"You should be going out with every man who asks"

If I said yes to every guy that asked me out, I'd still be dateless. :lachen:

I agree to an extent. I would not date someone who was toofless, unclean, unintelligent, disrespectful in their approach, way too old/young etc. But if he seemed like a nice, genuine guy, I'd probably say yes even if he wasn't my 'type', which I don't really have anyway. May as well get a free meal.
I can see this advice being alright for someone very young, without much dating experience. I don't know about going out with *every* guy who asks but it certainly doesn't hurt to just enjoy yourself with various people and have fun.
And I say H**lll Nawww.

Okay the average guy I meet on the street (sad to say) is not worth ish !

And I don't want to sound mean but I can spot a trouble maker a mile away.

Random guy #1:"Uh Uh hey miss lady can I take you out" ?
Me: NO
Random guy #2: "Aye Aye Yo girl u sexy as h*ll" ! Can I get you number ?
Me: NO
Random older guy#3: "Don't u want to buy that for me" ?
Me: NO

So as you can see accepting every offer from any ol body would be a waste of time :lachen:
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And I say H**lll Nawww.

Okay the average guy I meet on the street (sad to say) is not worth ish !

And I don't want to sound mean but I can spot a trouble maker a mile away.

Random guy #1:"Uh Uh hey miss lady can I take you out" ?
Me: NO
Random guy #2: "Aye Aye Yo girl u sexy as h*ll" ! Can I get you number ?
Me: NO
Random older guy#3: "Don't u want to buy that for me" ?
Me: NO

So as you can see accepting every offer from any ol body would be a waste of time :lachen:

I see what you mean. The above examples would certainly be classified as lames.:lachen:
Nah....I am comfortable enough with my own company...although I am with someone now I was never the person to accept a date with someone I wasnt remotely attracted to or didnt make me laugh on first encounter...no I dont believe in wasting my time like that.
My friend tried to tell me that I never know what could happen when I told her about the 58 yr old man at work who likes me. (I'm 26). I said no way in hell and she said 'you never know what could happen.' In this case, yes, I do know. Nothing

Nope, my gut has never let me down and im NOT about to start disregarding it now. :nono: When i met hubby, when he asked for my number and could he call me, my GUT told me to give him my number and since then i have always had good intuition.