Y'all know y'all wrong when....

You know your wrong when you're asking what is your hair type and you're holding up one clump of curly 3c hair in a vast sea of 4b
Ya'll know ya'll wrong when a reveal thread for a challenge is full of posts saying I can't wait to see and that's about it.
You know you're wrong when you're a vendor that owes hundreds of dollars in products or refunds. You have time to make threads bragging about your latest accomplishments or posting in other peoples threads but you don't have enough time to send out products.

...you ignore correspondence from your customers for weeks, even months then have the nerve to get mad when they put you on blast.

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I hope they take note of this!! It's downright disrespectful!
You know your wrong when you're asking what is your hair type and you're holding up one clump of curly 3c hair in a vast sea of 4b


y'all was spozed to be mesmerized by that ONE clump of 3c hair because it is

You know you're wrong when you're deliberately not telling people part of your regimen because you don't want anyone else to have long/healthy hair too.
You know you wrong when you quote a long post with like 3 huge pics and 5 paragraphs taking up half the page just to say "lol" or an icon as your reply. That irks me so much
@toyas08 That's my biggest pet peeve! A poster will start a thread with three years' worth of progress pics and other members will quote the entire post (including ALL the pics) and add "nice progress!" Those threads take forever to read . . . scrolling through the same pics over and over again.
You know you're dead *** wrong when you do a review or hairstyle and I have to click on a link to your blog or YouTube to see pictures. I know you want hits, but that's just rude.
You know you wrong when your profile pic looks like a Match.com profile pic. Cute cleavage but you can keep the kissy face pose and let's see the hair plsandthanks.

When you have comparison pics and in your starting pic you're looking left, the next one you're looking up and the current pic your neck is tilted and the picture is obviously stretched. How am I supposed to compare those?
You know you wrong for bumping OLD arse threads and all the other people commenting like it's new news are wrong too. Look at the date before you give hugs or advice out for something that happened in 2008.
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When you have beautiful, long, thick healthy hair and you show like 10 pics...but they all in the same pose...let's see it in all angles. You in the pics tryna look sexy...lol. C'mon now.
When gifs get more love (thanks) than actual responses...hehe. I know the gifs be funny but dang.
This might make the Mods mad LOL

You know you wrong for being Member of the Month when nobody has ever seen you post, never seen your pictures, basically you got some pretty a** hair but I have never seen you post in the hair forum EVER lol

Yeah I'm bitter LOL j/k

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i know exactly how u feel :look: lol
You know you wrong for bumping OLD arse threads and all the other people commenting like it's new news are wrong too. Look at the date before you give hugs or advice out for something that happened in 2008.

Lol I'm guilty of commenting :look: I never seem to notice the date until after I posted my 2 cents
You know you wrong for bumping OLD arse threads and all the other people commenting like it's new news are wrong too. Look at the date before you give hugs or advice out for something that happened in 2008.

I'm torn on this one. As a newbie, I knew that all my questions had been asked and answered in years past. So I used the search function to find the old threads. I would have been "wrong" for reasking the questions in a new thread, and would have been sniped at for not doing a search. So I just dug up older threads and commented in them to get my concerns addressed.
You know you're dead *** wrong when you do a review or hairstyle and I have to click on a link to your blog or YouTube to see pictures. I know you want hits, but that's just rude.

YES!!!! This pisses me off.

Someone already said this but it bears repeating. Giving millions of reviews but no photos of how this product is amazing.
Y'all know y'all wrong when the 2009, 2010, 2011 hair pics show hair length progress, but the naked back fat rolls are the same, or even increasing. Priorities need to be made.
you know your wrong for telling people to put Nair on there hair and not answering when they want to know if your serious or not.... i can imagine how many newbies thought this was the thing to do.

To this I would say the person actually considering using a depillatory cream for hair growth is dead *** wrong for not using the sense they were born with. Newbie or not.