Y'all know y'all wrong when....

You know you're wrong when u steal progress pictures from LHCF in order to promote your PHONY growth aids, or your BOOTLEG "Hair Care: Secrets to Magical Unicorn Growth" book.

You know you're wrong when you're having a civil discussion via the forums, then as soon as someone disagrees with what you say, you wanna pull out the 10th degree black belt in e-karate and get all defensive.
When you roll up in a thread about growth aids talmbout how unnecessary they are. Maybe they are unnecessary for you, but some of us need all the help we can get. Get out the thread and let us have our fun.

Girl yes!!! Or this-
"Growth aids don't work. Just let your hair alone and it will grow." :blah: :blah: Shut it! I know good and well that they work for me.
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I'm torn on this one. As a newbie, I knew that all my questions had been asked and answered in years past. So I used the search function to find the old threads. I would have been "wrong" for reasking the questions in a new thread, and would have been sniped at for not doing a search. So I just dug up older threads and commented in them to get my concerns addressed.

I'm talking about threads like "does this weave look like a wig" and "look what this ***** did to my baby's hair" when the weave's been in a landfill for at least 5 years and the "baby" is in college.

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This may have been posted...but...

I think you are dead wrong when the only reason you revive an old thread is to complete the "poll"...I am thinking that the thread has been updated with some recent information or there is a question..not

Also if I have posted a regimen in the same thread we have "talked" in - why would you PM me about what else I do in my regimen (as if I am hiding something)
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I'm talking about threads like "does this weave look like a wig" and "look what this ***** did to my baby's hair" when the weave's been in a landfill for at least 5 years and the "baby" is in college.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

But it was nice getting an update on the baby's hair...
Y'all know y'all wrong when you take out the popcorn for completely innocent questions asked by a threads OP. Tryna break out drama cause you bored.
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You know you're wrong when you come in every thread and no matter what kind of hair or specific circumstances the OP has, you repeat the same advice and product recommendations and use the same examples. Every single time.
You know you're wrong when you come in every thread and no matter what kind of hair or specific circumstances the OP has, you repeat the same advice and product recommendations and use the same examples. Every single time.

yes! esp. if you been recycling the same pictures for 10 yrs using them to back up the proof of your methods! :spinning:
Y'all know y'all wrong when someone come in talking about they want to relax/texlax their natural hair and asks for tips and suggestions, you don't even give them what they want, you just start giving them the third degree "OP. Are you sure that you've tried to love your natural hair?! OP maybe you should try this technique on your natural hair instead" ...They just want to know whether or not they should get lye or no lye....

But when someone comes in here talking about I'm going natural, y'all be sittin up there like
you know you dead az.z wrong when you gather all your research from LHCF, grow your hair to floor length,then launch a product line claiming you used that product your entire journey to grow from ******** length to floor length in 1.5years....yeah aiight!

you know you dead wrong for kissing a.zz just because the person has WL hair or longer:
you: can anyone recommend a good DC?
NL member: I really like Silicone Mix, it gives alot of slip
you: oh...thnx
TBL member: I use dog urine mixed with my own sh!t and gurrl it hasn't let me down
you: OMG OMG is that you responding to my post??? i luv your hair! i stalk your fotki OMG OMG i cant believe you replied! i am not worthy! i am not worthy! :rolleyes:

you know you dead wrong when somebody make a funny response to a thread and yall dont thank that poster but you thank the next one who quotes that funny poster with a LOL response :spinning:

yall know yall dead az.z wrong when you post those woe is me threads crying about how now that you got BSL hair a group of random strangers insist that you gotta be mixed with cherokee, big foot, sasquash, Irish, swiss, and pakistani and it happens so much that although both your parents are from an african village you go with it but oh you feel sooo bad,should you just correct them?? :rolleyes:
You know you wrong when you post a thread and in the title it says pic heavy , yet there are only 2 pictures.

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When you pull your hair down for length checks and I can see your veins popping in your hands. Stop tryna make that **** stretch! You can see they pressing down hard! The nail be white/blue from losing circulation.

you know you wrong when you judging someone's sex life in one thread as if your virgin mary but in another thread you talking about dropping it like its hot and peynus sucking techniques :ohwell::look::lol:

You know you wrong when you post pics of expensive clothes, shoes, purses, and jackets to fool LHCF as if your UE... knowing good well you not about to buy that mess :rolleyes:

-yeah i said it!!!!!

When you talk down about someone's hair regimen (ex. they use too much heat, products with mineral oil, etc) but they're at floor length and you've been stuck at ear length forever...

Y'all know y'all wrong when....

you respond to a question with out thoroughly reading it

example question:"Can you recommend a good deep conditioner without silicone and mineral oil?"

response: "silicon mix"

You know you're wrong when you always have something negative to say about ladies on here and celebrities in a variety of the forums and then when you finally show your face you make me jump back from the screen...literally!...:nono:

You know you're wrong when you're a vendor that owes hundreds of dollars in products or refunds. You have time to make threads bragging about your latest accomplishments or posting in other peoples threads but you don't have enough time to send out products.

...you ignore correspondence from your customers for weeks, even months then have the nerve to get mad when they put you on blast.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

FlawedBeauty;14901115[B said:
]when you start a thread excited about you 6 mos, 8 mos, year, etc, progress and your hair is about a half an inch longer than your starting pic...and have the nerve to post your regi. aint noooobody followin that **** [/B]:lachen:


:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I can't breath!! I love LHCF!!

Oh yeah you know you wrong when you pushing some old expired ish that you done had for 6 years on the hair product exchange board. :perplexed
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you know you dead az.z wrong when you gather all your research from LHCF, grow your hair to floor length,then launch a product line claiming you used that product your entire journey to grow from ******** length to floor length in 1.5years....yeah aiight!

you know you dead wrong for kissing a.zz just because the person has WL hair or longer:
you: can anyone recommend a good DC?
NL member: I really like Silicone Mix, it gives alot of slip
you: oh...thnx
TBL member: I use dog urine mixed with my own sh!t and gurrl it hasn't let me down
you: OMG OMG is that you responding to my post??? i luv your hair! i stalk your fotki OMG OMG i cant believe you replied! i am not worthy! i am not worthy! :rolleyes:

you know you dead wrong when somebody make a funny response to a thread and yall dont thank that poster but you thank the next one who quotes that funny poster with a LOL response :spinning:

yall know yall dead az.z wrong when you post those woe is me threads crying about how now that you got BSL hair a group of random strangers insist that you gotta be mixed with cherokee, big foot, sasquash, Irish, swiss, and pakistani and it happens so much that although both your parents are from an african village you go with it but oh you feel sooo bad,should you just correct them?? :rolleyes:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I can't take it!!
You know you're wrong when you come in every thread and no matter what kind of hair or specific circumstances the OP has, you repeat the same advice and product recommendations and use the same examples. Every single time.

yes! esp. if you been recycling the same pictures for 10 yrs using them to back up the proof of your methods! :spinning:

To the corner. Each and everyone of you Chaosbutterfly iri9109 Tamster
Y'all know y'all wrong when....

you give rave reviews for products that you have never used alone.

"I love honeysuckle rose, it's the best dc ever. It's my holy grail. I have never used it alone. I always mix it with olive oil, honey, shea butter, hibiscus powder aloe vera juice, silk amino acids and glycerine when I use it. It gives the best slip."

Seriously, how do you know if the product is really working for you? How can you recommend it to someone else?
B]you know you dead az.z wrong when you gather all your research from LHCF, grow your hair to floor length,then launch a product line claiming you used that product your entire journey to grow from ******** length to floor length in 1.5years....yeah aiight!

you know you dead wrong for kissing a.zz just because the person has WL hair or longer:
you: can anyone recommend a good DC?
NL member: I really like Silicone Mix, it gives alot of slip
you: oh...thnx
TBL member: I use dog urine mixed with my own sh!t and gurrl it hasn't let me down
you: OMG OMG is that you responding to my post??? i luv your hair! i stalk your fotki OMG OMG i cant believe you replied! i am not worthy! i am not worthy! :rolleyes:
I can't stop laughing. But this is sooooooo true. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
you know you dead wrong when somebody make a funny response to a thread and yall dont thank that poster but you thank the next one who quotes that funny poster with a LOL response :spinning:
Again, you are dead on with this one. I've noticed it as well and just laugh my head off about it. Most of the time it's based on the "popularity" of the poster.
Y'all know you're wrong for creating a nationwide shortage of Crisco. It's holiday time and folks can't make their famous flaky pie crusts.
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Y'all know y'all wrong when....

you give rave reviews for products that you have never used alone.

"I love honeysuckle rose, it's the best dc ever. It's my holy grail. I have never used it alone. I always mix it with olive oil, honey, shea butter, hibiscus powder aloe vera juice, silk amino acids and glycerine when I use it. It gives the best slip."

Seriously, how do you know if the product is really working for you? How can you recommend it to someone else?

THANK YOU!!!! I give those posts a side-eye 'til I knock myself out.
You know you're wrong when some tearful girl posts about the sad situation in her life and she's looking for advice or support whether it's her new ex boyfriend that used to be her old boyfriend but she took him back and now he's dating her pastor....or the girl that comes on here talking about the guy that she likes, but he hasn't noticed her yet, but they go to the same church and she's wondering if she should try to get his attention, but she thinks he has a fiance/wife, but she's not sure, so what should she do? Cause he is really on her mind....

Then you respond and ask her "Cher (fake user name)...is that you? Aren't you the OP that came on here last month talking about you like the guy's best friend instead of him, but you might go with him if that will get you closer to your goal? I knew that was you!"

Yet you never respond to the question or offer help....(lol) Ya'll know you wrong for that.
You know you wrong when you post pics and only have them up for like 2 hours before you remove them. I understand people don't want their pics on the internet forever but dang, can you give people enough time to see them :lol:.

I admit that I'm guilty of this...but people are Kray Kray...this year a girl I had met only once e-stalked me and told me about it later. Scared the mess out of me. :yep: But for those that haven't been e-stalked...keep those pictures up!
When I was a newbie I followed bad advice so I gotta say:

You know you are wrong when you tell us that you are gettin fabulous growth, 2+ inches a month from some animal medicine - only sold in Canada or Mexico, oh but when you apply it to your scalp, ignoring the "do not ingest or place on skin" warning on the bottle and it gives you visions and hallucinations, it's worth it for hair growth! Girl you betta go get yours!

You are wrong for that! Cause some of us were once desperate enough to try it!
One last one...

You are wrong for starting a thread about how much Sulfur has changed your hair for the better, even though you no longer have friends cause of the smell and your workmates won't sit near you and have even moved their desk because you stink like spoiled eggs, but your hair is growing down to your hip now and you tell us: girl you better go get your bottle too!

No, we do not want to be like you. I'm sorry, we just don't. You actually stink.. no, it's not okay....it's just not. :nono: