Y'all know y'all wrong when....

you know you wrong when you only read the first page of a thread then skip to the last page to see if the drama has started.

You know you wrong when you think someone is wrong for claiming SL when they are clearly NL but you want someone else to point it out ...and when they do point it you feel bad for the OP

danniegirl WTH! You just caught me:blush: but so what, aint no shame in my game:evilbanana:
You know you wrong when you're trying to sell a product that's half empty for 1 or 2 dollars less than the actual price.

i.e. "I'm selling Oyin handmade's Hair Dew for $10. Its 40% full."

You might as well keep it. Aint nobody buying your used product, when they can get a full bottle for a better price.
@PJaye you talkin bout me? No fair! I saw those products in a shop i knew i wasn't going to beable to get to for another couple of months so took a chance and purchased. Also started the thread to let others know about them as the ingredients were good. Can i have a pass?????

Bublin: Stop, ‘splainin’, Lucy, and accept your guilt.

I’m kidding, I’m kidding! No, of course not. I’m not speaking of any specific person, just things I’ve seen that struck me as odd. As a PJ, I would never deprive anyone of a good purchase, especially if it’s a conditioner.

Y'all know you're wrong when your bra strap is right up under your armpits and you're claiming BSL. :look:

(This thread is toooo funny! :lachen:)

The typical standards of measurement must be recalculated to factor in fat rolls and fat back (it’s called the Theory of Relative Bra Placement).:lol:
You know you wrong when you're trying to sell a product that's half empty for 1 or 2 dollars less than the actual price.

i.e. "I'm selling Oyin handmade's Hair Dew for $10. Its 40% full."

You might as well keep it. Aint nobody buying your used product, when they can get a full bottle for a better price.

or selling used 2-3 year old flat irons and blow dryers for $10 - $15 less than full price
Can people start naming names? Thanks in advance.

I don't think most of these are talking about anyone in particular...and the ones that are, well, it's obvious who they are. Especially the one about the potion. If people start naming names...it's gonna get ugly in here.
You know you're wrong when you gotta come back to this thread and edit your post because you put a lil too much info in it. :sekret:

You know you’re wrong when you:

- Delete a multi-paragraph post complete with pictures, diagrams and a link to a PPT presentation and replace it with “never mind”

- Create a thread and the OP is one big 250-word jumbled paragraph and every other sentence begins with “Anyways”

OK, I'm done now (I think).
And to add on to this, you KNOW you wrong when you post a blurry picture of your little 1/4 inch of new growth, tambout "Can anyone tell me what my hair type is?"

Chile, you not up on that. That makes my 4b appear to be 3c, which means that I got that "guud hurr". :gorgeous:
And last one. You know you're wrong when you're in other threads complaining about a poster or post but haven't spoken up in that thread or said anything to the poster directly. Really?? :lol:

I have yet to see this happen... *goes back to reading this thread* :look:

Um, you know you're wrong when you have this post open in one tab for reference and the search page open in another tab.
this thread not gonna make it...lol

you know you wrong for saying you have healthy hair with split ends and a little bit of heat damage......:ohwell: WHAT?

you know you wrong for saying that your hair grew from sl to wl and dont have a before and after pic

you know your wrong for telling people to put Nair on there hair and not answering when they want to know if your serious or not.... i can imagine how many newbies thought this was the thing to do.
You know you're wrong when you claim you grew from 1/2 inch BC to BSL in one year with only juices and berries, 'cuz you got that above average growth rate, and neglect to mention that you also take 10,000 mcg biotin, MSM, multi-vit, Hairfinity and Nioxin vits, oil your scalp with MT, MN, sulfur, Moe Grow oil, drink protein drinks and green smoothies every day, and do heavy cardio 7 days a week.

Really? :perplexed
This might make the Mods mad LOL

You know you wrong for being Member of the Month when nobody has ever seen you post, never seen your pictures, basically you got some pretty a** hair but I have never seen you post in the hair forum EVER lol

Yeah I'm bitter LOL j/k

Sent from my fancy iPhone using LHCF
This might make the Mods mad LOL

You know you wrong for being Member of the Month when nobody has ever seen you post, never seen your pictures, basically you got some pretty a** hair but I have never seen you post in the hair forum EVER lol

Yeah I'm bitter LOL j/k

Sent from my fancy iPhone using LHCF

ummm, I always wondered who they were and where they found them. The few times I think to check it out, I didn't know any of them. :look: :ohwell:
You know you wrong when someone asks a specific question and you respond with "Do what works for you" If I knew what works for me I wouldn't have asked.


OP: I'm trying to figure out whether I should detangle on wet or dry hair. Or should I deep condition with heat or without heat?

Poster: Do what works for you

OP: :perplexed Umm thanks for nothing.
You know you wrong when you claim that you skipped clean pass 2 milestones and when you take progress pics, you take fuzzy far away pics and we can see the top of your head. Why you leanin so hard??? Plus...show ya scalp! If you went from SL to MBL in 6 months, I wanna see a part. Hell how do I know that's not a wig???

Now that is sad if u gotta front that bad!! You leanin and you wiggin?:nono:
You know you wrong when you tell 4b newbies that they can get long hair without deep conditioning because you did it (but you have type 2 hair).
You know you wrong for purposely, passive aggressively starting sh *t on here..then when folks get on your case you want to rear up and go on e-gangsta like folks smacked your momma and did the do with your hubby in your marital bed.

Really now??
You know you're wrong for being buck naked in your pictures for no reason and then asking people to excuse your tiddays or whatever else made its way into the picture.
Put on a shirt or at least a bra and then take your pictures.

or when you do a length check with no shirt, no bra, &im pretty sure i can see your a$$ crack.... but your hair is neck length. :look:
You know you're wrong when you go to work tired. The reason: staying up all night reading and posting in "gate" threads because there's a possibility that the thread will be locked or poofed by the time you would normally wake up.

(I'm guilty of this :secret:) I hate missing gate threads.

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you know you're wrong for asking about your hair type and when the number/letter combo posters suggest is not to your liking you trying to FORCE folks to tilt they head to the left, close one eye and magnify the pic in the OP so they can see your curl and ringlets. :rofl:
:lol: :lol:
Omg when,where,how did this happen???
Can we get some lanks? That is effin hilarious!

I dont even remember how the link to the video got posted or what the original post was abt.

Ive blocked those creepy surgical mask vids from my memory.
Ya'll know ya'll wrong bc the surgical mask wearing ytuber is a member here and her link is in her siggy
Def have to co-sign on the topless/back pics. They are so unnecessary. Put a bloody top on.

Oh and stop raising your arms/putting hands on your waist so the level of your armpit raises by a couple of inches.