Would you date someone with multiple kids?


New Member
(like 4 kids and 3 baby mothers) if you really liked this person? lets say hes 25 and your an 18 yr old virgin who plans on staying that way till marriage, would you date them if you felt a connection or is that too much drama? anyone ever been in a similar situation and if so what were the outcomes?
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I'm loving the specifics of your scenario! :giggle:

No I would not date him

And no, I have never been in a situation where I was an 18 yr old virgin with a 25 yr old SO with 4 kids and 3 baby mothers who I felt a connection with. Whew...that's alot of specifics there :lol:
lol yea that is a lot of info but i had to be specific because most people would just say no if i asked "would you date someone with 4 kids and 3 baby mamas?" haha!
No way!!! I've never been in that situation either.

I dont like telling people what to do or how to live their lives, but you dont need to get caught up in all that drama at 18.
Nice specifics lol! No I wouldn't. I'm 22 and I know I'm too young to be dealing with that kind of drama. Not to mention it's something I don't want to deal with.
I am 40 with a 15yr at home and I would not date any1 with small children or more than 1 child at home. I would not date any1 with baby mama drama I don't give it and I don't want it.

I will not date a younger guy (will not be a cougr)
I will not date someone that has been employeed for under 7 years. (U can be out of work because of the economy but u best to make sure u r getting a check or greeting at Wally World)

Will not date some with bad credit

U need to have a car and ur own place
U will not spend the night
I wonna go out on date and be treated like queen I am.

and when I want to go u best to be ready

I am really set in my ways. :grin:

Sorry yall I had to rant............. I guess that is why I am married.:lachen:
lol yea that is a lot of info but i had to be specific because most people would just say no if i asked "would you date someone with 4 kids and 3 baby mamas?" haha!
Even with other info I would still say no. ESPECIALLY if you are that young and a virgin. This can't go anywhere but downhill.
lol yea that is a lot of info but i had to be specific because most people would just say no if i asked "would you date someone with 4 kids and 3 baby mamas?" haha!

ha, the specifics made it worse. absolutely not. an 18 year old, virgin or not, should not get caught up in that kind of mess. depending on the age of the children, i'm not sure any woman should :nono:
Come on now, for real?


Celiabug, if this is about you, PLEASE, raise your standards in men.

Forget the virgin part... you think it's cool to date a man who believed in impregnating three women and not marrying any of them? That's okay with your value system? :perplexed
NO! I honestly believe men who make multiple children with multiple women need to mentally evaluated. Something has to be wrong with a person who does that type of thing.
That's way too much going on in the scenario you gave.

I would not even do it and I am in my thirties. He would have to be one heck of guy. Just way too much to deal with.
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I'm a 27 year old non virgin and I say Hayl No! I can't even process that scenario to tell you the truth

Girl run and dont look back before you end up as baby mama # 4
In addition to the fact that this man and I would have a values clash, I don't like children. I have one and that is more than enough for me to deal with, let alone someone else's drama with their FOUR kids and three ex-girlfriends/wives.

So, no. And I would completely understand if someone didn't want to date me because I have ONE child.
What the hell? All of that child support? Will he be able to even buy you a burger? There is not enough connection in the world. An 18 year old can connect to a man close to their age who has NO children. This guy is pretty clever, because I bet all of that 'connecting' is why 3 women opened their legs and got knocked up by him. No rings in sight.
Why would any lady put herself in a position like this? If you are marriage minded, why would you hinge yourself to a man who will have money going outside your home to three other households?

And I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for such a person to become serious enough to even entertain the notion of marriage. He has already proven how committed he is to the women who have birthed his multiple children. While its not impossible for him to straighten up, there is a high probability that he will continue to be commited to his current modus operandi of fathering children with various women.
O-KAY?!? That is an INSANE level of sexual irresponsibility. :nono:


One, I can see- accidents happen, condoms break, whatever.

But once you start getting into multiples, it's most likely your a** is just wreckless. Not a good look.
What the hell? All of that child support? Will he be able to even buy you a burger? There is not enough connection in the world. An 18 year old can connect to a man close to their age who has NO children. This guy is pretty clever, because I bet all of that 'connecting' is why 3 women opened their legs and got knocked up by him. No rings in sight.

Hell yeah, you KNOW that ninja is probably broke as a joke from paying child support.

And if he isn't, that means he's probably a deadbeat or not supporting his kids the way he should, which makes him an even worse catch than he already is.

There is just so much wrong with this scenario. I try not judge the topics that come up in this forum too harshly, cuz lord knows I've made some bad choices with regards to men. But this should be a no brainer for anyone with a lick of sense.
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