Top 10 hair care mistakes to avoid !!!


New Member
For those of you who are planning on growing out your short hairstyle, it is important not to avoid the hairdressers for months at a time. It can be easy to not get your hair trimmed because you are trying to grow it out, but this can lead to split ends and frizzy hair over time.

  • Not conditioning regularly is a very common mistake. It can seem like too much of a hassle at 8am, but conditioning is something that should be done daily. This can make your hair shinier, smoother and less frizzy if you continue conditioning daily for more than a month at a time.

  • Preparing your hair for heat activated treatment appliances is something everyone should get into the habit of doing. You would be amazed just how much your curling iron or flatiron can damage your hair and by using a heat defense spray, you can help minimize the damage.

  • Choosing the wrong hairstyle for your face is a common mistake and this can easily be prevented. By researching the most flattering hairstyle for your face shape you are creating a younger and chicer look for yourself.

  • Avoid trying to make your hair into something that it isn't. There are always new trends and styles in your face, but this does not mean you have to try and recreate them all on yourself. Not everything fits everyone's facial shape and when you try to make your hair into something it isn't, it never works out.

  • Choosing the right products can be a harder thing than you may think. Avoiding using the wrong products can only be accomplished by trial and error.

  • Dark roots are one of the biggest mistakes to avoid! No one likes to see dark roots when their hair color of the day is blonde, take the time to touch up your roots at home or with your hairstylist to avoid this common mistake.

  • If you like to pull you hair back in braids or ponytails, be careful how tight you pull them as the band is literally ripping at your hair the tighter you try and pull it.

  • Avoid over brushing and use a detangle product if you have a lot of knots after your shower. This can not only rip your hair right out but it really damages your hair's cuticles.

  • Do what you can to avoid the cheap coloring systems you can use from home, they have the power to not only greatly damage your hair but you are taking a great risk that the color may or may not turn out!
For those of you who are planning on growing out your short hairstyle, it is important not to avoid the hairdressers for months at a time. It can be easy to not get your hair trimmed because you are trying to grow it out, but this can lead to split ends and frizzy hair over time.

  • Not conditioning regularly is a very common mistake. It can seem like too much of a hassle at 8am, but conditioning is something that should be done daily. This can make your hair shinier, smoother and less frizzy if you continue conditioning daily for more than a month at a time.

  • Preparing your hair for heat activated treatment appliances is something everyone should get into the habit of doing. You would be amazed just how much your curling iron or flatiron can damage your hair and by using a heat defense spray, you can help minimize the damage.

  • Choosing the wrong hairstyle for your face is a common mistake and this can easily be prevented. By researching the most flattering hairstyle for your face shape you are creating a younger and chicer look for yourself.

  • Avoid trying to make your hair into something that it isn't. There are always new trends and styles in your face, but this does not mean you have to try and recreate them all on yourself. Not everything fits everyone's facial shape and when you try to make your hair into something it isn't, it never works out.

  • Choosing the right products can be a harder thing than you may think. Avoiding using the wrong products can only be accomplished by trial and error.

  • Dark roots are one of the biggest mistakes to avoid! No one likes to see dark roots when their hair color of the day is blonde, take the time to touch up your roots at home or with your hairstylist to avoid this common mistake.

  • If you like to pull you hair back in braids or ponytails, be careful how tight you pull them as the band is literally ripping at your hair the tighter you try and pull it.

  • Avoid over brushing and use a detangle product if you have a lot of knots after your shower. This can not only rip your hair right out but it really damages your hair's cuticles.

  • Do what you can to avoid the cheap coloring systems you can use from home, they have the power to not only greatly damage your hair but you are taking a great risk that the color may or may not turn out!

Helllooooooooooooo Dont you have something better to do with your time??????????????????
Goodness me. Seriously, going to the "professional" to get my hair done is the absolute LAST thing I need to be doing on a regular basis.

OP, why do you insist on putting your "advice" on LHCF when they typically aren't even for women of color? Also, why do you not include where you got said tips?
Well... here's a thought: if we truly believe the OP is indeed a fraud how about not responding to any threads she starts? Other memebers post kinds of threads and get ignored. Somebody posts some ish we don't really need to know and its a hot thread. Let's not give this person the satisfaction.
Well... here's a thought: if we truly believe the OP is indeed a fraud how about not responding to any threads she starts? Other memebers post kinds of threads and get ignored. Somebody posts some ish we don't really need to know and its a hot thread. Let's not give this person the satisfaction.

Co-Signer :yep:
I don't think this person is a troll. She probably just hasn't actually read the hair section and is trying to help.

for some reason i kept thinking this was an incarnation of DP (not saying it is, i just kept having a "feeling" that summin werent right y'all)
Maybe I skip all those threads posted by her, but damn, y'all are MEAN! :lachen:Lol. I was reading this like does TROLL stand for something? :ohwell: Y'all have acronyms for days on this site. Anyway, appreciate the info, but it won't help me.
^ A troll is not an acronym... a troll is a poster who is not a sincere and well-meaning contributor to our board. Perhaps a merchant who wants to put a link to thier stupid site in a siggy will post random stuff they copied off of another site, just to get thier link seen by thousands of people interested in hair... that poster would be a troll.

Yeah, I'm not Jewish, but I wasn't feeling the video. Interesting that the hair growth site is listed in Steven Haris' youtube profile. Maybe he thinks we have members with male pattern baldness?

check out his other video titles:
sexy nude bra soccer babes
real Japanese girl changing room

things that make ya go hmmmm:ohwell:
I have been Lurking this forum for along time. Are these tips good????? They don't seem to correlate with any tips I have been getting from you ladies
I have been Lurking this forum for along time. Are these tips good????? They don't seem to correlate with any tips I have been getting from you ladies
you should always take anything you read on any forum as lay person advice and nothing more (unless the supplier of that info/advice has some type of professional standing that you can verify and then you still should be careful). Always test advice with your own common sense and cross reference things to see if the advice is coming from a trusted, sound source. LHCF is not the only source for information or advice. A simple google search will yield wonderful results. Also, reviewing medical or cosmetic sites, professional or peer publications and the like.
What the hell?:perplexed
you have to look @ her siggy and click the link to get the reference. i think that the link to the youtube was the OPs way of being funny but that is all the credit i will give the op.