lost contact and then years later he called my house in like the middle of the night one night after Googling me and my info...scared the mess out of me cause he was playing a wack game of guess who..
Anyway we've been cool since then..I've seen him a few times but he's still married to her...and they have 2 kids..
So in general do you ladies wish them well or wish them hell?

I never wish any bad on X's even though they all messed up.
I'm like the best thing that ever happened to all of them and
every last one of them have tried to come back even years later.

I wish mine well...he was good to me while we were together..a little too controlling but you have to be extra alpha for me to actually take you seriously...but he started this Virgo streak I'm on that needs to die a violent death...